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What Is Your Favourite Smell


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It has recently been announced that the human nose is more complicated than a jumbo jet .

so can you pick out a

favourite smell in all Bangkok from amongst the many ??

Nose more complex than jumbo jet

[Posted: Sat 08/01/2005]

By Deborah Condon

The way in which the human nose works is one of the most complex systems in the human body - in fact, it is even more complex than a jumbo jet, scientists have said.

They have discovered how air moves through the nose in order to allow a person to smell. It is hoped that this discovery will lead to new ways of unblocking the nose and helping people to breathe more easily.

Using a combination of biological mechanics and aeronautical engineering to construct 3D models of the nose, the scientists from the Imperial College in London, succeeded in simulating airflow. In doing so, they found that the way in which air flows through the human nose is more complicated than the way in which it flows through the wing of a jumbo jet.

"People are used to the flows around an aeroplane being complicated but that is in some ways simpler than understanding the flows inside the nose. The geometry of the nose is highly complex, with no straight lines or simple curves like an aircraft wing", explained Dr Denis Doorly, one of the principal researchers.

One of the areas the researchers looked at, for example, was why we need to breathe deeply to smell a flower. Our sense of smell relies on a sample of air reaching the olfactory bulb at the top of the nose and that requires a sharp breath and a high velocity shot of air to reach it. The scientists discovered that the geometry of the nose causes the air to swirl around in the vicinity of the bulb, so that you can smell the flower.

According to the researchers, as well as being more complex than a jumbo jet, the fluid dynamics of the nose are one of the most complex in the body, even more so than the flow of blood through the heart. This is due to structures within the nose, which can cause swirls, whirls and recirculation.

The research is published in Business, the quarterly magazine of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.

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/referenced post deleted - RDN

Methinks someone is competing for shortest membership life on TV!

To the OP's thread topic, my favorite smell is the fresh fruit at the vendor stands. It's very hard to walk by some fresh pineapple or melon.

Edited by RDN
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I don't think this topic will last very long either. At least we can gauge the type of members we have on this forum... :o

P.S. If your post has disappeared, it's because it was disgusting crap. Any more like that and you'll be instantly banned.

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My favourite smell in BKK is BKK, as you step out of the confines of the arrival terminal. As you step through the doors a marvellous combination of aroma's slaps you in the face. You seem to be able to smell everything from the street vendors in town,through the orchids growing wild in the country,the people,and even the smog and the motor fumes provide their contribution in that one magical moment. Maybe it's my imagination,or maybe it's the fact that I always love returning to 'The Big Mango"

P.S. To the Moderators. It's not the subject which you say you find disgusting,it's the people that have nothing better to write. I am sure a lot of good can arise from this theme. Of course you'll get the Ijuts,but then again if the theme was 'How are you" you get them rambling off on their sex or non-sex inuendo's

Peave to all (and if you're up my way drop in for a beer)

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I know! I have been pondering your question, but as I was under the inpression that pheramones were the scents given off by male and female of the species to invariably attract a mate, still not quite sure where insects come into the equation.

The scent of my wife I know its pheromones how else can she have me wrapped around her little finger the way she can. Its not sex been 18 months since we separated and can have the biggest yelling and screaming match over the phone then as soon as she gets close I forget all. :o

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favourite smell in BKK

God, that is an oxymoron if I have ever heard one.

Bangkok stinks!!!!!!

A better topic would be what is the worst smell in Bangkok.

Klong Saen Saeb

Phrakanong during rush hour

The rotting rubbish that is not collected by the bin-men.

Obviously there are good smells in Bangkok, but they are better outside.

Durian for example.

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The smell of food. Specifically garlic and chilis cooking in oil. So stong and pungent it can make you take a step backwards.

For me, its also got to be the cooking. BKK is great for the smells. You can walk around and smell these awsome smells. Then you get a whiff of the not so pleasant. Just BKK. I love the food smells.

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I know! I have been pondering your question, but as I was under the inpression that pheramones were the scents given off by male and female of the species to invariably attract a mate, still not quite sure where insects come into the equation.

The scent of my wife I know its pheromones how else can she have me wrapped around her little finger the way she can. Its not sex been 18 months since we separated and can have the biggest yelling and screaming match over the phone then as soon as she gets close I forget all. :D

liona16.... sorry, but you are in dire need of some serious thearpy. :D

I do thank you for your concerns of my mental health, :D I stoped hearing the voices after they took my guns off me. :o My Ego is stable, and the Superego is keeping that nasty Id under control. :D

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favourite smell in BKK

God, that is an oxymoron if I have ever heard one.

Bangkok stinks!!!!!!

A better topic would be what is the worst smell in Bangkok.

Klong Saen Saeb

Phrakanong during rush hour

The rotting rubbish that is not collected by the bin-men.

Obviously there are good smells in Bangkok, but they are better outside.

Durian for example.

Yeah, this place does stink but my fave smell is my hubby's cologne and the worst smell ever in Bkk (and you all must agree?!) is when you enter a supermarket, lotus /Carrefour and the whole place smells like raw sewage, hmmmm mmm mmmm I just love to choose what i'm gonna have for brekky the next day with that lingering fecal aroma! :o

As for Durian thats almost as bad!

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