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United States Navy To Build New Training Facility In Thailand

sriracha john

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Here's my guess.

US Navy investing in Ko Kathiem -- the Thai SF HQ base and nearby Chandy Range -- an aerial gunnery range the US services use every year during various joint/combined exercises. Cobra Gold is the biggest and best known, but there are dozens of smaller exercises conducted annually. I'd hazard a guess the US drops more iron on Chandy than the Thais.

A staging area, joint training excercise base, basically. I wonder if retirees and veterans can use on-base facilities? Now, that is a good question I thik.

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Too old now, but my kind cannot openly serve in the military. If exposed, they are discharged and lose all their military benefits. Very unfair, very unjust.

Also, no marriage rights to marry a person I love. No immigration rights for a foreign national that I may love (connected with the no marriage rights).

Really that's about it. But its enough. And just like African Americans, we will fight to overcome until we win our equal civil rights. Obama in office for eight years will solve this as he fills the court with more liberal justices. The supreme court will rule that treating my class of citizen unequally is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. I have faith that good will triumph in the end.

You have the right to marry, to someone of the opposite sex. Nowhere in the Constituion does it address the subject. So now you cause is a case of good vs. evil? You cause is still more important than the other matters of the world. Well, I am sorry, but your cause is not even in my top 50. So go ahead and fight your good fight but don't let it interfere with my own war. I kinda think poverty is important, national security, aids relief in africa.....thai naval base in thailand...

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I am not a moderator, so you can tell me to shut up and butt out, and I will gladly do so. Β But Jingthing, I like you from your Β TV persona and I agree with a majority of your posts that I have read. Β You have made me laugh and think and reconsider my own views on life, and that is a great thing. But EndofDays seems to be agreeing with your main premise of gays in the military. Β He writes it doesn't matter, only how the person performs. (Edit--OK, I just read his comment of same-sex marriage,a nd that obviously does nto agree with yours.)

And EndofDays, you have posted much yet, but you do seem somewhat practical-minded. Β But to tell Jingthing to take his issues in another forum is hardly proper TV etiquette, I think.

Both of you seem to be one the same side on this issue, for all practical purposes. Β I would say you both would have much bigger issues with soem of the ther posters here.

OK, you can tell me to go get lost now. Β :)

Edited by bonobo
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You have the right to marry, to someone of the opposite sex. Nowhere in the Constituion does it address the subject.

OK, you are right, this is getting too off topic, but I was asked about it.

To tell a gay person they have the right to marry someone of the sex they are not attracted to is cruel and unusual. The same argument could have been said when interracial marriages were illegal, you have equal rights, you are black, you can marry another black (ONLY) as opposed to the person you LOVE who happens to be WHITE. Just as unfair, just as unjust. As far as the constitution, it supports decisions that treat all classes of citizens equally under the law WITHOUT discrimination. This is coming, deal with it. Of course the document doesn't mention gay people one way or the other. The supreme court justices are there to INTERPRET for our modern day the spirit and intention of the constitution.

In respect to the objections that this has gone off topic, I will make that my last comment on these issues here, I have had my say.


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If it was not intervened by the American we would be f... up by the French in 1945. If American had not drop few millions tons and chat with Chairman Mao the Comies might have been strong enough to advance west of Cambodian border. It's not all about paying back but I mean Thai diplomatic manuveur has been great. As we are not of the Swiss's caliber I agree with the gov. that siding with American is the best choice available.
I agree that in 45 Americans had a noble purpose. Sadly it is not that way now. Siding with the Americans now would not be the best choice available but it is yours & Thailands to make as I know your a Thai citizen. The rising star is now in the East actually & will be good for TL I think. It would be far better for TL to align more closely with those that produce & have something more to offer than unbacked promises that come with many strings.

Thank you, as long as there is big American base I think our Asian relation won't get sore. I feel the Sino-Thai relation is too hot I can't catch up! At least I don't know Mandarin. After the unconvertional move in politic some even said, nevermind Farang, we can trade with China!

Although they are very "professional" in their business, we has some sort of good will advantage as other Asian had bad experiences with them. Two ways tension they still have. If Japanese official of security related agencies will have career, unofficially but really, cut short if they marry certain nationalities but Thais. This unwritten advantage can benefit TL in personal ways.

