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My work colleague of mine phoned me up at about 1 am last night, drunk, angry and totally shattered.  

As the story goes, he has picked up a girl from one of the disco joint in Patpong a few months ago, and he was head over heels.  At work, we all heard about her, she is a student, how sweet she is, how lovely she is and how horrible horrible her life is..blah..blah...blah..blah..blah...  Then oneday, he brought her along to one of our dinner party uninvited, and it did not go down very well.

Imagine a group of us, all Thais, all more or less grew up abroad...all with a master degree in one thing or the other...and even a couple of PHDs, and there she was.  She was obviously NOT a student, and we can feel that she was not very comfortable hanging around with us.  

Let the truth be known, we were not at all trying to make her feel uncomfortable.  Being a civilize bunch, we acted accordingly, but it was pretty clear that she cannot keep up with our conversation and by the time we said goodnight, she was one #### of a grumpy vision.

We all looked at our friend pathetically making a big fuss over this particular BG and kept our comments to ourselves.  It was his decision and his choice. Since the party, my friend has kept away from us.

Then last night out of the blues as I was enjoying my Saturday slumber, I got this phone call, and he kept me on till about 2:30 am moaning and moaning. Apparently he has split up with the girl a month or so after that dinner party.  The reason?  His friend came over from England on holiday and the girl sneaked out and slept with the guy (because being on holiday, the guy didn't mind PAYING.) My friend was devastated and decided to pester her with SMS but eventually got bored with it all...until last night.

He was again in the same disco joint he has picked up this vicious woman and there she was haging around this other blond farang, the next victim, that obviously has more gold than he is.  He was hurt and phoned me up not to ask for sympathy but to complain that Thai girls are HORRIBLE...DEVIOUS..ONLY THINK OF MONEY AND THEY ARE ALL THE SAME etc etc.  I knew the guy was drunk and didn't really meant what he said, but I am so freaking pissed off with these type of girls.  

I am a Thai woman and having to listen to my drunk farang friend bad mouthing about us was a little more than I can bear at one in the morning.  I never once has anything to do with BG and thank god my life is free from them.  I have been reading this forum for years and the BG topic has never affected me until last night.  Frankly, now, I do hate them, they give us such bad reputation, and I cannot understand why some people talk so highly about them.  A prostitue is prostitue, and honestly, I don't give a toss about their "horrible lives". I have more symphathy toward stray dogs than these women.

I am a Thai woman and having to listen to my drunk farang friend bad mouthing about us was a little more than I can bear at one in the morning.  I never once has anything to do with BG and thank god my life is free from them.  I have been reading this forum for years and the BG topic has never affected me until last night.  Frankly, now, I do hate them, they give us such bad reputation, and I cannot understand why some people talk so highly about them.  A prostitue is prostitue, and honestly, I don't give a toss about their "horrible lives". I have more symphathy toward stray dogs than these women.

Hi Kinky, what happended to your colleague is unfortunate like many others in this forum, it takes two to tango, give a thought to your country-women (if you still consider them one of you),those who had been exploited, abused, bad-mouthed, etc,etc by farangs in your own country and in theirs. I am not a Thai but it saddens me to read that you have more symphathy for dogs than your own folks.

You are fortunate to be educated and holding a good job, do you think all these bar-girls and prostitues enjoy what they are doing. As a Thai you should be able to understand their plight more than outsiders. Bar-girls and prostitues can be found in every country not only in Thailand, just like any normal profession there is good and bad guy around.

Just because you had to 'listen to my drunk farang friend bad-mounthing' at one in the morning you condemned your country folks with such indignation. I hope this is beacuse you had lost your good night sleep and not your head.

In life some people are more lucky than others..     :o


I doubt that this is a genuine post to be honest , if it were I'm sure you would have better places to shed this news.

Tbh I'm more pissed off by stuck up students than BG's , funny how you used that acronym straight away......

Personally  I always doubt the validity of a poster , when they sign up a few days before , and their first post is one that will stir up a debate of sorts , we call them trolls.

It usually takes a genuine poster quite a few posts before they venture into something controversial.

All in my opinion of course.

If I'm wrong , bring on the flames....it's just the internet , not real life.



I am honestly appalled by this.....

