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No More Rainy Seasons In Phuket?

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What they (TAT) should do, Valentine, is cater to local punters as well. We keep businesses afloat during the low season and we should be treated like royalty, not scum. A major Korean tour company is now catering to Thais going to Korea, as incoming Koreans are very very few.

We do, after all, return often to a business, whereas a tourist comes and then leaves, forever, never to come back, after they see the real Phuket.

A major self preservation method of marketing is to introspect, see what was done wrong and right, and then rebrand. But Thais love to shoot themselves in the foot and blame the shoe manufacturer!!

But claiming that the rainy season is gone, is both wrong and so very deceitful.

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It would be nice if the number of new punters arriving with fistfulls of Euros decided not to buy a bar and over time force the landlords to lower rents and key money. With prices as high as they are, a bars and guesthouses just can't be economically viable in the long term.  How many bars do you see available for sale or abandoned these days?

Gets back to the ineptitude of those investors arriving without a viable business plan, let alone the skills to run the places. Too bad, but no sympathy from me. After they lose their life savings they will be replaced by new fools. You can't stop them and saying anything negative elicits tantrums. There are lots of successful places on Phuket and those operators must be doing something right.

What they (TAT) should do, Valentine, is cater to local punters as well. We keep businesses afloat during the low season and we should be treated like royalty, not scum. A major Korean tour company is now catering to Thais going to Korea, as incoming Koreans are very very few.

We do, after all, return often to a business, whereas a tourist comes and then leaves, forever, never to come back, after they see the real Phuket.

A major self preservation method of marketing is to introspect, see what was done wrong and right, and then rebrand. But Thais love to shoot themselves in the foot and blame the shoe manufacturer!!

But claiming that the rainy season is gone, is both wrong and so very deceitful.

Good to see constructive comments & I like to believe the attitude of the ticket seller on Phi Phi is not the norm. My Thai lady was shocked when I told her about it but I suspect she is in a minority. Anyway that topic opens up a whole can of worms which has probably been thrashed to near death although we should not give up but as we are supposed to be talking about summer in Phuket let me include some remarks from one of the guys involved in the promotion which is with his consent.

"Am expanding the site to make sure its clear and descriptive, also to add activities on what to do for kids, families, couples etc on great days, raining days.

No issue , some good comments and no word is perfect, but this at least standardizes it The other issue is that all weather sevices, weather channel etc use wrong forecasts and do not show what its like here, additionally the weather at natai is different to patong, as it is in Cape panwa and Ao Po.

We will have streaming webcams so they can see all locations themselves, its simply a case of we love Phuket all year, and are promoting that."

Despite all the frustrations Phuket is still a great place to live or holiday & I can certainly relate many tales where I have been on the receiving end of genuine acts of kindness.


Well, it appears that he is listening to what is being said.

I do wish the org. well. They do have the power, if they use it right, they can make this island even better.


I think most people object to the word "Summer". I don't think they have thought this campaign out thoroughly.

Why not call it Quiet Season, or, the Serene Season or, whatever. At least it won't seem like it's deceitful.

I think most people object to the word "Summer". I don't think they have thought this campaign out thoroughly.

Maybe you all did not know, but we Phuket is in the Northern Hemisphere and May - Sept is Summer on Phuket Island. It's called summer time in the UK, but many days are cold and rainy, but it's still summer there. I always liked the 'Green' season idea. Also Low season is good. You are all making too big a deal out of this... :)

I think most people object to the word "Summer". I don't think they have thought this campaign out thoroughly.

Maybe you all did not know, but we Phuket is in the Northern Hemisphere and May - Sept is Summer on Phuket Island. It's called summer time in the UK, but many days are cold and rainy, but it's still summer there. I always liked the 'Green' season idea. Also Low season is good. You are all making too big a deal out of this... :)

I agree, technically it will be summer & I prefer green season but the reality is we should not be focusing on a word but rather the fact there is a group of people trying to promote Phuket for the betterment of all.

there is a group of people trying to promote Phuket for the betterment of all.

Hold on, let's just qualify that statement.

You mean for the betterment of all people with business interests.

Many of us do not have any business interests here and would love Phuket to become a tourist free zone.

Course, that won't happen, but, it's good to have the low season to give us a rest from the circus that's called high season.


I had a meeting yesterday with a hotel I use quite a lot. The manager mentioned the words "Summer Season" which was the 1st time I heard a Thai say it. I have to say I thought it was another word for high season.

I disagree with calling it summer season but its nowhere near as bad as calling it rainy season. Anyone who works in the hotel/travel industry will tell you how frustrating it can be to hear tourists say "I dont want to come to Phuket in July coz it rains every day".

Unfortunately the majority of tourists perceive the words "rainy season" the wrong way. Rain season simply refers to a particular period of the year that Phuket receives the best part of its rain. It does not mean that it rains 7 days per week, 24 hours a day !

If it stops people from saying the words rainy season, then im all for the change to summer.

The best time of the year by far in Phuket is May - October ! :)

I think most people object to the word "Summer". I don't think they have thought this campaign out thoroughly.

