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Pattaya Baht Bus Vehicle Passenger Safety


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Last night in the rain boarded a bus going from Pattaya Tai queue to Jomtien.

There were two things going on with this bus that were VERY UNSAFE and accidents waiting to happen.

There was NO RAIL at all between the rear seats and the back of the bus. That means with a moderately sudden stop the rear passenger or passengers may be ejected onto the roadway. I am talking about the metal rail that is attached to the passenger seats at the rear; it is usually a small height but provides some protection, not much, but better than nothing. Also, for some reason the baseboard material on the back stand was shockingly slippery. Yes, I know it was raining but I have never seen such a slippery base. Pretty much everyone entering and leaving was slipping.

Now by now means do all buses show such blatant safety hazards. However, observing this particular bus and how it was ALLOWED on the road by the so called Pattaya Baht Bus Collective, it made me wonder how many other unsafe buses are allowed on the roads and how many of these hazards are HIDDEN from our view, such as faulty brakes.

Pattaya public transport for the most popular beach resort in Asia: NEEDS IMPROVEMENT.


Where are the THAIS who give a dam_n?

Edited by Jingthing
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... That means with a moderately sudden stop the rear passenger or passengers may be ejected onto the roadway...

Hi Jingthing,

I think there is something wrong with your "physic laws" :)

If the bathbus stop, even strongly or suddenly, passengers tend to pe projected towards the FRONT of the vehicle, not the BACK. :D . There is then no reason someone can be "ejected on the road". For that you should need a very strong acceleration that these bahtbus are not able to provide.

The bahtbus is a good system for me (as bus, not taxi!). He could get improvement, yes, but more about number, hours, organization...

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... That means with a moderately sudden stop the rear passenger or passengers may be ejected onto the roadway...

Hi Jingthing,

I think there is something wrong with your "physic laws" :)

If the bathbus stop, even strongly or suddenly, passengers tend to pe projected towards the FRONT of the vehicle, not the BACK. :D . There is then no reason someone can be "ejected on the road". For that you should need a very strong acceleration that these bahtbus are not able to provide.

The bahtbus is a good system for me (as bus, not taxi!). He could get improvement, yes, but more about number, hours, organization...

Exactly what i was thinking, unless of course they were travelling in reverse!! :D

Who gave this topic a five star rating by the way?? :D

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My physics may be wrong or not, but this was a hazard nonetheless (as you say, by a speeding bus -- COMMON). Most buses have that metal thingie and this did not. I think they ALL should have them and I stand by my assertion that bus was an ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN. Maybe you don't think people breaking their necks is serious ...

The bahtbus is a good system for me (as bus, not taxi!). He could get improvement, yes, but more about number, hours, organization...

So you think the bus SAFETY does not need improvement then? Very callous.

The mortality rate of passengers who are ejected outside cars, trucks and tourist buses is extremely high, with some studies showing a four fold risk of death.


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Only one thing to remember.

This is Thailand and no such thing as health and safety so we all have to be careful out there.I believe that if you look at the tyres you will find they are bald,so another accident waiting to happen.

Understand where you are coming from but to worry about something like this is not a good idea

Enjoy Thailand

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I stand by my assertion that bus was an ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN.

and yet you still chose to get on it? by doing so you were condoning the lack of safety concerns.

as previous poster stated, get a life or get a taxi, I realize in these times of austerity cutbacks must be made, maybe you value your baht more than your life.

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Thanks for the update. But after your previous story I was hoping for the BUS # of this baht bus. As I said in a previous post, I make a note of all baht-buses I travel on. I carry a notebook and pen and make notes about things like; style of driving, age of bus, working halt buttons, seating, etc. etc.

Recent entries into my diary today:

Bus # 444 : Very good service in a well maintained bus. Driver polite on exit, buzzers worked, has an unmissable front painting above the cab of the Virgin Mary suggesting RC influence. Will ride again.

Bus # 3: A very slow drive with a sole woman driver. Possibly a novice. Breaks suddenly (suspect she does not use rear-view-mirror). Avoid in future, might lead me into death.

Edited by syd barrett
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You are right, Syd, I erred again. Failed to get the baht bus number. But this one would be very easy to spot, it sports both no rear barriers and a super slick step on board. I did get on the bus and here is why. I nearly slipped off the bus boarding it so I was halfway there and figured if I was going to slip off getting off the bus, it would be better if I was at my destination. I made it a point to sit closer to the interior of the bus. If I had no choice but to sit on the end, I would have passed. And remember it was raining so it would have meant waiting who knows how long for another queue bus to fill up. I also nearly slipped off onto the street on getting off the bus. There really was something wrong with the back board, I don't recall ever experiencing such a slick bus. People seem strangely interested in attacking me personally, what I did, what I didn't do, I am presenting an issue much much bigger than me.

