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Strange Phone Calls From 028500946


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We get call from the numbers in the first post. They are always from my Sister in Law, calling us from the UK with one of the 'cheap phone call cards' you can buy over there, that route through systems various.

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I have a twist of this. I regularly get calls and there is no nuumber on my screen.

The caller then asks "Is that Mr. ...................". (quoting my full name, including my middle name).

I then always ask "Who is calling?"

The caller never answers my question, just repeats "Is that Mr. ...................".

I keep asking again and again "Who is calling?" After I repeat the "Who is calling?" several times the caller hangs up.

The above happens 4 or 5 times every month.

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Deejah - you want the billing address and installation address (who the registered subcscriber is and where they have the line installed) - I know a man who can?

You do not need anybody who can:YOU CAN!just call thai directory number and ask operator,she will give you name of subscriber and address;some

operators speak English.They will give your name and address,as well - to anybody who asks!

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  • 1 month later...


for a mobile number too?

they will give you the name?

my list is growing longer

my firend has had the same problem/issue with similar numbers

good news

i bought a new very cheap nokia phone with a 'screen call' function

if the number calls you wont hear it

its super

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  • 3 months later...

I am having those calls from 02 850 09 46 continuously, for over a week now.

Lucky me, I got a mobile with "blacklist" function.

Contacted to AIS, they confirmed these calls come from outside TH and promise to do something abt it. Yet, nothing is changed.

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I once tried to call my friend in Thailand and a Thai guy answered. i realised I had dialed the wrong number. This guy started shouting at me in English threatening to kill me and why am I calling his wife etc etc. He kept calling me back for months accusing me of having sex with his wife which I denied as I didnt - it was just a wrong number I dialed. He threatened to kill me many times.

In the end I just said yes I did **** your wife and she is a total *** and she swallowed etc etc. I changed my phone number shortly afterwards

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I once tried to call my friend in Thailand and a Thai guy answered. i realised I had dialed the wrong number. This guy started shouting at me in English threatening to kill me and why am I calling his wife etc etc. He kept calling me back for months accusing me of having sex with his wife which I denied as I didnt - it was just a wrong number I dialed. He threatened to kill me many times.

In the end I just said yes I did **** your wife and she is a total *** and she swallowed etc etc. I changed my phone number shortly afterwards

Sorry about that, I went well over the top with you. I don`t think my wife swallowed intentionally, only that day she wasn`t wearing her false teeth.

Any chance of you paying something towards my phone bill?

I was going to apologise, but you changed your phone number.

Edited by sassienie
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I once tried to call my friend in Thailand and a Thai guy answered. i realised I had dialed the wrong number. This guy started shouting at me in English threatening to kill me and why am I calling his wife etc etc. He kept calling me back for months accusing me of having sex with his wife which I denied as I didnt - it was just a wrong number I dialed. He threatened to kill me many times.

In the end I just said yes I did **** your wife and she is a total *** and she swallowed etc etc. I changed my phone number shortly afterwards

Sorry about that, I went well over the top with you. I don`t think my wife swallowed intentionally, only that day she wasn`t wearing her false teeth.

Any chance of you paying something towards my phone bill?

I was going to apologise, but you changed your phone number.


I did feel a bit bad afterwards since I hadnt even met his wife. I hope it didnt backfire on her too badly.

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  • 1 year later...

i have had so many weird experiences with the phone since i OPed this thread,

i just ignored them and did not post

the worst was me getting a zillion calls from strange thai people who didn't know who i was as well

it was as if i missed called them and they were calling me back to see who i was

i supect there was a serious malfunction in the network (BTW DO NOT USE TRUE EVER!)

and my number was somehow coming up on random phones from all kinds of thais

or someone was borrowing 30-50 different friends phones to call me (seems unlikely)

or some other strange and/or paranoid theories i wont bother you with

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i have had so many weird experiences with the phone since i OPed this thread,

i just ignored them and did not post

the worst was me getting a zillion calls from strange thai people who didn't know who i was as well

it was as if i missed called them and they were calling me back to see who i was

i supect there was a serious malfunction in the network (BTW DO NOT USE TRUE EVER!)

and my number was somehow coming up on random phones from all kinds of thais

or someone was borrowing 30-50 different friends phones to call me (seems unlikely)

or some other strange and/or paranoid theories i wont bother you with

In a deep reinforced concrete bunker 17 floors below the ground at CIA Headquarters, Langley, Virginia......

" Sir. I've just received the latest report about case study number 127/ASF-23-wd. Codename deejah. It appears our Psychological Warfare experiment is working well. All those calls we're making from our CRAY XT5 Jaguar supercomputer to his phone are sending him nuttier than a sackful of squirrel shit. "

" Very good sergeant. Now commence with sending the text messages from products and services he's never subscribed to. That ought to really send him over the edge."


Edited by mca
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About maybe 3 months ago, I got a call from a number that I did not recognise (I cannot remember the number now as I have deleted it).

When I answered, the recorded message asked something like: do I accept the call? Rather like reverse charges, or so I thought. Anyway I pressed 1 to accept and the person on the other end was a total stanger and basically babbled nonsense, asked me where I was, my name and location etc. I hung up.

For the next few days, I kept getting calls from same number which I recognised as I had saved it as RUBBISH in my mobile telephone directory. And if I answered I got the same recorded message and if I proceded to accept, the same nonsense...the person either asks me questions like my name, location, where I am from etc...when I asked back "WHO ARE YOU" or "WAHT DO YOU WANT", I get the questions repeated back to me followed by hysterical laughter.

Anyway, the calls kept coming for perhaps a week, I did not answer anymore. I could get like 10 missed calls per day from that number (sometiems over night). THANK GOD FOR SILENT FUNCTION ON THE MOBILE! The frequency decreased over time and finally stopped coming altogether.

Up till today I do not know what that was about and there was no noticeable large amount charged to me. It was irritating more than anything else.

I cant believe anyone is dumb enough to call them back more than once (sorry in advance)

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" Very good sergeant. Now commence with sending the text messages from products and services he's never subscribed to. That ought to really send him over the edge."


....in a language he can not read and we know it because we used to send them to him in english but that was too easy for him to make sense out of...

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