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Two Thais Sentenced To Death By Hanging

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What a pity the U.K. does not follow this example.
And the Australian

Yes I agree 100%

Why, What has marijuana done to you or caused what problems in your life? You disgust me with your blatent disregard for human life involving a matter you obviously have NO experience in.

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#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

This is some faulty logic if I have ever seen any. There is no reason, other than police baloney, to believe that one drug leads to another. Many, many, many people smoke marijuana and never go to other more serious drugs. I would also bet that a large percentage of tobacco and alcohol consumers go on to stronger drugs. But, that is only because they choose to do so.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

Actually, if you think about it, I think you would find that there are many users of alcohol, tobacco, and coffee who have later become users of heroin and other hard drugs. Your logic is flawed. Just because some people who use marijuana eventually become heroin users does not mean that marijuana use necessarily leads to heroin use any more than any of the other above mentioned drugs do.

I happen to know a number of people who have smoked marijuana for years and have never, to my knowledge, used heroin. So your claim that use of cannabis leads to use of harder drugs is absolute nonsense.

They have already served five years so should be freed. Its only a bit of dope

20KG'S is a lot, no excuses about personal use here. It's not just the fact it's a drug, but we have a set of rules in society we have to live by, if everyboby broke them at their leisure there would be anarchy !


Not true, it's tolerated by law. You can posses 5 grams for personal use, and coffee shops can have 100 grams in stock and you have to shows ID being over 18 to buy. You can not grow over 4 plants for personal use either.

All is much more regulated then it appears!

20k's would have gotten the some serious jail time in NL too. Although I fully agree the death sentence is way too much for this.

That said, they knew what risk they were taking.

I also agree with other poster that tobacco and alcohol are way more dangerous and addictive then cannabis.

FYI: I do not smoke (anything) or drink. My own choices.

death is a bit harsh just for cannabis

Agreed, considering its legal in Amsterdam

I think this "drug issue" pointedly shows that many TV posters are elderly and suffer from the conditioning they received earlier in their lives.

Society has moved on, and certainly, as far as marijuana is concerned, no longer considers it to be a serious problem.

As noted earlier in the thread, marijuana has been used in this part of the world for centuries. Another poster noted several examples of users who lead productive lives. Common sense tells that, with the millions of pot smokers in the world, if it were a problem, we would be inundated with the proof that it is a dangerous drug. We are not. Empirical evidence. The basis of scientific knowledge.

Many of these posters would be jostling for the front row to watch the Saudis behead their "law-breakers".

This is your brain. :D

This is your brain corrupted by propaganda. :o

Any questions? :D

well said, so much ignorance posted,

check out mr marks

QUOTE (bkkdawg @ 2009-04-22 18:49:16)

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life. UNQUOTE

What about politicians who steal millions/billions of Baht from taxpayers funds? Ultimately stopping the dvelopment of quality education for a very large percentage of the population, therefore preventing a very large percentage of the population from gaining good employment, etc.

This category of thieves should also be high on the list of serious offences.

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

Ah yes, most stoners become heroin addicts..... or other types of addicts yes that makes complete and utter sense. I can see you have done in depth and thorough research into the matter.

Lets look at your argument logically for 1 second. I'd say around 40- 50% of teenagers in Western environments will at some point try marijuana, something like 10% will try party drugs (based on no research just things you will see around if you are in the age category I'm specifically talking about, like I am). I'd say less than 1 or 2% of people will move onto harder drugs, most of the people I know on harder drugs started on harder drugs. And thats still under the presumption that they are in some way bad for you. Who says that the meaning of life isn't to die ODing in the back of an alley I haven't heard a better reason for life which will click for everyone anyway. Plus people OD because it is illegal... Criminalizing the substances means its more dangerous for the users because of lack of regulation.

