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Oh my, is it really that bad? I had a secret urge to move to England. If I won some money I would rather but a holiday home in Cornwall than Thailand, but then my experience of UK can be counted in hours...:)

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Oh my, is it really that bad? I had a secret urge to move to England. If I won some money I would rather but a holiday home in Cornwall than Thailand, but then my experience of UK can be counted in hours... :)

Are you American?

F1 Fanatic, many muslims in your home town? My eldest brothers BIL got reported for asking for a white coffee in the council canteen. The local schools in my home town don't mention pigs when talking about farm animals. The holocaust is equally taboo. Khou Chai Mai?

Urban myths.

Oh my, is it really that bad? I had a secret urge to move to England. If I won some money I would rather but a holiday home in Cornwall than Thailand, but then my experience of UK can be counted in hours... :)

Are you American?

No, Swedish.

Oh my, is it really that bad? I had a secret urge to move to England. If I won some money I would rather but a holiday home in Cornwall than Thailand, but then my experience of UK can be counted in hours... :)

Are you American?

No, Swedish.

Ah! You are right. I'd love to live in Cornwall, but it's a bit pricey.

How dare anyone who has emigrated to another country complain about the number of immigrants in our home country??! And then go on to complain that their own Thai (foreign) children cannot consider themselves as British?? :D

I also disagree that the 'real English are leaving in droves'. The percentage who leave are miniscule.

The tiny percentage of us who do leave have our own reasons - weather, financial, lifestyle, failure, etc., but anyone who leaves because they're worried about immigration......... :)

Reason for edit - sorry, I got a bit annoyed there!

I venture that there is a whole world of difference between the mainly economic refugees that have invaded the UK and the majority of ex-pats who choose to live here. I have not heard of one instance where a Brit has tried to change the nature and culture of this country whereas the Islamic revolution gathers pace back in my former home. The celebration of Christmas apparently offends the fanatic 'faithful', as does the ringing of church bells. Many Brits feel that tolerance and fair dealing is now a one way street. Certainly, the community spirit that I remember as a youngster is no longer there; peeps live behind locked doors now.

To pretend that Immigration policy isn't a major cause for concern in the UK ignores the facts. It is, and has been, for some time. An unwillingness to assimilate and merge into the population exacerbates the situation although it must be admitted that the insularity of Brits does nothing to help. Immigration is a problem in every First World country and is so even in a Third World country such as Thailand.

Isn't it strange that here in TV we are constantly prevailed upon to remember that we are guests in this country and to keep silent over the many injustices, instances of corruption and incompetence, yet those who have sought the haven of the UK are permitted, encouraged by the liberal chattering classes even, to give full rein to demanding that their preferences and interests are met?

The 'real' English have been leaving for one reason or another since 1945 - as have the 'real' Scots, Welsh and Irish. Simple research will prove that this is so. That more than 30% of State pensioners now live abroad was admitted by the UK Government some years ago. I venture that many more would do so if they had the financial resources. I am happy to be in that number that decided that they would spend their declining years somewhere else than the mare's nest that the UK has become.

absolutely spot on,my thoughts exactly.Maybe i will return when the race war starts,as i cant complain then not defend.

F1 Fanatic, many muslims in your home town? My eldest brothers BIL got reported for asking for a white coffee in the council canteen. The local schools in my home town don't mention pigs when talking about farm animals. The holocaust is equally taboo. Khou Chai Mai?

Urban myths.

You might like to think it's Urban Myths, I was living in Dewsbury West Yorkshire at the time, the taxi drivers were threatened with losing their licenses. Friends with kids at school complaining how the lessons were slanted not to cause offence to the muslims.

Also one taxi driver was taken to court for refusing to take a blind passenger and her guide dog, that's seeing eye dogs for the Americans.


my mother has just emailed saying she doesn;t know who to vote for?

is there a major election or just locals either way i don't care while i am here..

my words of wisdom to mother - vote for the person who is standing furthest right of everyone else.. that should do the trick..

where is Enoch ! should have listened instead of letting the educated liberals slowly take over in all the council and civil service jobs who really run the country !

God i love Thailand

No PC - i want a 20-25 attractive secretary send photos thats what i can put in my newspaper advert!


The cost of living in the UK is now very high - in a decent paying job over 50% gone every month with tax and NI - then the Council Tax, overpriced Housing, stamp duty, inheritance tax, capital gains tax, VAT, Excise duty, fuel tax, road tax, TV licence, speed traps, cost of public transport, shit weather (Scotland) and so on and so on. It was working to exist, I am very happy to be in Asia and have a much, much better standard of living and can do it in a more relaxing environment with nice Weather as an additional bonus (not Today!)

In Scotland we did not seem to have the same amount of issues with Muslims and their ways as many areas of England have - maybe too cold for them.

