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Does Thailand Want Us Here?


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Interesting, curious to know what the fee would be if I used my Thai Bank card in London? Seems to me this is not a Thai issue as much as a 'Bank' issue.

It's a bank issue. I get charged when using my Thai ATM card abroad, and I get charged for using my Australian ATM card in Thailand. Banks the world over are looking to increase fee revenues. I think this varies from bank to bank, but the charge used to be 100B for using an SCB ATM card abroad. I haven't done it for a few months, so it could have gone up.

I really think Thais are good imitator and when western banks started to charge fee, then they will also do it since they know they can also make money, after all most of these banks are partially owned by western countries

Banks are banks the world over - they screw their customers for as much as they can get away with. With interest rates and the general economy falling around the world, most banks have their eyes on increasing fee revenue to offset declines in other areas of their businesses, loans, trading, losses through write downs, and so on.

The bank I was referring to was SCB - Siam Commercial Bank, which is not foreign owned, not that it makes any difference as they all do it.

Edited by dbrenn
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before anyone jumps up and down and shouts ,i love it in Thailand and always have.our neighbours are terrific and i have a good familly who never want anything(except her young brother,lazy sod),but its those in charge ,who always seem to want our money ,but give us nothing in return .things like double pricing,150 baht charge to take your money out of an a.t.m. draconian visa regulations ,not being able to own land ,ect what is it? they keep coming out with guff about making Thailand the perfect destination but to my mind its just b-llocks.

what do you lot think?

It's not a matter of wanting us here or not, it's about what they can get away with. They keep putting the prices up and making it more difficult to live here, but still stupid Farangs come in droves. Go figure.

However, that may change as people are starting to look elsewhere now, such as neighboring countries who actually want us there and appreciate our money and patronage, as well as offering a similar lifestyle (including pretty girls).

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Weeeeeeeeee, another thread about us and them.

When you use the term "us", please don't assume that we are all the same. If your "us" includes people of marginal income, lacking needed job skills or not possessing an ability to truly contribute to the well being and economic growth of Thailand, then yes, your assessment is correct. Horrible isn't it that

So let's look at your complaints shall we?

draconian visa regulations

Thailand has the same position as other countries like Australia, Canada, the USA and the EU. When was the last time you saw Australia set up a recruiting booth in Africa, India or even Europe and ask uneducated people that would contribute nothing of great value to the society or economy to move to Australia? You do realize that the UK, USA etc. all impose financial requirements in order to obtain investment or retirement visas right? Do you know how difficult it is for a Thai to get a tourist visa to a western country?

things like double pricing,

We already have a thread going on that but I know from my own experience in other countries that I often paid more for local services. Need some examples? Take boring Canada;

- University tuition for "foreign" students is in the tens of thousands while students resident in the province pay only a few thousand.

- Medical care is "free" to residents that may pay for some services such as non hospital based tests. Foreigners pay rates and costs that would preclude most Thais from obtaining medical care. For example, the charge to a non resident for a doctor visit can be $100-$250 depending upon the province. This is significantly higher than the $20-$40. a foreigner is charged in Thailand.

- Entrance to SixFlags amusement park in Montreal: Non residents pay approx. 2X the cost of residents.

150 baht charge to take your money out of an a.t.m.

What's your point? Western banks do the same thing. When use a bank that isn't my branch in the west, I pay an atm access fee + my bank's added fee. This can amount to 150B as well. I just noticed that my west issued Mastercard has been adding 200b fees to my card for purchases I made on the internet in the west.

,not being able to own land ,

Did you know that in Prince Edward Island, Canada non residents are not allowed to purchase land? The locals passed the law because they were worried about all sorts of rich foreigners coming in and buying up the province. It has withstood all sorts of court challenges because the law was intended to protect the local culture. Just like in PEI, if there would be a free for all in Thailand that would occur if foreigners were allowed to own land. Large chunks of agricultural land would be drawn out of the economy. Nevermind that, but alot of folks whining about not being able to buy land might then be whining about Indians, Chinese and Arabs forcing up land prices beyond the reach of western retirees because they were on buying sprees.

