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Is There A Tanning Salon In Phuket?

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Does anyone know if there is a tanning salon with those ultra-violet sun-beds anywhere on the island.

I work hard to keep a uniform golden tan, but, I'm worried about it fading during the rainy season when there is not so much sun.

If there are several, I'd prefer to go to one on the southern part of Phuket?

Does anyone have any info?



Here you go Sir Bur the best,i use it all the time, my tan is SO nice all year round, all the girls in Bangla say i am handsome. Even the girls in Sunshine and Good Time say the same, even had one in After Dark tell me.


Hotel Facilities

Baby Sitting

Beauty Parlour


Car Rental / Car Hire

Conference Facilities

Laundry Cleaning Service

Outdoor Swimming Pool

Parking - Coach/Bus

Parking / Car Park

Room Service - Limited

Solarium / Tanning Salon


Tanning salons & flip flop (jandals where I come from) fashions. What have we come to? I do not know of any tanning salons, only the great orb in the sky. I am sure that even during the "summer/rainy/green" season you can find enough sun to maintain a free, healthy tan.

Sir Burr, it appears you are a little bored. Perhaps you should attend the IBAP meeting tonight, possibly make some new acquaintances or renew some old ones, followed by a stroll down Bangla to meet some of Hi Rider's friends.

Tongue firmly in cheek although not to be confused with similar gestures down Bangla.


Thanks for the invitation to the IBAP. Unfortunately, I'm not in Phuket at the moment, but, I would have loved to go as I believe I have come up with a good idea that I would like to put to the membership.

I've always thought the term "High Season" could have negative connotations for some members of the public.

They could quite easily come to the conclusion that Phuket is full of druggies at this time of year; a bit like Koh Phang Ngan during the Full-Moon parties. I believe a couple of Norwegians in Bangla have already made this mistake.

I think if a campaign was started to change the name to "Tall Season", this would attract those tourists that might not come to Phuket otherwise.

A beneficial side-affect of this name change, which, in my view is a positive development, would be to attract those tourists that suffer from Vertigo.

Maybe you could pitch this idea at the next IBAP meeting?

By the way.......what colour "jandals" do you wear, and do they have deep treads?

I think if a campaign was started to change the name to "Tall Season", this would attract those tourists that might not come to Phuket otherwise.

A beneficial side-affect of this name change, which, in my view is a positive development, would be to attract those tourists that suffer from Vertigo.

With the side benefit of promoting the 'tall ladies' populating the bars at the front of Soi croc..

Increasing income in photo opportunity fees etc..

Thanks for the invitation to the IBAP. Unfortunately, I'm not in Phuket at the moment, but, I would have loved to go as I believe I have come up with a good idea that I would like to put to the membership.

I've always thought the term "High Season" could have negative connotations for some members of the public.

They could quite easily come to the conclusion that Phuket is full of druggies at this time of year; a bit like Koh Phang Ngan during the Full-Moon parties. I believe a couple of Norwegians in Bangla have already made this mistake.

I think if a campaign was started to change the name to "Tall Season", this would attract those tourists that might not come to Phuket otherwise.

A beneficial side-affect of this name change, which, in my view is a positive development, would be to attract those tourists that suffer from Vertigo.

Maybe you could pitch this idea at the next IBAP meeting?

By the way.......what colour "jandals" do you wear, and do they have deep treads?

I expect they are quite high class black jandals (Ecco brand), they are certainly expensive. No deep treads but supposedly good in the rain (summertime for those of us here in Phuket). I need good support due to a dodgy left knee & dodgy right ankle resulting from my young & silly, have no fear, days.

Is there no sun or tanning shop where you are right now or are you perhaps back offshore working? Keep up with IBAP http://ibap-phuket.org as I believe next month is Legal Eagles which is always interesting considering getting a panel of legal experts to agree on anything.

Does anyone know if there is a tanning salon with those ultra-violet sun-beds anywhere on the island.

I work hard to keep a uniform golden tan, but, I'm worried about it fading during the rainy season when there is not so much sun.

If there are several, I'd prefer to go to one on the southern part of Phuket?

Does anyone have any info?

You must be one seriously bored person, why troll Thai Visa when you can do something productive with your time? Like, do your laundry or pick your nose?

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