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A thread was closed recently in Gen Topics about why white men prefer asian ladies. The reason was quoted as being against the rule about racial slurs or comments that are rude or degrading to women....

According to the Rules nearly every thread on this site should be closed....there is constant flaming, insulting, useless, degrading remarks made about women and many other breaches in virtually every thread.

Now I am not arguing the rules but the application of the rules, why is one topic closed for a breach of the rules but others are left open. There have been tasteless and degrading comments on many forms of people....eg; Muslims, backpackers, bar girls as well as some rather personal attacks on other members.

I believe that to leave the decision of closing a thread should not be left just to one moderator but that at least 2 moderators need to be involved in the thread closing. By that I mean that 2 moderators need to post that the thread has been closed, the first to nominate it and then the second moderator can add his/her agreement and click the thread closed. That way no one moderator can be accused of closing a thread because of his own personal views.

Just a suggestion and I hope that the Moderators will give it due thought and consideration.

A thread was closed recently in Gen Topics about why white men prefer asian ladies. The reason was quoted as being against the rule about racial slurs or comments that are rude or degrading to women....

According to the Rules nearly every thread on this site should be closed....there is constant flaming, insulting, useless, degrading remarks made about women and many other breaches in virtually every thread.

Now I am not arguing the rules but the application of the rules, why is one topic closed for a breach of the rules but others are left open. There have been tasteless and degrading comments on many forms of people....eg; Muslims, backpackers, bar girls as well as some rather personal attacks on other members.

I believe that to leave the decision of closing a thread should not be left just to one moderator but that at least 2 moderators need to be involved in the thread closing. By that I mean that 2 moderators need to post that the thread has been closed, the first to nominate it and then the second moderator can add his/her agreement and click the thread closed. That way no one moderator can be accused of closing a thread because of his own personal views.

Just a suggestion and I hope that the Moderators will give it due thought and consideration.

Discussions and feedbacks between mods and admins are already taking place in the mods section. it's not because one mod closes a thread that he didn't ask advice from others if needed. Regular members can't see this.

As we average around 150 posts an hour in the rush hours on TV. I don't see it feasable to start making double notifications on each moderators action. All mods and admins do this work on a volentary bases and are trusted to make rational decisions regarding the actions they take. they are also required to give feedback.

We appreciate your concern, however i think the current system is working rather good. :o


Here's my 2 baht.

why is there no "mens room"?

If you get into a situation that might be close to the line, why can't you just warn/tell the participants that they should change their tone?

On the post that gburns57au mentioned it was deleted.There have been many worse things on TV before. There also are differences between Thai and Western women.This should be allowed to be discussed should it not? :o

Here's my 2 baht.

why is there no "mens room"?

If you get into a situation that might be close to the line, why can't you just warn/tell the participants that they should change their tone?

On the post that gburns57au mentioned it was deleted.There have been many worse things on TV before. There also are  differences between Thai and Western women.This should be allowed to be discussed should it not? :D

The thread was closed due to it returning in a "BG for or not" discussion again, if i recall correctly.

I think we do warn and steer threads in to the correct direction chuchok :o

I'll forward your idea of a men's room to George. :D see what the rest of the mods and admins think about it :D


Although a relative newbie to TV, I would also support a "Men's Room" Forum.

The subject in question did generate a lot of interest and although some comments were starting to deteriorate the general tone of the thread, much of it was good stuff.

Having said that, being a mod is a tough job and you guys should be congratulated on the way you steer, edit, and generally control the forum.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Thai Visa strives to be a nice place for everyone (western & thai women included), the bg threads are zapped as they are pointless & descend into a slagging match eventually, the same thing happened to the thread being discussed. If certain members could discuss such a topic with out rolling out the usual women hating comments then it may have been allowed to stay, as it was, a lot of posters felt the need to make stupid, rude & derogatory comments about women & the thread was closed. Rightly so. Whatever your preference, it's no excuse to be a moron :o

Thai Visa strives to be a nice place for everyone (western & thai women included), the bg threads are zapped as they are pointless & descend into a slagging match eventually, the same thing happened to the thread being discussed. If certain members could discuss such a topic with out rolling out the usual women hating comments then it may have been allowed to stay, as it was, a lot of posters felt the need to make stupid, rude & derogatory comments about women & the thread was closed. Rightly so. Whatever your preference, it's no excuse to be a moron

I closed the thread from the above reasons.

Initially I found it to be interesting and was quite amused at the article tornado posted. It could well have turned into a great discussion but unfortunately the tone had been set. We do have some very lovely western ladies frequent this board and certain comments made by some members do nothing but belittle these women. We all understand that this forum is made up of people from all walks of life with all sorts of reasons for living in Thailand or frequenting a board related to Thailand. However this board has it's rules, these are there to protect members but most importantly to help the admin/moderators steer the board in the direction that is was always intended to head. After all it is thaivisa.com.

Thanks for your understanding, and also for your input regarding the new room. Lets see what comes of it in the admin/mods discussion forum.




Since nobody sent me the link I haven't read the thread yet but it seems like many threads on here that turn into a slagging match and some posters slagging off thai girls, western girls and other peoples gfs.

If the thread was acceptable, and some posters were having a good discussion about it, then surely the posters that came in with the

"stupid, rude & derogatory comments about women" should have been warned, or suspended and the thread could have continued as normal.


Regarding the "mens Forum" request.

The combined views of mods have decided to not instate a "men's forum".

The general view is that Thaivisa.com is already predominatly a Men's forum.

The section "ladies in thailand" "gay's in thailand" were specifically created for those groups to have a small corner in the forum to them selves , away from the men/hetero dominated other forums :D

Even if we made one same Forum rules would apply anyway. So we don't see the point. If you want to discuss the down and out's of thai nightlife, there are other forums that cater to that public.

Thaivisa.com is dedicated to serving the expat community in and around thailand with prime advice and wants to attract a general audience with good and clear info.


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