For those of "us" that are responsible citizens and have either the financial wherewithall or important job skills or that can help the economy, the welcome is there. If someone just wants to sit around drinking beer and copulating with impoverished sex workers in Pattaya and that would be considered trash in his or her own country, no the welcome isn't there.


someone talking sense,now thats a first.

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before anyone jumps up and down and shouts ,i love it in Thailand and always have.our neighbours are terrific and i have a good familly who never want anything(except her young brother,lazy sod),but its those in charge ,who always seem to want our money ,but give us nothing in return .things like double pricing,150 baht charge to take your money out of an a.t.m. draconian visa regulations ,not being able to own land ,ect what is it? they keep coming out with guff about making Thailand the perfect destination but to my mind its just b-llocks.

what do you lot think?

What is this 150 baht for the ATM ??....Pls explain

the banks have started charging 150 baht when you make a withdrawel from an atm with a non thai card.

Interesting, curious to know what the fee would be if I used my Thai Bank card in London? Seems to me this is not a Thai issue as much as a 'Bank' issue.

When i use my Bank of America card here in Thailand, I get hit with a 150 baht fee from the ATM bank.  THen, when I get my statement, I get hit with a $5 fee from BoA for not using their ATM.  SO that is about $9 every time I use an ATM card.

I have gone back to using cash more often, and I will soon be using an ATM drawn on my local Thai bank.

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What is this 150 baht for the ATM ??....Pls explain




That's awful, 150 baht is ridiculous. This info should be stickied on the front of the main page and not just in a forum I'm guessing most people don't read.

well maybe some people will start withdrawling per time a bit more than just enough to cover a b fine 5x a week while here.

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Weeeeeeeeee, another thread about us and them.

When you use the term "us", please don't assume that we are all the same. If your "us" includes people of marginal income, lacking needed job skills or not possessing an ability to truly contribute to the well being and economic growth of Thailand, then yes, your assessment is correct. Horrible isn't it that

So let's look at your complaints shall we?

draconian visa regulations

Thailand has the same position as other countries like Australia, Canada, the USA and the EU. When was the last time you saw Australia set up a recruiting booth in Africa, India or even Europe and ask uneducated people that would contribute nothing of great value to the society or economy to move to Australia? You do realize that the UK, USA etc. all impose financial requirements in order to obtain investment or retirement visas right? Do you know how difficult it is for a Thai to get a tourist visa to a western country?

things like double pricing,

We already have a thread going on that but I know from my own experience in other countries that I often paid more for local services. Need some examples? Take boring Canada;

- University tuition for "foreign" students is in the tens of thousands while students resident in the province pay only a few thousand.

- Medical care is "free" to residents that may pay for some services such as non hospital based tests. Foreigners pay rates and costs that would preclude most Thais from obtaining medical care. For example, the charge to a non resident for a doctor visit can be $100-$250 depending upon the province. This is significantly higher than the $20-$40. a foreigner is charged in Thailand.

- Entrance to SixFlags amusement park in Montreal: Non residents pay approx. 2X the cost of residents.

150 baht charge to take your money out of an a.t.m.

What's your point? Western banks do the same thing. When use a bank that isn't my branch in the west, I pay an atm access fee + my bank's added fee. This can amount to 150B as well. I just noticed that my west issued Mastercard has been adding 200b fees to my card for purchases I made on the internet in the west.

,not being able to own land ,

Did you know that in Prince Edward Island, Canada non residents are not allowed to purchase land? The locals passed the law because they were worried about all sorts of rich foreigners coming in and buying up the province. It has withstood all sorts of court challenges because the law was intended to protect the local culture. Just like in PEI, if there would be a free for all in Thailand that would occur if foreigners were allowed to own land. Large chunks of agricultural land would be drawn out of the economy. Nevermind that, but alot of folks whining about not being able to buy land might then be whining about Indians, Chinese and Arabs forcing up land prices beyond the reach of western retirees because they were on buying sprees.