It's called summer time in the UK, but many days are cold and rainy, but it's still summer there.

Same for San Francisco, in the summer the fog rolls in and along with the wind off the water, it's <deleted> cold!

You mean for the betterment of all people with business interests.

In a word .... Yes...

But you hold on a minute. Without the tourists would Phuket have quality private hospitals, would Phuket have reasonable Internet connections (yes, I know it's not good, but you try up country somewhere), would there be cable TV alternatives (in English) to expensive True/UBC. I'm sure there other little comforts we would not have on Phuket Island if it were not for the tourist industry.

In a word .... Yes...

But you hold on a minute. Without the tourists would Phuket have quality private hospitals, would Phuket have reasonable Internet connections (yes, I know it's not good, but you try up country somewhere), would there be cable TV alternatives (in English) to expensive True/UBC. I'm sure there other little comforts we would not have on Phuket Island if it were not for the tourist industry.

I would swap all of that for less tourists and less development.

In a word .... Yes...

But you hold on a minute. Without the tourists would Phuket have quality private hospitals, would Phuket have reasonable Internet connections (yes, I know it's not good, but you try up country somewhere), would there be cable TV alternatives (in English) to expensive True/UBC. I'm sure there other little comforts we would not have on Phuket Island if it were not for the tourist industry.

I would swap all of that for less tourists and less development.

Weird than that you live on Phuket while the place you would rather be living is called Trang, not too long a drive down from Krabi. The same (or better) beaches, islands, mountains you have on Phuket with much less tourists and equally less infrastructure.

Frankly if I would not have to work here, I rather would be living there, too. But what is your excuse? :)

Weird than that you live on Phuket while the place you would rather be living is called Trang, not too long a drive down from Krabi. The same (or better) beaches, islands, mountains you have on Phuket with much less tourists and equally less infrastructure.

Frankly if I would not have to work here, I rather would be living there, too. But what is your excuse? :)

Firstly, I do work, but, offshore.

Secondly, I've been here so long that Phuket is now my home.

If I had to start again, I would probably go elsewhere.

...Many of us do not have any business interests here and would love Phuket to become a tourist free zone...

Agreed. What a nice idea - a bit like the 6 months up to December, but all year round.



We can play on words as much as we like but "for the betterment of all" is exactly that. When business is struggling or goes under there is a huge knock on effect as people lose their jobs & it affects all from the noodle sellers to the families in Issan or elsewhere who are suddenly burdened with grandkids whose parents can no longer afford to support from Phuket. In some cases these same people will have to go back home to the farm creating additional burdens for the family or some of the girls will end up in an already overpopulated bar girl scenario. Crime can certainly be expected to increase as many will seek other means to get money & criminals do not distinguish between those in business or not.

Yesterday I visited two of my regular Thai suppliers, one said straight out that business was bad, the other said they were busy fullfilling existing contracts but had no new contracts on the horizon. I think you will find this kind of talk typical around the island.

For the sake of my family's livelihood I applaud any efforts which may help businesses survive which in turn will help ensure the general populace stay employed.


I will come back to this thread in November and laugh at what a failure this campaign has been.


By calling the monsoon season "summer" season will not make people come back.

Economy worldwide is crap, it's going to be a long wet season no matter how you brand it.

I will come back to this thread in November and laugh at what a failure this campaign has been.


By calling the monsoon season "summer" season will not make people come back.

Economy worldwide is crap, it's going to be a long wet season no matter how you brand it.

Spot on. Either people will come to Phuket, or, they won't. Changing a word is not going to make any appreciable difference.

As Clinton told Bush "It's the economy, stupid"!


Good post, and am enjoying the replies. For me, the bottom line is that there is global shrinkage in the tourist industry, particularly in the 'long haul/expensive' bracket. There are still people out there who will holiday all year round, so what is it that's going to tempt them to come to Phuket? Calling it 'Summer Season' certainly won't! People have to be given credit for doing research before choosing their holiday destination, as it's generally too expensive to get it wrong. Obviously weather is a significant factor, though not the only one. I think at this time, value for money is probably number one on every visitors list. A lot of people also reach their holiday decisions having consulted for opinions, friends/family who have had recent experience of any given area. Thailand in general, and Phuket in particular are not going to fare well in those circumstances. I agree with another poster, that the infrastructure and facilities on Phuket are solely due to the tourists, and those who work in the tourist industry. They would not be there if there were only expat retirees to support them.

It's not what you call the product, it's what it does that matters.


The name is low season – April to October or (close to that)

Low season is the historical name for the Phuket Monsoon season. Love the monsoon season, love the wind, rain and exciting landings at Phuket airport.

Low season is living with the islands rubbish (half from developers contractors!!) and sewerage that washes ashore on the west coast as it does Bali in it’s low season.

Low season is what it is, a dose of space and reality.

Say it loud and proud….. wet, windy, dirty low season, low season, low season, low season, low season, low season, low season, low season…….

