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I think the French are behind all this.

After all, Chirac spelled backwards is Carihc.  ???

Hey, may seem stupid, but so does most this other conspiracy/Anti-American conjecture/sentiment.  :o

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Kapow Guy, I'm starting to wonder about you.  Are you just posting to this thread because you like seeing your name stay up at the top of the forum?  Or are you really as simple-minded as you seem?

My point, since you obviously can't make the huge mental leap to understand it for yourself, is that there is enough differing material on the net to support any particular view one wishes to adopt--however ridiculous it may be.  There is propaganda that "proves" one view, then another web site that "clearly" disproves the same.  OK?  ...So, (just in case you missed it), for every web site you can quote from your long list of conspiratorial, anti-American bookmarks, I could pull another disproving it... if I wanted to waste my time trying to change your mind.

Just because a web site claims to have "facts, figures and dates" doesn't mean that those "facts, figures and dates" are correct.  Anybody can put up a web site.  Anybody can spout off anything they would like.. that's the point I was making with the flat earth character.  I can think for myself and I use common sense, but it seems like you don't. You just believe what is on the web (and apparently what you hear the other bar flies ranting about at your local pub).   :cool:

Since there is an unlimited supply of conspiracy theories and web sites to "prove" them, I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you.  It would be the "pearls before swine" sort of thing.  Understand?  You want to believe what you want to believe and it would simply be a waste of my time to try to change you.

One of my points during this thread is that there are always two sides to every argument, more than one way to spin things, and I wanted to try to open your eyes to that fact.  I don't think it's going to work though, since you seem consistently bent on trying to perpetuate one-sided myths and rumours that always point the same way (grandiose theories with a consistent bias against the American government).  

America, it's people and it's leaders are not supremely powerful, insidious or malicious.  It's not perfect but it's hardly the "great Satan".  


Membrane, how can you say I'm wasting your time? When did I ever ask you to convince me? I just put something on the board for others to read, not for you only. I do sincerely thank you for trying because this is a discussion board right? Until you or someone can convince me otherwise by showing me a website that shows inconclusive evidence those doubts will always remain. What I don't understand is why you don't have the same doubts as me?

Of course I can think. And of course I look at both sides. But for me the side of the conspiracy seems much more believable that what CNN or FOX tells us. Besides, all the topics raised in the site I told you have valid points and never has the US Govt given arguments thereof.

You don't want to waste your time then fine, go ahead and believe what you want.  But I honestly would rather you try. I want to believe that this is as it seems as the conspiracy scenario is too horrible for reality.

I have no ill feelings to you and would rather talk about this without the insults. Sarcasm can be funny but insults are insults no matter how you look at it. :o


Sorry to be studious, but thought a quote about now sort of seemed to fit:

Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it.
Andre Gide


If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence. The origin of myths is explained in this way.

Bertrand Russell

So there you go, sense from history.

Unless we are actually there, then we can never truly be sure we are told the truth - the same story reads different in every news paper. As much as some disbelieve fringe web sites, others disbelieve the accepted media. Both have reason and both are correct. When asked to tell the truth, we should simply reply "which truth".


5,000 motorcyclists on watch for missiles, suspicious types

Urged to brush teeth, keep eye on foreigners

Wassayos Ngamkham

Almost 5,000 taxi motorcyclists operating in Don Muang area are being briefed on helping police detect shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles and suspected terrorists during the Apec summit.

About 1,300 of 4,812 taxi motorcyclists from 168 taxi queues were yesterday being trained on how to identify missiles and other suspect items. The training session was held at Don Muang Technical College, about five kilometres from the international airport.

The special training, arranged by Don Muang police, follows rumours that six shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles may have been smuggled into the country for terrorist attacks during the Apec summit in Bangkok.

Pol Col Cherdchai Sekhanant, Don Muang police chief, said police chose taxi motorcyclists for the training as they are in a large number and operate around the clock in many city streets and alleys.

They could help police monitor movements of suspicious individuals, said Pol Col Cherdchai, adding there were 300 police in Don Muang area.

The motorcyclists were briefed about the arrest of Indonesian terror suspect Hambali, news coverage by an international agency about Thailand being vulnerable to terrorist attacks and rumours about the surface-to-air missiles.