I can't imagine going back apart from short breaks - so bye bye Britainistan :)

F1 Fanatic, many muslims in your home town? My eldest brothers BIL got reported for asking for a white coffee in the council canteen. The local schools in my home town don't mention pigs when talking about farm animals. The holocaust is equally taboo. Khou Chai Mai?

Urban myths.

You might like to think it's Urban Myths, I was living in Dewsbury West Yorkshire at the time, the taxi drivers were threatened with losing their licenses. Friends with kids at school complaining how the lessons were slanted not to cause offence to the muslims.

Also one taxi driver was taken to court for refusing to take a blind passenger and her guide dog, that's seeing eye dogs for the Americans.

I will concede that you are correct on the taxi drivers not taking guide dogs story, this has also been reported in other countries as well (USA, Australia).

As for the holocaust not being taught at UK schools and not mentioning pigs so as to avoid offending Muslims (in your first post), these stories did the rounds years ago via e-mail have been thoroughly debunked, look them up on the 'Snopes' website if you want more details.

F1 Fanatic, many muslims in your home town? My eldest brothers BIL got reported for asking for a white coffee in the council canteen. The local schools in my home town don't mention pigs when talking about farm animals. The holocaust is equally taboo. Khou Chai Mai?

Urban myths.

You might like to think it's Urban Myths, I was living in Dewsbury West Yorkshire at the time, the taxi drivers were threatened with losing their licenses. Friends with kids at school complaining how the lessons were slanted not to cause offence to the muslims.

Also one taxi driver was taken to court for refusing to take a blind passenger and her guide dog, that's seeing eye dogs for the Americans.

I will concede that you are correct on the taxi drivers not taking guide dogs story, this has also been reported in other countries as well (USA, Australia).

As for the holocaust not being taught at UK schools and not mentioning pigs so as to avoid offending Muslims (in your first post), these stories did the rounds years ago via e-mail have been thoroughly debunked, look them up on the 'Snopes' website if you want more details.

'Tis true. A lot of these 'urban myths' do start somewhere. Usually in some menial little low ranking council official's pathetic android mind. Get's turned into a discussion paper, which gets leaked to the local press which then goes to the national tabloids who report it as national government policy.

Chinese whispers . . .

Oh cack, I'm I allowed to say that?


The icing on the cake has to be the London Underground worker that joked with a colleague about a bag of jelly baby sweets and was accused of racism as there were to many black jelly babies in the bag and threatened to bite the heads off them. The offended party was awarded an out of court settlement of £125,000 and cost the tax payer a quarter of a million pounds, ridiculous!

The icing on the cake has to be the London Underground worker that joked with a colleague about a bag of jelly baby sweets and was accused of racism as there were to many black jelly babies in the bag and threatened to bite the heads off them. The offended party was awarded an out of court settlement of £125,000 and cost the tax payer a quarter of a million pounds, ridiculous!

Political Correctness became a ferociously destructive and divisive industry in the UK.

It causes fear and loathing.

I think it was the Muslim Council of Britain that eventually said enough is enough, this is ludicrous.


I Love Thailand...

Your still young. Travel a bit more and you'll find out how wrong you are.

I am not that young actualy !!!

I have travelled quite a lot but only ever lived in Thailand, I have no regrets at all like I previously said.

I Love Thailand. :D

If anybody remembers, I made posts like these 4 years ago. Now I love Korea. 4 years from now I will love somewhere else. I'm not from the UK but I love it the best :)

How dare anyone who has emigrated to another country complain about the number of immigrants in our home country??! And then go on to complain that their own Thai (foreign) children cannot consider themselves as British?? :D

I also disagree that the 'real English are leaving in droves'. The percentage who leave are miniscule.

The tiny percentage of us who do leave have our own reasons - weather, financial, lifestyle, failure, etc., but anyone who leaves because they're worried about immigration......... :)

Reason for edit - sorry, I got a bit annoyed there!

I venture that there is a whole world of difference between the mainly economic refugees that have invaded the UK and the majority of ex-pats who choose to live here. I have not heard of one instance where a Brit has tried to change the nature and culture of this country whereas the Islamic revolution gathers pace back in my former home. The celebration of Christmas apparently offends the fanatic 'faithful', as does the ringing of church bells. Many Brits feel that tolerance and fair dealing is now a one way street. Certainly, the community spirit that I remember as a youngster is no longer there; peeps live behind locked doors now.

To pretend that Immigration policy isn't a major cause for concern in the UK ignores the facts. It is, and has been, for some time. An unwillingness to assimilate and merge into the population exacerbates the situation although it must be admitted that the insularity of Brits does nothing to help. Immigration is a problem in every First World country and is so even in a Third World country such as Thailand.

