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Dyeing Your Hair

Jai Dee

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As we get older, most of us tend to lose our hair colour.

Some people accept it as a natural part of getting older, and do nothing.

Others try to disguise it, by colouring or dyeing their hair.

Some of those that are unfortunate enough to lose their hair resort to all manner of creams, implants, wigs and toupees etc in order to preserve their appearance.

Like it or not, we are vain. :D

And although turning back the clock is impossible, we still want to look our best.

What do you think about people who colour their hair? Guys particularly? :o

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As we get older, most of us tend to lose our hair colour.

Some people accept it as a natural part of getting older, and do nothing.

Others try to disguise it, by colouring or dyeing their hair.

Some of those that are unfortunate enough to lose their hair resort to all manner of creams, implants, wigs and toupees etc in order to preserve their appearance.

Like it or not, we are vain. :D

And although turning back the clock is impossible, we still want to look our best.

What do you think about people who colour their hair? Guys particularly? :o

Very sweet of you Mr. Jaidee. Do you have any connection with Thailand? You have a flying Thai flag as your avatar, that is what makes me think it.

The connection between hair-dyeing and Thailand is however not that clear to me. Could you elaborate on this a little bit more?

Are you selling this kind of stuff? And you want to sell it in Thailand? To who? To us?

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Very sweet of you Mr. Jaidee. Do you have any connection with Thailand? You have a flying Thai flag as your avatar, that is what makes me think it.

The connection between hair-dyeing and Thailand is however not that clear to me. Could you elaborate on this a little bit more?

Are you selling this kind of stuff? And you want to sell it in Thailand? To who? To us?

Good topic Jai Dee.

Are you an expat in Thailand?

If so you are welcome to post anything you want, surely.

Many people in Thailand dye their hair.

I have never done it, but too young/dark hair. I used to do it all the time 25 years ago as a young tennage punk rocker.

Nothing wrong with dying one's hair, but if doing it for ego reason, mmm, sad.

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I don't really care - but my wife will immediatly pull one out if she spots one.

Annoying and embarresing - especially at the local supermarket/resturant/other public place....

Edited by phazey
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Walk through Lumpini Park in the mornings, and observe the thousands of middle-age and older men and women with jet-black hair....maybe they have receding hairlines, but what is left is absolutely black.

I think this is a Chinese fixation. Look at the Chinese leadership on tv.....same story....everyone's hair is absolutely pitch-black. Personally, I think that it is almost as pathetic as wearing a wig.

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Some girls look better with highlights in their hair, some look better with black hair.

As for blokes, well if it makes you feel better then go for it...´let him who is without sin cast the first stone`or something like that.

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To answer your questions boys and girls, yes, I am an expat working here in Thailand.

(and loving it... :D )

And my reason for the original post is twofold:

1. There have been a number of comments (usually derogatory) on other postings about falungs who dye their hair.

2. I am curious. Some of the Thais I know, both in BKK and Isaan, regularly dye their hair.


And no, I am not selling the stuff, nor do I have any interest in doing so. :o

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well, i have used various colors all my life :D

first as a mod, then as a hippy, then as a punk, went back to the blond highlight look and now keep it in a medium brown shade :D

living in asia makes you feel younger, virtile and happier, thanks to those lovely fine young females that entertain, look after you and keep you in shape here :o

au revoir :D

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Its so mucjh easier these days and supposedly fashionable to shave it off if you are worried about either going grey or bald, I am both so I razor cut mine and have beeen doing so for five years now. People dont know me with hair and 90% of the people I know have never seen me with hair so <deleted>, and it sure saves time in the morning and a fortune on wax, Gel, etc etc. Plus you can save 120baht a month and time on a haircut SIR!! :o Note Smileys are all bald!!!

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It took decades, but I've gone from a white-haired toe-head kid to a blond to a dirty blond and now it's a combination of brown, yellow, and grey. But it's very thick and long and I've got the hairiest head of anybody I know that's collecting Social Security, so I'll keep being a light brown. And if it gets too gray, I might get it all dyed consistently light brownish yellow.

If you lost your teeth, would you get falsies, not only to chew with, but to smile with? Hearing aid, prosthetic limb? Do you use deodorant or mouth wash? Sure, it's not the same, but where do you draw the line, and why does it matter if you don't draw the line?

And if the women can wear all kinds of makeup and falsies, what's wrong with a man dyeing his hair or getting a really good hairpiece?

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I have to say I do cringe inside when I see a Thai girl who has dyed there once georgeous shiny jet black hair to an unflattering shade of burnt orange in an attempt to go blond, and instead of a healthy sheen thier hair now has the texture of straw.

Having said that I do like subtle low lights in Thai hair.

As for Falang I think we can get away with pretty much anything as long as we keep up with our roots, something us girls normally do, but guys normally don't! So if your a bloke and you dye your hair make sure you get your roots done regularly.

Something my 49 yr old dad didn't do when he went platinum blond :o but nuff said there!

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It took decades, but I've gone from a white-haired toe-head kid to a blond to a dirty blond and now it's a combination of brown, yellow, and grey.  But it's very thick and long and I've got the hairiest head of anybody I know that's collecting Social Security, so I'll keep being a light brown.  And if it gets too gray, I might get it all dyed consistently light brownish yellow.

If you lost your teeth, would you get falsies, not only to chew with, but to smile with?  Hearing aid, prosthetic limb?  Do you use deodorant or mouth wash?  Sure, it's not the same, but where do you draw the line, and why does it matter if you don't draw the line?

And if the women can wear all kinds of makeup and falsies, what's wrong with a man dyeing his hair or getting a really good hairpiece?

lets face it, we old gits have to look handsome to date young students :D

would not want to romance those old -lot of milage- bikes, would ye :D

au revoir(slowly getting p1issed) :D

ps know this is going to bite my @ss one day :o

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Farangs dying their hair in Asia beware.

Most Asian hairdressers who aren't used to dying fair hair don't use toner, apparently its not necessary due to the base colour or something. I had my hair dyed blond in Tokyo, went the brightest orange you'd even seen :o

I looked like a radioactive carrot :D

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love your avatar Shola :D

Thanks Dude/Dudette(?) Hmm, wanna give me a clue?! (D*mn A-sexual avatar you got there Tuky' :D !)


Farangs dying their hair in Asia beware.

Most Asian hairdressers who aren't used to dying fair hair don't use toner, apparently its not necessary due to the base colour or something. I had my hair dyed blond in Tokyo, went the brightest orange you'd even seen  :o

I looked like a radioactive carrot :D

Absolutly!, The exact same thing happened to me in Tokyo too! I got blond highlights, most of which broke off leaving me with odd blond spikes protruding from my scalp :D

So now I only go to international hairdressers like Tony and Guy, mind you thier not that great either!

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My hair started to thin out when I was about 25,that's 20 years ago,the last ten years I've been having it 2 mm short,saved a fortune by not going to the hairdresser(don't know where that fortune is though,definitely not in my bank account).

But at least I'm still rather blond. :o

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I have wavy hair meaning that one waves goodbye to the other, but, the few I have continuously try to go white on me, so yes, at my wife's urging, it is darkened once a month to keep the age difference less noticable and to make our three children think that I am still a spring chicken.

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