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Bank Deposits $8 Million By Mistake. Recipient Fled!

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"New Zealand police are hunting a couple thought to have fled the country with millions of dollars, after a banking error.

The couple are understood to have applied to Westpac Bank for a eight thousand dollar overdraft and mistakenly had eight million dollars paid into their account.

The couple ran a Rotorua service station, which has since closed and gone into receivership.

New Zealand Police have asked Interpol to help find the couple".

8 million!!! :)

I tell you, you wouldn't see me for dust and they would never find me too :D

North Thailand is were I would head (after shaking Interpol off my tail) and live happily ever after. :D

What would you do?

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How did they flee with 8 million? It's not exactly the sort of amount you pull from the bank in cash without arousing suspicion and any other financial instrument could be cancelled.

And yes, I'd take it and run too.

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How did they flee with 8 million? It's not exactly the sort of amount you pull from the bank in cash without arousing suspicion and any other financial instrument could be cancelled.

And yes, I'd take it and run too.

Very simple,wire it out of bank to an offshore company with nominee directors and shareholders in another jurisdiction,once the money's hit it's gone!

(How would you cancel a bank wire once it's hit the beneficiary's account,can't be done!)

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I would have pulled a Houdini on the bank. On a related note, someone put 200K into my Kasikorn account the other day. I was tempted to cash it, but then I thought 200K baht is not worth looking over my shoulder for. The bank corrected their mistake a few hours later.

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The NZ couple had applied and been granted a $10,000 loan to prop up their ailing business , but it seems that some twit at the bank added three more zero,s to the deposit .

Police are checking on whether it was an insider job.

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BBC World News has just announced that the sum involved was "Ten million New Zealand Dollars, that's about Six American Dollars."

Now, I know the NZ$ hasn't been doing too well recently, but really..?! :D:)

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Give it Back, it was an honest mistake by an overwork bank staff, no need to compound the problem, beside $8 million would be pretty easy to trace, even if you went to the bank a made a cash withdrawal don't you think the bank would catch the error at that point. :D:):D you up until the cops arrive. :D

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Give it Back, it was an honest mistake by an overwork bank staff, no need to compound the problem, beside $8 million would be pretty easy to trace, even if you went to the bank a made a cash withdrawal don't you think the bank would catch the error at that point. :D:):D you up until the cops arrive. :D

But that's the whole point!

They did withdraw all the cash and got away too.

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I'd notify my bank immediately. Odd that a modern bank wouldn't catch the error in a daily audit.

They probably smurfed it out in small amounts.

The news say they're Asian, anyone know from what country?


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fwiw, the odds are overwhelming against you getting away with it.

"The service station, at the intersection of Otonga, Old Taupo and Devon roads, was owned by Huan Di Zhang and Hui Gao. The pair was listed at a West Harbour, Auckland address."

The article gives very few details. If they try to "go home", the odds of them ending up face down in the Chinese equivalent of a Klong seems likely.

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They probably smurfed it out in small amounts.

I once smurfed a smurfette but she became very smurf and I had to go to court to face charges of smurfing. Now I am a registered smurf-offender.

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I'd give it back.

Just because someone parks their Benz in front of your house don't mean its yours.

Funny that the gasbags who wheeze on day and night about Thais, have the same serious lack of integrity themselves.

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I'd give it back.

Just because someone parks their Benz in front of your house don't mean its yours.

Funny that the gasbags who wheeze on day and night about Thais, have the same serious lack of integrity themselves.

Sexpats with moral standards?

Oh, you're rich.

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I'd give it back.

Just because someone parks their Benz in front of your house don't mean its yours.

Funny that the gasbags who wheeze on day and night about Thais, have the same serious lack of integrity themselves.

Sexpats with moral standards?

Oh, you're rich.

lolololol :D:):D

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