For those of "us" that are responsible citizens and have either the financial wherewithall or important job skills or that can help the economy, the welcome is there. If someone just wants to sit around drinking beer and copulating with impoverished sex workers in Pattaya and that would be considered trash in his or her own country, no the welcome isn't there.

Can't agree more with that !

It's all a question of attitude. When the bank want to charge me for something I don't agree with, I always tell them you cancel the charge or you cancel the card. When the police want to charge me for an offence I didn't commit I make clear I won't pay (btw, I ran a red light at JJ market yesterday and I paid the fine, no contest :o ). When some shop wants to charge me the "falang price", I usually ask them if they want my business or not. I don't blame them for trying, I blame those stupid people who pay then whine.

There are a lot of "good" falangs in Thailand, regular job, nice (Thai) wife and kids, and honestly we're getting sick and tired of those losers who gave us bad name !

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Weeeeeeeeee, another thread about us and them.

When you use the term "us", please don't assume that we are all the same. If your "us" includes people of marginal income, lacking needed job skills or not possessing an ability to truly contribute to the well being and economic growth of Thailand, then yes, your assessment is correct. Horrible isn't it that

So let's look at your complaints shall we?

draconian visa regulations

Thailand has the same position as other countries like Australia, Canada, the USA and the EU. When was the last time you saw Australia set up a recruiting booth in Africa, India or even Europe and ask uneducated people that would contribute nothing of great value to the society or economy to move to Australia? You do realize that the UK, USA etc. all impose financial requirements in order to obtain investment or retirement visas right? Do you know how difficult it is for a Thai to get a tourist visa to a western country?

things like double pricing,

We already have a thread going on that but I know from my own experience in other countries that I often paid more for local services. Need some examples? Take boring Canada;

- University tuition for "foreign" students is in the tens of thousands while students resident in the province pay only a few thousand.

- Medical care is "free" to residents that may pay for some services such as non hospital based tests. Foreigners pay rates and costs that would preclude most Thais from obtaining medical care. For example, the charge to a non resident for a doctor visit can be $100-$250 depending upon the province. This is significantly higher than the $20-$40. a foreigner is charged in Thailand.

- Entrance to SixFlags amusement park in Montreal: Non residents pay approx. 2X the cost of residents.

150 baht charge to take your money out of an a.t.m.

What's your point? Western banks do the same thing. When use a bank that isn't my branch in the west, I pay an atm access fee + my bank's added fee. This can amount to 150B as well. I just noticed that my west issued Mastercard has been adding 200b fees to my card for purchases I made on the internet in the west.

,not being able to own land ,

Did you know that in Prince Edward Island, Canada non residents are not allowed to purchase land? The locals passed the law because they were worried about all sorts of rich foreigners coming in and buying up the province. It has withstood all sorts of court challenges because the law was intended to protect the local culture. Just like in PEI, if there would be a free for all in Thailand that would occur if foreigners were allowed to own land. Large chunks of agricultural land would be drawn out of the economy. Nevermind that, but alot of folks whining about not being able to buy land might then be whining about Indians, Chinese and Arabs forcing up land prices beyond the reach of western retirees because they were on buying sprees.

For those of "us" that are responsible citizens and have either the financial wherewithall or important job skills or that can help the economy, the welcome is there. If someone just wants to sit around drinking beer and copulating with impoverished sex workers in Pattaya and that would be considered trash in his or her own country, no the welcome isn't there.

Another know it all Canada basher. You don't say what "unboring"country your from but I am sure its magical which is why you live in Thailand right? You might want to educate yourself a little before you start throwing out insults and "facts"

Canadians pay some of the highest taxes in the world which is why medical and tuition is affordable for most Canadians. The Thai double pricing goes way beyond tuition and medical. There are dozens of examples, but I am sure you have heard them all being an expert and all.

From the PEI official website.

"A person who is not a resident person of PEI shall not have an aggregate land holding in excess of five acres or having a shore frontage in excess of one hundred and sixty-five feet unless he/she first receives permission to do so from the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

A student accepted at a Canadian school does not have to "pay off" immigration every 90 days.

Get your facts straight

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Weeeeeeeeee, another thread about us and them.

