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Two Thais Sentenced To Death By Hanging

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Malaysian court sentences two Thais to hang for drug trafficking

KUALA LUMPUR: -- Malaysia's High Court on Wednesday sentenced two Thai nationals to death by hanging for trafficking almost 20 kilograms of cannabis five years ago, a news report said.

Sureeya Wuttisat, 45, and Asan Tong, 47, both from Thailand's southern province of Narathiwat, were detained in April 2004 at a petrol station in the central state of Pahang, the official Bernama news agency said.

The two were caught with 18.75 kilograms of cannabis, believed to have been brought in from Thailand for local distribution.

The report did not state when the men's sentence will be carried out.

Malaysia's tough drug laws prescribe a mandatory death sentence by hanging for those found guilty smuggling most types of drugs.


-- The Nation /dpa 2009-04-22

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If the rest of the world would be this harsh on drug traffickers, perhaps we would not have such a drug problem.


#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.


I have no sympathy for drug traffickers of any kind! Today it is "only" cannabis tomorrow it will be heroin or ya baa they trade.

They play with fire, they must know what the consequences are when get busted, in particular in Malaysia!


I have no sympathy for drug-smugglers.

I have however for the political struggle of drug-liberals.

Please don't confuse the two. The former would smuggle anything that gave them money. Including dead children to be used as sextoys, if there was a market for it.

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

A tough sentence for sure, I wonder if they knew the Malaysia before hand, my guess NO. SAD :o

They have big signs up at the airport that state drug smuggling carries the death penalty in Malaysia, and I assume at border crossings as well. This is a barbaric sentence, but last time I went through KL they made it clear what would happen if you were caught smuggling.

A tough sentence for sure, I wonder if they knew the Malaysia before hand, my guess NO. SAD :o

They have big signs up at the airport that state drug smuggling carries the death penalty in Malaysia, and I assume at border crossings as well. This is a barbaric sentence, but last time I went through KL they made it clear what would happen if you were caught smuggling.

Everybody should watch the movie "Dadah is Death". Its quite and old one about Barlow and Chambers. It should be made mandatory in schools to watch it!

A tough sentence for sure, I wonder if they knew the Malaysia before hand, my guess NO. SAD :o

They have big signs up at the airport that state drug smuggling carries the death penalty in Malaysia, and I assume at border crossings as well. This is a barbaric sentence, but last time I went through KL they made it clear what would happen if you were caught smuggling.

Not trying to make excuses for the crime, but could they read(?) I wonder(?) Maybe they just thought they could get away with it. You would think anyone with half a brain would no the Law, now without knowing all the facts of the case is it possible they were trick into carrying the drugs(??) :D


Sadly some people don’t learn.

I was crossing back into Malaysia the day Chambers and Barlow were strung up. The Malay custom guys were making jokes about it.

That same day an Aussie overdosed in Penang.

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

Well, you could start with caning...a particularly long and nasty way to die. There are dozens more, not many of which are sanctioned by governments... like being drawn and quartered, burnt at the stake...oh, those *used* to be sanctioned by governments...

How is the death penalty in Thailand carried out by its government?

Malaysian court sentences two Thais to hang for drug trafficking

KUALA LUMPUR: -- Malaysia's High Court on Wednesday sentenced two Thai nationals to death by hanging for trafficking almost 20 kilograms of cannabis five years ago, a news report said.

Sureeya Wuttisat, 45, and Asan Tong, 47, both from Thailand's southern province of Narathiwat, were detained in April 2004 at a petrol station in the central state of Pahang, the official Bernama news agency said.

The two were caught with 18.75 kilograms of cannabis, believed to have been brought in from Thailand for local distribution.

The report did not state when the men's sentence will be carried out.

Malaysia's tough drug laws prescribe a mandatory death sentence by hanging for those found guilty smuggling most types of drugs.


