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Just ignore them, do as you please. If They try and fine you, ask them if the bib's are aware that they are passing out tickets.... im sure they wouldnt be too happy with the competition, x2 on the work permit comment. Or you can always name yourself emperor of the neighborhood and post arrest warrants for them around your kingdom.

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I am not sure which ones are worse, the tatooed, skin-head, lager lout , 20stone monoliths who hail from Essex (supposedly a suburb of London where many traders (scallywags) come from and Kent or the middle-upper class (you know the ones who get caught being spanked by a Dominatrix, whilst hooded and handcuffed).

Don't forget the bitter fat Eddie Yates lookalikes from the North West of England who's misses plays away whilst he's trucking to Tammy Wynette in his Eddie Stowbarts lorry and hates anything and everything from the south.

Eddie Yates lol... stop it please, your making me laugh.... :o


The OP has disappeared.

Another tall story that has all the ring tones of other newbie entertaining tales that have been appearing on ThaiVisa lately.

I believe it`s the work of the same person.


Didnt know they had council estates in Thailand.

They don't. They got slums though. Loads of 'em.


Call that a slum? We used to dream of living in a place like that. Would have been a palace to us!

NaR. it's a 5 star slum. It's got a really big swimming pool at the back.

sassienie you're quite annoying with your non stop troll accusations.

Seriously, he doesn't actually post anything, just hangs around waiting to call troll on someone lol, full time job but somebodys got to do it.


Yeah I really hate it when people try and improve the road safety in my area. Especially If they're English. They seem to think of themselves as some kind of Higgs Boson. I prefer my roads to be as dangerous as possible, especially the ones near where I live as my children use them to walk to school.

Longballs, a friend of mine moved into an exclusive gated community west of the city 2 years ago, paying 17m Baht for his luxurious 6 bedroom home.

His Thai neighbour on one side has 37 dogs that crap all over the place and no one ever cleans up the mess and it stinks so bad when the wind is in the wrong direction. The neighbour has now erected a 7metre high fence around his home constructed of metal tubing and black plastic netting so no one can see the mess the dogs make. The stench is vomit making. The Thai neighbour is, unbelievably, the head of the Environmental Health Department !

His Thai neighbour on the other side has a double size lot and holds bird singing competitions every weekend and holiday, and rowdy drunken parties almost nightly with Karaoke where the guests block the access road with their inconsiderate parking. Rubbish litters the lot with beer bottles etc piled everywhere.

Immediately opposite lives a very high ranking Policeman who has 3 sons who race around the community roads on un-silenced motorbikes with impunity. This family also use the car port at the front of their home as a rubbish dump where they have old furniture, fridges and lengths of timber (looks like Teakwood) and dismantled motorbikes with other parts littered in the front garden and six vehicles parked on the road outside the house making it difficult for my friend to enter his drive. The Police owner shot a neighbour who complained about his sons.

That's what you get for being stupid enough to spend half a million bucks on a place in suburban Thailand. Bet it's not worth that now.


The OP should be very grateful his Village has a group of people willing to take responsibility for the many things which need looking after in a village community – self appointed or not.

Once the Project Owner has sold all the Units he will lose all interest in maintaining things like security guards, lighting, rubbish collection, street sweeping etc. and the environment will quickly deteriorate – every village needs an active Committee to look after these aspects of community property.



I think the nut-jobs are largely the people posting in this topic, including the original poster.

As it happens we're trying to get some speed bumps installed around the estate, though of course not without the agreement of the home owners in the area no matter if they're Thai or something else.

Fortunately, many of them also have kids who they don't want to get run over when they're playing outside.

You're the nut job, as is your wife if she's speeding where kids are playing. Would you rather she ran over a couple kids?


I can see both sides of the coin here, but they sound just like Brits. They still think they run the world, and maybe they do. I was about to cold-cock one in a bar where one of them starting changing TV channels while we were watching the Masters. Totally obnoxious. Honestly, if he had done that back in the States, he would have been stomped. I moved from a similar situation because it reminded me too much of being home.

