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What Would You Change About Thai Culture?


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Ban Thai soaps on TV! Just pure dribble 24/7, mind numbingly pointless....boy meets girl, boy meets another girl, girls argue, someone gets hurt!

Yes ban thai soapies, thais don't like them. Ban, thai food, band the lanuguage, ban the festivals, ban family loyalty what the heck ban everything thai and now we have a perfect country. Only now thailand will become boring for us farangs.

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Ban Thai soaps on TV! Just pure dribble 24/7, mind numbingly pointless....boy meets girl, boy meets another girl, girls argue, someone gets hurt!

Yes ban thai soapies, thais don't like them. Ban, thai food, band the lanuguage, ban the festivals, ban family loyalty what the heck ban everything thai and now we have a perfect country. Only now thailand will become boring for us farangs.

right, and make it 7 degrees cooler

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Don't put the reciept under the coins and between the notes in the 7-11 I don't want it in my pocket or wallet

This drives me BAT SH_IT CRAZY but it happens all around the world.

Here, as soon as I see them reach for the receipt, I say, "Mai ow bin." 95% of the time that works.

Other pet peeves are:

* The silent treatment during a minor argument

* Thai smokers. They are usually very rude about it

* Being told "yes" when I ask two or three different questions

* Their silly fear of ghosts

The list could go on but many of you have already said most of it.

Edited by Tokay
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Sell McDonanlds Burgers at every street corner instead of noodles or somtam. Disneyland on every province. Ban Thai cultural performances. Arrest everyone that doesn't speak proper English. More Patpongs and Pattaya-like destinations. Snow!!! Move the country north about 15 to 20 degrees.

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I think it depends more on the age of oversea stay than the duration. My sis. spent a decade in UK after highschool and came back still being very much Thai, even closer to family members to compensate the lost time I think. Some friend went west at 10 or 12 and after 4-5 years turned farang.

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What I wanna change: Materialism or at least material show off:

- Teen rents brand name bags.

- Nice wrist watch that cost several times monthly income.

- A car that is more expensive than one's own house.

- Fashion worship, no brain to know what suits one's own self.

Plain stupid.

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Have you got an example of discrimination in pricing for yourself?

I know it happens but if you have a WP all the entrance fees i've been asked to pay have been the same as the natives.

Was in BKK last week, wanted to visit a temple with my wife, she pay 0, I pay 350 thb. Despite that I could show my WP etc, had to pay tourist price. So we skipped the visit of course. Therefor maybe depends on who the cashier is??? I can give more examples, if you like...

Learn Thai numbers and then you can listen in the market for the prices of unmarked goods as the stall holders tell a native the price you can listen in with your paranoid ear and check the pricing

Hehe, that is a good one and works for me most of the time :).

Hmm, changes in Thai culture? More honesty.

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One thing I would change is visa's. I think they should be alot more strict of tourist visa's and make them not be able to come back into the country by just doing a border run.

They should have to leave for a month or 2, that way we can get rid of some of the scum

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2 things that kinda go hand in hand.

1) Drop the innsessent Xeniphobia and protectionism.

2) Open up Thailand's forigen investment laws to mimic Dubai or mabey Hong Kong.

This will slove allot of problems from education & unemployment too makeing their currency more stable.

OH and drop that luxury import tax bullshit. The cars here suck and are insanely priced.... I want my Escalade dammit!

Edited by Huey
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Well I think the thai culture for most part is too much of …love and family-hood.

I just wish "sometimes" is alright to have Me-ism, instead of We-ism.....or a well balanced version

You do, say, study, become somebody, ….for most times thats what the family wants you to be….not what you want for yourself.

Especially for western educated thais……very difficult to fit right back in after the oversea study….."the new you - but still OLD thailand"....sigh sigh

Many of us feel like….we're "a farang kid" in the familyLOL :D

Is this my daughter-in-law?

