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Mexicans And Thais Are They Similiar?


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Habenero is a lot hotter than a Thai chilli.

Yeah but the more common Mexican chili is the jalapeno and the Thai prik khi nu is hotter than that.

The jalapeno is not hot at all, comparatively speaking.  It logs in at about 5,000 Scovilles.  Thailand's capsicum annuum can get up to 100,000 Scovilles, while a red habanero can approach 600,000 Scovilles.  But the current king on heat is India's naga-bih jolokia at over a million Scovilles.

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this should qualify as the most nonsensical post of the year....

First of all Thais are buddhists, Mexicans are Catholics

I could spend a few more pages on the history, language and food differences.....But the first line probably closes the argument.

The only similarity I see is the affection for boxing, but most Thais prefer Muay Thai....

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having tried all of these chillies including the naga one, I would agree with what you said

I find jalapenos sour and not spicy at all!

Habenero is a lot hotter than a Thai chilli.

Yeah but the more common Mexican chili is the jalapeno and the Thai prik khi nu is hotter than that.

The jalapeno is not hot at all, comparatively speaking.  It logs in at about 5,000 Scovilles.  Thailand's capsicum annuum can get up to 100,000 Scovilles, while a red habanero can approach 600,000 Scovilles.  But the current king on heat is India's naga-bih jolokia at over a million Scovilles.

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Thais, and Mexicans similar?

Not really.

more likely - the Flips, the Mexicans of Asia.

both share the same culture.. fostered through the centuries-old Manila-Acapulco Galleon trade.. Catholic religion.. the 'el mas macho' ttitude..

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According to UN figures, the countries that decreased their birth rates the most, 1975-2000, were China, mexico and Thailand. Most of the world's "Catholics" practice birth control.

Migrants differ from those who never migrate. Farangs here are atypical.

Both countries have ancient cultures, they lost much land to conquerors, their lands stretch far and wide in the tropics. etc. Chiapas is not Chicago.

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You got it all wrong, Mexicans are exactly like thai(and the country like thailand) Xcept, mexicans are the complete oposite of everything we whine about on this forum.

Only things mexicans cant fix is violence and trash. Beer is way better, women and prostitutes are way less assholish and less public, food in general is easier to eat for a western person, beaches are cleaner, service is true and respectfull, they speak english, their driving is acceptable, they dont go on druken ramblage much more than other countries, their tv is slightly less dumb, their school are slightly better..

Im 100% certain that if they fixed the polution and crazy violence, most expats living here would be there and they'd import asian women for the yellow fever.

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Both Thailand and Mexico have great numbers of people moving to the capital city making pollution and congestion a larger problem. Children raised in the capital city tend to have better nutritian resulting in healthier and taller kids than those living in the villages. in many areas peppers and rice are considered staples of the daily diet. In some parts of Mexico they are as varacious about eating anything that moves as some of the Thais. Pork, Beef, fish and fowl are all eaten and typically fried. corruption is systemic.

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Both Thailand and Mexico have great numbers of people moving to the capital city making pollution and congestion a larger problem

The same is true about most any third world country you can mention.

Mexicans are eating a lot more INSTANT PROCESSED RAMEN noodles, the North American equivalent of Mama noodles. Both very unhealthy. The reason is that the price of corn used to make the very healthy staple of corn tortillas has skyrocketed as corn is now used to make fuel.

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Coincidentally, on one of my beloved baht buses today there were two Thai young men who could easily pass for CHOLOS, both in physical appearance and dress. I was delighted. It is interesting that sometimes Thais describe themselves as "Latino" in personal ads. Best of both worlds.

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If someone in a bar in the west ordering a tequila would be given lao kao instead, would he notice the difference?

I've no idea how anyone drinks either to be honest.

Like gasoline.

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Sure! They are similiar. They are both third world countries with basically inept governments, where the most corrupt elements (be it the military, the police, the high government or whomever working with "dark influences" such as drug lords, etc) tend to pull the strings. Of course this is combined with a local elite class that controls this power and money, which generally has a lighter colored skin. In Mexico its the Spanish Mexicans, most whom have never intermarried with the local "darkies". In Thailand its the Chinese. And they both despise us whities who want to settle in their countries and mate with their local country women..

Of course one is Catholic and one is Buddhist, but its dam_n difficult to tell which church is more corrupt lately. therefore its a toss up.

Mexico has better beer, architecture, and people overall, The Thais are "nicer" up front, but we know that is a load of BS.

Of course both countries have a sizeable amount of fat, socially inept, sexually deviant drunken, loser foreigners trying to sleep with their women and create little "mini paradises" in a culture they actually don't understand and despise. I know, I am one of them! HAHahahahhhh

Spanish also has a much better word for drunk: "borracho." Sounds so much better and manly than "Mao", don't you think?

Party on, gents, here's to creating our third world mini paradises of booze, cheap rent, crap internet and cheap women while the locals secretly loath us!

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If someone in a bar in the west ordering a tequila would be given lao kao instead, would he notice the difference?

I've no idea how anyone drinks either to be honest.

Like gasoline.

