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Setting Your Thai Wife Up In Business


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she is making 125 baht an hour? nice!

Very nice indeed! Especially more so when you figure that minimum wage in Thailand is about 200 baht per DAY! Lots of people work as construction laborers in the hot sun all day for this minimum wage.

Are you kidding me here :) ? 200 Baht a day?! That's about 4,35 Euro a day. That's the price of a microwave meal here.

Quote: "the new minimum wage will be between 148 and 203 baht" from June 2008 ( http://thailand.prd.go.th/view_inside.php?id=3403 )

/ Priceless

Amazing! Thnx.

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Thanks to everyone for the comments about my wife earning "only" 125 baht an hour.

During those 4 hours she works dam_n hard. What I amy not have mentioned is that the place is open from around 8 am till perhaps 8 or 9 a night.

She also makes a profit from the shop as well.

She is not tooo keen on keeping books though.

Actually I read that she was earning 125 baht an hour as a positive comment. If he meant it as a derogatory comment, it certainly backfired.

30 baht per hour is quite normal for a unskilled worker.

Being self sufficient, earning your own income is something to be applauded. Thank goodness that there are many small business owners in Thailand, providing us with food and services wherever we go.

Shame on the loan sharks who take advantage.

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Are you kidding me here :) ? 200 Baht a day?! That's about 4,35 Euro a day. That's the price of a microwave meal here.

Quote: "the new minimum wage will be between 148 and 203 baht" from June 2008 ( http://thailand.prd.go.th/view_inside.php?id=3403 )

/ Priceless

Amazing! Thnx.

Seeing your several threads looking for advice how to relocate and find a job in thailand, this will hopefully explain why it is hard to compete with Thais in job market.

Off topic, i know. Sorry.

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Amazing! Thnx.

Amazing foreigners, know first what you buy or how you invest. Get local knowlegde first.

I once sit in airplane beside a thai woman (years ago), she claimed to receive 70kTHB/month from Belgium friend and even she thought this was a little bit high (and did not deny accepting less), but 30kTHB/month support should be normal, according to her. She ran a pig farm up north. Yeah, for sure I can start a one person business without initial investment (zero start-up cost) very good too, if somebody also support me a 4-10x month salary each month. This Thai woman even claimed her Belgium friend gave her 100kTHB cash pocket money. Because our airplane was delayed she used my mobile telephone to call her Belgium friend in car when he returned home after dropping her at airport. She calmly asked him for another 100kTHB to be sent next week to keep everything running up north. I still wonder myself why I not called back this poor/rich Belgium foreigner to tell .......

Business as usual

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Must be a real stupid foreigner, to send that amount of money to in his eyes his girlfriend. But I know there are enough. If a Thai lady start about money on me, yes i'm willing to pay a little, but have to work for their own money, i'm not a cash machine to keep the relation going. Real of for money, second one please go.

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i have lived in thailand for 4 years now....i never really understand all this giving your wife/gf money all the time...and complaining they spend all your money.and they are bored and you have to give them something to do.........the answer is find a gf with education and a job and her own money.i have done it,and life is sweet money is no problem,she actcully earns 80,000baht a month.......if you mix with bargirls(iam not knocking that each to their own) then you have to expect a hard life!! :)

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she is making 125 baht an hour? nice!

Very nice indeed! Especially more so when you figure that minimum wage in Thailand is about 200 baht per DAY! Lots of people work as construction laborers in the hot sun all day for this minimum wage.

Are you kidding me here :) ? 200 Baht a day?! That's about 4,35 Euro a day. That's the price of a microwave meal here.

My gf recently applied and was shortlisted for a job at a 7-11 attached to a gasoline/petrol station. This place is always busy, every time a queue at the checkout.

They pay 154 Baht per 10 hour shift. As well as that staff have to pay a 2000 Baht security deposit and for their uniform (supposedly refundable). That means making nearly nothing for the first month and not much more than nothing afterwards. Some of the staff have to use public transport and so pay 20 or 30 Baht per day to get there and back. No holiday pay or mention of healthcare/pension.