I can see both sides of the coin here, but they sound just like Brits. They still think they run the world, and maybe they do. I was about to cold-cock one in a bar where one of them starting changing TV channels while we were watching the Masters. Totally obnoxious. Honestly, if he had done that back in the States, he would have been stomped. I moved from a similar situation because it reminded me too much of being home.

I agree let's go around knocking people unconscious and stomping on them for changing a TV channel. That's the world i want to live in.

I think the nut-jobs are largely the people posting in this topic, including the original poster.

As it happens we're trying to get some speed bumps installed around the estate, though of course not without the agreement of the home owners in the area no matter if they're Thai or something else.

Fortunately, many of them also have kids who they don't want to get run over when they're playing outside.

You're the nut job, as is your wife if she's speeding where kids are playing. Would you rather she ran over a couple kids?

Maybe the first sensible statement so far.


I used to live in Turkey. My ex-wife still does. The complex she lives in (29 villas) is all owned by english peeps (she's scottish), they all use the villas as holiday homes, only she lives there full time.

Now they have formed a residence committee, with rules and regulations that are primarily aimed at regulating the complex on a basis that no one actually lives there.

Here is her reply. She's normally quite vicious with things like this, but was quite restrained.

İ have been reading the attached management plan and have one very large issue on this. İ have emailed only you in confidence and would be extremely grateful if you could see that my points are noted but my email kept in confidence.

The plan has been written solely for the purpose as though we are all holidayers... İ would be extremely grateful if you could point out at the meeting that my house is actually my home and many of the rules and regulations are hard to adhere to.

İ would like other owners to appraise the rules and regulations as they would be enacted on thier own homes in the UK and realise the restraints of living within them.

İ have gone thru the rules and found i have broken all of them except the brothel !! or put another way they were in existence before the plan was agreed.

İ am all for exceptance of an agreement with all owners of the communial areas, swimming pool, paths etc.. but the restraints based on a resident are unfair, and should be consider if anyone else wishes to live permantly in Lissalinks.... i cite certain examples:-

For sale banner - What harm does a for sale banner do ? owners should be allowed to advertise and compete in the housing sale market equally to other complexs and properties. Would we also see a rule for the banning of Lıverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal towels being hung over balconies?

Parties - Calis is a small area with many friends, even though i have no intention for midnight raves, i have held Christmas, iyi bayram, birthday parties and general bbqs with my friends... no different to being in the UK.

Pets - again Calis / many friends etc and many single people... it is normal here for residents here to have pets (especially single people for company) and in conjuction with friends visiting me or just passing , pop in for a cup of coffee along with thier dog...i am not much of a dog lover myself but i do not want to alienate my friends by not allowing thier pet onto my property.

Obviously any pet is not allowed to roam around aimlissly (my spelling is awful !)

Gambling - not to be admitted in court ....but thier is a texas holdem group and horse racing that go to each others houses ( have you tried getting 20 horses into one house lol lol).

Setting up a commercial enterprise - firstly this would prevent all owners from renting thier properties out... secondly i or my previous partners have operated buinesses and have a registered business for tax purposes from my home, on a small basis.. i,e web developemnt.. catering.. İ also dabble in a bit of catering of pies etc for extra cash.



What's wrong with speed bumps? They are hardly dangerous (unless you drive a low rider) and if anything save lives. I've seen plenty of locals install speedbumps (without city permission) on public city streets.



Everyone has missed the only and obvious solution. To divorce his wife and hire a couple bar girls to fill her place who don't have driver's licenses.

I think the nut-jobs are largely the people posting in this topic, including the original poster.

As it happens we're trying to get some speed bumps installed around the estate, though of course not without the agreement of the home owners in the area no matter if they're Thai or something else.

Fortunately, many of them also have kids who they don't want to get run over when they're playing outside.