From someone with experience with a lot of drugs, I have taken ecstasy, LSD, Mescaline, Adreanahol, speed, PCP, cocaine, and smoked meth all just to try them(Not going to say where for legal reasons). Put them all down afterwards and said, wow that was fun, never been compelled to try them again aside from the ones which left me with little after effects like LSD. I will smoke an ouce of weed every 3 days and still work 9 - 5 which operating my own small business and a website which does travel bookings around what is even to a 'dope fiend' a high end rate of smoking. Anyway as I was saying from someone who has taken a lot of drugs and not have had any problem, your all pussy's, complete and utter pussy's. People with addictive psychologies will always find something to ruin themselves on there will always be that 5 - 10% of the population which is useless. Don't let them take the excuse it was a substance fault, the fault was within them from the start.

And to those of you who are parents or related to someone who has died from drugs, my sympathies to you, but don't blame the substance, it is more likely your fault than anyone else's.

It is a fact that most addicts of drugs such as heroin had depression problems before taking harsh drugs, or chemical imbalances in the brain, and therefore will seek out many drugs in order to relieve themselves, of their already manifest turmoil they live day to day with. Makes sense really.

Alcohol is one of the worst drugs on the planet for abuse, breaking down the bodies immune system, and promoting violence, yet it is a globally accepted drug.

Most addictions stem from a chemical imbalance of the hemispheres in the brain, sometimes caused in childhood from sexual abuse or violence. There are psychedelic drugs (such as ibogaine) which have proven effective to reduce or end addiction to drugs such as heroin, or alcohol etc by rebalancing these anomalies, and restoring balance in the brain. As well as boosting the immune system, psychedelics can allow the individual to face their inner demons, in order facilitate an understanding of tragic, or other events in their lives.

Governments fear these drugs because of what the "side effects" can bring. Side effects of psychedelic drugs can foster an individual to get in touch with their spiritual self, and wake to the reality that society on this planet and the way it is governed, does not work. Psychedelics were a catalyst for the revolution in the 60's. From that point on, a war on drugs has been declared. Governments have brainwashed people through media for years and it has proven to be utmost effective.

Those now in power, are deathly afraid of losing their power, due to the majority waking up and making changes which need to be made in order to have a balance of health between nations and individuals on the planet.



#3 drug = Cannabis. = NOT

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

Agree that the first two are or can be just as bad as No.3 and if alcohol and tobacco were discovered now they would be proscibed. But they are not proscibed.

An unfortunate amount of cannabis users go onto harder drugs, which end up ruining or taking their lives, in so doing destroy others and their relationship.

We know the penalties before we start, if we cannot control our urges, then your not in control?


Ridiculous sentence for smuggling pot.

Pot is not a narcotic and even if it were the death penalty is still way over the top.

Anybody who has smoked the stuff would realise that in terms of effect it is way less harmful and debilitating than alcohol.

Crazy law that is for sure.

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

Ah yes, most stoners become heroin addicts..... or other types of addicts yes that makes complete and utter sense. I can see you have done in depth and thorough research into the matter.

Lets look at your argument logically for 1 second. I'd say around 40- 50% of teenagers in Western environments will at some point try marijuana, something like 10% will try party drugs (based on no research just things you will see around if you are in the age category I'm specifically talking about, like I am). I'd say less than 1 or 2% of people will move onto harder drugs, most of the people I know on harder drugs started on harder drugs. And thats still under the presumption that they are in some way bad for you. Who says that the meaning of life isn't to die ODing in the back of an alley I haven't heard a better reason for life which will click for everyone anyway. Plus people OD because it is illegal... Criminalizing the substances means its more dangerous for the users because of lack of regulation.

From someone with experience with a lot of drugs, I have taken ecstasy, LSD, Mescaline, Adreanahol, speed, PCP, cocaine, and smoked meth all just to try them(Not going to say where for legal reasons). Put them all down afterwards and said, wow that was fun, never been compelled to try them again aside from the ones which left me with little after effects like LSD. I will smoke an ouce of weed every 3 days and still work 9 - 5 which operating my own small business and a website which does travel bookings around what is even to a 'dope fiend' a high end rate of smoking. Anyway as I was saying from someone who has taken a lot of drugs and not have had any problem, your all pussy's, complete and utter pussy's. People with addictive psychologies will always find something to ruin themselves on there will always be that 5 - 10% of the population which is useless. Don't let them take the excuse it was a substance fault, the fault was within them from the start.