If my gf had taken the job, she would have been ending shifts at odd times and coming home along a stretch of road where they have been robberies recently.

Some people I know had a job cleaning at a hospital and finished with less than 100 Baht per day after paying travelling costs. If they had 1 day off sick, they not only lost that day's pay, but had to work another day with no pay.

I'm not a great lover of Unions, but that's what this country needs, a good strong union movement. The difference between the rich and poor is too vast in Thailand.

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i have lived in thailand for 4 years now....i never really understand all this giving your wife/gf money all the time...and complaining they spend all your money.and they are bored and you have to give them something to do.........the answer is find a gf with education and a job and her own money.i have done it,and life is sweet money is no problem,she actcully earns 80,000baht a month.......if you mix with bargirls(iam not knocking that each to their own) then you have to expect a hard life!! :)

"if you mix with bargirls(iam not knocking that each to their own) "

I think that you are knocking that!

"and complaining they spend all your money"

Has anybody in this thread done any such complaining? No. For some reason you want to take the opportunity to gloat and show everybody what a clever boy you are!

The answer is to find a gf with her own money? The answer to what?

A lot of Thai woman are looking for a relationship with a man who has money, yes we know that......and you wont consider a relationship with a girl unless she has money - are you so different?

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For 40,000 Baht I set up one long term g/f with a salon. She did quite well out of it for the first three months it was open but then the customer base dropped away. The cost of running the place was too high and it started to bleed my wallet. The g/f was sat around most of the day twiddling her thumbs and keeping the shop open longer and longer to no avail.

When it got to leaving home at 7 am. and not coming home until 11 pm. I put my foot down and got her to sell up.

She made more money for less hours getting her 60% cut working for another salon.

Then there was the fish. Used the proceeds from the sale of the salon and they dug a ruddy great hole out the back of the house, filled it with fish and proceeded to feed the fish with no thought, care or plan at all. Murky green water, no netting or anything. That made a profit !!

Last I heard she was doing quite well and stocking up with more fish. Sometimes I think it is best to let them get on with it and subsidise them to a degree. Keeps them happy :)

Same story. Opened a beauty salon for my girl 80,000 baht investment. She made money , worked 15 hrs. a day spent most of it sleeping & waiting for customers. after she got established 4 more beauty salon opened up 6 now in a 1 block radius.

Was netting 8-10,000 baht a month after expenses- but the pie slice got to thin. Oh & you better help her with the books. While most Thai's can do Unless they have an education in business they tend to be daft on the debit credit dept. & count all gross as net. Till you straighten them out & let them know 30% is going to rent & products.. business cards.....

I saw the writing on the wall that many salons so close no money & never seeing her . We sold & I was glad to take a 30,000 baht lesson in life. now we live out in the country & while she is highly employable there isn't a chance in hel_l I would let her work out. I could not find anyone to help with our fruit & plant nursery that is worth their keep.

Whatever you put in understand if you lose keep it on the short end. Very few success stories in any form of business. If you are doing it to keep her busy & let her build her self esteem Kudos . But I would go in with very limited funds & very low expectations. You might want to consider if she does not do well it might change her demeanor & make her real crabby. No one likes to book a loser. I am cynical as I have had 6 businesses & only 1 failed . I learned from the 1 failure & never made the same mistake twice. So to be safe don't expect anything financially sustaining & you will be alright. If your thinking of opening a beauty salon have her keep her present job. It sucks having to be the boss & take on 300% more responsibility to make another 3000 baht a month!

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yes bilL good for you. But i really hope you looking at the busniness realistically. When you say as you see it it is a good thing ,that worries me.

Does it really make money? Would a business consultant say you got a winner? It would make no sense to leave your missus a losing operation if you love her,

If all you want is for her to take care of herself when you pass, just buy a healthy life insurance policy! Kindsa weird wanting to leave your wife a lifetime of hard work.