What we should improve is relations with neighboring countries like Lao and Cambodia. We could do lot better together.

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I am not a moderator, so you can tell me to shut up and butt out, and I will gladly do so. But Jingthing, I like you from your TV persona and I agree with a majority of your posts that I have read. You have made me laugh and think and reconsider my own views on life, and that is a great thing. But EndofDays seems to be agreeing with your main premise of gays in the military. He writes it doesn't matter, only how the person performs.

And EndofDays, you have posted much yet, but you do seem somewhat practical-minded. But to tell Jingthing to take his issues in another forum is hardly proper TV etiquette, I think.

Both of you seem to be one the same side on this issue, for all practical purposes. I would say you both would have much bigger issues with soem of the ther posters here.

OK, you can tell me to go get lost now. :)

No you are right. My gripe is that seem there are those who turn the subject of any posts into their own battle ground, whether it be America bashing or the issue of homosexuality. I don't just a person on who they want to sleep with or share their life with. Honestly, I don't want to spend that much time with most people to find out. What is important to me is how you are as human being and how you do your job. Sex does not personify you, your spirit does. The man or women who you are. You can't live your life with one issue as your reason for existance...uncless it is food. Is that really a bonobo or a chimpanzee?

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Yes I know this, from personal information my grand dad fought the French in Indochina with the Japanese (To get back the Thai colonial territory) in WWII which we call "The Great Eastern War" ΰΈͺΰΈ‡ΰΈ„ΰΈ£ΰΈ²ΰΈ‘ΰΈ‘ΰΈ«ΰΈ²ΰΉ€ΰΈ­ΰΉ€ΰΈ‹ΰΈ΅ΰΈ’ΰΈšΰΈΉΰΈ£ΰΈžΰΈ²

That's why I post I think we can manage this. Of course the American action can not be decided FIRST on interest of foreign countries. American's global role is selective to benefit USA, some got benefit too. It's not because USA is all good but sometimes it suits us for our survival. When the Japanese came we did fight for less than half a day and of course turn back to the west.

For our theater, bad consequences on some, it could also be Thailand, but so far Thailand has ride with that quite well. It's the risk to take. It had also been Thai's own act to support KR in order to oppose VN Cambodia. We passed China weapon to KR a lot too. Collaboration it was for the perceived survival of Thailand, at least from the consideration of that time.

However, there were also some point on up and down of Communist insurgent in SEA supported by China that was the reflection of the American involvement in the region.

I wrote dissertation for MA at the U. of Nottingham on "Sino-American relation and conflict in Indochina 1964-75"

Good answer. Interesting too. I will read into that "Great Eastern War". I don't know much about it. ΰΈ‚ΰΈ­ΰΈšΰΈ„ΰΈΈΰΈ“ΰΈ‘ΰΈ²ΰΈΰΈ™ΰΈ°ΰΈ„ΰΈ£ΰΈ±ΰΈš :)

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. Is that really a bonobo or a chimpanzee?

It actually is a bonobo, but I can understand the confusion. Β I had to look at other photos of bonobos in the same troop in order to make sure there wasn't a mistake as well. Β I like the little guys, but they are not quite as photogenic as their bigger, more aggressive cousins.

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If it was not intervened by the American we would be f... up by the French in 1945. If American had not drop few millions tons and chat with Chairman Mao the Comies might have been strong enough to advance west of Cambodian border. It's not all about paying back but I mean Thai diplomatic manuveur has been great. As we are not of the Swiss's caliber I agree with the gov. that siding with American is the best choice available.
I agree that in 45 Americans had a noble purpose. Sadly it is not that way now. Siding with the Americans now would not be the best choice available but it is yours & Thailands to make as I know your a Thai citizen. The rising star is now in the East actually & will be good for TL I think. It would be far better for TL to align more closely with those that produce & have something more to offer than unbacked promises that come with many strings.
Before anyone rushes to make alliances with the "Big East"; they need to weigh a couple of facts. Those in the East that "produce" aren't into charity... they are making strategic purchases; they expect to own. Once you're beholden to the Big C you're expected to cow to certain demands, all in their favor of course. America for all her imperfections still have the most to offer; because the root end of the deal still leaves a country with their freedom and independance. America's fault is for changing the battle ground to the media, popular opinion and caving in to the will and double speak of liberal whiners. If torture and atrocities were compared "tit for tat", America's atrocities are but a slap on the wrist compared to what has been hefted upon the Americans and their allies. What happened with popularity be darned... do what is right. Now if it isn't popular or giving away something it's terrible and mean. I agree that America has lost her noble purpose; but she has only done so by trying to appease everyone and do the "collective" right thing. America needs to go back to the policy of do what's right and who cares what the world thinks about it.