And to those of you who are parents or related to someone who has died from drugs, my sympathies to you, but don't blame the substance, it is more likely your fault than anyone else's.

It is a fact that most addicts of drugs such as heroin had depression problems before taking harsh drugs, or chemical imbalances in the brain, and therefore will seek out many drugs in order to relieve themselves, of their already manifest turmoil they live day to day with. Makes sense really.

Alcohol is one of the worst drugs on the planet for abuse, breaking down the bodies immune system, and promoting violence, yet it is a globally accepted drug.

Most addictions stem from a chemical imbalance of the hemispheres in the brain, sometimes caused in childhood from sexual abuse or violence. There are psychedelic drugs (such as ibogaine) which have proven effective to reduce or end addiction to drugs such as heroin, or alcohol etc by rebalancing these anomalies, and restoring balance in the brain. As well as boosting the immune system, psychedelics can allow the individual to face their inner demons, in order facilitate an understanding of tragic, or other events in their lives.

Governments fear these drugs because of what the "side effects" can bring. Side effects of psychedelic drugs can foster an individual to get in touch with their spiritual self, and wake to the reality that society on this planet and the way it is governed, does not work. Psychedelics were a catalyst for the revolution in the 60's. From that point on, a war on drugs has been declared. Governments have brainwashed people through media for years and it has proven to be utmost effective.

Those now in power, are deathly afraid of losing their power, due to the majority waking up and making changes which need to be made in order to have a balance of health between nations and individuals on the planet.

Yay someone not closed minded! /agree

Lol i had that view of society before I took psychedelics... But acid definitely made me re evaluate my position in society, and shit look now I own my own business in a country I wasn't born in. Oh, and I'm 20... and I can tell you, I will take almost any drug I get my hands on, but will never go out of my way to get them. I guess I don't have the addictive personality, but wait, I am addicted to video games... I think it all comes down to self esteem, I know a few crack heads who can actually just stop when they want to, go away on international business trips come back to their home in Australia and get their glass bong out as if they hadn't left, crack is gross imo, but there are people like that out there. But the ones who are depressed from the start, and needed it for an escape, they are the ones who are f*cked.

death is a bit harsh just for cannabis

Agreed, considering its legal in Amsterdam

not really

Ridiculous sentence for smuggling pot.

Pot is not a narcotic and even if it were the death penalty is still way over the top.

Anybody who has smoked the stuff would realise that in terms of effect it is way less harmful and debilitating than alcohol.

Crazy law that is for sure.

Exactly I could literally smoke joint after joint after joint and not have any worse effect than maybe falling asleep.... but if a drank drink after drink... omg it would be a totally different story, I'd be vomiting, I'd be falling over and if I had enough I'd be risking death.... But what about marijuana? Trust me you will pass out long long long before you could even possibly kill yourself with it. Trust me, I have disproved pot kills on my own. I am at about 7-8kgs smoked over the past 2 years and 6 months, thats an average of 10 - 12 joints a day. I did this in university while studying and still doing course works, and not only did I pass I actually got a few distinctions and 1 higher distinction, out of 8 total classes. I am taking a break from uni this year because I saw a business opportunity I Want to try and make a go of here in Thailand. Go figure, pot isn't bad.

They have already served five years so should be freed. Its only a bit of dope

Only a BIT of dope? These guys were carrying TWENTY KILOS. They were obviously going to sell it on. While I hate to see anyone receive the death penalty for a non-violent crime, the Malaysian government is not shy about announcing to border crossers it's drug policy.

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

This is incorrect and not supported by statistics.

The only correlation one can see in a limited number of countries, and this is not related to the drug itself, is that a person not afraid to use illegal substance is less afraid to use heavier illegal substances. But there is no truth to the gateway theory with lesser drugs as a joint as a stepping stone towards heroin...

Statistics can be made to say what people want them to say..

It's obvious that starting with a harmless cannabis joint leads onto more substantial and harder drugs....how can i say this.. from my own personal experience and of many friends from my younger days. We all started smoking weed and moved onto harder drugs..