Haven't tried good 100 percent agave tequila, have you?

Good tequila, the drink of the (Aztec) gods ...

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If someone in a bar in the west ordering a tequila would be given lao kao instead, would he notice the difference?

I've no idea how anyone drinks either to be honest.

Like gasoline.

Haven't tried good 100 percent agave tequila, have you?

Good tequila, the drink of the (Aztec) gods ...

I have and all. Makes the Honda moped thing run like f£$k!

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Who ever said Mexicans do not hang out at the hospital are dead wrong.

Just got to an ER wing and see for your self. Hospitals can not legally someone treatment because they are un-insured, & due to that, we have ER's full Mexicans that suffer from minor ailments.

Mexicans also pawn off their children to have thier parents raise thier off spring, but you also see this more and more in the anglo culture in the US.

Mexican women suffer from FP (fat potential) but on the flip side, they sure have great racks.

Both Thais and Mexicans are a prideful bunch, and family is intergral in their lifes.

Both, in my opinion have GREAT food...... Mixican food for me tommorow at Que Pasa!!!!!! :):D:D:D


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Very dissimilar in most respects.

BEER.. thai men drink singha, mexican men drink Heineken. Both love their beer

Where were you, Cabo? Rarely see Mexicans drinking Heineken. They're very loyal to their regional beers, even though some 'regional beers' come from the same brewery, just siphoned into different bottles (eg Estrella in Guadalajara and Victoria in Mexico City are the same beers, and I've heard it said that the Pacifico, drunk along the Pacific coast and in S Baja, is also the same beer), with more distinctive Leon Negra in Yucatan, Bohemia in Monterrey, Tecate in N Baja etc.

WOMEN: both sides have beautiful women in their culture

Very subjective but one thing about Mexican women, in general, is that past the age of 25 or so they put on a lot more weight than their Thai counterparts.

FAMILY: both have large families and you always seem to be meeting some new in their family. Both sides are very family oriented


WORKING ABROAD. When the thai or mexican go to usa they never come home

True for many Mexicans, much less so for Thais, who if they can afford to, often prefer to move back to Thailand after a number of years in the US. More Mexicans would probably move back but there are so many Mexicans in the US they probably don't miss Mexico nearly as much as Thais would miss Thailand :)

FAMILY HOME ENVIRONMENT. If you understand some of george lopez jokes about being raised, you see the family environment on both sides is one of hard tough love

Not as much in Thailand, where wealthy families keep their kids on an allowance as long as they like.

1 VEHICLE MANY PEOPLE. Usually I see the thais from up north or from isan, so of course in the US and here you both see a lot of thai's and mexicans packed up in small vehicles on the way to work

Not even close. :D Thailand is more of a motorcycle culture, so just about everyone has one. Few people in Mexico have motorcycles and I'm fairly sure even per capita car ownership is lower. Many sedans in seen on rural roads of Mexico are packed to capacity. In Thailand you rarely see sedans carrying more than two to four passengers. Pickup trucks, yes.

FOOD: Both really love to eat spicy food

True but Thai food is generally a lot hotter than Mexican food. Thai food has a lot more variety as well, ie the number of dishs available at any given sit-down restaurant tends to be much higher. Also there's a much greater variety of international cuisines available in Thailand than in Mexico, in my experience.

The machismo factor that Jingthing mentioned is indeed a very noticeable difference. I've never felt threatened in a bar in Thailand. In Mexico there are bars you just don't enter if you're a gringo or even a Mexican from out of town. Even the gay bars in Mexico are macho and if you look at someone a second too long you're liable to get booted out. :D

Another thing that's way different is the variety of expats. At least 90% of the expats in Mexico are American. If you want to be around a lot of Americans, that's fine. But if you're trying to get away from Americans (like many yanks I know here in Thailand), it's a hindrance to enjoying Mexico. Even in areas where there are few foreigners, everyone assumes that if you're white you're from America. It's like being British in southern Spain.

One last thing that impressed me during the years I lived in Mexico is that they cry and shout a lot there, both men and women. Very emotional people. If you find Thais 'inscrutable' you would probably like Mexicans, who tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves.

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. But if you're trying to get away from Americans (like many yanks I know here in Thailand), it's a hindrance to enjoying Mexico.

Interesting statement about the class of yanks you know since the only yanks that I have ever met in Thailand that were trying to get away from Americans were those that were on the lamb from the US authorities and court system.

As for the original post, it doesn't matter if you compare Thais to Mexicans or Brits to Mexicans, in my experience the results are pretty much the same in that anything looks pretty good compared to most of the Mexican culture.

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. But if you're trying to get away from Americans (like many yanks I know here in Thailand), it's a hindrance to enjoying Mexico.

Interesting statement about the class of yanks you know since the only yanks that I have ever met in Thailand that were trying to get away from Americans were those that were on the lamb from the US authorities and court system.

As for the original post, it doesn't matter if you compare Thais to Mexicans or Brits to Mexicans, in my experience the results are pretty much the same in that anything looks pretty good compared to most of the Mexican culture.

I had no idea Americans were like Welsh people?

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Sad how these topics always end up bashing someone.

