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Two Thais Sentenced To Death By Hanging

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Until they put a quota on how many people they can execute in a year, they really have no reason to save the punishment for the harder drugs. Again--we ain't the ones in charge of these matters. Without doing a poll, though, I am not sure that people (criminals) would be better off with us or with the authorities!

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That's your opinion. When you're appointed supreme ruler of your own nation, apply the laws you see fit.

Unfortunately for these two smugglers, the people of Malaysia don't quite see things like you do.

If they had no intention of obeying Malaysian law, they shouldn't have ventured into the country. They did, and now they'll pay the price.

Whining and moaning won't change the circumstances.

Advice for drug smugglers: steer clear of Malaysia.


Life for drug traffickers is difficult, if they avoid Malaysia, then they are likely to change planes somewhere like Singapore. Not exactly a good choice either.


I wish they would do that here in the states! Execute anyone carrying enough to be considered with "Intent to distribute". Man this would free up much of our tax dollars and make drug trafficking MUCH more unappealing to drug dealers. More money in the state budget means better education for our children, even better medical centers, and possibly lower taxes overall. We pay MILLIONS of our hard earned dollars every year to HOUSE , FEED , and CLOTHE REPEAT offenders who look at being in jail as a good thing. Here they call it "Street Credit". Unacceptable. We all should take lessons from countries like Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand!!!!

Also, for anyone saying Marijuanna isnt that bad and should be treated like a lesser offense......... a drug is a drug, and the Law is the Law. They knew the rules and the life of crime they lived was their own choice. Drugs breed crime regardless the "type" of drug. Drugs create dependency, and dependency only leads to desperation. It is out of desperation that drug users steal, rob , and murder.

Until they put a quota on how many people they can execute in a year, they really have no reason to save the punishment for the harder drugs. Again--we ain't the ones in charge of these matters. Without doing a poll, though, I am not sure that people (criminals) would be better off with us or with the authorities!

What do you mean a quota? are you suggesting they are attempting to reach a target? (if so that would be immensely disturbing)

That's your opinion. When you're appointed supreme ruler of your own nation, apply the laws you see fit.

Unfortunately for these two smugglers, the people of Malaysia don't quite see things like you do.

If they had no intention of obeying Malaysian law, they shouldn't have ventured into the country. They did, and now they'll pay the price.

Whining and moaning won't change the circumstances.

Advice for drug smugglers: steer clear of Malaysia.

The people of Malaysia, how stupid are you. Do you think everyone in Malaysia was given a form and asked the write their opinions down and then the best got picked? lol Idiot. How often are laws actually made by the people who are living by them? NEVER EVER EVER, and the people who put these laws into place enjoy the underground scene as much as anyone, its just someone needs it to stay illegal for profit purposes or they are just stupid and believe a country which has laws for that reason (USA)

I wish they would do that here in the states! Execute anyone carrying enough to be considered with "Intent to distribute". Man this would free up much of our tax dollars and make drug trafficking MUCH more unappealing to drug dealers. More money in the state budget means better education for our children, even better medical centers, and possibly lower taxes overall. We pay MILLIONS of our hard earned dollars every year to HOUSE , FEED , and CLOTHE REPEAT offenders who look at being in jail as a good thing. Here they call it "Street Credit". Unacceptable. We all should take lessons from countries like Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand!!!!

Also, for anyone saying Marijuanna isnt that bad and should be treated like a lesser offense......... a drug is a drug, and the Law is the Law. They knew the rules and the life of crime they lived was their own choice. Drugs breed crime regardless the "type" of drug. Drugs create dependency, and dependency only leads to desperation. It is out of desperation that drug users steal, rob , and murder.

Free up tax dollars? Have you just come in here and posted without reading anyone else's opinions or inputs into this discussion? Look at how much money has been spent by countries all around the world to combat Marijuana (which grows naturally so is hard to combat)... Look at all the people in prisons that are being supported by the government because they are prevented from being a useful member of society because an incorrect opinion of a substance. Now think, if that slander campaign against pot hadn't reaped the rewards for those who profit from its absence and we had used the money put into law enforcement on combating something real and an actual threat to all societies like... hmmm idk global warming... we would have done something about it by now. But because that doesn't make anyone any easy and good money they won't bother. As I have said before, if it was legalized and taxed you wouldn't just save the money from enforcement you'd make billions as a new industry would be created stimulating job creation and business options. California estimates their marijuana crop to be worth around 18 billion dollars a year, compared to their next biggest legal crop grapes which are between 3 and 4 billion dollars. With the same taxes on weed as there is grapes they would be making 1 billion a year in TAX revenues. So please, don't think making it stricter will solve anything it will just push the industry underground and we will never run out of people willing to make money from it. Legal or not. There is absolutely no points to these laws and if you can't do research and see that on your own. Then you fail my friend, absolutely fail. Epic fail.

