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20,000 Red Shirts Expected At Rally Today


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Words, words, and more words. Do these jokers ever show any proof of anything at all? All week Jatuporn has been opening his mouth stating the video in question would be shown this evening to prove that Abhisit wasn't in the car. Again, all talk and no substance..much like his paymaster who claimed over 100 were killed during the Songkran riots. Nothing more than words. :)
Opposition legislator Jatuporn Prompan told the protesters gathered in pouring rain in the northern Bangkok district of Don Muang that they would "catch Abhisit's lies", raising a cheer from the crowd.

He said they had a video which disproved Mr Abhisit's recent claim that he was in a car which was attacked by protesters during the Bangkok riots, an incident the prime minister said had made him fear for his life.

Mr Jatuporn said the footage showed that Mr Abhisit was in another vehicle at the time. (AFP)

source: Bangkok Post

Well, he wasn't in THIS (particular) car - the car the RedShirts,

Jatuporn's Friends & Co. pointed at!

He wasn't in THAT car....shown!

Well, I can show thousands, millions of pics and vdo's

with cars where Abhisit isn't in.....EASY - all rhetoric's!

That is what much of the red's stuff is all about!

Talk, talk, talk.... talk.... as long as they are supported,

get the monthly transfers in to their account's it doesn't matter what they say -

as long as they say something...

more and more people will find out and get bored with this movement...

Edited by Samuian
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Jatuporn is just an empty vessel making noise, so far, he has not produce any concrete evidence to support what he claimed.

Please shut up, unless you can show proof of what you said.

This sentiment is starting to be heard more widespread and publically. The red really need to rethink the unsubstantiated accusation that people dont believe line or face undermining the rest of their message.

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Jatuporn is just an empty vessel making noise, so far, he has not produce any concrete evidence to support what he claimed.

Please shut up, unless you can show proof of what you said.

This sentiment is starting to be heard more widespread and publically. The red really need to rethink the unsubstantiated accusation that people dont believe line or face undermining the rest of their message.

That seems to be the problem isn't it, that too many people from the reds can believe everything that Jatuporn has said without bothering to ask him for evidence. It has now been a month since the Songkran incident and I still haven't seen any evidence of the following allegations:

1) That soldiers fired and killed hundreds of people (maybe the bodies were all shipped to Mexico as a coverup for the swine flu?)

2) That the reds who caused the damages were "fake reds"

3) That Abhisit and Nipon were not in one of the cars that attacked by the reds. That the reds who dragged Deputy PM Nipon from his card and beat him up were "fake reds".

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:) I've just read it on Thai Post that last night Weera accused the gov't of producing artificial rain to interrupt their rally. I hope an English newspaper has picked up this story. :D

Yeah I read that too! Desperate times call for desperate actions, no? I wonder if lightning did stike their main stage, would they accuse Zeus of that too?

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:) I've just read it on Thai Post that last night Weera accused the gov't of producing artificial rain to interrupt their rally. I hope an English newspaper has picked up this story. :D

My wife mentioned this was an accusation going around also this morning. I thought it must of been idle gossip as nobody, surely, would ever suggest anything so daft officially.


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Great idea Koo, please go to Burma and stop your conspiracy theory nonsense. If you have proof bring it, if not please stop repeating yourself ad nauseam. Surely the red movement is over. And the yellow should be too. The majority of people are neither colours, when are these rabid fanatics going to understand the meaning of the word compromise? Sorry, am slightly miffed and irritated. Grrrr.

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Last night, 3 of us tired to hail a cab near the Rama V bridge, in the middle of the downpour. A cab stopped, and when she saw us clearly, decided not to pick us up. One of the group, a Japanese guy with a red shirt, told the driver that he wasn't a "red shirt protestor". The fact that he did so in fluent Thai did nothing to assuage her fears, and she took off. Fifteen minutes later, a less discerning cabbie picked us up...

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Come on, you keep saying the army shot the reds, show us pictures of a red person with bullet holes, show us pictures of all the dead protestors brutally wounded by the awful army...

Until then quit posting that the army shot the reds, the army shot blanks at the reds.... get real.

I posted in other threads, but other members said the wound may not come from being shot by bullets. If I post a picture of a red on the street, some members may say "how can we know if he's dead or not?"