Of course I am looking at the business realistically and why should it worry you as it certainly does not worry me.

Of course it makes money. I actually see cash at the end of the day.

Why on earth would I want to spend money on a business consultant who probably knows all about business and not a lot about people. If I did then for the cost of his "expertise" would cost several months profits to tell me that the business makes a profit. I KNOW that already.

It is not a lifetime of hard work if you enjoy your work.

Also when I die my wife is entitled to 50% of my pensions as well.

At the end of the day it is HER choice to do what she wants to do, my job is to help her.

How much life insurance should I be able to get as a 65 year old?

1 or 2 million, 5, 10 or whatever?

It is better to leave a profitable business rather than money.

That is my thoughts anyway.

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I had a gf once upon a time. Came from the bar and about as typical as they come. She wanted to do something else - all the usual ideas tossed around here. I got her an internship with a company helping in the office and other things. I guess as compared to some start-ups discussed here this was expensive because I paid her salary (to the company and they paid her) for a year at 15,000 per month. Told them they could fire her any time - this was her chance to prove she could do something else. Almost 5 years have gone by she's still working there, is the most trusted aide of the MD and went to school on the weekends to get her HS degree.

She called me the other day out of the blue - hadn't spoken in a year or so. She's happy with the job but thinking she has enough experience to look for something better. She's got skills, experience, great track record and because she works with farangs every day her English is quite strong.

In the long run perhaps this was more money for me but she got a game changer in terms of her life and has employable skills now for many different companies and positions.

You know the story; give someone a fish, or teach them to fish.

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I have a friend who used to work in the Bar industry and had a no-hoper boyfriend (farang) I encouraged her to return to her home province and start her own business....she took my advice and with the help of her mothers good credit rating obtained a loan for 200,000 and built her own restaurant on Dad's farm next to the road. They turn over 5-6,000 Baht /day and make a profit of approx 40,000/month. She is working hard and long hours, but she is her own boss and no longer has to rely on her ex boyfriend to support her.

She and her mother have asked me to visit next month and they have both been very gracious with their thanks for the advice provided. There is no doubt it can be done but it is essential to check for similar businesses in the area before committing. Fortunately the only other Moo Kata place is in the provincial capital so she has the monopoly in her area and people are starting to come from several villages away based on word of mouth recommendations.

I am very happy for her and her family and look forward to visiting next month. (No! there is no romantic or sexual relationship between us, she is a friend developed over a few years of drinking in her bar and seeing how the boyfriend treatd her)

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I had a gf once upon a time. Came from the bar and about as typical as they come. She wanted to do something else - all the usual ideas tossed around here. I got her an internship with a company helping in the office and other things. I guess as compared to some start-ups discussed here this was expensive because I paid her salary (to the company and they paid her) for a year at 15,000 per month. Told them they could fire her any time - this was her chance to prove she could do something else. Almost 5 years have gone by she's still working there, is the most trusted aide of the MD and went to school on the weekends to get her HS degree.

She called me the other day out of the blue - hadn't spoken in a year or so. She's happy with the job but thinking she has enough experience to look for something better. She's got skills, experience, great track record and because she works with farangs every day her English is quite strong.

In the long run perhaps this was more money for me but she got a game changer in terms of her life and has employable skills now for many different companies and positions.

You know the story; give someone a fish, or teach them to fish.

Nice story, and it helps break the BG stereotype.

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yes bilL good for you. But i really hope you looking at the busniness realistically. When you say as you see it it is a good thing ,that worries me.

Does it really make money? Would a business consultant say you got a winner? It would make no sense to leave your missus a losing operation if you love her,

If all you want is for her to take care of herself when you pass, just buy a healthy life insurance policy! Kindsa weird wanting to leave your wife a lifetime of hard work.

Of course I am looking at the business realistically and why should it worry you as it certainly does not worry me.

