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Worst Joke Ever

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A young red Indian was asking his father how they got their tribal names.

" Our children are named after the first thing the father sees on the day of their birth," replies the father "For example, your older brother was named Running Wolf, your sister was named Gentle Deer and your younger brother was named Mighty Lightning. Why do you ask Scruffy Dog With A Boner Taking A Steaming Great Shit?"

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What do you call a dog magician?

A labracadabrador

Sorry, that made me smile, too good for the worst joke thread;)

Q: What is pink, goes in hard and dry and comes out soft and wet?

A: Bubble Gum.

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Teacher asked the question

"If you have an empty box 1 metre x 1 metre x 1 metre, how many small boxes of 1 cubic centimetre can you put in it.

All the children scribbled furiously trying to work out the answer except for Johnny who just sat with his hands behind his head, relaxed.

Teacher looked at his smug smile and said "Ok Johnny, you seem confident that you have the correct answer - what is it?"

Johnny said "The answer is 1, once you have put 1 in the box, it is no longer empty."

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Teacher - Can anyone tell me the name of Robin Hoods girlfriend?
Little Jimmy - Yes Miss, Trudy Glen
Teacher - No Jimmy, the most popular answer would be Maid Marion!
Little Jimmy - But Miss, what about the song? Robin Hood, Robin Hood riding Trudy Glen!!......

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A scouser goes into a library and asks,
"Have you got any books about power sharing? "
"Yes, we have 'the excellent 'The way of the little party' an excellent book on the subject, " replied the librarian.
"No, " said the scouser, "I want to nick my neighbours electric. "

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So, It's alright for girls to stick their lips in shot glasses to make them bigger,

but I stick my knob in a Hoover for the same reason, and B&Q had me arrested.

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So............ A guy came out of his local pub . Across the road was a brothel . He looked in his wallet and had enough money so he crossed the road .
Being rather intoxicated, he staggered diagonally across and went through the wrong door, and into the Chiropody clinic next door .
He went to the girl in reception and said how much is it for the full treatment ?
She replied sir it is 25 pounds .
He said 25 Quid ? Blimey that's not bad !
She smiled at him and said OK sir if you go in and take them out She'll be in in a moment to deal with you .
Two minutes later a young female chiropodist walked into the room and there was the guy with his genitlia on the table waiting .
Hey ! she yelled !
That isn't a FOOT .
He looked at her and said Bloody Hell Lass GIVE IT TIME !

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My wife rang me at work. She said, "Two packages arrived today.

The first was your Playstation 4 and the second is the new Rampant Rabbit vibrator we ordered.

I can't wait for you to get home and play with me for hours."
I said, "You'll be ####ing lucky... I only ordered one controller."

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