I posted a photo of a hole on a taxi door, and some members said "How can anyone identify which taxi and whether it was done by a bullet?"

Maybe I'll post some to show you.

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Koo, if you can't show a picture of a body, then you need to shut up about the "Shootings".

What picture do you want me to show?

How about a photo of the hundred dead protesters, shot by the troops, to which Thaksin refers ? Or alternatively an admission, that the propaganda-claims about all the dead red-shirts were prepared beforehand, in the expectation of the riots generating them, but that they didn't actually happen ?

:D I've just read it on Thai Post that last night Weera accused the gov't of producing artificial rain to interrupt their rally. I hope an English newspaper has picked up this story. :D

Curses, foiled again, I was just about to suggest that the RTAF had perhaps been water-bombing the rally from on-high, as they've been known to do up here in Chiang Mai to reduce the seasonal smoke-pollution, when I see that I've been beaten to it ! :)

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:) I've just read it on Thai Post that last night Weera accused the gov't of producing artificial rain to interrupt their rally. I hope an English newspaper has picked up this story. :D

My wife mentioned this was an accusation going around also this morning. I thought it must of been idle gossip as nobody, surely, would ever suggest anything so daft officially.


Welcome to Red shirt land. :D

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Great idea Koo, please go to Burma and stop your conspiracy theory nonsense. If you have proof bring it, if not please stop repeating yourself ad nauseam. Surely the red movement is over. And the yellow should be too. The majority of people are neither colours, when are these rabid fanatics going to understand the meaning of the word compromise? Sorry, am slightly miffed and irritated. Grrrr.

I read the same stories too that the PM we love is corrupt, killer, we are paid to protest, we cause unrest...

I truly believe the yellows will stop because no one funds them and they're done with their job. Did Sondhi get shot? We remove the frame after we finish building our house. Same.

How can the reds compromise when their friends and family members were shot by the Thai soldiers? Their tax pays these soldiers. Their tax buys those guns. Blocking an intersection and getting shot? Blocking GH and more than 2 airports and being free until now? Double standard makes the reds go out. Did any yellow leaders go to jail? After PPP was dissolved, they left Suvarnabhumi and went HOME! After the reds stopped their meeting on 14th April, their leaders were held in 3 different places. Nuttawut said last night that at 11:30pm on 14th April, they took him to different place so he couldn't be at the same place with Mor Weng. On the way, he thought "By this time did all the reds arrive home safely?"

The reds did not vote for Democrat Party. They voted for Thai Rak Thai. But the coup knocked their party. Dissolved. They knocked Khun Samak and dissolved PPP again.

When the party they want coming up (Dems), they said the reds should compromise and stay quiet so Thailand can move ahead (into more debts??).

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I posted in other threads, but other members said the wound may not come from being shot by bullets. If I post a picture of a red on the street, some members may say "how can we know if he's dead or not?"

I posted a photo of a hole on a taxi door, and some members said "How can anyone identify which taxi and whether it was done by a bullet?"

Maybe I'll post some to show you.

These are what the reds took from Din Daeng and brought to the stage outside Government House to show on 14th April:

Can anyone say if these bullets are real or fake? The bottles are tear gas I guess. The yellows said tear gas our Police used caused death but this time Abhisit said "no death". I believe tear gas cannot cause death. If there were death as the reds claimed, that must come from gun shots.


Edited by Koo82
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They closed DStation so we were all cut from our information stream. We had to watch free tv. First Abhisit's people said they didn't use violence to the reds. Holding guns to shoot is not considered "violence"?

When the reds showed photos of bullet heads, they said they only shot to the sky.

So this taxi should have flied over the sky and it caught the bullet:



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Not real bullet so what could go through this? The photo was shown by Peua Thai at Parliament House meeting on 22nd and 23rd April:


So it's a photo of a photo of something damaged by a suspected bullet!?!


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If anything, this is fodder for the yellow movement's argument that the Thai masses are too irrational/uneducated/prone to be bought and fooled, for democracy. Not saying I agree with that, but they have a case. Koo could be Exhibit 1.

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Looks like a man in a red shirt seriously injured or worse from some place and some time. Proving what? Where is the detailed back story and evidence? That picture does not even convincing demonstrate he was a protester! If you're going to play in the big leagues of revisionist history, your "leaders" are going to have to do better at convincing anybody other than diehard true believers like you. Can you understand that?

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