What China do in Africa is very interesting. BTW, some of Western standard is annoying. For two years, we still can not import firearm from certain EU countries for civilian purchase because of the Coup and human right violation by gov. officers. What cilvilians' right to buy personal weapon has to do with that? They should give Thai civilian discount instead. Asking the EU company they said, we want to sell but the political lobbyists...

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If it was not intervened by the American we would be f... up by the French in 1945. If American had not drop few millions tons and chat with Chairman Mao the Comies might have been strong enough to advance west of Cambodian border. It's not all about paying back but I mean Thai diplomatic manuveur has been great. As we are not of the Swiss's caliber I agree with the gov. that siding with American is the best choice available.
I agree that in 45 Americans had a noble purpose. Sadly it is not that way now. Siding with the Americans now would not be the best choice available but it is yours & Thailands to make as I know your a Thai citizen. The rising star is now in the East actually & will be good for TL I think. It would be far better for TL to align more closely with those that produce & have something more to offer than unbacked promises that come with many strings.
Before anyone rushes to make alliances with the "Big East"; they need to weigh a couple of facts. Those in the East that "produce" aren't into charity... they are making strategic purchases; they expect to own. Once you're beholden to the Big C you're expected to cow to certain demands, all in their favor of course. America for all her imperfections still have the most to offer; because the root end of the deal still leaves a country with their freedom and independance. America's fault is for changing the battle ground to the media, popular opinion and caving in to the will and double speak of liberal whiners. If torture and atrocities were compared "tit for tat", America's atrocities are but a slap on the wrist compared to what has been hefted upon the Americans and their allies. What happened with popularity be darned... do what is right. Now if it isn't popular or giving away something it's terrible and mean. I agree that America has lost her noble purpose; but she has only done so by trying to appease everyone and do the "collective" right thing. America needs to go back to the policy of do what's right and who cares what the world thinks about it.

What China do in Africa is very interesting. BTW, some of Western standard is annoying. For two years, we still can not import firearm from certain EU countries for civilian purchase because of the Coup and human right violation by gov. officers. What cilvilians' right to buy personal weapon has to do with that? They should give Thai civilian discount instead. Asking the EU company they said, we want to sell but the political lobbyists...

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U.S. Navy contracts for new training facility

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates -- The U.S. Navy has contracted Intelspec International Inc. to construct a new facility in Thailand to support close combat training.

Intelspec equity position holder WWA Group announced that the company was selected by the Navy for design and builder services for the construction of a Close Quarters Battle training facility located at Camp Eraw An in Thailand.

According to a news release, Intelspec will provide engineering, drawings and structural calculations, among other Navy building requirements.

"We believe that this Navy contract is one of many U.S. government contracts that will be awarded to Intelspec," Eric Montandon, WWA Group chief executive, said in a statement.

"We consider this success to be a good example of Intelspec's government contract-based business model."

- UPI / 2009-05-19


Note: I believe "Camp Eraw An" is actually Camp Erawan.

Camp Erawan is a Royal Thai Army base located in Lopburi.

Somewhere along the line this topic got hijacked and became a debate about the rights of homosexuals, The cruelty of American policies and the Sino/Thai relationship.

Personally those issues are above my paygrade and beyond my ability to do anything about.

Getting back to the OP it would seem that there could be some employment opportunities for some of the many veterans retired in Thailand and as someone else mentioned maybe access to a commissary/PX facility.

