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Worst Joke Ever

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There was this Asian guy who needed a job.
So he applied to Office Max.
It turns out that he was utterly incompetent.
Exasperated, the manager throws up his arms and says,
"Just go work with supplies."
The Asian guy thinks for a minute and says ok.
The next day, the manager is strolling into the store,
the Asian guy jumps from behind the counter and yells "Supplies! Supplies!"

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Two sodium atoms are walking down the street.
Suddenly, one turns to the other and says, 'Oh, ****, I think I lost an electron!'
The second one says 'Are you sure?'
'Yes, I'm positive!'

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A Buddhist walks up to a hotdog vendor and says, "Make me one with everything."

Everyone chuckles, and the vendor makes the dog.

The Buddhist hands him a twenty, the vendor pockets it & moves on to the next customer.

The Buddhist complains, "Hey where's my change."

And the Vendor replies, "Ah, change comes from within."

So the Buddhist pulls a gun out of his coat and the vendor says,

"Whoa whoa whoa, what about inner peace?".

The Buddhist responds "This is my inner piece".

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Two guys are sitting at a nudist colony and one is reading a book on socialism.

The other guy says, "Oh, have you read Marx, too?"

The other guy replies, "yes but i think its from these wicker chairs"

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They say if your palm is itching you'll get money,

if your toes are itching you'll get new shoes,

if your lips are itching you'll get a kiss.

So if your private parts are itching...

don't fool yourself...go take a cold shower!!!

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This woman in her early fifties kept trying to pull me in a nightclub.

She was pretty smart but drunk, kept asking me back to her place.

I mean 50 ain't bad for the figure she had.
So after the 6th refusal she made a call on her cell and when she hung up she said to me.

"OK loverboy, I just phoned home and you're in for a treat, how do you fancy some dirty mother and daughter sex?"

Well <deleted> me, I didn't care if she was 60, if her daughter looked half as good as her I'm in.

So I was dragging her to a taxi in seconds.

We got to her house and walked into the hallway. She put the landing light on.
By this time my cock was busting out of my jeans.

And then I heard her shout up the stairs " Mom? You still up?"

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two Irishmen are traveling to Australia.

Before they leave home, one of their dads gives them both a bit of advice:

"You watch them Aussie cab drivers. They'll rob you blind.

Don't you go paying them what they ask.

You haggle." At the Sydney airport, the Irishmen catch a cab to their hotel.

When they reach their destination, the cabbie says, "That'll be twenty dollars, lads."

"Oh no you don't! My dad warned me about you.

You'll only be getting fifteen dollars from me," says one of the men.

"And you'll only be getting fifteen from me too," adds the other.

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One night a man and woman went to his house to have sex when he stopped her to say "I still live with my parents and me and my brother share bunk beds so if you want to change positions say "lettuce" and if you want to go faster say "tomatoes"

So they were getting it on and she was screaming "lettuce, lettuce, tomatoes, lettuce, tomatoes, tomatoes" Suddenly the younger brother (on the bottom bunk) said "Could you stop making sandwiches - you're getting mayonnaise on me!"

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