BTW, another thing I didn't mention. This bus lacked an overhead grab pole on one side. This is VERY COMMON on the buses, either one or both overhead grab poles missing or sometime defective, but in the case of this particular bus it was a more potentially serious flaw because of the lack of the rear barriers.

Or buy a car or bike...

No. I don't intend to ever own a car in Thailand and I don't ride a bike, and don't wish to learn. As you know, these modes carry their own problems, and I would rather take my chances with the baht bus. I don't tell you to ride baht buses, please mind your own business about how I ride, OK?

BTW, I reckon not one time in the history of people posting here about problems with driving cars and bikes in Thailand, has one wise asss piped in: RIDE THE BAHT BUS! But each and every time someone has a complaint about baht buses, there you are, the private vehicle Nazis demanding that EVERYONE else run a private vehicle. That is very obnoxious.

BTW, have we all given up the dream of REAL Pattaya taxi meters, you know, roaming ones that actually USE the meters? The Pattaya public transport system remains a MAFIA that offers few too choices to customers, and now I am realizing, there are real safety issues as well. Recall the other day of a baht bus with failing brakes on Pratumnak Hill? Happily, nobody was hurt. The baht buses are heavily used by TOURISTS, Thailand and Pattaya already deep in the dog house in tourism numbers does not need a high profile baht bus accident with international tourists involved ...

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Maybe there was a spillage at the back and that added to the slippyness(is that a word or not)

No. While I think the water made it worse, I think it was a surface that would have been slick even dry. I noticed a more normal bus today has GRATING on the back board. This one didn't and it was skewed at an odd angle, more like an ice skating surface than a stepboard. Like I said most people were having trouble with it.

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Bus # 444 : Very good service in a well maintained bus. Driver polite on exit, buzzers worked, has an unmissable front painting above the cab of the Virgin Mary suggesting RC influence. Will ride again.


Well that's nice to know because Number 4 is considered an unlucky number in Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese cultures because it is a homonym with the word "death"

My Doctor in Singapore drove a Mercedes reg number 444 so of course he was known as......yes you've got it Dr. Death :)

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I see, as this seems to be major issue and Thailands future is at stake, maybe one of the volunteer colonels could set up few positions for TBSV (Tourist Baht Bus Volunteer) ensuring safety and to assist tourist on baht bus related problems like overcharging and other disputes with the drivers, family gangs and various mafia organizations.

To differentiate from other volunteer organizations the uniform need to different colour though, maybe tamil tiger type camo could do. I hear there is oversupply at the market nowdays so that would be propably the best option pricewise.

Naturally they should be equipped with few pairs of handcuffs each to secure tourists to the bus railings to prevent them being ejected in case there is any safety issues found in the vehicles.

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Better yet, build a light rail system and run it on the routes now used by the baht buses. Then you could know you could board at outer Jomtien and go all the way to Naklua market without bus changes or arguing with mafia thug drivers. This would be a huge improvement for the city and GREEN as well.

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Naturally they should be equipped with few pairs of handcuffs each to secure tourists to the bus railings to prevent them being ejected in case there is any safety issues found in the vehicles.

Please pipe in with your comedy act next time there is a major PREVENTABLE accident with the baht buses.

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Naturally they should be equipped with few pairs of handcuffs each to secure tourists to the bus railings to prevent them being ejected in case there is any safety issues found in the vehicles.

Please pipe in with your comedy act next time there is a major PREVENTABLE accident with the baht buses.

Well you are in Thailand now mate. Accidents happen here and most are PREVENTABLE. Half of BKK buses are not up to a standard and would not be allowed to operate in western countries. It is up to individual if you choose to take the risk and use baht bus, private car or bike etc in Thai roads.

So why all the moaning in the forums, it's their bus system and in my opinion still more safe than driving a bike. If you think they are not up to standard then there is always the option not to board one.

Myself, being a Nazi as you call me prefer to drive my own car. Just for the reason that it is more convenient to get my wife, newborn kid around. Can't help if it offends you, the baht bus driving member.

BTW For an active participant on the forum you voice your opinion on several subjects quite openly. However on topics were you are OP you seem to have very low tolerance to those who have different opinion. You can't help it, peoples opinions differ so do not take it as personal insult in case someone takes different view.

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MJo: Myself, being a Nazi as you call me prefer to drive my own car. Just for the reason that it is more convenient to get my wife, newborn kid around. Can't help if it offends you, the baht bus driving member.

I really detest it when people TWIST and totally change the meaning of other people's posts. It is truly despicable so let me spell it out for you again:

-- you pretty much NEVER hear people on this board suggesting people dump their cars and bikes and switch to public transport in posts about problems with cars and bikes. Find me even one case, I will be surprised. For example, the common thread about a bike death. Who would EVER say in such a thread, the loser idiot should have been riding a baht bus and then he wouldn't be dead?

-- more often than not, when there is a thread about public transport, the people who mostly presumably own a car or bike, demean people who do not, suggest they get a private vehicle, and basically imply people with private vehicles are somehow superior while people who for whatever reason use public transport are lesser beings.

