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first , if you have not seen it, watch thaksins BBC interview where when asked if he paying the reds, and say NO then watch this video presentation he made to the reds:

particularly watch for his reaction at the 40 second marker and his fumbling afterwards

anyone who defends Thaksin and says he does not lie can watch him shoot himself in the foot right here

i have sent it to the BBC and CNN already

double standard... yeah like how to threat FARANG in this country, no word of that... we have no right other than to spend money

Sorry, can you re-state? I cant be sure of what you are trying to say.

(And I think it is interesting enough to do so! Thanks)


thaksin interview on BBC

I have been trying to see the video on BBC but I am on a very slow link in Rayong

can anyone post it on Thaivisa so i might get a chance to see it. I am sure many others are in the same situation, streaming outside of thailand is not easy


first , if you have not seen it, watch thaksins BBC

Now that is a great piece of work BM.

could you spread the topic around a little?

the title has been sanitised and references to proof of a certain person lying have been removed

i would love those bewilderd souls who have defeneded mr T's honour over the last few days to get a look at it and watch them try to defend it

thank you

Maybe send it to Thai media too

There is also a video of Jakrapob making a speech doing the rounds. He says things he may regret

thats a good call hammered, any links to where to forward?

first , if you have not seen it, watch thaksins BBC interview where when asked if he paying the reds, and say NO then watch this video presentation he made to the reds:

particularly watch for his reaction at the 40 second marker and his fumbling afterwards

anyone who defends Thaksin and says he does not lie can watch him shoot himself in the foot right here

i have sent it to the BBC and CNN already

Sounds like he is belittling the cash handouts the government has been making, claiming that under him you won't need to be lining up with your beggars bowl. I guess it could be called a slip up as it has been misinterpreted. Even with the limited context given, it does not seem to be about paying protesters.

first , if you have not seen it, watch thaksins BBC interview where when asked if he paying the reds, and say NO then watch this video presentation he made to the reds:

particularly watch for his reaction at the 40 second marker and his fumbling afterwards

anyone who defends Thaksin and says he does not lie can watch him shoot himself in the foot right here

i have sent it to the BBC and CNN already

Sounds like he is belittling the cash handouts the government has been making, claiming that under him you won't need to be lining up with your beggars bowl. I guess it could be called a slip up as it has been misinterpreted. Even with the limited context given, it does not seem to be about paying protesters.

as i said in a previous post :

''i would love those bewilderd souls who have defended mr T's honour over the last few days to get a look at it and watch them try to defend it''

the amount given out by the governement was 2000baht not 500baht

1st attempt

whos next?


Besides his "honest mistakes" he makes in these Speeches - he seems drunk or under the influence of drugs...

Hope this sad chapter for Thailand and it's people is over by now!

Get him and charge him with treason!


That has got to be one of the worst interviews I have ever seen!

No information was gained, nothing was really explained, issues were glossed over or completely avoided, and discussion was almost nonsensical. The interviewer did not steer the interview at all, and seemed unfamiliar with the story and history, leading to this muddled waste of air time. I really wonder what that was supposed to accomplish.

''i would love those bewilderd souls who have defended mr T's honour over the last few days to get a look at it and watch them try to defend it''

the amount given out by the governement was 2000baht not 500baht

1st attempt

whos next?

And by claiming 500 Baht, he is belittling it. He is a politician spinning, not a news reporter.

first , if you have not seen it, watch thaksins BBC interview where when asked if he paying the reds, and say NO then watch this video presentation he made to the reds:

particularly watch for his reaction at the 40 second marker and his fumbling afterwards

anyone who defends Thaksin and says he does not lie can watch him shoot himself in the foot right here

i have sent it to the BBC and CNN already

Sounds like he is belittling the cash handouts the government has been making, claiming that under him you won't need to be lining up with your beggars bowl. I guess it could be called a slip up as it has been misinterpreted. Even with the limited context given, it does not seem to be about paying protesters.

That's what it sounds like to me and my family too... I think he is referencing cash handouts rumored to have been given to PAD protesters, saying, basically, that with him in power, the people would not need to have to do that in order to make a living. I think he is scorning it, not offering it, IMHO....

That has got to be one of the worst interviews I have ever seen!

No information was gained, nothing was really explained, issues were glossed over or completely avoided, and discussion was almost nonsensical. The interviewer did not steer the interview at all, and seemed unfamiliar with the story and history, leading to this muddled waste of air time. I really wonder what that was supposed to accomplish.

does that matter?

in the BBC interview when asked directly if he was paying the protesters, he said NO

in the video to the reds he contradicts that

That has got to be one of the worst interviews I have ever seen!

No information was gained, nothing was really explained, issues were glossed over or completely avoided, and discussion was almost nonsensical. The interviewer did not steer the interview at all, and seemed unfamiliar with the story and history, leading to this muddled waste of air time. I really wonder what that was supposed to accomplish.

