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It is not your responsibility alone to look after your wife/girlfriends Family so you tell her to tell them to go get a job and work or she has to get a job and work as you are giving enough, its called hard love. We all know that TIT so there is a lot to learn But that does not mean you have to be a fool. The hard choices have to be made in a relashionship so this is your time to man up, its the only way to stop this getting out of hand. In all partnerships you can be just as equal in all things but when it comes down to money then one partner has to have the brains to look after the family budget if the other one can't or you will pay the price.



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To the OP

If she doesn't think 15,000 bths/mo is enough.......then tell her to go out and get a JOB!!!

I assume she does know the meaning of the word? :)

Correct. I give my wife 7000 a month , and she works 6 days a week earning an extra 12000 a month . Surprising how she still has time to manage our house, bills, medicals , shopping , cooking , while working 60hrs a week .

Tell her to get a job mate . Then she can give all her own hard earned money to mum and the chickens.

"Allowance For Wife ?"

You are using the wrong word. Your post should read:

"Salary for Wife?"

Much closer to the truth. :D

If that's what you think then so be it :) But I don't think my father would agree with you when he was giving his pay packet to my mother and he got his weekly allowance as my father was not very good at budgeting. :D



"Allowance For Wife ?"

You are using the wrong word. Your post should read:

"Salary for Wife?"

Much closer to the truth. :D

If that's what you think then so be it :)But I don't think my father would agree with you when he was giving his pay packet to my mother and he got his weekly allowance as my father was not very good at budgeting. :D



Oh is that right? and was your mother using your fathers salary to support her extended family? baying off family depts? buying property in HER name only? putting a little away each month and not telling your father? etc etc etc?

Or was yor mother using the money to better her immediate family (Herself, husband and you kids?)

Not the same my dear Scotsman. :D

To the OP

If she doesn't think 15,000 bths/mo is enough.......then tell her to go out and get a JOB!!!

I assume she does know the meaning of the word? :D

I agree with the above - Girlfriend / Boyfriend / Male or Female.

Why not try Working.

Its a lovely feeling being Independent.

The problem is....you wouldn't find "that many" independent thai girls with independent jobs..... with farangs in thailand

If you know what I mean...wink wink

And those women have been snapped up at the gates of the university by ThaiVisa members already. :)


Seems like a lot of cheap charlies here....

I give my wife about 250,000 baht per month just for her own spending and all other expenses I pay

at the end of the month if she needs some more money, she can withdraw from our bank account

on average she spends around 300,000 - 350,000 baht per month.

Come on guys, stop boasting...... :)

P.S. I am not in Thailand, nor I am English teacher.


I give my GF 300,000 Baht a day, is this too much ?

I will ask ThaiVisa members for their valuable opinions, as I can't sort out my own life and need reassurances and advice from total strangers on an anonymous internet forum.

My life would be meaningless without the input from the people here, thanks people, I don't think I could survive without you.

How much money would you give a wife in farangland for casual spending? I seriously doubt it's over $400 a month!

I'm a farang wife, and I get an allowance of 4000 baht a month. It is strictly for personal spending; my husband covers all the usual living expenses. I'd need a bit more if I was keeping acrylic nails, buying a lot of shoes or clothes, or buying jewelry. I'm not a typical woman in those regards. But even so, your lady needs to learn to make choices among the things she wants. Giving her money to buy everything she wants simply leads to more wants, and the need for even more money. I'd cut her allowance in half, if anything, but it's your money, and the amount you give her is typical. However, the women getting 15,000 to 20,000 baht per month are usually paying all the bills with it, and keeping what's left for their personal spending and the family.

The word allowance sounds like you have a frigging maid.Get a grip man and stop being a wuss or dump her

Oh is that right? and was your mother using your fathers salary to support her extended family? baying off family depts? buying property in HER name only? putting a little away each month and not telling your father? etc etc etc?

My Mother used to steal money from my Father and spend it on her boyfriend. When they eventually got divorced, she got the house too...... :)

"Allowance For Wife ?"

You are using the wrong word. Your post should read:

"Salary for Wife?"

Much closer to the truth. :D

If that's what you think then so be it :)But I don't think my father would agree with you when he was giving his pay packet to my mother and he got his weekly allowance as my father was not very good at budgeting. :D



Oh is that right? and was your mother using your fathers salary to support her extended family? baying off family depts? buying property in HER name only? putting a little away each month and not telling your father? etc etc etc?

