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What Is This Wood, Please?


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Anyone know what kind of wood this is? A huge tree was dropped off at the neighbors at 1 AM , must have been at least -50 meters tall , now they are chainsawing it into lumber strips which will take days .



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The reason I ask is it was off loaded at my neighbor' house at 1 Am from 2 trucks with a crane . They are using a huge chainsaw to cut it and I just saw on another post big chainsaws are illegal.

Is it teak? Illegaly harvested perhaps.. It must have been 50 meters tall at least , and 1 meter wide , there is a boot in the pic to give sale.

They are busy cutting it into planks and taking the lumber away.

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Not sure its teak. Its obviously valuable and given its arrival time it would be in your interests to keep your nose out. As for the chainsaw to make planks I've seen it several times. The Chainsaw was always electric powered as oppose to the petrol variety not sure it makes a difference to the legality.

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Too bad you could not post a higher resolution photo. But if those tree rings are spaced far apart, it could mean that this is not teak. A tree with this kind of diameter would be around 50 to 70 years old. I don't this this is teak. Furthermore, the bark is too knarly. Teak tends to have smoother cream colored bark.

Not sure its teak. Its obviously valuable and given its arrival time it would be in your interests to keep your nose out. As for the chainsaw to make planks I've seen it several times. The Chainsaw was always electric powered as oppose to the petrol variety not sure it makes a difference to the legality.
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Why would it be illegally harvested?? You can get permits for teak just fine. I think you should mind your own business frankly.

Sounds like one of those neighbour boundary disputes that would typically involve moderately sized plastic evergreens on a former council estate in Wrexham.

Oh OP, it's called Mai Pai Ardwood.

Edited by MJP
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