Isn't it strange that here in TV we are constantly prevailed upon to remember that we are guests in this country and to keep silent over the many injustices, instances of corruption and incompetence, yet those who have sought the haven of the UK are permitted, encouraged by the liberal chattering classes even, to give full rein to demanding that their preferences and interests are met?

The 'real' English have been leaving for one reason or another since 1945 - as have the 'real' Scots, Welsh and Irish. Simple research will prove that this is so. That more than 30% of State pensioners now live abroad was admitted by the UK Government some years ago. I venture that many more would do so if they had the financial resources. I am happy to be in that number that decided that they would spend their declining years somewhere else than the mare's nest that the UK has become.

Sorry, a bit slow catching up.

The 'Moslem fear' is live and well in the UK.

Do you really think that immigrants in the UK (even if they've been there for the whole of their life and are only different for the colour of their skin) are accepted in the UK?

Similarly, we may try to assimilate in Thailand, but at the end of the day we're 'farang'. How many acheive citizenship??

How dare anyone who has emigrated to another country complain about the number of immigrants in our home country??! And then go on to complain that their own Thai (foreign) children cannot consider themselves as British?? :D

I also disagree that the 'real English are leaving in droves'. The percentage who leave are miniscule.

The tiny percentage of us who do leave have our own reasons - weather, financial, lifestyle, failure, etc., but anyone who leaves because they're worried about immigration......... :)

Reason for edit - sorry, I got a bit annoyed there!

I venture that there is a whole world of difference between the mainly economic refugees that have invaded the UK and the majority of ex-pats who choose to live here. I have not heard of one instance where a Brit has tried to change the nature and culture of this country whereas the Islamic revolution gathers pace back in my former home. The celebration of Christmas apparently offends the fanatic 'faithful', as does the ringing of church bells. Many Brits feel that tolerance and fair dealing is now a one way street. Certainly, the community spirit that I remember as a youngster is no longer there; peeps live behind locked doors now.

To pretend that Immigration policy isn't a major cause for concern in the UK ignores the facts. It is, and has been, for some time. An unwillingness to assimilate and merge into the population exacerbates the situation although it must be admitted that the insularity of Brits does nothing to help. Immigration is a problem in every First World country and is so even in a Third World country such as Thailand.

Isn't it strange that here in TV we are constantly prevailed upon to remember that we are guests in this country and to keep silent over the many injustices, instances of corruption and incompetence, yet those who have sought the haven of the UK are permitted, encouraged by the liberal chattering classes even, to give full rein to demanding that their preferences and interests are met?

The 'real' English have been leaving for one reason or another since 1945 - as have the 'real' Scots, Welsh and Irish. Simple research will prove that this is so. That more than 30% of State pensioners now live abroad was admitted by the UK Government some years ago. I venture that many more would do so if they had the financial resources. I am happy to be in that number that decided that they would spend their declining years somewhere else than the mare's nest that the UK has become.

I'm just wondering where both of you are from in the UK. I suspect that Bagwan is from an area with high numbers of immigrants and f1fanatic an area with few immigrants.

I lived all over the UK. South West based, lived and worked in south Essex, Argyle & Bute, East London (Mile End and Stratford), Southampton, Ipswich, Maidstone, even Milton Keynes.

It paints a vastly different picture of the UK and the way immigrants are distributed. I agree it is not a reason to leave the UK, I've actually never had a problem with any immigrant, but I suspect for those who grew up in areas where British nationals became the minority, this I may be able to understand.

Believe me, I came from an area with a VERY high number of immigrants (mainly Indian, and they were lovely).

How dare anyone who has emigrated to another country complain about the number of immigrants in our home country??! And then go on to complain that their own Thai (foreign) children cannot consider themselves as British?? :D

I also disagree that the 'real English are leaving in droves'. The percentage who leave are miniscule.

The tiny percentage of us who do leave have our own reasons - weather, financial, lifestyle, failure, etc., but anyone who leaves because they're worried about immigration......... :)

Reason for edit - sorry, I got a bit annoyed there!

I venture that there is a whole world of difference between the mainly economic refugees that have invaded the UK and the majority of ex-pats who choose to live here. I have not heard of one instance where a Brit has tried to change the nature and culture of this country whereas the Islamic revolution gathers pace back in my former home. The celebration of Christmas apparently offends the fanatic 'faithful', as does the ringing of church bells. Many Brits feel that tolerance and fair dealing is now a one way street. Certainly, the community spirit that I remember as a youngster is no longer there; peeps live behind locked doors now.

To pretend that Immigration policy isn't a major cause for concern in the UK ignores the facts. It is, and has been, for some time. An unwillingness to assimilate and merge into the population exacerbates the situation although it must be admitted that the insularity of Brits does nothing to help. Immigration is a problem in every First World country and is so even in a Third World country such as Thailand.