The people of Malaysia, how stupid are you. Do you think everyone in Malaysia was given a form and asked the write their opinions down and then the best got picked? lol Idiot. How often are laws actually made by the people who are living by them? NEVER EVER EVER, and the people who put these laws into place enjoy the underground scene as much as anyone, its just someone needs it to stay illegal for profit purposes or they are just stupid and believe a country which has laws for that reason (USA)

No sense lashing out, dope. The Malaysian law is quite clear. I wait in high anticipation of reading about your arrest and how you'll twist and gyrate and scream it's not fair.

Good luck. :o


I find the absolute blood lust exhibited by some to be more of a threat to public safety than some kid smoking a rolled up bit of plant material. Mass executions for smoking some weed? Sadly, if they did that, there would be no one left to pay the taxes and work in jobs that generate the funds to pay for your pensions. Don't slay th folks that are supporting you now.


You mean the criminals? Last I checked smuggling massive quantities of illegal drugs across international borders is a crime in almost every country on the planet. Please try to maintain your focus.


No wrong can justice a nation to do another wrong, even if hiding behind laws. The death penalty is a barbaric tradition that have no place in a modern society.

The people of Malaysia, how stupid are you. Do you think everyone in Malaysia was given a form and asked the write their opinions down and then the best got picked? lol Idiot. How often are laws actually made by the people who are living by them? NEVER EVER EVER, and the people who put these laws into place enjoy the underground scene as much as anyone, its just someone needs it to stay illegal for profit purposes or they are just stupid and believe a country which has laws for that reason (USA)

No sense lashing out, dope. The Malaysian law is quite clear. I wait in high anticipation of reading about your arrest and how you'll twist and gyrate and scream it's not fair.

Good luck. :)

Nearly happened last night, got pulled over out the front of the PMs house with 4 grams of grass on us... I got out without a problem, Indian friend of mine paid 6,000

I don't take risks. Was polite, got searched... Let me go straight away, lucky for the Indian guy someone terribly genius had presence of mind to snatch the shit out of his glove and hide it on their body well. But they found a J on him, rest of us left without a problem.

But later when I came back with the money he needed to pay them I said "som nam naa" to him :D

If the rest of the world would be this harsh on drug traffickers, perhaps we would not have such a drug problem.

Prohibition is not the answer to drugs. Before alcohol was prohibited in America, you could buy cocaine, heroin pretty much anything from your local pharmacy. If alcohol were still prohibited, ignorant people that didnt understand it would think it was terrible like people think about drugs these days. Obviously certain drugs are very damaging (physically/mentally/social), however the social damages caused by drugs could be reduced by legalizing them to take out the criminal aspect. If they were made legal, the people who are anti-drug today wouldnt take them and the people that illegaly today take them now would be taking them legaly. Its all about personailty, like alcoholics and people who drink in moderation. Social drug users and drug adicts.

  • 8 months later...
#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :)

There is no logic to the statement that people use cannabis move on to harder drugs. Many drug users have used cannabis but just as many go straight in on harder drugs.

The fact is that the drug laws in SE Asia are dictated to them by the Americans who have funded a lot of their economies over the years.

I don't agree with the death penalty but hanging is actually one of the quicker methods of execution if you are to kill someone, when done properly. It is certainly quicker than the lethal injection, electrecution, firing squad and most other state sanctioned methods.


The "gateway drug" argument is one that is trotted out all the time by the ignorant and uninformed.

So, how many alcoholics started out drinking a couple of beers a week?

All of them? Probably.

And how many people who started out drinking a couple of beers a week became alcoholics?

All of them? I think not.

The drugs laws are seriously skewed. They have been implemented by people who haven't got a clue, who are courting votes from similarly uninformed and ignorant readers of the tabloid press whose business is not to inform but to sell newspapers.