Or was yor mother using the money to better her immediate family (Herself, husband and you kids?)

Not the same my dear Scotsman. :D

Not all Thai partners are like that some are very loving and caring but just don"t know how to look after the house hold budget just like my father in the old days. Now the OP has a problem but you don't want to help you just say you use the word salary for all of them. If my father used his allowance the same way as the OP's partner then that's up to him but don't ask my mother for any more you would not get it. Its all about who looks after the family budget well, so the family is not left on the street. You have to understand that not all Thai partners can look after money so they get an allowance NOT A SALARY.




Allot of guys are talking about how their women should have jobs... Shit, mine has a job, To take care of me and be a good house wife. If I wanted a career woman I would have married an American. hel_l no, give me a sexy wife who spends her time keeping the house nice, buying makeup, cute shoes, and sexy dresses so that every time we go out she's looking hotter than fire. And when we get home she has all the time in the world to take care of Big Daddy. I'm old school, I'll pay the bills and all wifey gotta do is take care of me.... Man I love Thailand :)

How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

What's your experience and opinion ?

wow, you are very cheap. i spend anywhere from 150-250k a month average and that is just eating, rent, entertainment, day to day, etc.

Allot of guys are talking about how their women should have jobs... Shit, mine has a job, To take care of me and be a good house wife. If I wanted a career woman I would have married an American. hel_l no, give me a sexy wife who spends her time keeping the house nice, buying makeup, cute shoes, and sexy dresses so that every time we go out she's looking hotter than fire. And when we get home she has all the time in the world to take care of Big Daddy. I'm old school, I'll pay the bills and all wifey gotta do is take care of me.... Man I love Thailand :)

I know quite a few of these types of housewives very well myself. :D

It sounds like you are talking about a teenage daughter more than a wife...

Yeah, the word allowance implies a level of immaturity to OP's wife. A better word might have been budget or spending money. Not that it really matters. Allowance just has a connotation to it.

Allot of guys are talking about how their women should have jobs... Shit, mine has a job, To take care of me and be a good house wife. If I wanted a career woman I would have married an American. hel_l no, give me a sexy wife who spends her time keeping the house nice, buying makeup, cute shoes, and sexy dresses so that every time we go out she's looking hotter than fire. And when we get home she has all the time in the world to take care of Big Daddy. I'm old school, I'll pay the bills and all wifey gotta do is take care of me.... Man I love Thailand :D

Dude …..read the original post again.

It doesn’t take a genius to peel that simple potato…sigh sigh

The main issue here is ….“the amount that U r giving to her is not enough, and now she’s asking for more.”

However our OP thinks it will need the genius answer to the said problem.

So now what should our OP do, Genius? :)

It sounds like you are talking about a teenage daughter more than a wife...

Yeah, the word allowance implies a level of immaturity to OP's wife. A better word might have been budget or spending money. Not that it really matters. Allowance just has a connotation to it.

Salary would be a better word :)

Maybe the OP should've asked...

How much money do you have to pay your wife/gf to stay with you each month?

Honestly, these posts sound more like a business arangement than a loving relationship :)

You people really do need to ask yourselves:

"what would happen if I stoped paying my terak?"

If you have to "pay" your wife/gf every month then the answer is very clear.

You would be out the door quicker than you can say "but teerak jaaa, I love you!" :D

Thank Jesus H Christ I don't have those kind of problems.

I guess in a perfect world the economic power of husband and wife is equally distributed with each contributing half.

Not sure how that works out in Thai-Farang couples where the Farang is earning at least 10 times as much as the Thai wife. Naturally the Farang ends up contributing more to the relation money wise than the Thai or not?

Yes, it works!

But just in a case of social and educational backgrounds parity.

Like everywhere in the world,isn't it?

Allot of guys are talking about how their women should have jobs... Shit, mine has a job, To take care of me and be a good house wife. If I wanted a career woman I would have married an American. hel_l no, give me a sexy wife who spends her time keeping the house nice, buying makeup, cute shoes, and sexy dresses so that every time we go out she's looking hotter than fire. And when we get home she has all the time in the world to take care of Big Daddy. I'm old school, I'll pay the bills and all wifey gotta do is take care of me.... Man I love Thailand :D

I have to admit I like the way you think :)

There is no way I could put a Baht amount on what my princess requires. 300, 500K Baht a month. Whatever it takes to keep her happy since she makes me so happy.