Having been educated no matter how much or little or whether abroad or not has nothing to do with the ability to show compassion unto others....you say that you "think" she felt uncomfortable, well I would think she would if you have this belief in your mind that the acceptance of people in your clique is dependent on the criteria you set it up to be....

Being a Thai women myself, educated abroad and in Thailand but what does that really matter???  Does it make any difference?  

"Imagine a group of us, all Thais, all more or less grew up abroad...all with a master degree in one thing or the other...and even a couple of PHD"
I would think you have enough sense to know that it's not the resume or qualifications that make up a person.....are you sure you really made a genuine effort in befriending her or did you just sit and look at her with disgust while fooling yourself for the sake of having a clear conscience that you were nice to her?  Of course she couldn't keep up with the conversation, but not because it's her fault, it's the language barrier....did you ever try at one moment to slow the conversation down, to include her in a way? 

By assuming that she was NOT a student or being a bar girl but as you said acting civilized accordingly (what's that about, is there a certain protocol for having dinner with a supposed bar girl who you think was NOT a student?)

Anyways, inadvertently you may have made her feel the same way that many others like you-who think that you're so understanding because you opened your hearts that night and accepted her as a dinner guest....but in turn probably contributed to the continued degradation that she might have felt....

And about your friend, people are to repeat their mistakes until learned, not to say that the girl was mistake but all relationships, no matter with what type of person is entitled to a chance.  And being a friend don't you believe that you should have given him some support or understanding?

"I never once has anything to do with BG and thank god my life is free from them.  I have been reading this forum for years and the BG topic has never affected me until last night.  Frankly, now, I do hate them, they give us such bad reputation, and I cannot understand why some people talk so highly about them.  A prostitute is prostitute, and honestly, I don't give a toss about their "horrible lives". I have more sympathy toward stray dogs than these women."

Another thing, aside from your grammatical errors (master's & PhD’s huh?) you also seem ignorant......I can't believe from one experience that you have opted to hate "these people", and are you sure you're free of them?  A prostitute is NOT just a prostitute, they're also women/men, human as you and me, trying to make it in life but with more difficulty because of people like you who think that they'll always be a prostitute and only that.

Maybe it's only right that you have more sympathy towards stray dogs because maybe you can relate to them more better.....


Kinky, you are either from a very fortunate background or you are very, very intelligent. Not everyone is born into these same circumstances. What the BG did to your friend was wrong. But try to understand that many of these girls were not presented with the choice of either going to get an MBA abroad or working at Nana Plaza. Many felt they had no choice, but to sell themselves in order to survive. Again, this is no excuse for hurting other people, but just try to put yourself in the other's position before declaring your disgust for them.

Also, perhaps you can speak with your farang friend a little and help to introduce him to a non BG, if that is what he is looking for.

I am a Thai woman and having to listen to my drunk farang friend bad mouthing about us was a little more than I can bear at one in the morning.  I never once has anything to do with BG and thank god my life is free from them.  I have been reading this forum for years and the BG topic has never affected me until last night.  Frankly, now, I do hate them, they give us such bad reputation, and I cannot understand why some people talk so highly about them.  A prostitue is prostitue, and honestly, I don't give a toss about their "horrible lives". I have more symphathy toward stray dogs than these women.

Good troll. A+

I'll bite:

you are exactly what's wrong with Thai society, rich kids who got a chance to study abroad and then snob the poor BG and everyone else in Thailand.

So how does it feel to be part of the "local elite" in a poor third world country ?

I doubt that this is a genuine post to be honest , if it were I'm sure you would have better places to shed this news.

Tbh I'm more pissed off by stuck up students than BG's , funny how you used that acronym straight away......

Personally  I always doubt the validity of a poster , when they sign up a few days before , and their first post is one that will stir up a debate of sorts , we call them trolls.

It usually takes a genuine poster quite a few posts before they venture into something controversial.

All in my opinion of course.

If I'm wrong , bring on the flames....it's just the internet , not real life.


Oh, I agree. This is definitely a troll. Probably a regular who just registered a new username to piss off people with his first post.

Maybe it's only right that you have more sympathy towards stray dogs because maybe you can relate to them more better.....

Don't bother, it's a troll.

Otherwise, good comments.