When you use the term "us", please don't assume that we are all the same. If your "us" includes people of marginal income, lacking needed job skills or not possessing an ability to truly contribute to the well being and economic growth of Thailand, then yes, your assessment is correct. Horrible isn't it that

So let's look at your complaints shall we?

draconian visa regulations

Thailand has the same position as other countries like Australia, Canada, the USA and the EU. When was the last time you saw Australia set up a recruiting booth in Africa, India or even Europe and ask uneducated people that would contribute nothing of great value to the society or economy to move to Australia? You do realize that the UK, USA etc. all impose financial requirements in order to obtain investment or retirement visas right? Do you know how difficult it is for a Thai to get a tourist visa to a western country?

things like double pricing,

We already have a thread going on that but I know from my own experience in other countries that I often paid more for local services. Need some examples? Take boring Canada;

- University tuition for "foreign" students is in the tens of thousands while students resident in the province pay only a few thousand.

- Medical care is "free" to residents that may pay for some services such as non hospital based tests. Foreigners pay rates and costs that would preclude most Thais from obtaining medical care. For example, the charge to a non resident for a doctor visit can be $100-$250 depending upon the province. This is significantly higher than the $20-$40. a foreigner is charged in Thailand.

- Entrance to SixFlags amusement park in Montreal: Non residents pay approx. 2X the cost of residents.

150 baht charge to take your money out of an a.t.m.

What's your point? Western banks do the same thing. When use a bank that isn't my branch in the west, I pay an atm access fee + my bank's added fee. This can amount to 150B as well. I just noticed that my west issued Mastercard has been adding 200b fees to my card for purchases I made on the internet in the west.

,not being able to own land ,

Did you know that in Prince Edward Island, Canada non residents are not allowed to purchase land? The locals passed the law because they were worried about all sorts of rich foreigners coming in and buying up the province. It has withstood all sorts of court challenges because the law was intended to protect the local culture. Just like in PEI, if there would be a free for all in Thailand that would occur if foreigners were allowed to own land. Large chunks of agricultural land would be drawn out of the economy. Nevermind that, but alot of folks whining about not being able to buy land might then be whining about Indians, Chinese and Arabs forcing up land prices beyond the reach of western retirees because they were on buying sprees.

For those of "us" that are responsible citizens and have either the financial wherewithall or important job skills or that can help the economy, the welcome is there. If someone just wants to sit around drinking beer and copulating with impoverished sex workers in Pattaya and that would be considered trash in his or her own country, no the welcome isn't there.

Another know it all Canada basher. You don't say what "unboring"country your from but I am sure its magical which is why you live in Thailand right? You might want to educate yourself a little before you start throwing out insults and "facts"

Canadians pay some of the highest taxes in the world which is why medical and tuition is affordable for most Canadians. The Thai double pricing goes way beyond tuition and medical. There are dozens of examples, but I am sure you have heard them all being an expert and all.

From the PEI official website.

"A person who is not a resident person of PEI shall not have an aggregate land holding in excess of five acres or having a shore frontage in excess of one hundred and sixty-five feet unless he/she first receives permission to do so from the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

A student accepted at a Canadian school does not have to "pay off" immigration every 90 days.

Get your facts straight

you are right, they do it much more efficiently - once a year.

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i totally disagree with this post.


draconian visa regulations

Thailand has the same position as other countries like Australia, Canada, the USA and the EU.


I can't speak for USA or Canada, but here in EU you can easily get the citizenship and travel all arounf the EU, as long as you don't commit crime and pay taxes. You don't even have to ask for a visa in some countries.


things like double pricing,

We already have a thread going on that but I know from my own experience in other countries that I often paid more for local services. Need some examples? Take boring Canada;

- University tuition for "foreign" students is in the tens of thousands while students resident in the province pay only a few thousand.

- Medical care is "free" to residents that may pay for some services such as non hospital based tests. Foreigners pay rates and costs that would preclude most Thais from obtaining medical care. For example, the charge to a non resident for a doctor visit can be $100-$250 depending upon the province. This is significantly higher than the $20-$40. a foreigner is charged in Thailand.


because residents pay taxes. It's called socialism: every resident pay some taxes, so they can get some services for free. If you would start to pay taxes you too would have free medical access.