The one done by Lucy Hopkins for the beeb was far better.

( If only the Rottwellier Jeremy Paxston had been able to do the interview. )

He did by the way for all to witness when asked about the attacks on Prem, admit under further prompting and in answer to a direct question, that another person was directly involved in previous incidents relating to the coup ect.

I hope this was saved by the authorities as evidence for future reference.

Thank you

That has got to be one of the worst interviews I have ever seen!

No information was gained, nothing was really explained, issues were glossed over or completely avoided, and discussion was almost nonsensical. The interviewer did not steer the interview at all, and seemed unfamiliar with the story and history, leading to this muddled waste of air time. I really wonder what that was supposed to accomplish.

The one done by Lucy Hopkins for the beeb was far better.

He did by the way for all to witness when asked about the attacks on Prem, admit under further prompting and in answer to a direct question, he thought a ?????? was directly involved in previous incidents relating to the coup ect.

I hope this was saved by the authorities as evidence for future reference.

Thank you

thank you Mick

that was the one i was referring to

i did not know about this other one where he is interviewed again by a male person

the BBC must have thought he made such a <deleted> of it the first time with Lucy, we will give him another try and we better not ask him about the money aspect this time


I was fuming with how the same old beeb used censored parts of the interview that put Thaksin in a dishonest light as a saviour for the poor.

( This morning by the way. )

They never showed the questions preceeding and asked nor the full version of what he actually said in relation to the context of his flip flopping answer.

''i would love those bewilderd souls who have defended mr T's honour over the last few days to get a look at it and watch them try to defend it''

the amount given out by the governement was 2000baht not 500baht

1st attempt

whos next?

And by claiming 500 Baht, he is belittling it. He is a politician spinning, not a news reporter.

a bit like you spinning it here then Stub?

Thaksin interview on CNN

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Here is the transcript from the CNN interview....


Mr Thaksin, thank you very much for being with us. You have called for a revolution,

and you are saying you may head back to Thailand when you feel ready.

When do you think that is?


Well I just would like to encourage the Thai people who really want to see the true democracy in Thailand

because we have been deceived that we already have the true democracy but it is actually the democracy for few.

We want to see democracy for all, and that is the reason why the people they are now gathering.

They want to, they come with bare hand, they want to ask for democracy peacefully.

But I don’t know how it/is end up this way. It is a very, very <<can’t understand>> situation.


The difficulty in understanding that idea that you are presenting right now the idea of democracy in Thailand

is that there was democracy when the last government was ousted in December

because they were and a court found them guilty of electoral fraud for buying votes.

Where is democracy in that?

So there seems to be a lot of confusion as to what the Thai people really want.


Do you know in Thailand many institution is <intervened??> by the elite groups and it is not true democracy.

Many independent agency have no responsibility directly to the people,

and they can sack the politicians that come directly from people, and the unjustice or double standard is there.

That is the reason why the Thai people are not happy. T

hey have been watching double standards for three years and double standard is really injustice.

They have been watching it for three years, and the suppression of the red shirts is really the extreme example for the double standard.

They are trying to come out.


When do you plan to go back to Thailand? Are you ready to possibly face jail time?


Well, you know I am ready to go when the timing is right, but now I like to see the peaceful protest for the democracy.

Actually you know they are all innocent people, they come with bare hand,

and they are asking for the true democracy and justice but they got undemocratic ways back and also with a lot of usual suppression.

If you can notice what happening in Pattaya and what is happening in front of the Ministry of Interior and what is going on this morning

and the Thai <<<place/police??>>> now has intervened completely they cannot speak the truth

so now even the spokesman of the army is coming to lie to the people

that they are not using the true bullet they are using blank bullet, and they shot to the sky but they aim horizontally.

They shot the people so many people dying and many people injured they hospitalize at least sixty of them.

Now there is still going on suppression.


Sir, there is democracy, the point that you make, but then there is also the rule of law.

You have also been accused and convicted of corruption.

How can the Thai people trust you?


No no no no. No no. I think.

I have been ousted by military coup, they set up the committee who are comprised in my political opponents

and then the process that they are doing is really unconstitutional. it is one <<party???>> system.

I think the system is not really democratic. So that is the reason why the people are asking for true democracy.

It is not just democracy under the control of some elite groups or military, you know,

or the president of privy council intervenes everything.

Even during my administration he intervene in even at the military appointments and reshuffle.

The intervene is there.


So sir, what are you prepared to do right now?


I would like to urge every party that come together peacefully, not just by using force.

You know war never ended war before, and violence beget violence.

I don’t think that is the right approach.

And you trying to lie to the whole world, you are trying to lie the people,

but you know in Thailand we have a saying that when the elephant die you cannot cover it with a small lotus leaf.

It is impossible. You are trying to cover everything.

You trying to saying that you use the police like a control, actually is army, it’s from the division one and the division two.

