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Susan Boyle - Truly Remarkable Talent An Inspiration To Us All

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Call me a cynical b4stard if you like, and I accept that the real time-frame may have been different from what I saw, but this looked stage managed to me.

I am not sure that a lad of 12 ? who had not performed in front of cameras/large audience before could be 'pulled up' by the scary Simon Cowell and then immediately perform the Michael Jackson number that the sound crew just happened to have ready to go ???

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Susan a hit BECAUSE she's plain


FRUMPY woman sings sentimental ballad half decently and the world goes bananas.

But suppose she’d had a bag over her head. Would we have cheered so much if we didn’t know what she looked like?

That’s the Susan Boyle enigma.


Continued here: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/...icle2386804.ece

Source: The Sun, 21 April 2009

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25 million youtube views WOW, whats the record?

now upto 38.5 million !!!!

She's on the front page of today's Times of India (well a piccie and link to an inside article) apparently well and truly trouncing Obama in the most viewed category.

Global Fame, good on her :D

You think she'll go for the offer of a million dollars to lose her virginity on camera? :o

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^ OnIy watched the first haIf of that. I know this probabIy wont go down weII, but aIthough the first singer has a good voice, im reaIIy reaIIy tired of hearing most singers doing the overt-warbIy-stringing-out-the-notes-and-changing-pitch voice thingy. UnIess its truIy skiIIfuII and amazing, it kinda comes across as too try-hard. Do you get what i mean?

Not that I couId ever do it myseIf of course...

Yowz..do i sound Iike a Simon? :o

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The recording of the second girl is not great quality but you can clearly hear the Philippine girl has a better voice.

Hey but Susan got a new look dunno if you guys have seen it, she looks definitely hot now.

Edited by AlexLah
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Boyle is a production result, not an uncovered gem.

To think some people buy this fish story is scary.

These ridiculous talent shows with their phony, dorky judges and PC perfect race/gender/age ratios is hogwash.

This is an entertainment show produced to entertain. The whole choreography from specific acts to judges comments and contestant lineup is closely managed. Only a rube would think they miraculously plucked this spinster outta the blue.

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The recording of the second girl is not great quality but you can clearly hear the Philippine girl has a better voice.

Hey but Susan got a new look dunno if you guys have seen it, she looks definitely hot now.

I've seen it, wouldn't exactly call it hot though!

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Boyle is a production result, not an uncovered gem.

To think some people buy this fish story is scary.

These ridiculous talent shows with their phony, dorky judges and PC perfect race/gender/age ratios is hogwash.

This is an entertainment show produced to entertain. The whole choreography from specific acts to judges comments and contestant lineup is closely managed. Only a rube would think they miraculously plucked this spinster outta the blue.

Thousands upon thousands of people audition for these shows and yes the primary concern of the producers is to supply entertainment. If these shows were not entertaining, nobody would watch them. Occasionally they find somebody with a certain appeal and of course they are going to put them on the show. That's what it's all about - to get the ratings.

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Agree loong.

But I don't buy the poor, lonely, miserable wretch angle. I'm sure the 50s hairdo and frumpy dress and clunky shoes were chosen specifically to create an image. A characticure of a woman the producers had in mind. No telling how many other illustrations of this down-and-out unemployed Lil Oprhan Annie were either completely fabricated or tweaked by the Talent team.

It's a setup all choreographed to elicit emotion. Much like news is delivered today.

Some people will never know how they're being manuipulated.

But then, I tend toward cynical. :o

Edited by Texpat
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  • 2 weeks later...
Agree loong.

But I don't buy the poor, lonely, miserable wretch angle. I'm sure the 50s hairdo and frumpy dress and clunky shoes were chosen specifically to create an image. A characticure of a woman the producers had in mind. No telling how many other illustrations of this down-and-out unemployed Lil Oprhan Annie were either completely fabricated or tweaked by the Talent team.

It's a setup all choreographed to elicit emotion. Much like news is delivered today.

Some people will never know how they're being manuipulated.

But then, I tend toward cynical. :)

Sorry to digg this one up again, but i disagree, she comes from a very small town, where she is well know as a loner and a little anti-social, and people have described her as being just as she appears , unless of course they are in on the conspiracy as well.

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Before Susan Boyle, no swine flu

Susan Boyle sings, swine flu sweeps the world

Coincidence? I think not!

Thank God - I thought I ws the only one to see that connection. Now I know I am not paranoid.

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Before Susan Boyle, no swine flu

Susan Boyle sings, swine flu sweeps the world

Coincidence? I think not!

Thank God - I thought I ws the only one to see that connection. Now I know I am not paranoid.

I would be careful thinking you are sane if you agree with me!

Aside from the usual Advanced Senile Dementia, Dementia Praecox, Bi-Polar Affective Disorder, delusions of Grandeur and psychotic-sociopathic tendencies, I am fine (I hope!).

Looking at the list of my issues, it appears I am not paranoid, that is a relief - that means all those people following me must be real.

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