The name is low season – April to October or (close to that)

Low season is the historical name for the Phuket Monsoon season. Love the monsoon season, love the wind, rain and exciting landings at Phuket airport.

Low season is living with the islands rubbish (half from developers contractors!!) and sewerage that washes ashore on the west coast as it does Bali in it's low season.

Low season is what it is, a dose of space and reality.

Say it loud and proud….. wet, windy, dirty low season, low season, low season, low season, low season, low season, low season, low season…….

Yes, those of us who've lived here many years agree with this and look forward to it. High season has become a terrible drag of nonstop tourists....enough to make you leave this island paradise, really. Maybe I will....


Just reading some comments from Valentine and had an idea… what if the same business group put as much effort into talking with local businesses and developers and maybe general population education about waste disposal and sewerage treatment???? They could start with business friends and on and on….

Then maybe the reefs would live to the high season (not buried in hillside soils) and the beaches would be quite attractive to people who like a clean beach as well as whatever the weather throws at them…….

Just reading some comments from Valentine and had an idea… what if the same business group put as much effort into talking with local businesses and developers and maybe general population education about waste disposal and sewerage treatment???? They could start with business friends and on and on….

Then maybe the reefs would live to the high season (not buried in hillside soils) and the beaches would be quite attractive to people who like a clean beach as well as whatever the weather throws at them…….

I agree there are many things they or others can do to improve the image of Phuket many of which have been mentioned here & in other threads. Commendations should go to people like John Gray who organises beach clean ups with school kids & others who actually might retain the lessons learned from their handiwork. Of course there are others who make positive contributions but the reality is that most people do not care as long as they have money in their pocket today or rice on the table. To continue with rubbish as an example one can see everyday the indiscriminate littering on the side of the roads from from the kid on the back of a motorbike to full truck loads on some of the back roads. Only education & raising awareness will help solve this & the myriad other problems which effect tourism & our day to day lives.

The "summer" group have picked a theme which they hope will help revive tourism in the low season & as I said before if it can help save some jobs then it is a job well done.


And, lets' not forget that with the Asean summit going on in June, to kick start the Summer program in Phuket and to attract tourists, virtual martial law will be imposed.

So for all you farangs out there, no more than 5 people can meet at one location, while the Asean thing is going on. grrrrrrrrr

Amazing Thailand!

I know one of the guys involved in this & I believe there is a genuine concern out there to be pro active & help promote Phuket because many will be affected by the downturn which is shaping up to be the most serious we have faced. I realise some of you out there are happily retired & financially independent but for those of us who depend on business here to make a living the outlook is not pretty. To batten down the hatches & ride out the storm may be OK but the storm could be a long time blowing hence the reason to be pro active. Facetious comments may get a small chuckle but will not help although constructive comments will.

Well said, get a life guys.....

I know one of the guys involved in this & I believe there is a genuine concern out there to be pro active & help promote Phuket because many will be affected by the downturn which is shaping up to be the most serious we have faced. I realise some of you out there are happily retired & financially independent but for those of us who depend on business here to make a living the outlook is not pretty. To batten down the hatches & ride out the storm may be OK but the storm could be a long time blowing hence the reason to be pro active. Facetious comments may get a small chuckle but will not help although constructive comments will.

Well said, get a life guys.....

Don't think that it's a case of getting a life. Nobody wants to see people fail in Phuket, with all the distress here and other provinces that it will cause. However, there should be a more proactive response to the current global economic climate here than re-naming a spade a shovel. Where are the plans to introduce products of appeal to bring more people to Phuket and enhance the quality of the island? Particularly in the north of the island, there is sufficient land to build, say, a theme park of some kind, with water sports and cultural activities together. Forget the individual, male tourists, there is the need to bring more families here, without them being embarrassed by walking along any Soi in Patong (or even Kata/Karon/Chalong/Rawai these days), in the evening, and feeling inhibited about visiting a bar/restaurant because of the 'bar girls' plying their trade.

Funny how single, male tourists are much maligned these days.

After all, they were the group that put Phuket on the map.

Not maligning them, but also don't think they really 'put Phuket on the map'. More a case of evolving market conditions and Thai liberalism I think, and the premise that where there's a buyer, there's a seller. What I'm really pointing at is that in the broader context, the tourist market in Phuket needs to re-evaluate itself. If the way it really wants to go is the expansion of low end, low (???) cost, high density developments (similar to Benidorm in Spain) are what's really wanted, then be honest about it. The problem that I see with that philosophy, is that anyone can re-create that anywhere. It's always good to have a choice, but Phuket needs to establish what choice it's offering to visitors.

....Forget the individual, male tourists, there is the need to bring more families here, without them being embarrassed by walking along any Soi in Patong (or even Kata/Karon/Chalong/Rawai these days), in the evening, and feeling inhibited about visiting a bar/restaurant because of the 'bar girls' plying their trade.

Maybe the only reason the bars are there is because of the money attracted by the girls plying their trade.

Do you really think that families holidaying in Thailand don't know - or haven't heard - what goes on in these red light areas? There are plenty of other places they can walk in the evening without being embarrassed.

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