Isn't it strange that here in TV we are constantly prevailed upon to remember that we are guests in this country and to keep silent over the many injustices, instances of corruption and incompetence, yet those who have sought the haven of the UK are permitted, encouraged by the liberal chattering classes even, to give full rein to demanding that their preferences and interests are met?

The 'real' English have been leaving for one reason or another since 1945 - as have the 'real' Scots, Welsh and Irish. Simple research will prove that this is so. That more than 30% of State pensioners now live abroad was admitted by the UK Government some years ago. I venture that many more would do so if they had the financial resources. I am happy to be in that number that decided that they would spend their declining years somewhere else than the mare's nest that the UK has become.

I'm just wondering where both of you are from in the UK. I suspect that Bagwan is from an area with high numbers of immigrants and f1fanatic an area with few immigrants.

I lived all over the UK. South West based, lived and worked in south Essex, Argyle & Bute, East London (Mile End and Stratford), Southampton, Ipswich, Maidstone, even Milton Keynes.

It paints a vastly different picture of the UK and the way immigrants are distributed. I agree it is not a reason to leave the UK, I've actually never had a problem with any immigrant, but I suspect for those who grew up in areas where British nationals became the minority, this I may be able to understand.

Believe me, I came from an area with a VERY high number of immigrants (mainly Indian, and they were lovely).

That's the point. I've yet to meet one, yes ONE, that's ever even been mildly rude to me. When I go into shops in the UK it's a relief to be served by a Polish lass, because you finally feel your on the right side of the counter (and they're fit).

I don't get this at all.

Divide and rule I think.

People's just people and we are all equal in death.

Rise of the BNP scares me. Some think they're old Labour, but come on?

F1 Fanatic, many muslims in your home town? My eldest brothers BIL got reported for asking for a white coffee in the council canteen. The local schools in my home town don't mention pigs when talking about farm animals. The holocaust is equally taboo. Khou Chai Mai?

Urban myths.

Couldn't agree more. I've heard some ludicrous urban myths in my time - but this one takes the biscuit! :)

p.s. Can I add Mosha's comment into that about a moslem taxi driver who refused to carry her friend 'cos she had alcohol!!

Your friend was very unlucky (if true), I've never had that experience. Although I have had a moslem taxi driver here in Thailand refuse to take me because I had a dog.

Judging by the number of 'Little Englander' responses to this thread it seems we might be able to look forward to the ludicrous situation in which the BNP has to rely on an absentee vote from guys who fled the UK to get way from foreigners (and of course Muslims).

English humour… God how I miss it!

Funny you should say that, I was talking about something on the TV the other day to 2 v close (but foreign) friends. They both looked at each other and said 'English humour' Shrug.

I thought it was hysterically funny!


My wife's favourite English Comedy is the Kumars - I have to agree, a really very funny show - The richness of modern British Society, its a wonderful thing, shame a few here can't cope.


English women are some of the most beautiful in the world and English food is easily the best food in the world. The English weather is also great although it gets some getting used to. Prices might be more expensive, but you get infinitely better quality of life. Did I mention how spectacular the food and birds are?

My wife's favourite English Comedy is the Kumars - I have to agree, a really very funny show - The richness of modern British Society, its a wonderful thing, shame a few here can't cope.

Agree entirely - I assume we're talking about the same show.

One of the best UK shows recently. To see the Indian perspective was great, and to realise they had the same sense of humour as us!!

Have to say I'm v suprised that a Thai found it funny?!

Be interesting to hear from Brits that have spent a significant amount of time in many different Countries/culures, as well was their/my homeland...

i quit the UK 25 years ago and moved to the US. i made plenty of money there but that's it. the USA is only about work, acquiring more stuff and money. Thailand is without the doubt the best place i've every lived in (people, way of life, climate, standard of living, entertainment :) , etc) and have no plans to ever leave.

English women are some of the most beautiful in the world and English food is easily the best food in the world.

:) lol, that's the funniest thing i've read in a long while.

English women are some of the most beautiful in the world and English food is easily the best food in the world.

:D lol, that's the funniest thing i've read in a long while.


Compared to the easily available Issan women, English women are downright ugly (unless you've been here for a while).


It's not my reason for going. Oh, okay, this is a link to the Daily Mail, but here goes,


Yes, absolutely right - the Daily Mail is the epitome of balanced, fair reporting of culture of England.

Its quite worrying really, the photos the DM can show of female (ugly) drunkness in England. You never see the male equivalent in Thailand. And, of course, its far more prevalent in England. :)

Women get pissed in England, yes - that's 'cos they're not looking to 'hook' a boyfriend. They're just out to have a good time! Sometimes they take it too far, but at least its entirely unmotivated by money.

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