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All The Silly Old Arguments, Brit/american English

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QUOTE (loquent @ 2009-11-28 23:09:59) *

The American educational system ...

is that an oxymoron , like military intelligence?

Better example:

British snob

I don't think you quite understand "oxymoron", or you wouldn't have used "British snob" as an example of one.

Oh you mean like British humour!!! I was going to use British intelligence as an example but thought it was too obvious... :)

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I forgot to mention in my reply Godwin's second law of internet discussions.

In any internet discussion between the British and Americans the probability of the second world war being raised is inversely proportional to it's relevance to the subject under discussion. :D

certified is, of course, perfectly correct that English is a living language so it's obvious that two, or more, locations thousands of miles apart will develope it along different lines according to their own needs.

Or maybe we should make Chaucerian English the board language then none of us would have a clue what we are talking about.

Hang on a minute :D .............................................................that's very close to what we have :D .


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I would prefer my child to be taught by an irishman than an american. Just look at how the americans have changed the english language and the spelling. There is American english and there is english. I want my child to learn english not american

Over the years I've had dozens of Thais remark that my spoken English is far more understandable than others from UK, Oz, NZ or Ireland.

"R"s are not evil. It's OK to pronounce them.

"U"s are overused. Delete them when they add nothing.

English is capitalized when referring to the language. Youf today don't know noffin.

That is just like saying your thai is better that that os a thai. My son had an American english teacher pulled him away from the american real fast so did a number of other parents he was soon dismissed from the school as he was teaching the american version and not correct english..

When you refer to the letter "U" then you mean such things as COLOR as apposed to COLOUR (the correct spelling) Read the Oxford English Dictionary the bible so to speak when it comes to the ENGLISH language.

I must agree I wouldn't want my child instructed in the english language by an American either. I have a thai nieghbour (not nieghbor) who is doing an english language course (not corse) and she asked me if I could help her out with an assignment. Me being a nice guy said, sure why not but after reading her documents I had to decline and inform her that it was an American language course that she what doing and not an english one. I could not help her 100% as I speak english as a 1st language. She informed me that her instructor was an American so I had to tell her if I help her with correct english she would surely fail. She has since changed schools where she now has an English, english teacher. A bit like if you want a loaf of bread you don't go to a stone mason.

The vast majority of Americans if they sat an english exam outside of America they would fail. They have no concept of the english language. American and English language is like chalk and cheese.

Don't get me wrong I like the American people and I am not being racist they have had some great playwrites like William Skakespear and I love the traditional American soul food like pizza.

UH... Hold on there Bozo! So what you are telling me is that because you didn't like the way he was teaching, you bad mouthed him and cost him a customer? Essentially taking food from his mouth..... Am I correct? I don't care where you are from or who you THINK you are. That is really weak... I bet you don't have even half the guts to go over and tell him do you... You just sit there and know that you screwed someone for no reason and you'll never tell him either.... I bet you smile at him and tell him he's a great guy too... Probably even drink beer with him don't you? I'm sorry but some poeple are so weak and you're one of them! It's people like you that make the rest of the world think the English are little cry babies!!!!! :):D:D

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The American educational system

I'm a Yank, and I got it. Only too well. The only thing that gives me cause for pause is the part about turkey in July. I think maybe the OP has Independance Day confused with Thanksgiving. Other than that, the rest is too sadly true.

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Clearly the American version of English is superior to the English. That is because there are many more Americans than British. Therefore, our version supercedes your version. :D

Only a totally misguided fool would choose a British English teacher over an American. The American version is the international standard. I used to work translating British into American English for international publication. Nobody wanted to publish the archaic British version. It was simply unacceptable. :)

America and our language is the present and the future. England and your quaint version of language is the past; anal retentively holding onto all your superfluous u's like some senile old auntie who lives in squalor because she can't bear to ever throw out any garbage It's not culture, its an infection. :D

The same goes for Portuguese. The Brazilian version is so much more vibrant than the version from stodgy old world Portugal. :D

Next ... :D

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holding onto all your superfluous u's like some senile old auntie

Hey bozo (I love that word) should that not be antie, or even anty if you're really trying to save letters, but then you'd sound like you come from the north east of England.


Must show proper respect for the dear oldies.

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Clearly the American version of English is superior to the English. That is because there are many more Americans than British. Therefore, our version supercedes your version. :D

Only a totally misguided fool would choose a British English teacher over an American. The American version is the international standard. I used to work translating British into American English for international publication. Nobody wanted to publish the archaic British version. It was simply unacceptable. :)

America and our language is the present and the future. England and your quaint version of language is the past; anal retentively holding onto all your superfluous u's like some senile old auntie who lives in squalor because she can't bear to ever throw out any garbage It's not culture, its an infection. :D

The same goes for Portuguese. The Brazilian version is so much more vibrant than the version from stodgy old world Portugal. :D

Next ... :D

Of course the best part being the most powerful country in the world will always have the "stigma" of having their language called "American English"

I've never met anybody say "Hey do you speak American?"

And there aren't too many places in dear old blighty named after American states or cities. In fact there aren't any.

So basically no matter how widely spoken American English is compared to the original us Brits were still the first. Forever and ever amen.

It's a bit like would you rather have an original Ferrari 250 GTO or a replica? The original Mona Lisa or a copy? :D

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News flash to Britain: No, we will not pay a leasing fee for using "your" language. More seriously, there really is no stigma that non-English people feel because of the name of the English language. Why should there be? Its open source code. Its only the NAME of the language. The name might as well be Granfaloonish or Bollocksish. Stigma? We could care less! Most Americans can't even point out Great Britain on a globe because they have concluded, (don't ya know?), it's really not so great.

