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The Special I Can See You But Will Ignore You Walk


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Reading this thread again & having already commented once, it strikes me there are a lot of stuck up people around who misguidedly believe they are better than others.


BTW the OP surely didn't mean walking around the likes of BKK or Pattaya saying "hi' to everyone.I think it was more directed at the smaller places.There is still some guys going on about race and Thais and other non related BULL. Nothing to do with this at all.Just a simple 'hi','hello','hows it goin'.

As the OP i can guarantee I didn't mean walking around BKK saying "hi" to everyone that would just be moronic and inappropriate.

Longstebe and Lancashirelad have got it totally. Its about having manners and politeness.

If i see you in Nakon or Soi Nowhere I am going to say hello and not pretend you don't exist if we are walking towards each other on a quiet soi... its so simple and polite.

I am neither rich or a scam artist just a in the middle sort of English dude so for those who are looking deeper into this you are probably closer to rich or scam artist than me and so fear interaction with other farangs that you have initiated for your own needs.


This weekends tally

100% hit. 1 sighting of farang walking along soi and 1 confirmed hit. "hello" and a "hi" back..obviously not a TV poster then :) just a regular looking bloke.

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It amazes me how these oh so superior falangs manage to survive here or do they just send the wife/ex-bargirl, oh sorry maid to the shops so they don't have to lower their standards by talking to Thais that are inferior to them, politeness shown to lesser mortals is one of the things that set you apart from ignorant tw-ts a condescending attitude like yours tells most people here exactly what you are. :)

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Frankly, I think it is a country group versus the city group sort of thing. Country folks are just naturally more friendly than city folk. City folk have run into too many people who are trying to scam them or sell them something. Country folk have always had to help friends in need and just naturally treat strangers the same way. People in need are looked after in the country. In the city, people just step over the unfortunate. I can site dozens of cases all over Canada, the US, Australia and New Zealand. New Zealand have been the over-all nicest of the lot. Canada has too many immigrants who bring their own nasty prejudices with them.

I talk to everyone anywhere and occasionally get some strange looks, but I don't let it bother me. I just figure it's the other person's problem, not mine. My sister in New York introduces me as her Crocodile Dundee brother... and the name fits. In Thailand I seem to fit right in with all the friendly nationals there.

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I run around and shake hands with everyone:-)

No, seriously, try nodding or saying hi to all foreigners in Phuket? Good luck!

I know (recognize) all the foreigners living in my town, and I give them a nod somedays, depends on the mood.

If I am in a new place, why do I have to nod to complete strangers? Don't care about them, and I am sure that they don't care about me either. Now, that said, if someone gives me the nod or says hello, I will politely return that greeting/recognition of existence.

I have lived here for a few years and I dont want to meet many new people! My friends know me and they can for sure say that I am a mean kunt!

Good luck and keep up the British standards of regulated salutations upon meeting recognizable features in the land of LaLa (The one you did not colonize).

(I guess I greet more Thais than foreigners).

Edited by snowflake
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I live in a smallish country town in Australia, its common to give a nod or hello as you pass by someone, I first noticed the difference between Cities in Australia many years ago, in Brisbane in a lift people will often say hello, in Sydney people will not, when I am in Sydney I purposely strike up conversations just for a laugh, the look on there faces is hilarious, when in Thailand I sometimes say hello sometimes don't I have had plenty of people ignore me, once I was in a small country Town not many Farangs around and said hello, I was surprised he did'nt even acknowledge me.

Edited by rick75
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I always say hello, nod or whatever to people I know both Thai and foreign as they are friends, neighbours, colleagues and acquantances. I may also nod or say hello to people I see regularly who I dont know. I never say hello to people I dont know who I dont see regularly.

Even when I was younger and very much an extrovert I didnt do this. Saying hello to total strangers seems like a weird thing to do to me. But hey each to his own.

I was raised in a poor section of a very large city, which may or may not have anything to do with my opinions.

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As said earlier in the topic, I never nod or greet stranger farangs, what on the earth is the point? That he carries the same skin-tone as me should give us a bond?

I do however greet van-drivers, maids or other workers that I meet outside of their usual areas, even if they are 'below' (:)) me on social scale, since I am not a tosser.

But to greet strangers is just plain odd.

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