Can only be a good thing for Thailand in my eyes, military base = improved local economy.

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Note: I believe "Camp Eraw An" is actually Camp Erawan.

Camp Erawan is a Royal Thai Army base located in Lopburi.

Somewhere along the line this topic got hijacked and became a debate about the rights of homosexuals, The cruelty of American policies and the Sino/Thai relationship.

Personally those issues are above my paygrade and beyond my ability to do anything about.

Getting back to the OP it would seem that there could be some employment opportunities for some of the many veterans retired in Thailand and as someone else mentioned maybe access to a commissary/PX facility.

Can only be a good thing for Thailand in my eyes, military base = improved local economy.

Agreed above. Yes, it would be nice to have access to navy doctors pertaining to any VA or disability issues. Plus, every bx/px/nx carries the same stuff as they do in the u.s...usually. You are also correct that the surrounding economy will be positively affected as well.

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Somewhere along the line this topic got hijacked and became a debate about the rights of homosexuals, The cruelty of American policies and the Sino/Thai relationship.

Personally those issues are above my paygrade and beyond my ability to do anything about.

Getting back to the OP it would seem that there could be some employment opportunities for some of the many veterans retired in Thailand and as someone else mentioned maybe access to a commissary/PX facility.

Can only be a good thing for Thailand in my eyes, military base = improved local economy.

I would be very happily surprised if this facility offered any facilites which would be of interest to vets. Β Without seeing the plans, I would assume that this would have the training facilites and some admin/berthing facilites. Β At most, possible a small trailer Β for geedunk purchases and the like.

If I am wrong, I will happily accept that as I officially enter the retired roles June 1!

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A shame for Thailand to support a country which starts wars all the time and murders civilians.

Not long time ago there was an article in the german press about a guy tortured in an secret US jail in Thailand. They tested on him new strategies to torture people :):D

You are intitled to you opinion. I recall that immediately after that article that is was debunked by both the Thai and Us governments. The Thai facility referred to has nothing to do with US on detention. I think if you are current of false claims it will help better formulate your opinion.


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How are you a second-class citizen?

Too old now, but my kind cannot openly serve in the military. If exposed, they are discharged and lose all their military benefits. Very unfair, very unjust.

Sorry, wrong. Each case is reviewed under it's own merits.

General Discharge and if have served over 6 mos. keep the benefits.

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How are you a second-class citizen?

Too old now, but my kind cannot openly serve in the military. If exposed, they are discharged and lose all their military benefits. Very unfair, very unjust.

Sorry, wrong. Each case is reviewed under it's own merits.

General Discharge and if have served over 6 mos. keep the benefits.

Now here is a real heroic American soldier, a REAL freedom fighter, fighting for freedoms and benefits beyond his own self interest. I salute you Lt.!


BTW, this HERO is a West Point grad, an Iraq veteran, and overall a GREAT AMERICAN PATRIOT.

"Don't lie. Don't hide. Don't discriminate. And don't weaken the military"



Edited by Jingthing
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Yes I know this, from personal information my grand dad fought the French in Indochina with the Japanese (To get back the Thai colonial territory) in WWII which we call "The Great Eastern War" ΰΈͺΰΈ‡ΰΈ„ΰΈ£ΰΈ²ΰΈ‘ΰΈ‘ΰΈ«ΰΈ²ΰΉ€ΰΈ­ΰΉ€ΰΈ‹ΰΈ΅ΰΈ’ΰΈšΰΈΉΰΈ£ΰΈžΰΈ² That's why I post I think we can manage this. Of course the American action can not be decided FIRST on interest of foreign countries. American's global role is selective to benefit USA, some got benefit too. It's not because USA is all good but sometimes it suits us for our survival. When the Japanese came we did fight for less than half a day and of course turn back to the west. For our theater, bad consequences on some, it could also be Thailand, but so far Thailand has ride with that quite well. It's the risk to take. It had also been Thai's own act to support KR in order to oppose VN Cambodia. We passed China weapon to KR a lot too. Collaboration it was for the perceived survival of Thailand, at least from the consideration of that time. However, there were also some point on up and down of Communist insurgent in SEA supported by China that was the reflection of the American involvement in the region. I wrote dissertation for MA at the U. of Nottingham on "Sino-American relation and conflict in Indochina 1964-75"
Good answer. Interesting too. I will read into that "Great Eastern War". I don't know much about it. ΰΈ‚ΰΈ­ΰΈšΰΈ„ΰΈΈΰΈ“ΰΈ‘ΰΈ²ΰΈΰΈ™ΰΈ°ΰΈ„ΰΈ£ΰΈ±ΰΈš :)