I NEVER said people who have cars or bikes are Nazis. I did make a joke about "private vehicle Nazis" as people who harass and dismiss people who complain about public transport by telling them to get their own vehicle, like them. We who use public transport don't attack you for using private transport, and you should respect the way we ride as well. But many of you don't and its high time you get called on it.

Consider yourself called on it. BTW, I don't recall this issue ever being raised on this board, the arrogance and rudeness of private vehicle owners towards people who use public transportation. Something new!

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However on topics were you are OP you seem to have very low tolerance to those who have different opinion.

I do have a low tolerance for posters who insist on

-- personalizing with PERSONAL attacks

-- changing the topic, this is about a baht bus safety matter, not about telling people to buy cars and bikes or God forbid WALKING everywhere, the fact that many many people DO ride baht buses and WILL CONTINUE to ride baht buses is IMPLIED! There are scads of OTHER THREADS about the joys and problems with cars and bikes, this is NOT one of them.

-- no problem with sincere debate about the TOPIC, for example the buses really are very safe and the safety standards are excellent, here is the proof, I would LOVE to see a post like that.

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Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life.

You know you've been in Thailand too long when: Your major concerns are conditions on a baht buses.

geez! get over it mate! its a baht bus you spend less then 10mins on every journey...

Its a 10 baht ride on the back of a pick up, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT!?? SEAT BELTS??

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It might be useful to use a driver survey, prior to jumping on board the truck. Here are some sample questions to consider.

Approach the window and the driver will roll down the window, hoping for a private, VIP fare. (You know, one of those 200 baht rates across town).

Then, when he/she/shemale whatever thinks that they have you hooked, start the interviewing process.

1. Are you a f%^^&&& maniac? This might be the first question as a positive answer will lead you to passing on this cab.

2. Are you drunk? Mao? Not, chairman Mao, but thai Mao, which is drunk.

3. Are you a yabba dabba doo freak junkie?

4. Do you aim for customer satisfaction or for every pot hole on the road and sidewalk?

5. Do you have a license? Insurance?

6. Does your truck have the 'OH SHIIT' handles and do they function properly?

7. Are you part of the famous homely lady theft bus ring?

8. Does your mother/father know that you are driving the truck today? Save this question for those drivers who appear to be under 10.

9. If all else fails, just ditch the survey, hop on board and hold on for dear life. This is the best method.

Good luck.

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We all need padded suits to help break our fall from the rear of baht buses.

No rear railings, slippery floors, no overhead railings, one hand on our wallets to protect against pick pockets, the other hand holding our shopping or ice cream, a maniac driver taking corners on two wheels and......

......a pot holed road just waiting for us to slide along after the angular velocity together with the angular acceleration, the centripetal force, the centrifugal force, the angular momentum, the coriolis force, the gyoscopic motion together with kinetic energy, the linear rotational parallels, torque and inertia all come into play.

End result: accident.

Solution to problem: walk.

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Better yet, build a light rail system and run it on the routes now used by the baht buses. Then you could know you could board at outer Jomtien and go all the way to Naklua market without bus changes or arguing with mafia thug drivers. This would be a huge improvement for the city and GREEN as well.

Right. Have you any sense of reality? Do the numbers. If western countries require billions of currency to build the systems and can't manage to do so on time, without budget over runs and without kickbacks, how do you expect a country of limited means like Thailand to do that? There are bigger problems on the priority list like education, medical care and shelter that they can't even deal with and you are demanding a light rail system so that you can avoid the horrors of a baht bus.

Look at the population density and land available. Do you have the money to fund the land expropriation or in your fantasy do you just tell the local landowners to bugger off? The baht bus is intended for people like you and it meets your needs. If you don't want to pay for a taxi then deal with the downside of uber cheap mass transit and stop complaining.

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take the baht buses out of Pattaya and you take the joy out of Jingthing's life :)

waiting for his next topic: "when will the authorities make seatbelts in baht buses mandatory?"

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... That means with a moderately sudden stop the rear passenger or passengers may be ejected onto the roadway...

Hi Jingthing,

I think there is something wrong with your "physic laws" :)

If the bathbus stop, even strongly or suddenly, passengers tend to pe projected towards the FRONT of the vehicle, not the BACK. :D . There is then no reason someone can be "ejected on the road". For that you should need a very strong acceleration that these bahtbus are not able to provide.

The bahtbus is a good system for me (as bus, not taxi!). He could get improvement, yes, but more about number, hours, organization...

Actually in an RTA involving a sudden stop objects are thrown upwards,.so wear a helmet on the baht bus id say, :D unless you are hit from the rear then you will fly out the back,.but on a serious note it makes me cringe when i see these pick ups flying along sukhomvit with a full laod of thais in the back, one swerve or an overturn will result in misery and carnage for sure,..safety standards ?.fraid not,. :D Edited by imaneggspurt
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