Why?....R U complaining coz we don't give you a monthly stipend? :D


I think it depends more on the age of oversea stay than the duration. My sis. spent a decade in UK after highschool and came back still being very much Thai, even closer to family members to compensate the lost time I think. Some friend went west at 10 or 12 and after 4-5 years turned farang.

Yes I was weak, coz I ran away from all the thais over here, and became western fundamentalist.

Is that bad if I rejected fluffragette, rumortism, and gossip magnets? :)

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Remove the xenophobia.

I would implement an education program--targeting children (too late for adults)--to teach them that xenophobia, excessive greed, extreme nationalism, laziness, lying and cheating are wrong and will not benefit the country.

I would also like to teach them to stop judging people by the clothes they wear or how much money they have......evil/good men and rich/poor men wear suits.

And that thing they do with their finger and nose.......that has to stop. :)

Odd, isn't it....those are some of the reasons I left the US in the first place :D

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If you could change something about Thai culture to make life easier for a foreigner, what would it be? (A wish list, since it isn't going to change)

Here is my first comment:

Less discrimination in pricing

Have you got an example of discrimination in pricing for yourself?

I know it happens but if you have a WP all the entrance fees i've been asked to pay have been the same as the natives.

I'm really interested to know your own experiences and not just hearsay.

Two examples of Government sponsored dual-pricing:

Almost ANY national park

Royal Palace in BKK

Except for the minority of foreigners in the country with a work permit. :)

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I wouldn't change a thing. If we applied all the changes that you lot want to Thailand it would be just like the west. I like Thailand because it's bizarre and unusual and nothing at all like home.

I agree 100%. People travel the world to experience different cultures. If you want Thailand to be just like your home then stay home and imagine as you are walking the streets of your city you are in thailand. Why would you want to pay airfares and hotel bills to be in a replica of your home. I love Thailand just the way it is.

The fact of the matter is, each and everyone of us who is in Thailand, or visits Thailand is playing a part in changing Thai culture.

If you love Thailand just the way it is, get used to the idea that it aint going to stay just the way it is.

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Wouldn't want to change much but a proper driving test and penalties for driving without a license would be nice. Far too many people killed on the roads here.

Also, it would be nice if the locals were able to ask or answer a question without feeling inferior because they don't know the answer.

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or at the very least, change the alphabet to roman style letters... trying to read these chicken scratches is really, really difficult... :)



the source for anti-comic sans propaganda

"We believe in the sanctity of typography and that the traditions and established standards of this craft should be upheld throughout all time. From Gutenberg's letterpress to the digital age, type in all forms is sacred and indispensable. Type is a voice; its very qualities and characteristics communicate to readers a meaning beyond mere syntax.

Early type designing and setting was so laborious that it is a blasphemy to the history of the craft that any fool can sit down at their personal computer and design their own typeface. Technological advances have transformed typography into a tawdry triviality. The patriarchs of this profession were highly educated men. However, today the widespread heretical uses of this medium prove that even the uneducated have opportunities to desecrate this art form; therefore, destroying the historical integrity of typography.

Like the tone of a spoken voice, the characteristics of a typeface convey meaning. The design of the typeface is, in itself, its voice. Often this voice speaks louder than the text itself. Thus when designing a "Do Not Enter" sign the use of a heavy-stroked, attention-commanding font such as Impact or Arial Black is appropriate. Typesetting such a message in Comic Sans would be ludicrous. Though this is sort of misuse is frequent, it is unjustified. Clearly, Comic Sans as a voice conveys silliness, childish naivete, irreverence, and is far too casual for such a purpose. It is analogous to showing up for a black tie event in a clown costume.

We are summoning forth the proletariat around the globe to aid us in this revolution. We call on the common man to rise up in revolt against this evil of typographical ignorance. We believe in the gospel message "ban comic sans." It shall be salvation to all who are literate. By banding together to eradicate this font from the face of the earth we strive to ensure that future generations will be liberated from this epidemic and never suffer this scourge that is the plague of our time."

the anti-comic sans manifesto

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If you could change something about Thai culture to make life easier for a foreigner, what would it be? (A wish list, since it isn't going to change)

Here is my first comment:

Less discrimination in pricing

Have you got an example of discrimination in pricing for yourself?