Police also sought cooperation from the air force's anti-aircraft regiment to put a missile on display during the training session for the trainees to view.

The missile was hidden in a PVC tube contained in a golf bag, which surprised many motorcyclists, who thought the missile would be harder to conceal.

``If I had not been trained, I would not have known what the missile looked like. I have seen them in movies,'' said a 34-year-old woman motorcyclist from Kosumsamakhee housing estate queue.

She said tips on how to spot suspects and explosives would help her detect suspicious people.

Natthapon Ruangrit, 40, a motorcyclist from Sirisuk housing estate queue, said many foreigners lived in temporary housing in his service area. Most were new faces and rented apartments for temporary stay. He was told by police to keep a special watch on foreigners.

Samran Kumphon, 35, a motorcylist working in front of Don Muang district office, said putting the missile on display was a good idea. ``It's very dangerous as it can shoot aircraft. Don Muang is vulnerable for attacks as it is. The missile is very light, portable and easy to operate,'' said Mr Samran.

Pol Lt-Col Surasak Prakkamakul, Don Muang deputy traffic chief, said motorcyclists would receive crime informant cards from Don Muang police station.

He expected more taxi motorcyclists would join the training today. ``We can call them spies. They need not disguise themselves when doing the task. We give them tips on how to detect suspicious things.

``We also tell them to wear clean clothes, take a bath and brush their teeth to welcome Apec participants. Don Muang police are 100% ready for the security task,'' said Pol Lt-Col Surasak. People can alert Don Muang authorities about suspicious individuals on 01-6201104.




Well, at least one thing is for sure there is some of you all have been smoking so really bad weed. Give us Americans a break, we are already all unemployed, so far in national debt we'll never see the green again, getting our boys banged off at least one a day in Sadden land, have Michael Jackson as our national freak and now you guys bashing us with every post. Give us a break, see you all in Bangkok soon, just a short side trip to Nam first.


``We also tell them to wear clean clothes, take a bath and brush their teeth to welcome Apec participants. Don Muang police are 100% ready for the security task,'' said Pol Lt-Col Surasak. People can alert Don Muang authorities about suspicious individuals on 01-6201104.

I like this last paragraph. I'm ashamed of our police. Do they seriously think that delegates will ride a moto-taxi? They'd probably never even come close to one.  ???

As a foreigner what do you think?

I think they're more likely to be killed pillion through BKK than having some untrained, inexperienced, 14 year old aiming a bazooka at them!  :o
Give us a break, see you all in Bangkok soon, just a short side trip to Nam first.


All this drama ...and he's not even in Thailand?

Mrentoul , I thought you realised , Bud is everywhere , Bud is everyone, Bud is...........hmmmm where did I leave that pill box....


let's say that america, I mean gwb needs to get his image looking a lot better way that it is by now, he's low in every poll,

america has a kind of hole in the nation's budget!

say thanks GWB  :o


hahaha ... who is dum enough to take for granted all what the tv say? .. fox, cnn, whatever the channel, they report what they want and surely what thay can

or what they have to  :o


hahaha ... who is dum enough to take for granted all what the tv say? .. fox, cnn, whatever the channel, they report what they want and surely what thay can

or what they have to  

This is America, not Thailand you know!!


This is America, not Thailand you know!!

ho, I know!!

but here, what they hear on tv, "must be true", because they said it on the news ...  :o

I might add that Fox news was the first to announce GWBs election win - before the counts where actually in! The other US nationals followed. Then the BBC (yes the British Broadcasting Company) spilt the beans and the whole embarrassing pantomime followed – recounts, Supreme Court etc…Yeah, I believe everything I read/see in the media – NOT (especially anything with a Murdoch brand on it)!

from time to time, this is not bad to go visit reuters or afp, or any news agency, just to get some raw telex ...

it's sometime really surprising to see the difference that there is

between raw lines and the same news spread on tv's  :o


but maybe next time

I'm not a us citizen, but as I can see from outside, and all the comments or opinions ... there might be a real big chance that gwb will be sent back to his garden ...  B)

I just take a look at us economy ... not at it's best  :o

any important things, that this president did for american people?

can you tell us?

curious to know how someone who liked a man, see the same man years after ...  ???

not critical, just curious!   :D

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