150 baht charge to take your money out of an a.t.m.

What's your point? Western banks do the same thing. When use a bank that isn't my branch in the west, I pay an atm access fee + my bank's added fee. This can amount to 150B as well. I just noticed that my west issued Mastercard has been adding 200b fees to my card for purchases I made on the internet in the west.


Again, I can't speak for USA or Canada but most of EU banks offer you free of charge ATM in the EU.


,not being able to own land ,

Did you know that in Prince Edward Island, Canada non residents are not allowed to purchase land? The locals passed the law because they were worried about all sorts of rich foreigners coming in and buying up the province. It has withstood all sorts of court challenges because the law was intended to protect the local culture. Just like in PEI, if there would be a free for all in Thailand that would occur if foreigners were allowed to own land. Large chunks of agricultural land would be drawn out of the economy. Nevermind that, but alot of folks whining about not being able to buy land might then be whining about Indians, Chinese and Arabs forcing up land prices beyond the reach of western retirees because they were on buying sprees.


So there's a island in the whole western countries that does the same as you? Just one island, and you think you are authorized? bah.... I always thought that money is all equal: my money, your money, his money is worth the same and should be able to buy anything he wants.


For those of "us" that are responsible citizens and have either the financial wherewithall or important job skills or that can help the economy, the welcome is there. If someone just wants to sit around drinking beer and copulating with impoverished sex workers in Pattaya and that would be considered trash in his or her own country, no the welcome isn't there.


that's a nice way to say "I'm xenophobic, but I'm not willing to admit it, so I say that I hate just poor foreigners, rather than all foreigners"

My 0.02.

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So let's look at your complaints shall we?

draconian visa regulations

Thailand has the same position as other countries like Australia, Canada, the USA and the EU. When was the last time you saw Australia set up a recruiting booth in Africa, India or even Europe and ask uneducated people that would contribute nothing of great value to the society or economy to move to Australia? You do realize that the UK, USA etc. all impose financial requirements in order to obtain investment or retirement visas right? Do you know how difficult it is for a Thai to get a tourist visa to a western country?

Sorry but back home (Europe), your thai spouse can do any works a local can do, plus free basic medical help and a free Visa, thai laws are just against basic human rights.....easy, this is not to complaint but just to report some "real deal" :o

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Sorry but back home (Europe), your thai spouse can do any works a local can do, plus free basic medical help and a free Visa, thai laws are just against basic human rights.....easy, this is not to complaint but just to report some "real deal" :o

yeah in europe medical aid is free to anyone: legal or illegal immigrants. That's because we understood that and healthy immigrant is less likely to commit crime or spread diseases (like a hooker)

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before anyone jumps up and down and shouts ,i love it in Thailand and always have.our neighbours are terrific and i have a good familly who never want anything(except her young brother,lazy sod),but its those in charge ,who always seem to want our money ,but give us nothing in return .things like double pricing,150 baht charge to take your money out of an a.t.m. draconian visa regulations ,not being able to own land ,ect what is it? they keep coming out with guff about making Thailand the perfect destination but to my mind its just b-llocks.

what do you lot think?

I don’t usually reply to posts like this but really,

Thailand is called "Thailand" for a reason, it is for Thai people.

Boo hoo, now you have to pay 150 baht to take money out of your bank in a different Country, why should the greedy Western banks make all the money.

Did you ever stop to think what would happen to Thailand if they let everybody and anybody into the Country, let them buy up all the cheap land sending inflation and land prices through the roof making it unaffordable for their own Citizens to get into the market.

Harden the fuc_k up, or go back to the Country you left behind.

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go back to the Country you left behind.


Why didn't you said that when, back in 2004, the whole world made an effort to help the thailand when you got hit by the tsunami?

People always like to play the tough guy when they have the belly full... but when they're in need they whine and cry....

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Hm nice poilte response there!!

