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Original in '.jpg' and re-sized


The edited one below shot in RAW and then processed using ACDSee pro 2.5 re-sized


What do you all think? :)

Your truly,

Kan Win :D


There is a "tadge" more there to pull out.

Don't know whether you think this is better? :)

I applied a bit more noise reduction, opened up the four corners and removed the jpeg artifacts that were evident in the lower blue ray section.

Well spotted shot though and you've rendered it perfectly imho.

Great drama, power and radiance

Methinks I'd better start looking up! :D


to be honest you could get a lot more out of the grey areas if you dodge and burn more subtle and the barders are way to dark for my taste

they are different

Yumi, if you intended that as a question, then yes they are different.

Have you considered your monitor might be a problem. You seem to make a lot of comments about not seeing a difference, or not seeing noise.

I got a new monitor last year and was amazed at the difference. I had no idea what I was missing.


Hi All,

Thank you for your comments and a special thank you to 'The Vulcan' :) for helping me and others out on this 'The long learning curve' which I am on and having fun with something that is a hobby of mine since Digital Photography came into my life at the end of 1999.

In a nutshell I am a "pure bred amateur" :D willing to learn each and every day.

As for our (the one that is) Teaching Photography 'yumidesign' you are also most welcome to teach us your skills/tricks by motivating me and other members in your style of Photography :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

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