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Worst Joke Ever

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Tennis Pick Up Lines?


Excuse me miss, could you hold my balls while I get my huge racket out of my bag?


"If we were playing tennis, I'd let you score all the points so I'll always be in "Love"


If we went out, I think it would forever be Love-Love


Tennis anyone?

I definitely got the balls to be playing with your RACKet!

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Did you hear about the undertaker who buried someone in the wrong place.

He was sacked for the grave mistake?



Why do you want to be buried at sea?

Because my wife says she wants to dance on my grave.



Man: I want you to bury my wife.

Undertaker: But I buried your wife last year.

Man: Yes, but I remarried.

Undertaker: Oh, congratulations, sir.



I was so sorry to hear you buried your mother last week.

Well, we had to, you know, she was dead.


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