My wife who lives in Bangkok takes care of our small business there and cannot really afford to leave it for any length of time so she would be unable to come to the UK and get a UK passport etc. I can't go there full time as I am under 50 and dont have enough CASH (plenty of assets) to stay there permanently. So for the next few years we have to stay apart quite a lot. I would appreciate a visa that lets me come and go a bit more easily although the Non O is quite good at the moment unless they start messing about with that one. I really think they should do some type of visa for foreigners married to Thais after 5 years of marriage too and can prove a relationsip really exists. Currently I come over twice a year for 2-3 months per time and have done this now for about 3 years.

Although my wife has been here to the UK and liked it she really didnt like the cold one bit, its also not easy for her to get a visa to do this, a UK passport would be great for her to travel freely but we just cant manage it with the business. I think you need to stay n the UK about 2 years etc although i did read it could be done over a few years visits accruing time here? Still no good option for us at the moment.

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yeah. all these broke back packers and english teachers would be running things if not for the elites and their unfair laws!

Im Angry! Grrrrrrrr!

contrary to what you may think not all of us here are backpackers and english teachers. some of us have real jobs and earn real money which can be invested in things such as housing and land.

currently foreigners can not own land here but their company can. there is always a loophole, especially in thailand. this being said if someone wants to, they could in fact own a company which owns land. therefore owning land. however, not everyone wants to own 49% of their land with 7 other thais as chairmen of the company. i know i dont.

my point here is if these laws were opened to allow foreigners to own land directly many people would rush to buy. at least up until the last two years when thailand succesfully f***ed themselves. so today im not sure that it would make a difference.

all in all the laws favor thai and trample foreigners. but maybe that is part of the plan. or should i say welfare program.

bargirl: "my darling!! i help you, you buy land put in my name. we live together long time"

stupid farang: "ok great idea. heres my account information. you handle the transaction"

you know the rest.

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Weeeeeeeeee, another thread about us and them.

When you use the term "us", please don't assume that we are all the same. If your "us" includes people of marginal income, lacking needed job skills or not possessing an ability to truly contribute to the well being and economic growth of Thailand, then yes, your assessment is correct. Horrible isn't it that

So let's look at your complaints shall we?

draconian visa regulations

Thailand has the same position as other countries like Australia, Canada, the USA and the EU. When was the last time you saw Australia set up a recruiting booth in Africa, India or even Europe and ask uneducated people that would contribute nothing of great value to the society or economy to move to Australia? You do realize that the UK, USA etc. all impose financial requirements in order to obtain investment or retirement visas right? Do you know how difficult it is for a Thai to get a tourist visa to a western country?

things like double pricing,

We already have a thread going on that but I know from my own experience in other countries that I often paid more for local services. Need some examples? Take boring Canada;

- University tuition for "foreign" students is in the tens of thousands while students resident in the province pay only a few thousand.

- Medical care is "free" to residents that may pay for some services such as non hospital based tests. Foreigners pay rates and costs that would preclude most Thais from obtaining medical care. For example, the charge to a non resident for a doctor visit can be $100-$250 depending upon the province. This is significantly higher than the $20-$40. a foreigner is charged in Thailand.

- Entrance to SixFlags amusement park in Montreal: Non residents pay approx. 2X the cost of residents.

150 baht charge to take your money out of an a.t.m.

What's your point? Western banks do the same thing. When use a bank that isn't my branch in the west, I pay an atm access fee + my bank's added fee. This can amount to 150B as well. I just noticed that my west issued Mastercard has been adding 200b fees to my card for purchases I made on the internet in the west.

,not being able to own land ,

Did you know that in Prince Edward Island, Canada non residents are not allowed to purchase land? The locals passed the law because they were worried about all sorts of rich foreigners coming in and buying up the province. It has withstood all sorts of court challenges because the law was intended to protect the local culture. Just like in PEI, if there would be a free for all in Thailand that would occur if foreigners were allowed to own land. Large chunks of agricultural land would be drawn out of the economy. Nevermind that, but alot of folks whining about not being able to buy land might then be whining about Indians, Chinese and Arabs forcing up land prices beyond the reach of western retirees because they were on buying sprees.