You're the nut job, as is your wife if she's speeding where kids are playing. Would you rather she ran over a couple kids?

Thanks for all the advice. Especially this one . My wife was doing about 30mph , there are no kids on this estate my friend, just curtain twitching oxygen thieves, who barely make it outside their front gate, unless of course there's a meeting to attend .

I think the nut-jobs are largely the people posting in this topic, including the original poster.

As it happens we're trying to get some speed bumps installed around the estate, though of course not without the agreement of the home owners in the area no matter if they're Thai or something else.

Fortunately, many of them also have kids who they don't want to get run over when they're playing outside.

You're the nut job, as is your wife if she's speeding where kids are playing. Would you rather she ran over a couple kids?

Thanks for all the advice. Especially this one . My wife was doing about 30mph , there are no kids on this estate my friend, just curtain twitching oxygen thieves, who barely make it outside their front gate, unless of course there's a meeting to attend .

If my Mrs was driving at 50km/h in our estate, I would be telling her off....no need for it...

No kids on your estate ???......What is this place a retirement home ??....by the comments I have seen certainly seems to be full of whinging old f*rts...including the OP

I think the nut-jobs are largely the people posting in this topic, including the original poster.

As it happens we're trying to get some speed bumps installed around the estate, though of course not without the agreement of the home owners in the area no matter if they're Thai or something else.

Fortunately, many of them also have kids who they don't want to get run over when they're playing outside.

You're the nut job, as is your wife if she's speeding where kids are playing. Would you rather she ran over a couple kids?

Thanks for all the advice. Especially this one . My wife was doing about 30mph , there are no kids on this estate my friend, just curtain twitching oxygen thieves, who barely make it outside their front gate, unless of course there's a meeting to attend .

If my Mrs was driving at 50km/h in our estate, I would be telling her off....no need for it...

No kids on your estate ???......What is this place a retirement home ??....by the comments I have seen certainly seems to be full of whinging old f*rts...including the OP

Correct on all points Soutpeel . Now you run along and have a lovely day

His Thai neighbour on the other side has a double size lot and holds bird singing competitions every weekend and holiday, and rowdy drunken parties almost nightly with Karaoke where the guests block the access road with their inconsiderate parking. Rubbish litters the lot with beer bottles etc piled everywhere.

Are the contests 'open mic' (anyone can join) or by invitation/membership only?



I am all for these resident committees. I believe the locals need to be educated in basic hygiene & manners amongst other things. Without these falang committees the estate would freefall into a sh-thole if it was run by the Thais. Now that you have a committee the biggest problem I envisage is getting the Thais to pay the yearly service charge. For those who refuse to pay don't allow them to bring their cars in and put a charge on their house so they can't sell it until they pay. :o

I can see both sides of the coin here, but they sound just like Brits. They still think they run the world, and maybe they do. I was about to cold-cock one in a bar where one of them starting changing TV channels while we were watching the Masters. Totally obnoxious. Honestly, if he had done that back in the States, he would have been stomped. I moved from a similar situation because it reminded me too much of being home.

I agree let's go around knocking people unconscious and stomping on them for changing a TV channel. That's the world i want to live in.

I said I wanted to. Thoughts are not included. I was just making a point. Here we go again with making a point. I didn't make this world.

I can see both sides of the coin here, but they sound just like Brits. They still think they run the world, and maybe they do. I was about to cold-cock one in a bar where one of them starting changing TV channels while we were watching the Masters. Totally obnoxious. Honestly, if he had done that back in the States, he would have been stomped. I moved from a similar situation because it reminded me too much of being home.

I agree let's go around knocking people unconscious and stomping on them for changing a TV channel. That's the world i want to live in.

I said I wanted to. Thoughts are not included. I was just making a point. Here we go again with making a point. I didn't make this world.

I also find myself wanting to cause serious bodily harm to other people when they do something which i find annoying. We should start a club.

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