"Allowance For Wife ?"

You are using the wrong word. Your post should read:

"Salary for Wife?"

Much closer to the truth. :)

Yes you are most properly correct but if your GF has to give up a job (which helps keeps her family) because you want her to look after you can you tell me why you should not give her any money for her own use how, much depends on what you can afford and what you want to pay but some people still have old values and treat there GF fairly and not worry about what other people might think

How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

What's your experience and opinion ?

It's no surprise that the Thais think us farang are stupid mugs. Is it not clear enough to some of you that your wives are only with you for your money? Try giving her 4000 per month and make her lazy brother start giving money to the parents for a change. Then we'll see how long she stays with you. Some Thai women respect their husbands and would be with them no matter what, but most of you guys on here don't have good wives. WAKE UP AND TEST THEM OUT.

How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

What's your experience and opinion ?

It's no surprise that the Thais think us farang are stupid mugs. Is it not clear enough to some of you that your wives are only with you for your money? Try giving her 4000 per month and make her lazy brother start giving money to the parents for a change. Then we'll see how long she stays with you. Some Thai women respect their husbands and would be with them no matter what, but most of you guys on here don't have good wives. WAKE UP AND TEST THEM OUT.

To some ladies it is their first job to look after the parents if they cannot do it with you they will go somewhere else where they can, whether they love you or not.

Wifey works, saves her own money and spends it when she wants too.

Has never asked for an allowance from me.

That is good if that is what you want but some men want to have company 24/7 so is it a problem if they give their other half some spending money every month so they do not have to work


if it's for paying the bills then I'd call it her fund

if not, I'd not be giving her one & giving her the boot instead


The OP should do a little research before he settles on a dollar amount to give for pocket money. I used to send my wife more than a Thai MD makes and when I found that out and when I say how she was managing it the cuts came. Yes she cried, threatened and even called my momma. She did have a tough go at in at first and even had to borrow money from a neighbor (twice) before it sunk in that this is what you get and this is what you need to take care of before anything else and if you do not manage it right don't blame me.

I was raised to know that if you are keeping a woman (Wife, GF) that you as a man should be willing and able to at least keep a roof over her head and keep her fed. No matter how much she has or does not have. It may seam old fashion or chauvinist but <deleted> it is how I am. I also raised my daughter to expect this from any man wanting to be serious with her. I don't want my baby with some loser who cant take care of her. It does not hurt to treat your woman to something special and nice every once an a while to show how much you care. But at the same time I am totally against supporting family outside of the family that to 2 of you are and produce (hers or mine) :) . But if she give away what is left over after rent and utilities are paid for that is her problem.

How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

What's your experience and opinion ?

It's no surprise that the Thais think us farang are stupid mugs. Is it not clear enough to some of you that your wives are only with you for your money? Try giving her 4000 per month and make her lazy brother start giving money to the parents for a change. Then we'll see how long she stays with you. Some Thai women respect their husbands and would be with them no matter what, but most of you guys on here don't have good wives. WAKE UP AND TEST THEM OUT.

Some did that already with the, for the brave husband, bitter result, that the compulsory levy they have to pay to their wives was increased in the end.

Additional they, the daring husbands, had to pay the costs of hospital bills after the negotiations.


There have been times in our marriage when I gave her 500 baht a week(and that was to buy and make our food). Right now, I don't 'give' her anything - I tell her to help herself out my wallet - my money is her money(apart from a little I keep secret). I suppose she takes out about 3000 a week of which maybe 500 will be for herself. Once a month I pay for the car, rent, etc. Once a week I pay for a big shopping at Tesco.

Thank God I didn't marry that hi-so girl friend, the Chinese one, or the BG.

Money to her family - no way.

Wifey works, saves her own money and spends it when she wants too.

Has never asked for an allowance from me.

That is good if that is what you want but some men want to have company 24/7 so is it a problem if they give their other half some spending money every month so they do not have to work

Not a problem for me at all if that is what they want to do. My wife likes to work and pay her own way so maybe she is different from some other women.

My wife even insisted on paying for all the furniture in our recently completed new house.

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