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Chez Marco


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Near the first 7/11 on Loi Kroh Road near Moon Muang Road, It says Chez Marco out front (I think).

Nearer Kotchasan Rd than Moon Muang :D

Yes, but approx. 80% of readers know Moon Muang Rd, while possibly 20% know Kotchasan Rd. Giving directions around here is difficult enough. :)

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I still cannot be tempted until somebody posts a first-hand report reviewing Marco's hamburgers and whether he serves a proper English brekkie.

Excellent! That comports well with my desire to undertake a little damage control, so that I will stand some chance of getting into Chez Marco from time to time in the future. No burgers! No proper English brekkie!

Turning to another hot-button issue, honesty compels me to mention that, while a charge was indicated for water on the statement we received at the end of the meal, someone had written 'free' next to the charge, which was then not actually included in the total.

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I still cannot be tempted until somebody posts a first-hand report reviewing Marco's hamburgers and whether he serves a proper English brekkie.

Excellent! That comports well with my desire to undertake a little damage control, so that I will stand some chance of getting into Chez Marco from time to time in the future. No burgers! No proper English brekkie!

Seriously!? No burgers? No proper English brekkie? :)

How does Marco manage to stay in business in Chiang Mai? :D

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Near the first 7/11 on Loi Kroh Road near Moon Muang Road, It says Chez Marco out front (I think).

Thank you, must be blind as a bat as been to that 7/11 many times. :)

You pass the 7/11 and go to the last shopfront in the same group, on that side of the street, almost to the Raming Lodge. There is a drug store on the other side of the street just a little bit further.

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Whatever Thai is for 'I second that emotion', I say it now.

Looked up the official definition:

เออ "uuhr" adverb, interjection, colloquial [impolite exclamation of agreement and assent used among close friends only], " Yeah "

One for credible restaurant reviews and one for inane banter camouflaged by a restaurant topic title.

Love it!!! However I suspect there is a maximum number of characters for a sub forum, and "Inane banter camouflaged by a restaurant topic title" may be on the lengthy side. But I do think it's brilliant!

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I get much of what you are saying, but would counter that almost any thread on Thaivisa could turn into a complete mess. Off topic statements, flaming and general fooling around are not in any way specific to restaurant threads. :)

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I get much of what you are saying, but would counter that almost any thread on Thaivisa could turn into a complete mess. Off topic statements, flaming and general fooling around are not in any way specific to restaurant threads. :)

Of course not but maybe then the 2 new sub-forums idea could be expanded to genuine topics and inane banter camouflaged as genuine topics. Kinda like a kiddies' play area to occupy them while Mum and Dad talk about adult stuff? :D

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One last point. McG closed the original thread because it had gone off track. To quote:

"The conversation has moved from a new restaurant in CM, to the topic of the horrors of Spicy, to some now serious negative commentary and flaming. . . .

Closed, for obvious reasons."

This thread has gone in a similar direction, imho.

I see nothing in this thread that bears any meaningful resemblance to 'the topic of the horrors of Spicy' or 'serious negative commentary and flaming'. The closest to negative commentary and flaming here are your comments themselves, and it would be odd, I think, to enable a person who wants to close a thread to achieve his goal by adding his own negative commentary to it.

I concur with UG, and suggest that you simply go somewhere else and leave alone people who are doing no more, by way of offending you, than having some innocent and silly fun. Evidently, you don't want to be here and I suspect that I am joined by others in not, shall we say, welcoming you.

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Following these threads Me and Mrs MB went to Chez Marco for the first time last night and were very impressed.

We met a number of interesting fellow diners and had an excellent meal. Can't believe we missed it before but will certainly be returning in the neat future.

Back to the inane banter please

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Following these threads Me and Mrs MB went to Chez Marco for the first time last night and were very impressed.

We met a number of interesting fellow diners and had an excellent meal. Can't believe we missed it before but will certainly be returning in the neat future.

Back to the inane banter please

Harrumph! Would not an apology for interrupting be in order? :)

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Following these threads Me and Mrs MB went to Chez Marco for the first time last night and were very impressed.

We met a number of interesting fellow diners and had an excellent meal. Can't believe we missed it before but will certainly be returning in the neat future.

Back to the inane banter please

Did you notice a big fat guy with a big nose stuffing himself inside? The salad Nicoise is the best that I've ever had and the chicken in wine sauce almost fell off of the bone.

Marco and I did have a mild argument about one of his favorite CM restaurants - Da Naga - but he did not beat me up as I was telling him that his is much better and much less expensive as well. All I can say is that he is very pleasant in his own place.

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My sincerest apologies for interrupting the banter flow. :D

Did you notice a big fat guy with a big nose stuffing himself inside?