I've never yet met a heroin user who did not start out smoking weed, moving quickly onto speed/coke/pills then the heavy stuff.

You're saying, then, that none of you used tobacco or alcohol at any time, right?

BTW, I have to agree with you about statistics; I don't remember who said, there are liars, damned liars and statisticians.

However, here's a link to a post about decriminalization of all drugs in Portugal in 2001:


Perhaps you could give us a rundown on how the charts could be gamed.

As far as decriminalization/legalization is concerned, one problem is the various groups who make money from criminalization. Since the US is the main protagonist and applies the most political pressure, here are some active there:

Criminals who profit from artificially high prices

Gov't agencies who fund their black ops via drug-running

Gov't agencies at all levels whose budgets include anti-drug funds

Gov't agencies at all levels who utilize asset seizure/forfeiture to supplement their budgets

Alcohol and tobacco companies who don't want the competition and who fund "anti-drug" groups

Banks which launder drug money

This is a partial list of those who have financial interest. It does not include those who utilize criminalization for other goals


I have no sympathy for drug traffickers of any kind! Today it is "only" cannabis tomorrow it will be heroin or ya baa they trade.

They play with fire, they must know what the consequences are when get busted, in particular in Malaysia!

I agree.

Start executibng the cigarette smokers.

It's a gateway drug that leads to getting pissed and socially irresponsible.

Then start jailing for life and executing binge drinkers.

It leads to violence and antisocial behaviour.

Then start with the third tier of yah bah users. terrible drug.

Shoot them down in the streets. Oh yeah - they tried that already.

Then do the ganja smokers. So loud, violent and unpredictable.

Go for it Dude. You sound like Thaksin or George W Bush.

Oh - Toxin.............you are back?

Your English has improved since trolling the red shirt threads


Most addictions stem from a chemical imbalance of the hemispheres in the brain, sometimes caused in childhood from sexual abuse or violence.

I appreciate your philosophies, even if I don't totally agree with them. But, leave the science to people who understand it. We are now finding that many addictions are due to a genetic predisposition. Not all, but many. I sincerely doubt you can find a single reputable reference strongly associating addictive personalities to sex abuse or violence in childhood.


Statistics can be made to say what people want them to say..

It's obvious that starting with a harmless cannabis joint leads onto more substantial and harder drugs....how can i say this.. from my own personal experience and of many friends from my younger days. We all started smoking weed and moved onto harder drugs..

I've never yet met a heroin user who did not start out smoking weed, moving quickly onto speed/coke/pills then the heavy stuff.

You're saying, then, that none of you used tobacco or alcohol at any time, right?

BTW, I have to agree with you about statistics; I don't remember who said, there are liars, damned liars and statisticians.

However, here's a link to a post about decriminalization of all drugs in Portugal in 2001:


Perhaps you could give us a rundown on how the charts could be gamed.

As far as decriminalization/legalization is concerned, one problem is the various groups who make money from criminalization. Since the US is the main protagonist and applies the most political pressure, here are some active there:

Criminals who profit from artificially high prices

Gov't agencies who fund their black ops via drug-running

Gov't agencies at all levels whose budgets include anti-drug funds

Gov't agencies at all levels who utilize asset seizure/forfeiture to supplement their budgets

Alcohol and tobacco companies who don't want the competition and who fund "anti-drug" groups

Banks which launder drug money

This is a partial list of those who have financial interest. It does not include those who utilize criminalization for other goals


You forgot to mention politicians, lawyers, police and the army in many countries.

In fact the billions of dollars generated thru the illicit drug trade is corrupting all levels of society.

Mexico whilst an extreme example demonstrates the devastating effects of the illicit drug trade.

Profit margins are just too high too resist.

In fact if you really look at the facts dispassionately the only real solution is to legalise all drugs and let the government regulate the industries and treat all drug abuse as a health issue.

But all those groups mentioned above might face losing billions of dollars.

It is a shame really that we are so backward thinking when it comes to illicit drugs.


RIDICULOUS. What a person puts into his or her own body is their own business, and should never be governed by state. The 'gateway drug' notion is utter BS. I've smoked/eaten dope hundreds of times, and not once I ever felt the need to touch anything stronger... nor has anyone I've known.