ΰΉ‡Have look for the Thai name na krub. It's the Thai own definition to call the WWII we involved. You may also find more of it searching books on key figure like Phibun จอฑพΰΈ₯ ΰΈ›. พิบูΰΈ₯ΰΈͺΰΈ‡ΰΈ„ΰΈ£ΰΈ²ΰΈ‘ and Pridi ΰΈ›ΰΈ£ΰΈ΅ΰΈ”ΰΈ΅ ΰΈžΰΈ™ΰΈ‘ΰΈ’ΰΈ‡ΰΈ„ΰΉŒ etc. Apert from book shops like Kinokuniya and Aisa Books, please try old book stores in Wang-burapa area of BKK. Aslo look for a book ΰΈ„ΰΈ™ΰΉ„ΰΈ—ΰΈ’ΰΉƒΰΈ™ΰΈΰΈ­ΰΈ‡ΰΈ—ΰΈ±ΰΈžΰΈ™ΰΈ²ΰΈ‹ΰΈ΅ (The Thai in NAZI Army) I will check which store and post later.

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How are you a second-class citizen?

Too old now, but my kind cannot openly serve in the military. If exposed, they are discharged and lose all their military benefits. Very unfair, very unjust.

Sorry, wrong. Each case is reviewed under it's own merits.

General Discharge and if have served over 6 mos. keep the benefits.

Now here is a real heroic American soldier, a REAL freedom fighter, fighting for freedoms and benefits beyond his own self interest. I salute you Lt.!


BTW, this HERO is a West Point grad, an Iraq veteran, and overall a GREAT AMERICAN PATR

"Don't lie. Don't hide. Don't discriminate. And don't weaken the military"



He never served a day of combat in Iraq. Your sexuality doesn't make you a hero, straight or gay, what makes you a hero is doing your job to the best of your ability. He received a free education and this pulled this crap to get out of any more service. When I think of a soldier, I think of Duty, Honor, Country...not who you allow into your bed. Again, this post is about a U.S. naval base in Thailand and the affects it will have. You also said you weren't going to write anymore becaue you were being gagged...nice to see you are still free. From now on, I am going to base how I view the world on heterosexuality. If you haven't bagged a chick than I cannot deal with you...sounds silly doesn't it.

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ΰΉ‡Have look for the Thai name na krub. It's the Thai own definition to call the WWII we involved. You may also find more of it searching books on key figure like Phibun จอฑพΰΈ₯ ΰΈ›. พิบูΰΈ₯ΰΈͺΰΈ‡ΰΈ„ΰΈ£ΰΈ²ΰΈ‘ and Pridi ΰΈ›ΰΈ£ΰΈ΅ΰΈ”ΰΈ΅ ΰΈžΰΈ™ΰΈ‘ΰΈ’ΰΈ‡ΰΈ„ΰΉŒ etc. Apert from book shops like Kinokuniya and Aisa Books, please try old book stores in Wang-burapa area of BKK. Aslo look for a book ΰΈ„ΰΈ™ΰΉ„ΰΈ—ΰΈ’ΰΉƒΰΈ™ΰΈΰΈ­ΰΈ‡ΰΈ—ΰΈ±ΰΈžΰΈ™ΰΈ²ΰΈ‹ΰΈ΅ (The Thai in NAZI Army) I will check which store and post later.

The Thai in the Nazi Army? What is that book about...now I am curious as heck.