For those of "us" that are responsible citizens and have either the financial wherewithall or important job skills or that can help the economy, the welcome is there. If someone just wants to sit around drinking beer and copulating with impoverished sex workers in Pattaya and that would be considered trash in his or her own country, no the welcome isn't there.

Another know it all Canada basher. You don't say what "unboring"country your from but I am sure its magical which is why you live in Thailand right? You might want to educate yourself a little before you start throwing out insults and "facts"

Canadians pay some of the highest taxes in the world which is why medical and tuition is affordable for most Canadians. The Thai double pricing goes way beyond tuition and medical. There are dozens of examples, but I am sure you have heard them all being an expert and all.

From the PEI official website.

"A person who is not a resident person of PEI shall not have an aggregate land holding in excess of five acres or having a shore frontage in excess of one hundred and sixty-five feet unless he/she first receives permission to do so from the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

A student accepted at a Canadian school does not have to "pay off" immigration every 90 days.

Get your facts straight

you are right, they do it much more efficiently - once a year.

Thanks for the info. on Canada........he also misrepresented visa policies in the USA, my country.

It is infinitely easier for a Thai to live and work in the USA than it is for an American to do the same in Thailand.

Just a few examples:

1) a Thai can start a business without have to put any money in an American bank account and does not have to hire three Americans,

2) a Thai married to a US citizen is virtually certain to be granted a long term "hassle free" visa, and they often are granted citizenship (takes time but it is frequently granted)

3) a Thai married to a US citizen is given a "re-entry permit card" that is good, I think, for three years, allowing him to leave and enter the country without having to worry about losing visa status

4) a change in visa status does not require leaving the United States

5) once granted a visa there is no 90 day reporting

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Might as well forget it........I have been trying for years to get the love Thailand or leave it crowd (many living here under grandfathered in visa rules) to understand your unstated point: The visa bar continues to be raised and eventually will hurt all expats. They don't get it and won't until the bar starts strangling them.

Dont take this the wrong way, because i agree with more than half your postings, but............why do you constantly bang on about how badly they treat Foreigners, but continue to live there?

Dont make sense to me and, i am sure a lot of others on the board too :o


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There's a lot of people getting cranky here.

When we first arrive in thailand everything is rosy for about 2 years,then the glasses come off and we start to see it differently and begin the criticisms.

Ok there are many things we would like to change,but its not going to happen and its better to try and recapture the magic we first felt.

The visa laws are really quite good for us here,sure its a money grabbing culture,just have to be careful.currently i believe cambodia has easier visa rules,but i bet they are just as money grabbing in their own way.If we live in a poor country we are always going to be looked at as an easy target.

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you guys act like western nations have open door immigration policies.

if you cant trust your wife enough to put assets in her name, i pity you.

how 'bout those of us who don't have or want a thai wife??

i guess then a thai husband is the way to go.....sorry i couldn't resist :o

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i guess i walked right into that one surayu. in Thailand for business. family owns a few companies business here related to construction/manufacturing. last thing i want is a thai wife with all the stories i've heard. and yes i have dated thai women. this only made me want them even less. nice girls great fun but come from such a different world. don't really want to deal with all the thai and thai family issues either.

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Weeeeeeeeee, another thread about us and them.

When you use the term "us", please don't assume that we are all the same. If your "us" includes people of marginal income, lacking needed job skills or not possessing an ability to truly contribute to the well being and economic growth of Thailand, then yes, your assessment is correct. Horrible isn't it that

So let's look at your complaints shall we?

draconian visa regulations

Thailand has the same position as other countries like Australia, Canada, the USA and the EU. When was the last time you saw Australia set up a recruiting booth in Africa, India or even Europe and ask uneducated people that would contribute nothing of great value to the society or economy to move to Australia? You do realize that the UK, USA etc. all impose financial requirements in order to obtain investment or retirement visas right? Do you know how difficult it is for a Thai to get a tourist visa to a western country?

things like double pricing,

We already have a thread going on that but I know from my own experience in other countries that I often paid more for local services. Need some examples? Take boring Canada;

- University tuition for "foreign" students is in the tens of thousands while students resident in the province pay only a few thousand.

