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Share Cat Cdma Internet Connection Win Xp


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I have the following gear, any or all of which could be used to extend my internet connection to my downstairs neighbor.

CAT Novatel Wireless Ovation EV-DO Rev-a, working great, good speed.

Laptop with current network gear, e.g. ethernet and wireless

Windows XP

Wireless Router

Ethernet Cables

I have created a wireless network on the laptop using Network Setup Wizard, and presently using WEP although converting it to WAP is trivial and probably advised.

I have right clicked the CAT CDMA Connection and "shared" it using Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) and have set it to "Wireless Network" although am not 100% certain this is the move (since CAT CDMA appears under Dial-Up Connections, and is PPP based vs. packet radio a.k.a. wireless). When I tried to select "private network" instead, it asked me to choose one from a list, which doesn't exist.

I do own a nice wireless router, but it's main input is an RJ-11 although it's perfectly fine to use port #1 on it as inbound signal connect. I do not have a crossover cable (well, maybe I do, i'll commence the 'hunt' after this missive is blasted out into the http ether)...

I am lazy. As an engineer, I should just know this cold. I could google it using http://www.google.com/microsoft But i'm a Linux server admin, and know you out there using CAT CDMA on EKSPEE probably have a vast underground network of thousands of PC's all surfing a single connection, capable of bringing down entire countries and even other planets on your whim.

Feel like confirming or adjusting the above approaches I took (except the laziness, that I can fix with the evil nescafe at 7-11, I promise [but I could be lying]).

Anyhow, what's the best move? (total invitiation to mockery aside...)

here's some bonus links you probably didn't know about, as a gift to your technical arsenal.








OK, that's enough for now. As the creepy dude in Lost Highway said to the main protagonist: "now give me back my phone".


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I will explain how my Hutch CDMA is being shared between 2 computers and if this sounds like what you need than I will share a diagram and other info on how I did this with the help of a friend in the US.

I have:

One laptop with a built-in wireless card

One desktop with a added wireless card

One Linksys ADSL+2 wireless modem/router but NO ADSL line

One Canon all in one printer with ethernet lan connection

I use Hutch CDMA EC-321 modem on the usb port of the laptop. I use this connection to the internet as the primary connection. I have configured the laptop,desktop and wireless router so I can use the desktop to surf the web using the Hutch modem on the laptop. Obviously it requires the laptop to be on and connected to the Hutch system. It took some playing with the addressing of all the devices but it works quite well. The Hutch system I have is the slow speed 153kbps but that's ok for now. I only use the desktop for occasional browsing. Later I will be moving to a ADSL land line and things will change.

I could easily reverse the setup and have the Hutch modem on the usb port of the desktop and configure it that way. Either way the connection requires computer that has the Hutch modem plugged in be turned on and connected to Hutch.

If I explained this accurately I can give you the configuration details later

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That sounds good, I have the testing complete for Internet Connection Sharing using "wired" configuration between the laptop with the CDMA and the laptop without it.

Now i'd love to move on to the "wireless" configuration (and the addressing) so my friend downstairs can use it in more remote fashion.

I can follow the information you have and get it running if I understand how to get the wireless router to simply act as a wireless access point. I could connect it's ethernet port #1 to the very same "shared internet" ethernet port on my laptop with the CDMA, and set it's addressing up such that any system "joining" it's network would be able to surf the net, provided, as you say, if the main internet access laptop/cdma are booted and connected.

My other alternative is to run a hard wire down the wire chase downstairs but for the price of ethernet cables out here it's close to the initial setup cost of buying TOT service, which I prefer to avoid till I kno the tenant is comitted for a longer duration.

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yep, understood, i'll try and diagram it and see if I can work out the addressing.

Its been a few days but here is a PDF of the config on my setup. I hope this helps you and let me know if something is not clear.


Works perfect so far, I had to connect the wireless router to my shared ethernet port on the PC because the shared wireless port was being odd, and dropping connects.

I think this was because I had to turn off DHCP on the wireless router. I hard coded an IP/DNS onto the other wireless linux laptop, and it was able to still join the network as needed.

This can be tuned over time, -part of the problem I also faced was Windows XP's inconsistent interface would not always show "shareable" interfaces, even after reboots. I suspect this is just something Winsows Update can fix or driver issues on this laptop. Could even be stuff with interrupts.

Anyhow, the network is now up thanks to your PDF, once I get the completely unwired version working i'll confirm any adjustments that needed to be made. My wireless Router is an SMC (which might be using those gaddy RealTek nic cards).


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