I know it happens but if you have a WP all the entrance fees i've been asked to pay have been the same as the natives.

I'm really interested to know your own experiences and not just hearsay.

Two examples of Government sponsored dual-pricing:

Almost ANY national park

Royal Palace in BKK

Except for the minority of foreigners in the country with a work permit. :)

never been to any of these places my thai wife won't let me after they asked our son to pay. He is mixed but not considered thai even tho having birth certificate and only 4 yrs old. Say he is farang and must pay to enter park.

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Remove the xenophobia.

I would implement an education program--targeting children (too late for adults)--to teach them that xenophobia, excessive greed, extreme nationalism, laziness, lying and cheating are wrong and will not benefit the country.

I would also like to teach them to stop judging people by the clothes they wear or how much money they have......evil/good men and rich/poor men wear suits.

And that thing they do with their finger and nose.......that has to stop. :)

Odd, isn't it....those are some of the reasons I left the US in the first place :D

The tragedy is that Thailand has gotten worse on all of the above-mentioned factors over the past 10 years. It may surprise you that in my view Thailand has become like the place I wanted to get away from.......starting to even get worse than that place (i.e., the USA).

But, you can't say Americans are lazy.......Thais are far more lazy than Americans (on average). And, on average, American are far less ethnocentric/xenophobic than Thais. Nationalistic......probably the same level as Thais.

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It may surprise you that in my view Thailand has become like the place I wanted to get away from.......starting to even get worse than that place (i.e., the USA).

So you'll be on the move again soon as Thailand is worse than the place you left.

Where to next ?

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Remove the xenophobia.

I would implement an education program--targeting children (too late for adults)--to teach them that xenophobia, excessive greed, extreme nationalism, laziness, lying and cheating are wrong and will not benefit the country.

I would also like to teach them to stop judging people by the clothes they wear or how much money they have......evil/good men and rich/poor men wear suits.

And that thing they do with their finger and nose.......that has to stop. :)

Odd, isn't it....those are some of the reasons I left the US in the first place :D

The tragedy is that Thailand has gotten worse on all of the above-mentioned factors over the past 10 years. It may surprise you that in my view Thailand has become like the place I wanted to get away from.......starting to even get worse than that place (i.e., the USA).

But, you can't say Americans are lazy.......Thais are far more lazy than Americans (on average). And, on average, American are far less ethnocentric/xenophobic than Thais. Nationalistic......probably the same level as Thais.

Nationalistic - USA same as the Thais ???, wasn't so long ago that Americans were publically burning their national flag. You wouldn't catch a Thai burning the flag. No way, man.

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There's one thing I'd change that would get me into strife for saying it.

Otherwise the main thing would be to be less tolerant of things that make day to day life harder. Whether it be corruption or laziness from officials, sloppy customer service, lawless motorbike riders etc etc.

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You guys remind me of how it is here in Texas. The Mexicans swarm in and are turning this place into a cesspool. They expect everything to be in spanish; all govt forms are in spanish, everytime you call for support they have a spanish option, and none of them bother to learn english so they expect you to speak spanish and get mad at you if you insist on speaking english. Every other store is mexican owned and their staff cant speak english; even in a chain store the staff don't bother to learn english. They leach off the govt and expect certain civil rights because they're minorities; did I also mention they're racist? They talk in spanish behind your back. Those of you who want to change Thai culture are like mexicans, you go into a country you didn't build and whine about how they won't accomodate you even if its unreasonable.

Edited by dizbukhapeter
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* I would ask all the politicians to stop playing Winner Takes All

* I would ask the police to start helping the public instead of helping themselves

* I would ask the people to embrace individualism and ditch nepotism and family parasitism

These three all come under the head of growing up, which is not a quick or simple process for a culture.

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