- Medical care is "free" to residents that may pay for some services such as non hospital based tests. Foreigners pay rates and costs that would preclude most Thais from obtaining medical care. For example, the charge to a non resident for a doctor visit can be $100-$250 depending upon the province. This is significantly higher than the $20-$40. a foreigner is charged in Thailand.

- Entrance to SixFlags amusement park in Montreal: Non residents pay approx. 2X the cost of residents.

150 baht charge to take your money out of an a.t.m.

What's your point? Western banks do the same thing. When use a bank that isn't my branch in the west, I pay an atm access fee + my bank's added fee. This can amount to 150B as well. I just noticed that my west issued Mastercard has been adding 200b fees to my card for purchases I made on the internet in the west.

,not being able to own land ,

Did you know that in Prince Edward Island, Canada non residents are not allowed to purchase land? The locals passed the law because they were worried about all sorts of rich foreigners coming in and buying up the province. It has withstood all sorts of court challenges because the law was intended to protect the local culture. Just like in PEI, if there would be a free for all in Thailand that would occur if foreigners were allowed to own land. Large chunks of agricultural land would be drawn out of the economy. Nevermind that, but alot of folks whining about not being able to buy land might then be whining about Indians, Chinese and Arabs forcing up land prices beyond the reach of western retirees because they were on buying sprees.

For those of "us" that are responsible citizens and have either the financial wherewithall or important job skills or that can help the economy, the welcome is there. If someone just wants to sit around drinking beer and copulating with impoverished sex workers in Pattaya and that would be considered trash in his or her own country, no the welcome isn't there.

Your overall point is well-taken, but not all your facts are really valid.

Thai visa nd vias laws for most western coutnries are far different. For THai tourists coming to the West, it is pretty hard for most to get a visa while the reverse, Westerners comign to Thailand, is pretty easy. However, for people actually living in another country, it is far easier for Thais to go to school, get permanent residency, work, or obtain citizenship in the US, at elast, than for an American to enjoy the same in Thailand. Thailand does treat foreign-born people with far less latitude than the same in many other nations.

YOu point out Prince Edward Island. Well, that is an exception. Foreigners can own land in most Western countries. I have plenty of THai friends who bought homes in the US. Most of my THai classmates when i was in school bought homes in San Diego. I have a friend now who will be sending his son next year to school there, and he will buy him a home to live in while he attends.

The home restriction is actually pretty stupid. Unlike a company, for example, where profits might be repatriated, a home stays where it is. It can't be taken away. And the taxes on the home are a direct flow from one country to the home country.

Overall, though, I agree with your sentiment if not all the specific points.

Exactly,."For THai tourists coming to the West, it is pretty hard for most to get a visa while the reverse, Westerners comign to Thailand, is pretty easy ".weve had your money now p1ss of home ! :o
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i guess i walked right into that one surayu. in Thailand for business. family owns a few companies business here related to construction/manufacturing. last thing i want is a thai wife with all the stories i've heard. and yes i have dated thai women. this only made me want them even less. nice girls great fun but come from such a different world. don't really want to deal with all the thai and thai family issues either.

YOU MAKE TOO MUCH SENSE.......please leave thailand now sir!

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before anyone jumps up and down and shouts ,i love it in Thailand and always have.our neighbours are terrific and i have a good familly who never want anything(except her young brother,lazy sod),but its those in charge ,who always seem to want our money ,but give us nothing in return .things like double pricing,150 baht charge to take your money out of an a.t.m. draconian visa regulations ,not being able to own land ,ect what is it? they keep coming out with guff about making Thailand the perfect destination but to my mind its just b-llocks.

what do you lot think?

Of course they don't -- we make them look short and dark-skinned.

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Might as well forget it........I have been trying for years to get the love Thailand or leave it crowd (many living here under grandfathered in visa rules) to understand your unstated point: The visa bar continues to be raised and eventually will hurt all expats. They don't get it and won't until the bar starts strangling them.

By then Cambodia will be ready... :o:D

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