And meanwhile we see barbaric retribution for something that in a sane world would not even be a crime.

Sometimes I despair...


The death penalty for Marajuana is extremely overly harsh.

I think Marajuana should be legalized and taxed.

I support the Death Penalty for dealing Yaba or Ya ice.

Oh .. i am not drinking .. coffee, I will be more healthy even though i smoke copious amounts of marijuana?

What do you have against coffee? :)

Oh .. i am not drinking .. coffee, I will be more healthy even though i smoke copious amounts of marijuana?

What do you have against coffee? :)

Acidosis leading to ulceres.

An organic stimulant, but fewer mental debilitations, mostly because you can only drink so much.

Still6 double espressos, can make for a serious nutter on the loose.

And daily blood sugar fluctuations caused by starting your day with an artificial stimulant,

and needing it to be topped off all day long, not so different than speed or coke etc.

The Marijuana gateway argument is off the mark except that

a ) those inclined to try it against all rules and pressure

are the same ones likely to try other things too.

b ) because of the illegality the suppliers of Maryjane also are the suppliers of other drugs.

The legal situation forces those most inclined to be in contact with those most inclined

to supply higher profit smaller sized drugs. But in general pot smokers

are mellow and not inclined towards excessive drink and troublemaking.

Some are naturally troublemakers or difficult personalities,

but much nicer people when on marijuana. I've known several people

I hated to be around if they weren't stoned a bit.

When they were on coffee I avoided them like the plague!

A regular Heroin user is no trouble to himself or anyone else if he has a clean reliable supply. Look at the number of 18th century doctors who used it.

The problems start when the addicts have to obtain large amounts of money for poor quality product from criminals.

Now the new kinds of cannabis and weed thats on the market is, I have heard, considerably more debilitating than the stuff I had twenty two years ago.

There is a ground swell of opinion among people who use drugs, (or those who recently stopped and tell us what its like now "out there") that the new cannabis and marijuana is very much stronger. And crystal meth? well as far as I can see, its a very good way of keeping losers out of the gene pool.

Killing anyone is, well, unenlightened.

Have to disagree with your opening statement,Heroin addicts are trouble to others its been proven by law

enforcement organisations that the majority of crime is caused by hard core drug addicts to fuel their expensive

habits,they cant work and earn enough to pay for a very expensive habit so their answer is to steal the property of others to fund it.

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

They knew what the sentence would be if they were caught, BAD LUCK. :) Don't forget it was 20 Kilos they were caught with so they were dealers?

death is a bit harsh just for cannabis

Agreed, considering its legal in Amsterdam

A study was made about 15 years ago. The question was; could somebody die overdosed from Hashish?

The answer: Yes. But you have to smoke 2 kg of finest Afghani to die and this in 10 minutes.

Alcohol kills more people than any other drug, but it’s legal because they got their taxes. “Hanging in the hot sun can be dangerous for your health.”

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

They knew what the sentence would be if they were caught, BAD LUCK. :) Don't forget it was 20 Kilos they were caught with so they were dealers?

Its the a very simple dilemma.

Tobacco (30%+ of the worlds population enjoys it)

Alcohol (At least 60% of the worlds population enjoys it)(please correct me if I am wrong)

Cannabis (Anyone got a number?)

I honestly believe that anyone who puts something synthesized into their body's is doing something their body doesn't really need. If it comes from a lab, it must be bad.

If people can't see the difference between weed and heroin, then god help us all.....

  • 2 months later...
death is a bit harsh just for cannabis

DEFINITELY too harsh for weed

TBF, Death is a bit harsh for anything less than a serial child murderer.

death is a bit harsh just for cannabis

DEFINITELY too harsh for weed

TBF, Death is a bit harsh for anything less than a serial child murderer.

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :)

Actually, I suspect if anyone bothered to do a study, it would be found that the majority of hard drug users had been users of alcohol, tobacco and coffee earlier in their life. There is a fundamental logical flaw in the statements like "the majority of heroin users started by smoking marijuana" ... they also started by drinking water - THINK about it!! The correct question is, do the majority of those who smoke marijuana go on to using harder drugs. I know many people who smoke marijuana and NONE of them have gone on to harder drugs.

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