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Yes I know this, from personal information my grand dad fought the French in Indochina with the Japanese (To get back the Thai colonial territory) in WWII which we call "The Great Eastern War" ΰΈͺΰΈ‡ΰΈ„ΰΈ£ΰΈ²ΰΈ‘ΰΈ‘ΰΈ«ΰΈ²ΰΉ€ΰΈ­ΰΉ€ΰΈ‹ΰΈ΅ΰΈ’ΰΈšΰΈΉΰΈ£ΰΈžΰΈ² That's why I post I think we can manage this. Of course the American action can not be decided FIRST on interest of foreign countries. American's global role is selective to benefit USA, some got benefit too. It's not because USA is all good but sometimes it suits us for our survival. When the Japanese came we did fight for less than half a day and of course turn back to the west. For our theater, bad consequences on some, it could also be Thailand, but so far Thailand has ride with that quite well. It's the risk to take. It had also been Thai's own act to support KR in order to oppose VN Cambodia. We passed China weapon to KR a lot too. Collaboration it was for the perceived survival of Thailand, at least from the consideration of that time. However, there were also some point on up and down of Communist insurgent in SEA supported by China that was the reflection of the American involvement in the region. I wrote dissertation for MA at the U. of Nottingham on "Sino-American relation and conflict in Indochina 1964-75"
Good answer. Interesting too. I will read into that "Great Eastern War". I don't know much about it. ΰΈ‚ΰΈ­ΰΈšΰΈ„ΰΈΈΰΈ“ΰΈ‘ΰΈ²ΰΈΰΈ™ΰΈ°ΰΈ„ΰΈ£ΰΈ±ΰΈš :)

ΰΉ‡Have look for the Thai name na krub. It's the Thai own definition to call the WWII we involved. You may also find more of it searching books on key figure like Phibun จอฑพΰΈ₯ ΰΈ›. พิบูΰΈ₯ΰΈͺΰΈ‡ΰΈ„ΰΈ£ΰΈ²ΰΈ‘ and Pridi ΰΈ›ΰΈ£ΰΈ΅ΰΈ”ΰΈ΅ ΰΈžΰΈ™ΰΈ‘ΰΈ’ΰΈ‡ΰΈ„ΰΉŒ etc. Apert from book shops like Kinokuniya and Aisa Books, please try old book stores in Wang-burapa area of BKK. Aslo look for a book ΰΈ„ΰΈ™ΰΉ„ΰΈ—ΰΈ’ΰΉƒΰΈ™ΰΈΰΈ­ΰΈ‡ΰΈ—ΰΈ±ΰΈžΰΈ™ΰΈ²ΰΈ‹ΰΈ΅ (The Thai in NAZI Army) I will check which store and post later.

Are any of these books translated into English?

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Any new US base here is a good thing. Long live the friendship of the Thai people and government with the American people and government. In parting, Lincoln freed the slaves, Obama freed the gays ... :)



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ΰΉ‡Have look for the Thai name na krub. It's the Thai own definition to call the WWII we involved. You may also find more of it searching books on key figure like Phibun จอฑพΰΈ₯ ΰΈ›. พิบูΰΈ₯ΰΈͺΰΈ‡ΰΈ„ΰΈ£ΰΈ²ΰΈ‘ and Pridi ΰΈ›ΰΈ£ΰΈ΅ΰΈ”ΰΈ΅ ΰΈžΰΈ™ΰΈ‘ΰΈ’ΰΈ‡ΰΈ„ΰΉŒ etc. Apert from book shops like Kinokuniya and Aisa Books, please try old book stores in Wang-burapa area of BKK. Aslo look for a book ΰΈ„ΰΈ™ΰΉ„ΰΈ—ΰΈ’ΰΉƒΰΈ™ΰΈΰΈ­ΰΈ‡ΰΈ—ΰΈ±ΰΈžΰΈ™ΰΈ²ΰΈ‹ΰΈ΅ (The Thai in NAZI Army) I will check which store and post later.

Thanks for the tips.. I will check it out.. :)

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Oh great, it is the very old version. The latest print was in 2003 or 05 with the blue papar cover. More photos.