-- The Nation /dpa 2009-04-22

What a disgrace... Most first world countires dont think of Grass like these draconian countries.... you would be lucky to be incarverated for more than 1 year......

How is the death penalty in Thailand carried out by its government?

They changed from firing squad to lethal injection some time ago. Though I believe firing squad is still used under certain situations.


Well, these are Thai, and should have known even the law in Thailand and I am sorry to say ignorance does not apply in this case.

Drug-smuggling carries a maximum penalty in Thailand of death, that is the law in Thailand also.

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

This is incorrect and not supported by statistics.

The only correlation one can see in a limited number of countries, and this is not related to the drug itself, is that a person not afraid to use illegal substance is less afraid to use heavier illegal substances. But there is no truth to the gateway theory with lesser drugs as a joint as a stepping stone towards heroin...

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

This is incorrect and not supported by statistics.

The only correlation one can see in a limited number of countries, and this is not related to the drug itself, is that a person not afraid to use illegal substance is less afraid to use heavier illegal substances. But there is no truth to the gateway theory with lesser drugs as a joint as a stepping stone towards heroin...

Statistics can be made to say what people want them to say..

It's obvious that starting with a harmless cannabis joint leads onto more substantial and harder drugs....how can i say this.. from my own personal experience and of many friends from my younger days. We all started smoking weed and moved onto harder drugs..

I've never yet met a heroin user who did not start out smoking weed, moving quickly onto speed/coke/pills then the heavy stuff.


A regular Heroin user is no trouble to himself or anyone else if he has a clean reliable supply. Look at the number of 18th century doctors who used it.

The problems start when the addicts have to obtain large amounts of money for poor quality product from criminals.

Now the new kinds of cannabis and weed thats on the market is, I have heard, considerably more debilitating than the stuff I had twenty two years ago.

There is a ground swell of opinion among people who use drugs, (or those who recently stopped and tell us what its like now "out there") that the new cannabis and marijuana is very much stronger. And crystal meth? well as far as I can see, its a very good way of keeping losers out of the gene pool.

Killing anyone is, well, unenlightened.

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

Yes too harsh.

I m not against harsh sentences for hard drug dealers at all.

Heroin and coke, do the time for the crime.

It's just per the list above.

I have lost 6-8 friends and family to smoking tabacco.

Lost a round 2 dozen friends to various alcohol related demises. So far.

And not a single on of my stoner buddies has passed on from Cannabis.

No trafic accidents either, no inadvertent murders, nothing like that

just people being more relaxed from time to time.

Why hang someone for smuggling glaucoma and cancer symptom medicines?

So yes, misguided priorities and way to harsh.


Som nam na. They knew the consequences and chose to ignore them. Why would anyone except druggies feel sorry for them? You want to do drugs, do it in your own country.

It's obvious that starting with a harmless cannabis joint leads onto more substantial and harder drugs....how can i say this.. from my own personal experience and of many friends from my younger days. We all started smoking weed and moved onto harder drugs..

I've never yet met a heroin user who did not start out smoking weed, moving quickly onto speed/coke/pills then the heavy stuff.

It's obvious that starting with harmless alcohol leads onto more substantial and harder drugs. I've never met a heroin user who did not start out drinking beer and taking shots.

These days in any Western country you will not find many under 30 who have never tried weed ...and the overwhelming vast majority don't move on to heroin.


My thoughts are with the families of these guys. I am sure they will face a lot of hardship because of the actions of the condemed.

Well, these are Thai, and should have known even the law in Thailand and I am sorry to say ignorance does not apply in this case.

Drug-smuggling carries a maximum penalty in Thailand of death, that is the law in Thailand also.

Its gross bulshit what you say in this context - mister!You do not know the law of the country you live!What you say is your wishfull thinking - you would hang everybody,who cross street on red light,yes?

Thais are much more reasonable - max for cannabis is 15 yrs,I think ,which was applied to people using containers as mean of transport.For 20 kg - may be 3yrs?

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