Sorry UG you must have been there at a different time to us. We actually spoke to everyone in the inside part of the restaurant and there was quite some merry banter between diners of the face to face, as opposed to the internet, kind. Everyone was looking at each others dishes and comparing notes. Best of all one extremely nice French chap, a former Thai boxing champion no less :) gave me half of his giant portion of Beef Carpaccio because he couldn't finish it. :D

The portions were enormous which is always good in my book.

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The salad Nicoise is the best that I've ever had and the chicken in wine sauce almost fell off of the bone.

So you were spying on me on my first visit, weren't you? That's exactly what I had, as you were sitting at your nearby table. I have once in my life had a better salad Nicoise, but it was better than Marco's by only a small margin. His coq au vin - pronounce the whole name of the dish clearly if you ever read this out loud to anyone - is amazingly good, I think.

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One last point. McG closed the original thread because it had gone off track. To quote:

"The conversation has moved from a new restaurant in CM, to the topic of the horrors of Spicy, to some now serious negative commentary and flaming. . . .

Closed, for obvious reasons."

This thread has gone in a similar direction, imho.

I see nothing in this thread that bears any meaningful resemblance to 'the topic of the horrors of Spicy' or 'serious negative commentary and flaming'. The closest to negative commentary and flaming here are your comments themselves, and it would be odd, I think, to enable a person who wants to close a thread to achieve his goal by adding his own negative commentary to it.

I concur with UG, and suggest that you simply go somewhere else and leave alone people who are doing no more, by way of offending you, than having some innocent and silly fun. Evidently, you don't want to be here and I suspect that I am joined by others in not, shall we say, welcoming you.

I think you might try reading my post again. I wasn't suggesting that this thread resembles 'the topic of the horrors of Spicy' or 'serious negative commentary and flaming'. I am saying that it has gone way off track when the majority of 2 full pages out of 3 have nothing to do with the restaurant itself.

I would also be curious to know exactly how you perceive that my commentary is 'the closest to negative commentary and flaming"?? :D I felt it was written in quite a light-hearted manner as I tried to make clear by the use of humourous emoticons. Nowhere did I criticise the restaurant. In fact, I acknowledged how good it seems to be based on peoples' comments. Nowhere did I criticise other TV members. I merely suggested that this post should be moved to the recommended businesses section or closed because it has gone so far off the point that it has become irrelevant to a review of the restaurant. You make out like I'm conducting some sort of orchestrated campaign to have the thread closed. Maybe you've watched to many 007 movies. :)

I am not offended by people having silly fun on a thread. What does annoy me a little though is when I want to read about a restaurant and I have to go looking for the one post in 20 that actually talks about the restaurant. Where else exactly do you suggest I go to read about restaurants on TV since you "evidently" know me so well and know whether I want to be here or not? Furthermore, I find your arrogance contemptible in assuming that you or others may or may not welcome somebody onto a thread. Who do you think you are? You self-important, big-headed b*st**d!

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Rasseru, . . . the answer you gave in a former post; wanting or not wanting people in a thread, is smelling like the way some mod's expell members because they have an opinion.

I'm not sure I fully understand your point, cmjantje, but I cannot help but think your comparison is off-point, as I am not a mod, have no power to expel anyone and was not and am not in any way seeking to have anyone expelled.

I can understand the answer of Hill although it is a bit rough.

So can I, and my response was not meant to suggest otherwise, but simply to say, after a fashion, 'no worries'.

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Rasseru, . . . the answer you gave in a former post; wanting or not wanting people in a thread, is smelling like the way some mod's expell members because they have an opinion.

I'm not sure I fully understand your point, cmjantje, but I cannot help but think your comparison is off-point, as I am not a mod, have no power to expel anyone and was not and am not in any way seeking to have anyone expelled.

I can understand the answer of Hill although it is a bit rough.

So can I, and my response was not meant to suggest otherwise, but simply to say, after a fashion, 'no worries'.

Rasseru, you admit you did not understand cmj's point. Cmj was using a simile, you can see that if you read his post carefully like everyone else did. He was making a comparison about your attitude. It's easy to criticise and harass in the anonymity of a forum not so easy if you tried it face to face.

If you want to contribute sensibly, tell us something about Marco's

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The CM forum I feel is different then most others on TV. It "generally" is more laid back and some friendly banter is not a bad thing, as such it makes it a community forum.

An analogy. Bunch of friends around the dinner table start a discussion on a subject and all join in. After a while some of them start another, unrelated or loosely related subject and now we have two conversations going on. Then this 2nd group splinters off into more subjects and the next thing you know it's just noise. So when another friend enters the room he has no idea what everyone is talking about and sees one or more groups arguing and decides to leave. :D

So, some choices here: Get back on topic or I will have to close this thread or if Rasseru wishes to have it closed, cleaned up and re-opened then I can do that. Why do food subjects have to be so contentious? :)

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From this thread and the previous one on the same topic it is quite clear that this restaurant serves very good food at a good price. Contact details for bookings have been posted in the other thread and clear directions have been given in this one.