The shop in Wangburapa that has this one is Ni-phon ΰΈ™ΰΈ΄ΰΈžΰΈ™ΰΈ˜ΰΉŒ

It's the auto biography of a Thai Lt. who went ot study in EU. Thailand has sent many officers to study in EU for 100+ years. He went there before the war, study in school and applied to academy in the country indicated by the gov., of course according to the agreement between gov. This guy went to an academy in Hannover, gone through the same course as other German and directed by the Thai gov. to serve in the Wehrmacht as Thaiand join Axis. When he swore the oth, the Army change his words from "...until the last breath." to "...as long as I serve in the German Army."

He served in France - American POW camp then back to Thailand. 6 years in EU in total. He served in Thai Army to the rank Lt.Col. then move to other agencies and end up in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, being Thai Ambassador Plenipotentiary to Scandinevian countries.

Interesting points:

1. Someone in Thailand asked him. The NAZI were fanatic racism, how can you work as officer in their Army? He said he even NEVER THOUGH of this point. The dicipline is rigid. As an officer he picked up a cigarette, half dozen lesser rank Aryan soldiers around lit matches for him. One on Paris street the SS of lesser rank saluted him with bend arm. He ordered him to walk back many meters, come pass him again and did the correct Heil. No protest for this public humiliation.

2. They actually seem to be very kind to him. After the graduation, he was first supposed to go to the eastern front but the academy director had the second thought "You are Thai, may be Russia is too cold, go to France instead."


1. The Siamnovella has no more stock. I had the old version but it was damaged so I order the new print from this web shop and found out.

2. Many Thailand and WWII in English but not this story in Wehrmacht.

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Having been a soldier, I say say you are full of it.

Soldiers are more respectful than the average citizen.

Yeah well the thousands of half Falang fatherless kids in every country the US has scuffed with their presence would disagree.

NOne, not one of the photos to be released, were from Gitmo. Get your facts straight. Gitmos prisoners have it better than anyone in American prisons.

First off photos have not been released so get your facts straight...Are you saying the torture didn't take place or just that it took place elsewhere? The photos that were leaked were from there & it does not matter if the torture took place on the <deleted> moon.

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Before anyone rushes to make alliances with the "Big East"; they need to weigh a couple of facts. Those in the East that "produce" aren't into charity... they are making strategic purchases; they expect to own. Once you're beholden to the Big C you're expected to cow to certain demands, all in their favor of course. America for all her imperfections still have the most to offer; because the root end of the deal still leaves a country with their freedom and independance. America's fault is for changing the battle ground to the media, popular opinion and caving in to the will and double speak of liberal whiners. If torture and atrocities were compared "tit for tat", America's atrocities are but a slap on the wrist compared to what has been hefted upon the Americans and their allies. What happened with popularity be darned... do what is right. Now if it isn't popular or giving away something it's terrible and mean. I agree that America has lost her noble purpose; but she has only done so by trying to appease everyone and do the "collective" right thing. America needs to go back to the policy of do what's right and who cares what the world thinks about it.

Oh jeez............. You think the big C is not beholding to the US?? They have given up their populations savings & right to own the things they build in exchange for what is sure to become worthless paper.

Cow to certain demands?? Like ...... taking paper that is backed by nothing more than debt for payment?

America for all her imperfections still have the most to offer; because the root end of the deal still leaves a country with their freedom and independance.

Please we walk in trash the place & leave it.... is what we do. We suck up the resources making an excuse to go in there first. We destabilize & capitalize that is what we do & we sadly do it well.

We kill & claim terrorism while sucking oil out the back door.

America's fault is for changing the battle ground to the media, popular opinion

Your confused & trust me I am no liberal. But what you describe is American Patriots speaking up. Sorry we have been busy having our a$ taxed to hel_l & back so did not take notice of many evils our ...elected? officials have been dumping on the world. We are hoping to get them straight soon enough.

If torture and atrocities were compared "tit for tat", America's atrocities are but a slap Thinking like this is beyond the beyond ...

It breeds ignorance.............like this & then calls it *Right*

America needs to go back to the policy of do what's right and who cares what the world thinks about it
Edited by flying
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Well as some of us are still second class citizens in the US (don't ask, don't tell) and given the world famous tendency of navy guys having a whole lot of not telling goin' on, at least we can serve our country in other ways. Its all good. God Bless America!


Well, that elicited a good chuckle from me!

Why do ya think they call 'em seamen?

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