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Worst Joke Ever

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What happens when you give Viagra to lawyers?

They grow taller!


Two attorneys were walking out of a bar and a beautiful young lady walks by.

One attorney turns to his associate and comments

"Boy, I would like to screw her! "

The other attorney thinks for a second and said



"Out of how much"?

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After years of hard work, Angie took her first vacation on a luxury cruise ship.

While sitting in a deck chair, she recognized a former high school classmate, a long-lost friend from her old hometown.

She crossed the deck and shook hands with her friend and said:

"Hello, Angela. I haven't seen you in years. What are you doing these days?"

"I'm practising law," whispered Angela.


"But don't tell my mother. She still thinks I'm a prostitute."

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26 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

Why did the donut seller quit? 


He was fed up with the whole business?

Maybe his sugar daddy tried to ring up the accountant to find why he was not making enough dough  and felt licked when he was told his ideas were half baked!

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Why did the donut go to the dentist?

To get a filling.


What is the Wikipedia definition for a donut?

A poor man's substitute for women


Why did the blonde return a donut?

Because there was a hole in it.


Did you know fat guys are insecure?

Doughnut what for.


What did one donut say to the other?

I donut care.


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Doughnut Who?

Doughnut forget to close the door!

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