So that is, they shot the people. They aim the M16 to the people, in the horizontal level and many people dying.

If you can see the pictures that I show, they shot at the heart of the man and the man dead.

And then they even take the dead bodies on the military truck and then take them away. Just trying to conceal everything.

I want everyone to come together peacefully


Okay sir thank you very much, we appreciate your time

I was fuming with how the same old beeb used censored parts of the interview that put Thaksin in a dihonest light as a saviour for the poor.

This morning by the way.

They never showed the questions asked nor the full version of what he actually said in relation to the context of his answer.

i have sent it to the beeb but i doubt they will respond

i wish i had the interviewers direct email to send it to

i doubt she would like to have been lied to on international TV


thats great splatter thank you for taking the time to do that

do you or anyone have the BBC interview with Lucy Hockings?

she was much more hard hitting and it is the interview i am referring to when thaksin was asked directly if was paying the protesters and said NO!

I was fuming with how the same old beeb used censored parts of the interview that put Thaksin in a dihonest light as a saviour for the poor.

This morning by the way.

They never showed the questions asked nor the full version of what he actually said in relation to the context of his answer.

i have sent it to the beeb but i doubt they will respond

i wish i had the interviewers direct email to send it to

i doubt she would like to have been lied to on international TV

Ditto to one i sent and have saved.....

" AS a local observer, i am very disappointed that once again your reporters on the ground are seemingly manipulating the truth of what is actually going on and in particular who is using violence.

Regarding the direct firing by the soldiers into the rioting red shirted mobs, it has been made clear that the weapons fired

( contents ) are Paper made, not lethal and are used for scare tactics ONLY just like the rubber bullets used back home but less lethal I might add.

The government have yesterday issued a paper to all embassies making clear what is and is not taking place.

Many have acknowleged this and are now informing everyone of the true events taking place.

Your reporter Lucy Hopkins did a great interview with Thaksin S. and the BBC was given full credit by the Thai media and it,s observers for not letting him manipulate the scenario unfolding and the reasons why,

( as against his version which i might add are hardly reflecting reality and the fact that he is ochestrating and funding what is ongoing FROM ABROAD as a fugitve criminal, convicted on evidence, not vendetta.)

May i politely ask that you start reporting the news as it is and not sending out false, edited versions of events.


Today you are using part of the well praised interview with Thaksin in such a way that it makes him appear to be genuinely concerned with the problems and the so called " poor " who are his main concern when indeed it is not and well your reporters along with the Embassy staff know it.

As for Johanthan Head, he consistently manipulates and refecks the on the ground events as false and totally misleading.

I often wonder if he is using a ficticious ghost writer based on the scene while he is safefly tucked away somewhre else ?

You are a respected news vehicle and rightly so.

Do not risk loosing this via unfair and misleading reporting.

Thank you

Micheal "


hi Micheal

some great observations there

thank you for taking the BBc to task

i have been busy too

i have found Lucy Hockings email at the BBC and sent her the evidence of thaksin lying

i have also sent it to the BBC press office via a contact of mine at the straits times in Singapore

now lets see if anyone picks up on it?


Lucy was very confrontational.

Did she think she was doing "Hard Talk"?

At the end of the day, Mr T was legally elected and deposed by a military junta. He deserved a more respectful interviewer.

flame away. I don't care. :o

Lucy was very confrontational.

Did she think she was doing "Hard Talk"?

At the end of the day, Mr T was legally elected and deposed by a military junta. He deserved a more respectful interviewer.

flame away. I don't care. :o

ok lets warm you up..........

he is a wanted fugitive and he does not deserve respect nor BBC airtime

i thought that Aphisit got a much harder time actually on hard talk and came out with a lot more credibility than he went in with

i cannot say the same for Thaksin especially as he has now been proven to be a liar when he answered NO to Lucy's question 'was he financing the reds protest?''


All politician lie to obtain their own end. You tend to support the ones that tell u what u want to hear. All politician will buy your vote be it with money or promises they know can never be obtained.

America was a Republic but many call it a Democracy.

What ever the Government of Thailand is or ends up to be I can only hope it will support Forangs, we are here because they allow us to be here, I for one chose to live here and voting is a privilege I do not have.

Sounds like he is belittling the cash handouts the government has been making, claiming that under him you won't need to be lining up with your beggars bowl. I guess it could be called a slip up as it has been misinterpreted. Even with the limited context given, it does not seem to be about paying protesters.

From listing to the tape of Taksin, he says 'you don't need to get in line to get 500 baht' could be interpreted multiple ways, as pointed out above. But then obviously someone says something to him and he tries to cover it up even though it could be interpreted multiple ways (maybe just keeping his mouth shut would have been better).

he hesitates and then says, brothers...... brothers who ever received 500 baht this was sent from the democracy so you can eat..... in the era of Thai Rak Thai. In the era when I was the prime minister.

Seems like he is really bubbled it in this clip......

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