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Is The Weather In May Always This Delightful?


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This is only second time I have been in Chiangmai through May, and I am finding the weather delightful. Is it always this nice? Not always, but usually? Sometimes, but not often? Hardly ever? Never?

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This is only second time I have been in Chiangmai through May, and I am finding the weather delightful. Is it always this nice? Not always, but usually? Sometimes, but not often? Hardly ever? Never?

Sometimes. Impossible to predict. Just lucky.

In Phuket, there hasn't been much sunshine for a week now. But I'm sure next week will be better. Sorry for the tourists who spend a week in the rain. I guess we won't see most of them back.

We need lots of water anyway. All the water reservoirs were almost empty.

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I would say Chiang Mai is often like this in May. It's rained more this years than in the last few years, which has made the air quality and visual clarity even more pronounced than normal. It always surprises me that so few tourists choose to come here at this time of year.

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This is only second time I have been in Chiangmai through May, and I am finding the weather delightful. Is it always this nice? Not always, but usually? Sometimes, but not often? Hardly ever? Never?

Sometimes. Impossible to predict. Just lucky.

In Phuket, there hasn't been much sunshine for a week now. But I'm sure next week will be better. Sorry for the tourists who spend a week in the rain. I guess we won't see most of them back.

We need lots of water anyway. All the water reservoirs were almost empty.

The climate in Phuket is very different from that in Chiang Mai. According to the Thai Meteorological Department ( http://www.tmd.go.th/en/province_stat.php?...ionNumber=48327 ) Chiang Mai normally has 15 rainy days in May with a total of 158 mm of rain. For Phuket the corresponding numbers are 22 days and 345 mm.

Further differences: The rainiest month in Chiang Mai is August with 21 days and 236 mm. In Phuket it is September with 23 days and 417 mm.

Finally, Chiang Mai gets on average 1183 mm of rain per year, Phuket gets 2503 mm, i.e. more than twice as much!

/ Priceless

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Not normal as far as I have experienced in the past 6 years, but very nice just the same. Clean air, heat, cooled off in the evenings and every 4-5 days some rain. Amazing sunsets sometimes with a beautiful backdrop of rain clouds in the distance. Should be caring a camera...

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In my experience this is not typical temperature, rainfall, clarity for May. Usually it's hot and dry with intermittent rain, not enough to really green things up.

None of us seem to agree, but Puwa is closest in my opinion.

Usually in April and May it is hot for days on end and doesn't cool down until the rains start at the end of May. However, during the last few years it has rained earlier and more than in the past. That is how I remember it, anyway. :)

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I've been visiting since the 1990s and have lived here for most of the current millennium, but still find it perplexing that it pees down for months on end, then gets really cool for months on end, then gets stiflingly hot for just as long. Not perplexed climatically wise, more it's the first time it's happened every time it doesn happen although I know it isn't. So what's happening there then? :)

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That's how I remember it too.  But rather than suffer with all the heat and terrible smoke I think I prefer this new way of raining pattern.

In my experience this is not typical temperature, rainfall, clarity for May. Usually it's hot and dry with intermittent rain, not enough to really green things up.

None of us seem to agree, but Puwa is closest in my opinion.

Usually in April and May it is hot for days on end and doesn't cool down until the rains start at the end of May. However, during the last few years it has rained earlier and more than in the past. That is how I remember it, anyway. :)

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I'll leave it up to Priceless to provide the graphs (including climographs), but I think visiting Chiang Mai from, say, May - October, is grossly undersold.

Today, the clarity of the air was truly wonderful, but not an odd day at all in this transitional season between the hot and wet seasons. Perhaps there has been somewhat more rain this year than on average (Priceless?), but I think the distinction is trivial. It can be pretty hot some days (I was looking at 36-37 in the afternoon today), but so what! It IS the tropics, folks!! Wear a hat!!

Why do people worry about rain so much in the tropics. It is the natural order of things! The rain is almost always brief up this way, a lot of it at night when it can lull you to sleep. It is a hard to climb steep rough mountain roads in the wet seasons. The mud is like butter, but most people don't do that. And the ones who like those ATVs (right term?), please go to Mexico! Lovely place! Lovely climate. Very cheap accommodations at present.

But DON'T plan a visit to Chiang Mai --- or to Central or Northern Thailand from mid-February through early April. THE AIR POLLUTION CAN BE VERY BAD. You can not see the natural beauty of the area some days! So, beware what the pretenders of the local chamber of commerce tells you, some of whom post on this forum.

I do not represent the local chamber of commerce, but I will tell you that there are rooms begging to be filled at all levels of price. There are real bargains here! Forget the bit about political problems. We read about them in the newspapers like you do! I am not employed by a hotel. And I am not generally thrilled by tourists. I just hate to see so much that is enjoyable go to waste.

Edited by Mapguy
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Not normal as far as I have experienced in the past 6 years, but very nice just the same. Clean air, heat, cooled off in the evenings and every 4-5 days some rain. Amazing sunsets sometimes with a beautiful backdrop of rain clouds in the distance. Should be caring a camera...

the last thing you should worry about

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