If you have a proclivity to mess with mind altering substances, you will, period. Who should have a say in that? Don't give me this bull about it being a 'decay' of society, bla bla. So too is unemployment, getting pissed out of your face, and taking prescription drugs to cure imaginary diseases -- but all of those things are legal.

These guys are going to have a rope tied around their necks and their spinal cords severed from their brains, whilst 10,000 people today in Amsterdam are enjoying a spliff with their cup of hot chocolate and apple pie. Then they'll walk out of there, and go about their day. The world is a fuc_ked up place.


Statistics can be made to say what people want them to say..

It's obvious that starting with a harmless cannabis joint leads onto more substantial and harder drugs....how can i say this.. from my own personal experience and of many friends from my younger days. We all started smoking weed and moved onto harder drugs..

I've never yet met a heroin user who did not start out smoking weed, moving quickly onto speed/coke/pills then the heavy stuff.

Thats a bit harsh just for cannabis? No wonder countries like these in SE Asia will never progress to 1st world countries.

RIDICULOUS. What a person puts into his or her own body is their own business, and should never be governed by state. The 'gateway drug' notion is utter BS. I've smoked/eaten dope hundreds of times, and not once I ever felt the need to touch anything stronger... nor has anyone I've known.

If you have a proclivity to mess with mind altering substances, you will, period. Who should have a say in that? Don't give me this bull about it being a 'decay' of society, bla bla. So too is unemployment, getting pissed out of your face, and taking prescription drugs to cure imaginary diseases -- but all of those things are legal.

These guys are going to have a rope tied around their necks and their spinal cords severed from their brains, whilst 10,000 people today in Amsterdam are enjoying a spliff with their cup of hot chocolate and apple pie. Then they'll walk out of there, and go about their day. The world is a fuc_ked up place.

RIDICULOUS. What a person puts into his or her own body is their own business, and should never be governed by state. The 'gateway drug' notion is utter BS. I've smoked/eaten dope hundreds of times, and not once I ever felt the need to touch anything stronger... nor has anyone I've known.

If you have a proclivity to mess with mind altering substances, you will, period. Who should have a say in that? Don't give me this bull about it being a 'decay' of society, bla bla. So too is unemployment, getting pissed out of your face, and taking prescription drugs to cure imaginary diseases -- but all of those things are legal.

These guys are going to have a rope tied around their necks and their spinal cords severed from their brains, whilst 10,000 people today in Amsterdam are enjoying a spliff with their cup of hot chocolate and apple pie. Then they'll walk out of there, and go about their day. The world is a fuc_ked up place.

Sad but true, trying to talk to all these TV'ers is like smashing your head against the wall most of the time, they think they are right because they are old and believe what they have grown up knowing, not realizing its pretty much based on lies and profiteering by certain people who had enough political clout and power to push it through. No one will read anything here and do research its just a bunch of morose opinionated people trying to yell louder above each other not realizing that 90% of their posts we read the first line, realize they're fuc_king stupid and move on.

Take a step back from everything you know, read about things your talking about, form an actual opinion not given to you from one specific source, think about it, work on it, then come state it.

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o


I'm personally against any drug but I don't believe the death sentence is appropriate for cannabis related crime.

To put things in perspective the following is quoted by WHO:

According to WHO estimates, the current 5.4 million annual tobacco-related deaths, with 50 per cent of them in Asia, will rise to 8.3 million by 2030 said Bettcher.


  • 36.9% of male and 2.7% of female adults (+15 years) smoke regularly (Total, 18.9%)[1]
  • 15.7% students (13-15 years) currently use any form of tobacco (Cigarette smoking 11.7%, other tobacco, 7.7%)
  • Nearly 42 thousands people die of tobacco related deaths annually ( 41,183 in 2004)
  • Revenue collected from tobacco products annually in Thailand is 43,207 million baht. (2003) whilst costs on tobacco related diseases are 45,550 million baht. (2003)

Far more deaths are taking place worldwide due to the barbaric practice of cigarette smoking.

Multi national companies & Governments are making billions from this trade.

