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Bkk Street Muts


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Hi guys,

I've lived here a few years and have learned to deal with barking street dogs at night - i can sleep through it no problem. However, I've just moved into a cosy little private neighbourhood and out of all the nice houses on this quiet little street, I had to rent the one next to an eccentric old woman who keeps 12 street dogs in her house! They don't just bark, they practise symphonies at intermitant times throughout the day and night! Besides that, the smell of K19 urine is, at times, unbearable. What I won't to know is this... Is there an animal centre or something you can call to lodge a comlaint and have the dogs relocated? Surely what she is doing can't be legal. I've spoken with my other neighbours, and while they are very polite and respectful, I can tell they all want to kill this woman and her mangy muts. (I know it sounds heartless - but you try living here for a week)

Help much appreciated

Edited by dan_au
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Hi guys,

I've lived here a few years and have learned to deal with barking street dogs at night - i can sleep through it no problem.  However, I've just moved into a cosy little private neighbourhood and out of all the nice houses on this quiet little street, I had to rent the one next to an eccentric old woman who keeps 12 street dogs in her house!  They don't just bark, they practise symphonies at intermitant times throughout the day and night!  Besides that, the smell of K19 urine is, at times, unbearble.  What I won't to know is this...  Is there an animal centre or something you can call to lodge a comlaint and have the dogs relocated?  Surely what she is doing can't be legal.  I've spoken with my other neighbours, and while they are very polite and respectful, I can tell they all want to kill this woman and her mangy muts.  (I know it sounds heartless - but you try living here for a week)

Help much appreciated

TIT, suppose if it really became unbearable, you could always relocate.

Edited by A. BOOZER
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Dan, try talking to your landlord and tell him/her that you're thinking of moving because of the dogs.

If the landlord has had problems before with other tenants leaving due to the dogs, then he may start getting p*ssed off that he's going to be losing money again.

Let the landlord deal with the problem first.

Edited by Gazza
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1. Dog lady was there already.

2. We have, and can make the choice where to live.

3. The neighbors are polite and respectful.

4. Sometimes,we made our own problem,learn to deal with a bad choice.At least

we have the option of relocating.

5. You dont make many friends by moving to a new neighborhood and start to

change things that we dont like.

This is just a different way of looking at your situation.Maybe you should be mad

yourself and not the dog lady.I would not like living next door to her either.Hope

things work out alright.You could get yourself a decent slingshot.... :o

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Like I said, I have never had a problem with soi dogs before. But 12 big dogs in one house - come on! This place sounds like the local pound during the day.

Slingshot, poison, sledgehammer - these options have all been put to me, but i'm not that kinda guy. My question was if there is an organisation or something that deals with this sort of thing.

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