To add insult to injury, British Indian food is dreck! You would think that chicken tikka masala and onion "barges" are the be all end all of Indian food. You want great Indian food? Go to California. That's in America, and btw, not an English name ...

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Of course the best part being the most powerful country in the world will always have the "stigma" of having their language called "American English"

I've never met anybody say "Hey do you speak American?" ...

So basically no matter how widely spoken American English is compared to the original us Brits were still the first. Forever and ever amen...

It's a bit like would you rather have an original Ferrari 250 GTO or a replica?

And I've never heard anybody say "Hey do you speak United Kingdom English?" There is no such thing. The United Kingdom( of Britain and Northern Ireland), is made of Scots, Irish, and Welsch, as well as those from England. English is not a language owned by a single country, just as England is not a country in itself. There are Scottish, Irish, Welsh versions of the English language within the UK itself. Are you saying that Scottish, Irish and Welsch languages have no merit? If so, you are about to start a civil war in your own country about the England version of the dialect, being better than all others. What arrogance!!!

Just as the languages spoken by Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians, South Africans, Americans are all bonafide English, so are the Scottish, Irish and Welsh dialects. If you want to argue that your so called "England's English" is better than everyone else's, you will be offending these countries, not to mention a whole lot of people!

As for being the first, I believe the model T is an excellent analogy of the type of automobile the "old English language" represents. Crank it up!!!

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And I've never heard anybody say "Hey do you speak United Kingdom English?"

No. They always say "Do you speak English?" So seeing as I'm from England which makes me English I'll live with that. Now where's that St.George's flag emoticon? :)

(All tongue in cheek folks!)

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News flash to Britain: No, we will not pay a leasing fee for using "your" language. More seriously, there really is no stigma that non-English people feel because of the name of the English language. Why should there be? Its open source code. Its only the NAME of the language. The name might as well be Granfaloonish or Bollocksish. Stigma? We could care less! Most Americans can't even point out Great Britain on a globe because they have concluded, (don't ya know?), it's really not so great.

To add insult to injury, British Indian food is dreck! You would think that chicken tikka masala and onion "barges" are the be all end all of Indian food. You want great Indian food? Go to California. That's in America, and btw, not an English name ...

hehe what a silly post... want Indian food? go to California hahahahaha maybe go to India!!! (you know where that is right?) that was not the most intelligent thing you have said in this debate to be honest.

Nothing will change the fact that America was British and that's why they speak English (old boy).

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Most Americans can't even point out Great Britain on a globe because they have concluded, (don't ya know?), it's really not so great.

There's quite a few places Americans can't point out on a globe and it's got nothing to do with Britain being not so great. In fact after Hurricane Katrina National Geographic found that over one third of Americans aged 18-24 couldn't identify Louisiana on a map. Which leads me to make a few conclusions (don't ya know?) of my own.... :)

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And I've never heard anybody say "Hey do you speak United Kingdom English?"

No. They always say "Do you speak English?" So seeing as I'm from England which makes me English I'll live with that. Now where's that St.George's flag emoticon? :)

(All tongue in cheek folks!)

Guess that makes you better than the rest of us!!! Hail the master race....

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Most Americans can't even point out Great Britain on a globe because they have concluded, (don't ya know?), it's really not so great.

There's quite a few places Americans can't point out on a globe and it's got nothing to do with Britain being not so great. In fact after Hurricane Katrina National Geographic found that over one third of Americans aged 18-24 couldn't identify Louisiana on a map. Which leads me to make a few conclusions (don't ya know?) of my own.... :D


Thanks for the laugh mca!

My conclusion is,America is great,and any American can confirm it.

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Most Americans can't even point out Great Britain on a globe because they have concluded, (don't ya know?), it's really not so great.

There's quite a few places Americans can't point out on a globe and it's got nothing to do with Britain being not so great. In fact after Hurricane Katrina National Geographic found that over one third of Americans aged 18-24 couldn't identify Louisiana on a map. Which leads me to make a few conclusions (don't ya know?) of my own.... :D


Thanks for the laugh mca!

My conclusion is,America is great,and any American can confirm it.

Louisiana? Isn't that part of France?

BTW, you daft, dear old limeys, you STILL aren't going to get any commission checks. For one thing, we're broke now!

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Of course! Now toodle pip old bean and get me another gin fizz while I put down a few fuzzy wuzzys before breakfast. Make sure it's cold mind you or you'll get a dam_n good thrashing! :)

Master, do you want me to remove the stick from your royal arse that your loyal subjects so kindly gifted you?

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It's quite comfortable where it is thank you. Public school education don't cha know. Now where that gin fizz you insufferable cad? :D

Of course! Now toodle pip old bean and get me another gin fizz while I put down a few fuzzy wuzzys before breakfast. Make sure it's cold mind you or you'll get a dam_n good thrashing! :D

LOL :) No, master, don't beat me again!!!

Just wanted to make a "pointed remark" that your arse is no better than any other bloke's assets ('cept that the master has a stick up his).

Gin fizz coming right up!

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Gin fizz? Bluddy riff raff.

It's Pimm's No.1 or you're on latrine duty again.

Pimm's No.1? There are only 2 types of people drink Pimm's No.1. The Queen Mother and bladdy pooftahs. Now seeing as the dear old Queen Mum is pushing up daisies that must make you a bladdy shirt lifting tail gunner with no more right to live on God's green earth than a cockroach. Bladdy hel_l! Now where'd I put my Purdey's? Time to give this unmitigated bounder both barrels! :)

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