Of course it makes money. I actually see cash at the end of the day.

Why on earth would I want to spend money on a business consultant who probably knows all about business and not a lot about people. If I did then for the cost of his "expertise" would cost several months profits to tell me that the business makes a profit. I KNOW that already.

It is not a lifetime of hard work if you enjoy your work.

Also when I die my wife is entitled to 50% of my pensions as well.

At the end of the day it is HER choice to do what she wants to do, my job is to help her.

How much life insurance should I be able to get as a 65 year old?

1 or 2 million, 5, 10 or whatever?

It is better to leave a profitable business rather than money.

That is my thoughts anyway.

i dont get it from a husband and wife thinggy!

you 65 and your wife is 35(im guessing) :):D:D

running a business takes a lot of work and time. Dont you want to spend your remaining days with your wife?

Obviously money is not an issue in your case, enjoy your wife, dont let her slave over a business, she deserves better.


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Why not post personal information?  If someone has a personal situation for which he or she has a question, then he or she will have to post some of the specifics in order to get advice of any value.

I don't understand the strong aversion to have any type of information posted about oneself.  I don't mean addresses, names, bank account numbers, etc.  But nationality, age, marital status, even a photo. I don't see the harm in them.

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i think its fun 4 folks to post personal info,

but these situations that come up posters look awfully foolish. sometimes i wish they were trools but unfortunately i believe what is posted.

no offesne to anyone but if i were a senoir citizen and had a loving wife and $s were no issue i wouldnt want to send her to workk many many hous everday!

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yes bilL good for you. But i really hope you looking at the busniness realistically. When you say as you see it it is a good thing ,that worries me.

Does it really make money? Would a business consultant say you got a winner? It would make no sense to leave your missus a losing operation if you love her,

If all you want is for her to take care of herself when you pass, just buy a healthy life insurance policy! Kindsa weird wanting to leave your wife a lifetime of hard work.

Of course I am looking at the business realistically and why should it worry you as it certainly does not worry me.

Of course it makes money. I actually see cash at the end of the day.

Why on earth would I want to spend money on a business consultant who probably knows all about business and not a lot about people. If I did then for the cost of his "expertise" would cost several months profits to tell me that the business makes a profit. I KNOW that already.

It is not a lifetime of hard work if you enjoy your work.

Also when I die my wife is entitled to 50% of my pensions as well.

At the end of the day it is HER choice to do what she wants to do, my job is to help her.

How much life insurance should I be able to get as a 65 year old?

1 or 2 million, 5, 10 or whatever?

It is better to leave a profitable business rather than money.

That is my thoughts anyway.

i dont get it from a husband and wife thinggy!

you 65 and your wife is 35(im guessing) :):D:D

running a business takes a lot of work and time. Dont you want to spend your remaining days with your wife?

Obviously money is not an issue in your case, enjoy your wife, dont let her slave over a business, she deserves better.


Actually my wife is 45 this year.

As of tomorrow when I come back from NZ I will be with my wife and son.

I don't make or let her be a slave to HER business.

It is HER choice and HER life. If SHE wants to give up tomorrow, SHE can.

If SHE wants to work then SHE can.

I will always support her whatever HER decision will be.

Not my decision, not your decision or thoughts, but HERS.

The old Thai saying, up to her, not me, not you, not anybody else.

My wife.

Edited by billd766
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My G/F has seen an ad on TV (or somewhere) where she can make candles for a company from home and they will buy them back. As I understand its not going to enable me to retire, but it would certainly add to the income of the household. Does anyone else know of such a scheme ? There is a bit of money required up front for the two hours training, and then obviously a bit of money for stock.

Any info or thoughts on this would be appreciated, as "she who must be obeyed" wants to do this training next week.


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My G/F has seen an ad on TV (or somewhere) where she can make candles for a company from home and they will buy them back. As I understand its not going to enable me to retire, but it would certainly add to the income of the household. Does anyone else know of such a scheme ? There is a bit of money required up front for the two hours training, and then obviously a bit of money for stock.