Ach, here we go again....

I don't know if this post is genuine.  Maybe it is.... maybe it isn't...

I am a Thai woman and I can relate with feeling pissed off when someone generalize Thai women as money grabber, liars, cheats etc etc just because of their experience with certain Thai ladies.


rather than blaming the ladies, I would say your foreigner friend is the ignorant one for such generalisation.  

Also,if this woman in question is a prostitute who is still working then what does he expect?  Her job description is to have sex for money (I'm not making moral judgment on this) so he shouldn't be surprise when she does.

???   ???

I am a Thai woman and I can relate with feeling pissed off when someone generalize Thai women as money grabber, liars, cheats etc etc just because of their experience with certain Thai ladies.

Oh I can understand that perfectly...

I don't even think that BG in general are money grabber, liars, cheats ... they are just trying to survive like anyone else...

don't we all cheats, lies and take money from someone (company or employers) to support our standard of living ? somehow we are all prostitutes as many of us do things for money we don't always like.

I have been reading this forum for years and the BG topic has never affected me until last night....

Troll. Seeing George was the first member to join and that was only 10 months ago !!!


Idiots? losers? don't know what to call the the people associating themselves and proudly introducing their girlfriend/wife-ex whore to their friends. Simply disgusting... Would those grown up men associate themselves with a whore in their own country? probably NOT, or may be they are not capable of finding a decent Thai girl?


I don't think BG in general are like that either.  

As regard to your view of life, well, that's your view.


Treat a man as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he could be, and he will become what he should be.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Yawn.....where's Bud? We need some light relief from this pseudo-intellectual-feminazi-thingamyjig....


All meant with an ironic self-depracating slant of course.


Treat a man as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he could be, and he will become what he should be.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

we all know women want to change their men for the better

only when they succeed...  :o


Wow...I am amazed...where do you people find time to reply?

I was busy for a few days and didn't even have a chance to look.  To answer a few questions, I have written down earlier that I have been reading this forum for a year, therefore the terms BG is very familiar.  I have also registered a couple of times before but never really have time to post anything and I didn't care to remember the old log in names.

Hey guys, I was pissed off from lack of sleep, and maybe I was being a little harshed, sorry.  I am however,not going to aplogize for being borned in a good family.  And not because I am a cold and snobby woman, but I do have choice on whom or what I want to feel compassionate to.

I believe that there are choices in life.  Yes, there are many poor people in Thailand and I know more than a few.  Fortunately, I have friends who rather work hard in a factory, working over time etc to earn their living.  They wouldn't in a million years open their legs to earn money.  They have pride and dignity and that deserve all my respects.

I really hate arguing about bar girls.  It's also my choice, I don't care about them and yes I do love dogs more than human being.  Dogs are beautiful, loyal, forgiving and love you no matter what.  I can't say much for human being nowadays.

And oh, my friend has apoligized.


Troll or not, the situation does exist, and I can sympathize with Kinky's situation (whether made up or not).   As a Thai male though, it's not as much of an annoyance.  With my falang friends who are dating bar girls or "pseudo students," it's usually enough to only invite your friends along on mia noi or party nights (going to bars, clubs, etc.) and not to mainstream events with your legit girlfriend.   If the falang friend insists on bringing her, fine.   We just remind him that she might feel out of place, but hey, up to you dude.  Eventually he gets it and leaves her at home.   Kind of like in Goodfellas.   Over time, the bar girl or pseudo student, if married to a somewhat successful falang, will develop into a pseudo hi-so (you even see them on tv from time to time).  At that point, when she's aged a bit, developed her pigdin somewhat, learned to manage her...I mean his money a bit, much of society won't notice/look down on her origins as much, in a way giving her a measure of credit for paying her dues.  



I am really astounded he did not pay the bar fine for his friend

What are friends for anyways.

Dog's are wonderful animals and they never ask for more after doing the deed.

Highly educated I doubt it, no Farang would give up a decent education to make a 100,000 baht a month in Thailand without a few BG's on offer.  :o


Seems to me he could afford to send her to a Japanese finishing school. Then bring her along as a real lady, coming from an elite family in Japan

Is that it? Just a little more than one line...

Bud, you're slipping. Where's the essay?

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