Do you advocate hanging the members of the board at Phillip Morris, not to mention the shareholders?

Perhaps if they had a slice of the cannabis market things would be different.

Public perception is fashioned by propaganda.

Cannabis was demonized for many years.

The result can be seen through the opinions of conservative folk.

There is no doubt about it. Abuse of cannabis is not healthy, but the death sentence is a little over the top.

The only reason why criminals are involved is due to prohibition creating a black market.


Well, you can tell which contributors to this subject use drugs, The fact of the matter is that the Authorities in Malaysia have decided on the penalty for drugs. It does not matter what you think, you didn't elect the Malaysian Government. Drug traffickers are aware of the penalty involved in Malaysia,as do most people know the penalties in whatever country they live in. If you don't like the rules or penalties, don't go there if you intend to try and break those rules, unless you are prepared to accept the penalty if you are caught.

Well, you can tell which contributors to this subject use drugs, The fact of the matter is that the Authorities in Malaysia have decided on the penalty for drugs. It does not matter what you think, you didn't elect the Malaysian Government. Drug traffickers are aware of the penalty involved in Malaysia,as do most people know the penalties in whatever country they live in. If you don't like the rules or penalties, don't go there if you intend to try and break those rules, unless you are prepared to accept the penalty if you are caught.

There are dozens of countries around the world which violate the "International human rights" of individuals.

Amnesty International continuously fight to represent mankind around the world.

Malaysia might have the death sentence but that doesn't make it right.

Well, you can tell which contributors to this subject use drugs

Another assumption?

In reality quite the opposite.

Just don't like seeing people hang for it.

It's one thing to read about it, but quite another to be personally involved with those who have been sentenced.

Remember that cannabis has been demonized into your subconscious since the early twenties.

If the same was done with tobacco you'd probably be clamoring for the hanging of tobacco growers.


I've always loved the fact that the Government of my country says its ok for me to kill myself slowly with cigarettes and alcohol, so long as I dont mind them taxing me for the priveledge. Those ones are fine, but others are not. If I stuck a pipe down my throat I could poison myself just as quickly with vodka as I could with Paracetamol, herion or E. Why am I being treated like a child some of the time, an adult during others, and a walking wallet most of it?

Laws against theft, rape, murder? Spot on. Laws against self abuse? Hmmmm. I understand the laws are there to protect the vulnerable, but I am not vulnerable so why do I need protecting? What about making huge punitive costs for supplying any drug to someone under the age of 18. I mean like life for even selling a packet of cigarrettes. Pretty quickly the vulnerable wouldnt be able to find the drug of their choice anywhere, whilst the rest of us can go about our business without being fitted with those annoying shoes that squeak every time we take a step so the Government can make sure we arent running too fast?


This is complicated stuff... because -even when I'm agree with the strong hand against those

bastards who poison our children and create so much pain to families- I also understand how it

is precisely this hard hand the one that turns those into this illegal world so violent, dangerous

and producing thousands of deaths per year... :o


Sorry, I do have sympathy for cannabis smugglers. Hardly as evil as heroin. It's akin to sentencing tobacco or alcohol distributors to death. They're all at about the same level really. But can tobacco and alcohol actually cure diseases like pot? Don't think so.

Who knows, they could have been regularly smuggling cocaine and heroine. They could have been the types that kill others to keep their supply lines open. But we can't guess on that as they were only caught with cannabis. Punishment does not fit the crime at all, in my opinion.


People like sex, people like drugs - yes - YOU.

Coffee, Coca0cola, fags,beer,chocolate - a lot of our pleasures, by any sane definition of "drug".

Why make these things illegal, whereby you loose all CONTROL of them?

You will never stop people doing what they want to do, like to do. Keep illegality for antisocial behavior. Harmful behavior.

Most drug related crime is due to the illegality of drugs, not the drugs per se.

Why does "people having fun doing things I disaprove of" have to be a crime- criminalise war, profit at the expense of people's lives,health.....

Well, you can tell which contributors to this subject use drugs,

No, you can not. I never have used any illicit drug.

Doesn't mean I cannot support a decriminalization of drugs.

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