Any info or thoughts on this would be appreciated, as "she who must be obeyed" wants to do this training next week.


A bit like mailing letters. Loadsajobs. Not that you ever get money for doing it.

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My G/F has seen an ad on TV (or somewhere) where she can make candles for a company from home and they will buy them back. As I understand its not going to enable me to retire, but it would certainly add to the income of the household. Does anyone else know of such a scheme ? There is a bit of money required up front for the two hours training, and then obviously a bit of money for stock.

Any info or thoughts on this would be appreciated, as "she who must be obeyed" wants to do this training next week.


A bit like mailing letters. Loadsajobs. Not that you ever get money for doing it.

So they dont pay up then ?

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Has this scam arrived in Thailand now?

You pay for the training, you pay for the set up costs and materials and they will buy the completed product.

Great.... except

Everything that you send to them is returned as substandard and even if you sent back one of their original samples it will still come back as substandard.

No, they dont pay up

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Has this scam arrived in Thailand now?

You pay for the training, you pay for the set up costs and materials and they will buy the completed product.

Great.... except

Everything that you send to them is returned as substandard and even if you sent back one of their original samples it will still come back as substandard.

No, they dont pay up

Right... game over then. Thanks very much for the heads-up.

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Rumbled :)

Yes I admit it, I'm making a mint out of candles. Just too selfish to share

Google home candle making scam and just see how many companies there are and for some reason they all claim that it's not a scam.

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For 40,000 Baht I set up one long term g/f with a salon. She did quite well out of it for the first three months it was open but then the customer base dropped away. The cost of running the place was too high and it started to bleed my wallet. The g/f was sat around most of the day twiddling her thumbs and keeping the shop open longer and longer to no avail.

When it got to leaving home at 7 am. and not coming home until 11 pm. I put my foot down and got her to sell up.

She made more money for less hours getting her 60% cut working for another salon.

Then there was the fish. Used the proceeds from the sale of the salon and they dug a ruddy great hole out the back of the house, filled it with fish and proceeded to feed the fish with no thought, care or plan at all. Murky green water, no netting or anything. That made a profit !!

Last I heard she was doing quite well and stocking up with more fish. Sometimes I think it is best to let them get on with it and subsidise them to a degree. Keeps them happy :)

Same story. Opened a beauty salon for my girl 80,000 baht investment. She made money , worked 15 hrs. a day spent most of it sleeping & waiting for customers. after she got established 4 more beauty salon opened up 6 now in a 1 block radius.

Was netting 8-10,000 baht a month after expenses- but the pie slice got to thin. Oh & you better help her with the books. While most Thai's can do Unless they have an education in business they tend to be daft on the debit credit dept. & count all gross as net. Till you straighten them out & let them know 30% is going to rent & products.. business cards.....

I saw the writing on the wall that many salons so close no money & never seeing her . We sold & I was glad to take a 30,000 baht lesson in life. now we live out in the country & while she is highly employable there isn't a chance in hel_l I would let her work out. I could not find anyone to help with our fruit & plant nursery that is worth their keep.

Whatever you put in understand if you lose keep it on the short end. Very few success stories in any form of business. If you are doing it to keep her busy & let her build her self esteem Kudos . But I would go in with very limited funds & very low expectations. You might want to consider if she does not do well it might change her demeanor & make her real crabby. No one likes to book a loser. I am cynical as I have had 6 businesses & only 1 failed . I learned from the 1 failure & never made the same mistake twice. So to be safe don't expect anything financially sustaining & you will be alright. If your thinking of opening a beauty salon have her keep her present job. It sucks having to be the boss & take on 300% more responsibility to make another 3000 baht a month!

something not adding up. she expanded to 6 salons in a single soi and was making 10k baht a month?


why open so many of the same business in one area? why keep expanding if your profit is only 10k baht? what was the profit being made before expansion?

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