Isn't it now about time that this thread and the other were merged and then moved to the recommended businesses topic or closed? It's wonderful that people have enjoyed this restaurant but the point has been made enough. Praise is one thing but overpraise and repeating the same thing over and over again gets a bit much. Let members decide for themselves with their feet.

Anyway, the longer this stays open the more difficult it will be for everybody to get a table :):D:D

this is a mediterarinian restaurant that has got 100% positive reveiws from numerous folks so why on earth bury this ... let the people know... if Chez Marco gets swampped good for him.. he deserves to make some money for what he is providing. if this thread bothers you simply pass it by!!!refrain from reading it !!

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The CM forum I feel is different then most others on TV. It "generally" is more laid back and some friendly banter is not a bad thing, as such it makes it a community forum.

An analogy. Bunch of friends around the dinner table start a discussion on a subject and all join in. After a while some of them start another, unrelated or loosely related subject and now we have two conversations going on. Then this 2nd group splinters off into more subjects and the next thing you know it's just noise. So when another friend enters the room he has no idea what everyone is talking about and sees one or more groups arguing and decides to leave. :D

So, some choices here: Get back on topic or I will have to close this thread or if Rasseru wishes to have it closed, cleaned up and re-opened then I can do that. Why do food subjects have to be so contentious? :)

on topic .. Chez Marco capaccio beef as served on Tuesday,wife ate there first time loved it.post-77745-1242279922_thumb.jpg

notice sliced parmarsan if you can see it. very large plate.

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From this thread and the previous one on the same topic it is quite clear that this restaurant serves very good food at a good price. Contact details for bookings have been posted in the other thread and clear directions have been given in this one.

Isn't it now about time that this thread and the other were merged and then moved to the recommended businesses topic or closed? It's wonderful that people have enjoyed this restaurant but the point has been made enough. Praise is one thing but overpraise and repeating the same thing over and over again gets a bit much. Let members decide for themselves with their feet.

Anyway, the longer this stays open the more difficult it will be for everybody to get a table :D:D:D

Further to my previous post above, another reason for closing this now is that we're not even talking about the restaurant in question anymore!!

hey, go try chez marcos or stay off thread!! what is this diffucult to get a table?

hill16 is nice and polite about his repeated requests to close down threads about restaurants, and I certainly am not trying to offend him, but I do not understand why he and other folks that do not enjoy these threads can not just ignore them. I have no interest in many threads about different things, but I don't jump on the gay forum and start demanding that they talk about saving animals or rock music or holistic health instead.

How about, just go read a thread that interests you and pretend these restaurant threads do not exist. :D

I actually originally suggested that this thread and the original be merged and moved to the recommended businesses thread or closed. I do enjoy reading restaurant threads which focus on reviewing the actual restaurant in question rather than ones that end up with the majority of 2 pages out of 3 (such as this) talking about buggery of family members and other such off-topic content. Also, I feel that the point about Chez Marco's food and price was more than adequately made in the original thread so why the need for a second thread? Admittedly, this one was, at the beginning, angled at giving directions but has since degenerated into inane banter.

Perhaps two new sub-forums could be set up in the CM forum? One for credible restaurant reviews and one for inane banter camouflaged by a restaurant topic title. That would allow those of us who see a restaurant review topic to read that and not have to sift throught the layers of bs that usually accompany such topics before getting to the meat and two veg as it were. :D

Either that or ask Chez Marco's if they are interested in paying TV for the privilege of having their name bandied about over two threads so far. Also, as McG (I think) pointed out before, multiple threads on the same topic may constitute spamming. 2 threads are not multiple threads I know, but with over 2,200 views on the first thread and over 1,000 views here, I think that is more than enough free publicising of a place. :)

One last point. McG closed the original thread because it had gone off track. To quote:

"The conversation has moved from a new restaurant in CM, to the topic of the horrors of Spicy, to some now serious negative commentary and flaming.

I know we are close to the full moon...and I am usually quite tolerant at these times.

But we now leave this topic of discussion.

Closed, for obvious reasons."

This thread has gone in a similar direction, imho. Please, kind moderators, take similar action. :D

In the meantime, I suppose I must continue to search in the mire for nuggets of knowledge about places to eat. Hopefully, this thread and the other ones can be put were they rightly belong (perhaps after some editing to weed out the crap) - in the recommended businesses section. :D

Kind regards to all,


try chez marocs spend time there eating fine fresh food not on this thead!!! try the blackened chicken wonderful dish....!!!!

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I was there also - at another table - and I concur. Everything was good.

Me too...

To think, I was so close and yet so far from the famous UG. Oh well, next time.

I had the 250 baht(ish) wine plate - an okay glass of wine and three or four tasty starters. Yum. Good value.

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Glad to see we are well back on topic. I am very interested to read what others think of the place and its food, and I look forward to being able to do so on this thread on an on-going basis.

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