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Apple Safari For Windows


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I have been testing the latest version (4.0) Safari for Windows to see what Apple has been up to lately with their browser. I am a dedicated Firefox user but once in a while I give the other major browsers (Explorer, Opera, Safari, Chrome) a test drive to see if I might want to switch. The last time I tested Safari was a couple years ago, maybe around version 2.0 and I wasn't very impressed. Compared to FF and Explorer, its interface seemed complicated and many sites lost functionality when viewed with Safari. The lack of the add-on universe that comes with FF was also a let down.

This newest version of Safari seems to have much improved interface. It is still very "Applish" but that's to be expected. It overall design is very clean and uncluttered compared to FF/Explorer but has more and easier interface than Chrome. It does seem to be quite slow, however, and not very customizable. Security and password functionality seems primitive compared to FF. Also, am I correct in assuming there are NO add-ons or extensions available? I can't find any controls in Safari for any add-ons...are there no ad-blockers or flash animation blockers available? Cookie control also is not well developed, with no setting to control them on a site by site basis by session. Just if you want them or not.

Overall, while the design is nice, Safari still seems to lack much of the functionality of Safari and is a turtle compared to FF. I will stick with FF mainly for now...but would hope Safari can pick up its game.

Edited by MeetJohnDoe
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Safari is really light on features but is fast on a Mac. Why anybody uses the Windows version is beyond me.

I am just curious why you prefer FF over Opera? I am guessing it's because you use lots of plugins...

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Safari is really light on features but is fast on a Mac. Why anybody uses the Windows version is beyond me.

I am just curious why you prefer FF over Opera? I am guessing it's because you use lots of plugins...

That, and the fact the interface seems somewhat convoluted to me. Probably because I can do the proper key-strokes/mouse clicks to get what I need done with FF in my sleep, but I can't get used to Opera's "look and feel." Also, it's a bit slow as well.

I really feel for anyone who uses a browser that doesn't block ads and flash animations automatically...these really slow down page-load times and interfere with one's surfing...I think this is a add-on feature that's unique to FF.

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In Opera it's right-click block content on any page and click away to your heart's content. When you done, click on Details and manually edit some urls to block out anything coming from some websites or folders if you are still not satisfied.

In a way, it's better than downloading one adblock filter that fits all, and it's not a plugin that requires loading and asks to upgrade itself every couple of days.

You can also download urlfilter file off the Internet, but more entries means more porcessing time - every link on each page needs to be checked against that file. You can copy your own urlfilter from one machine to another, no installation necessary.

You can unclutter your default interface with right click-remove button. Google for Opera custom buttons and install anything you fancy instead. Hide menu button is very useful.

Shift-F12 and reduce icon size and get more screen space by removing status bar and fiddling with progress bar options, and get some skins while you are in that dialog, and change color settings if you like.


I have google Chrome for incognito feature, but otherwise I have no interest in a browser that can't be tweaked and customised in nay darn way I like.

Firefox is great, but those endless add ons are annoying. Every time it's new version is available, you need to restart firefox, and there's no easy way to copy your FF configuration from one computer to another, it's alway installing everything from the scratch.

Oh, and mouse gestures are pre-installed in opera, using little mouse flicks to go back and forward and open and close tabs has become a habit, I always try to do it in IE, too. And Ctrl-F12,Advanced, shortcuts, enable one-key gives you "z" to go back and "x" to go forward, a lot easier than alt-arrow.

Nah, nothing beats Opera. Nothing.

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It looks good, in the sense that it renders fonts with anti-aliasing so all the text looks smooth.

But there are still a high percent of sites which do not load correctly in Safari, especially javascript.

From the point of view of a web designer you still have "work around" Safari not rendering some CSS correctly.

For the web user Firefox is a lot more forgiving. Many websites are not written correctly, tags are missing, code is messy and incorrect... Firefox works around this, and still renders the page pretty well.

IE and Safari don't seem to have realize that yet...

I use Firefox with the IE switch tab. So even if you come around a crap website which you need to access you can just click the IE switch and view it in IE...

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Having made the mistake of installing ITunes (or whatever they called there music index system) have no confidence in them getting a Windows application right.

That's the one piece of Apple Windows software that I use and like...it's also necessary for my iPod Classic. One nice thing about the iTunes store is that you can download paid TV/Movie video while in Thailand, which you can't do with Amazon's Unbox/Video service outside the USA (MP3 music you can download). I love the way it organizes my podcast downloads (I'm getting a who 2nd college education from Stanford, UCB, and Yale for free from iTunes U). The smooth integration between iTunes, the iTunes Store, and an iPod is truly seamless and easy to use.

Another peeve I'm having is that Safari has hung several times and has had to shut-down. Unlike FF, when this happens, there is no option to save your open web-pages so that they automatically re-open on the re-boot. FF still rules :)

Edited by MeetJohnDoe
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John, I looked in iTunes but could not see any links for movies or tv series....maybe I'm going blind...where are those links?

Open the iTunes program and on the far left pane, there is the Library column. There is a list of the various media categories iTunes is tracking on your computer. Under that, should be a tab/link for the iTunes Store. Just click on that and if you are connected to the internet, it will take you to the iTunes Store. Every kind of electronic media (free and pay) is available there.

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Weird. I've got the iTunes store open but it only offers me various categories of Apps. No sign of Music, TV or Movies.

At the bottom of the iTunes screen it says that my store is in Thailand, does that have any impact?

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Another thing I've noticed is the search box functionality in Safari. If seems to be limited to using Google search. I have not found any way to change or add additional search engines to the search box. While Google is great and is my default in FF, in FF I can also easily change the search engine to Yahoo, Live Search, or a specialized search service like eBay, BBC, Amazon, IMDB, Wikipedia, etc. When using Safari, one would have to bring up these sites in their own window to search the information at these sites.

Score another one for FF!

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Bummer. Switched the store to UK. Found a prodigy album I wanted to buy but the store said I can only purchase from the Thai store. No music here.

Not sure why the hitch...I'm in Thailand and set-up my iTunes account from here (with USA credit card) and have no problems. Is your card a Thai bank issued card? If so, that's probably the problem...iTunes payment system not configured to bill a UK iTunes purchase to a bank credit card issued in Thailand. Likely a fraud prevention measure...LOS has a bad rep in this area...I was surprised I could sign-up at the USA store with a USA credit card from an internet ISP number from Thailand.

Edited by MeetJohnDoe
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Yeah I have a lot of complaints about the Thailand iTunes store. I think True is running it and that may be the problem.

Bummer. Switched the store to UK. Found a prodigy album I wanted to buy but the store said I can only purchase from the Thai store. No music here.
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