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Hi. I am on a 1 year multi-entry (marriage) visa, i need to exit by 5/22. I would use a service but i am have hypothyroidism and its

still making me feel weak (I am on Eltroxin) and not so well so i decided to rent a ride and go at my own pace. I especially feel terrible early morning so I

I plan on staying up all night and leaving 3am-ish to avoid the morning fatigue. I read the border opens at 7:30am. I plan on going

this Monday AM.

Some questions:

Is the border open Monday?

To bring: Passport / 1 passport pic / 1000 baht (do they still extort you for a health cert on the Cambodia side?) Anything else to bring?

How long is drive from Pattaya to Poipet?

My wife set up a van for 4,000 baht, does that sound reasonable?

I just plan on using a tout to get me thru the process, good idea? I read they charge 100 baht, still same?

Any more advice?

thanks, appreciate



Why use a tout? If they can get you in the front of the line, yes, otherwise, it's not worth it as it's an easy process. 4000 baht reasonable? Hmm, I guess as you're the only passenger. Not much you can do about it now, right? It is a lot of fuel to get there. If the van was full they'd make more money, so yes, seems good.

As for Poi Pet, I'd skip it altogether. Go to Ban Laem, much smaller border and generally not long lines. At Poi Pet it's extremely crowded as it's the main border between Cambodia and Thailand.

As for Poi Pet, I'd skip it altogether. Go to Ban Laem, much smaller border and generally not long lines. At Poi Pet it's extremely crowded as it's the main border between Cambodia and Thailand.


Poi Pet is a nasty poo hole not worth going to. Ban Laem is much better.


Did the Poipet visa today, we left at 3:30 am , took 3 hours to get there. Almost no traffic. We got stopped and hit up for 100 baht

as the policeman asked for "Coffee $$" I refused to pay and my wife got scared and handed over the 100 baht lol.

Again I am pretty fatigued with my hypothyroidism. I am on medication but it takes a long time to increase the TSH levels.

At times i feel like i just want to pass out esp in any heat. So in my mind i just wanted to get this over quickly which i

did but i got scammed along the way.

I'll break down the scams

4,000bt van total - we ended driving around the whole day doing some sightseeing, pretty nice guy

1200 cam visa (200 for tout)

500bt for returning to thailand same day, i almost started swinging on this one, i know i should of said i was staying overnight at the casino

They tried to get me on the health check but i just laughed and walked away

There was a massive line of cams going into thailand, dont go there on any monday AM. I paid 300bt to get me to the front of

the line. I wasnt feeling too well at this point.

So all in all ~6000 baht

When i do this again in august I am flying alone to phnom penh and grabbing a beer girl and hunkering down in the walkabout for 3

days then flying back. Air Asia is about 2,000bt r/t

Did the Poipet visa today, we left at 3:30 am , took 3 hours to get there. Almost no traffic. We got stopped and hit up for 100 baht

as the policeman asked for "Coffee $$" I refused to pay and my wife got scared and handed over the 100 baht lol.

Again I am pretty fatigued with my hypothyroidism. I am on medication but it takes a long time to increase the TSH levels.

At times i feel like i just want to pass out esp in any heat. So in my mind i just wanted to get this over quickly which i

did but i got scammed along the way.

I'll break down the scams

4,000bt van total - we ended driving around the whole day doing some sightseeing, pretty nice guy

1200 cam visa (200 for tout)

500bt for returning to thailand same day, i almost started swinging on this one, i know i should of said i was staying overnight at the casino

They tried to get me on the health check but i just laughed and walked away

There was a massive line of cams going into thailand, dont go there on any monday AM. I paid 300bt to get me to the front of

the line. I wasnt feeling too well at this point.

So all in all ~6000 baht

When i do this again in august I am flying alone to phnom penh and grabbing a beer girl and hunkering down in the walkabout for 3

days then flying back. Air Asia is about 2,000bt r/t

going to phnom penh,and grabing a girl for the three days ,hope while your there your wife is grabbing a guy, ime sure there will be plenty ready to oblige while your with that girl.


I told you Jack Golf was cheaper, easier and more hassle free. As for your cheating on your wife next time you go on a visa run, I don't think much of you. You will never get my help or advice again.


Get a online VISA next time if you go to Poipet. You even will safe one page in your passport, as they dont glue a visa sticker in.

Oh i almost forgot POIPET IS A SH##HOLE

Thai side too, my wife even refused to eat there lol

dear sir,ialways use poipet to do my 3 month visa run i myself live in rayong province (1hour from city).i have never encounterd any problams in poipet,but i usually arrive 11amish to avoid congestion at border control,i check out of thai,walk 20meteres to see cambodi imm officer inside pay him 1400 along with photo,sit down 5mins,while passport disapers,comes back cambodiavisa inside with entry stamps in and out,walk back to thai imm straight through no probs.as for paying 4000 for transport you must be pebaa (crazy).as one poster said before use JACKS GOLF NEXT TIME.also did you look around the border market some serious bargains to be had?


OK thanks for the replies

Yes i know taking Jack Golf or others is the way to go, but again I am having thyroid problems and i was not sure if i could make that 6am van

as i sometimes feel terrible in the morning.

As for cheating on my wife, i understand your sentiments but my wife says it is ok. So i am not cheating on her. She even has

conversations with the girls that call me. The girls that call tell me later they were nervous and I am the only guy in Thailand

they have seen getting away with this. I never asked her for this either.

thanks again



So you've seen what a crap place the Poi Pet border is, now. I think it's called Aranya Prathet on the Thai side or something like that. 500 baht? They always used to ask for 200 baht for those that they knew were just doing a visa run. You were had or they've upped their tea money fee on the Camodian side. I paid it usually but once I had enough of it, told them I was going to Poi Pet and I didn't pay. Walked straight over to exit immediately and nobody bothered me for 200 baht at all. If you're going to fly, I'd suggest flying to Singapore. You can just fly there, get on a plane and fly right back, no problem.


Hi JimJim

Ya they asked for 500 baht and i read before its only 200 so i actually got so pissed i swore but then caught myself and calmed down

and tried talking them down and they would not budge. I think if i went with Jacks group their would be no problem.

So next time i am flying to phnom penh for 3-4 days, if this turns into a fiasco I will bite the bullet and get the 1 year marriage visa.

thanks for the help


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