Anyway, back to the original topic at hand, while there are some interesting cultural similarities, I think, in all, they are very different. You could probably find just as many similarities between Thais and Italians and Thais and Irish :)

Birth rate information is incorrect, Thailand has a decreasing birth rate and birth control is widely available, in use and not taboo. In fact, most young families only have one or two kids these days.

Funny story about appearance tho, my husband is a Southern Thai and is always being mistaken for something other than Thai (even by Thai people up north). We were in the US years ago when two Hispanic men started speaking Spanish with my husband and were quite surprised to find that he was not Mexican. He does look quite similar to the Mexicans in the Yucatan.

He's been mistaken for Filipino by Filipinos, Malaysian by Thais, and Hmong by an American :D

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Sad how these topics always end up bashing someone.

Anyway, back to the original topic at hand, while there are some interesting cultural similarities, I think, in all, they are very different. You could probably find just as many similarities between Thais and Italians and Thais and Irish :)

Birth rate information is incorrect, Thailand has a decreasing birth rate and birth control is widely available, in use and not taboo. In fact, most young families only have one or two kids these days.

Funny story about appearance tho, my husband is a Southern Thai and is always being mistaken for something other than Thai (even by Thai people up north). We were in the US years ago when two Hispanic men started speaking Spanish with my husband and were quite surprised to find that he was not Mexican. He does look quite similar to the Mexicans in the Yucatan.

He's been mistaken for Filipino by Filipinos, Malaysian by Thais, and Hmong by an American :D

It was supposed to be ironic. This thread is ridiculous. Thai people are only like Thai people.

Okay go and dig out a Jared Diamond book.

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the closest to issan people are Cambodians - patklang

I would argue that Isaan people are closest to Laotians, not Cambodians.

Some Thais tell me that they are closer to Indonesians than Filipinos, others in the north say they are closer to the Dai in Yunnan province or the Shan in Burma or the Lao in Laos, all of whom are Tai people of course.

Anyway, this comparision between Mexicans and Thais is silly. Why not Peruvians and Thais? Why not any group and Thais? How about Finns and Thais?

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Most of you on thai visa may not get this as this is more or less something you see and experience if you are in the U.S. Please NOTE this post is NOT intended to be spiteful, hateful and biased or rude towards either thais or mexicans I just want to note the similiarities I have seen and experienced in both cultures

BEER.. thai men drink singha, mexican men drink Heineken. Both love their beer

WOMEN: both sides have beautiful women in their culture

FAMILY: both have large families and you always seem to be meeting some new in their family. Both sides are very family oriented

WORKING ABROAD. When the thai or mexican go to usa they never come home

FAMILY HOME ENVIRONMENT. If you understand some of george lopez jokes about being raised, you see the family environment on both sides is one of hard tough love

1 VEHICLE MANY PEOPLE. Usually I see the thais from up north or from isan, so of course in the US and here you both see a lot of thai's and mexicans packed up in small vehicles on the way to work

FOOD: Both really love to eat spicy food

any thoughts or comments are welcome.

BEER.. thai men drink singha, mexican men drink Heineken. Both love their beer

Englishmen drink lager, light ale, brown ale and love their beer.

WOMEN: both sides have beautiful women in their culture

England has beautiful women but the culture vanished years ago.

FAMILY: both have large families and you always seem to be meeting some new in their family. Both sides are very family oriented

English people have large families but seem to drift apart over the years.

WORKING ABROAD. When the thai or mexican go to usa they never come home

When English people work abroad such as in Thailand, they never go home.

FAMILY HOME ENVIRONMENT. If you understand some of george lopez jokes about being raised, you see the family environment on both sides is one of hard tough love

English family environment is one of hard tough love.

1 VEHICLE MANY PEOPLE. Usually I see the thais from up north or from isan, so of course in the US and here you both see a lot of thai's and mexicans packed up in small vehicles on the way to work

In England we see lots of buses and trains packed to the hilt with people travelling to work almost hanging out the doors.

FOOD: Both really love to eat spicy food

Many English people love their hot spicy curries.

So what makes Thais and Mexicans as a race, unique to other people?

I think this is a case of stereotyping.

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Sad how these topics always end up bashing someone.

Anyway, back to the original topic at hand, while there are some interesting cultural similarities, I think, in all, they are very different. You could probably find just as many similarities between Thais and Italians and Thais and Irish :D

Birth rate information is incorrect, Thailand has a decreasing birth rate and birth control is widely available, in use and not taboo. In fact, most young families only have one or two kids these days.

Funny story about appearance tho, my husband is a Southern Thai and is always being mistaken for something other than Thai (even by Thai people up north). We were in the US years ago when two Hispanic men started speaking Spanish with my husband and were quite surprised to find that he was not Mexican. He does look quite similar to the Mexicans in the Yucatan.

He's been mistaken for Filipino by Filipinos, Malaysian by Thais, and Hmong by an American :D

It was supposed to be ironic. This thread is ridiculous. Thai people are only like Thai people.

Okay go and dig out a Jared Diamond book.

What? irony? I thought irony was supposed to be funny.......:)

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