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Why Does A Motobike Taxi Driver Ask Me If I Need A Taxi While I'm On My Bike?


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It's only happened 4 or 5 times in the many years of being here, but today it happened again. I'm on my bike, slowing down to take a turn and I pass a group of motobike taxi drivers who are sitting there at the corner. One of them looks me dead in the eye and says, "Motobike? Motobike?" as if I'm going to stop mine and get on his to finish my ride.

I look around to make sure it is indeed me he is speaking to and every time it is, alone on my bike. What am I missing here?

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It's only happened 4 or 5 times in the many years of being here, but today it happened again. I'm on my bike, slowing down to take a turn and I pass a group of motobike taxi drivers who are sitting there at the corner. One of them looks me dead in the eye and says, "Motobike? Motobike?" as if I'm going to stop mine and get on his to finish my ride.

I look around to make sure it is indeed me he is speaking to and every time it is, alone on my bike. What am I missing here?

They are deliberately seeking to annoy you in order to cheer themselves up from the boring nature of their job.

Unless I actually require a motorcycle taxi I studiously ignore them.

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There might be a legitimate reason for your incident, but I wouldn't count on it. I've been jogging on the beach and had a guy ask me if I needed a taxi.

But in your case, sometimes you can hire moto taxis to lead the way to take you somewhere if you are lost. I've used them often for that purpose.

but...nah, not this time.

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It's only happened 4 or 5 times in the many years of being here, but today it happened again. I'm on my bike, slowing down to take a turn and I pass a group of motobike taxi drivers who are sitting there at the corner. One of them looks me dead in the eye and says, "Motobike? Motobike?" as if I'm going to stop mine and get on his to finish my ride.

What am I missing here?

Were you looking around? :D looking lost :D ?

There might be a legitimate reason for your incident, but I wouldn't count on it.

But in your case, sometimes you can hire moto taxis to lead the way to take you somewhere if you are lost. I've used them often for that purpose.

but...nah, not this time.

I'm with 'keemapoot' on this one. Could be he was thinking that you are lost looking around whilst you drove. :)

BTW I travelled Thailand for near on 20 years and in me early days had to ask these boys which way to go :D allways very helpful :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

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on several occasions when getting off a motorbike in front of someplace like The Avenue, where i get off right at their motorbike stand area, as i am getting off paying the motorbike guy, every single time, they ask me "where you go, you need motorbike?"

they ask very nicely and they are just trying to earn an honest living, so i politely say no thank you. but i think its more than them simply being 'On auttomatic"

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if you see a tree, it is probably a tree,

if you see a table, it is probable a table,

if you see someone behaving like retarded ...

In Thailand, I got used to this ...

Normally, I don´t even remember this kind of behavior any more. It is so much kind of daily routine.

Edited by dieter1
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Let's get real here.


As I encounter them everywhere the way I deal with pests like this is to FILTER THEM OUT. I ignore them. I do not look them in the eye. They are a step up from tailor touts to me. They do not bother me, because like I said: FILTERED.

Now, I do realize they are earning a living and "asking" for work is what they feel they need to do.

Typical cases:

Walking purposely at a very quick pace, clearly NOT LOST, clear that I have functioning eyes and can see them if I did want them, but STILL they loudly clap and call from across the roadway. Yesterday, again walking fast and purposely, one of these guys does his hire me dance and I just ignore him and walk by (to people who say you engage each of these guys PERSONALLY either you don't get out much or you like wasting your energy). So this guy says, Exercise (well yes, but also FREE and SAFE TRANSPORTATION, its called WALKING) and then calls out PUMPUI (fat) and laughs. Not the first time, and no I am not in the least bothered or offended by this rude behavior, because these guys barely exist to me, they are PESTS that I can easily avoid ...

Yes, I do realize in Thai culture walking more than a few blocks is considered deviant and many Thais think a person with money (all farang of course are rich didn't you know?) is baa baa for walking when they have money to ride. I actually would ride a lot more if I lived in Bangkok which has taxi meters, as I am in Pattaya, that is not an option.

That all said, once in a while one of these moto guys catches my eye :D , because some of them are CUTE :D . At those times, I think, maybe I should pay more attention to them. :)

Edited by Jingthing
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Motorbike Taxis are very important to the locals and I use them a lot in the boonies of bkk. They are everywhere when you need them and they are quicker than a reguar meter cab. They are normally used for quick short range work.. ie to get you to the bus stop or from the bts to your office. Some will offer you a helmet. Please accept it and thank them for it. They are the onces that care about you. i wish they all carried a spare helmet. GF's Mom was in an accident and 3 brain surgeries later she is a 12 year old. No helmet. The human head is a delicate thing. Protect it.

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Some of those guys sell gasoline (petrol) for motorbikes.

Don't know but probably siphened (stolen) and cheaper than at the pumps to be sure.

They sell them in glass bottles that they have usually concealed.

I'm guessing this was their proposition to you.

Their petrol is more expensive than the pumps ,and that's how they make a profit .

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We also have this happen to us very often, but its always as we are just getting out of/in to our car.

We often park near a motorbike taxi stand when we go shopping every week, They ALWAYS ask us, without fail, if we need a motorbike taxi. They know very well that we have just got out of a car, and since we park in the same place every week, they know where we are going and that we never need a taxi..

Doesn't bother me, though. Just leaves me wondering sometimes.

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If you think Pattaya is bad you should try Phnom Penh.

It is impossible to walk more than 1 yard without being asked if you want a motor cycle or a tuk tuk.

You can walk past a dozen of them and say "no" to each one, and the next one will still ask you.

Furthermore the motorcycles and tuk tuks also cruise along the roads, and drive up next to you and ask you if you want one, even though you are walking past parked motorcyckles and Tuk Tuks, all of which you have turned down, within their eyesight.

The only difference is that most of them say "Sir" and ask you with a smile, and when you say "No thanks" they smile again, and say "thank you sir", or some other polite words to that effect. They all speak English, and some of them extremely good English. I even had one translate for me one day as the Cambodian who I was with, although fair speaking English, asked him to translate!!

So it makes the bother of being assailed every minute by drivers pale into insignificance as compared to the some of the attitudes in Pattaya.

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It's only happened 4 or 5 times in the many years of being here, but today it happened again. I'm on my bike, slowing down to take a turn and I pass a group of motobike taxi drivers who are sitting there at the corner. One of them looks me dead in the eye and says, "Motobike? Motobike?" as if I'm going to stop mine and get on his to finish my ride.

I look around to make sure it is indeed me he is speaking to and every time it is, alone on my bike. What am I missing here?

If it is on the corner of the soi where you reside they probably just want to let you no they are there, not only do they do taxi service but they will run errands as well for a price.

Just a word of warning though, If you are on travel insurance you probably will not be covered for riding on a motorbike, and you can bet your bottom dollar that the bike has no insurance.

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Some of those guys sell gasoline (petrol) for motorbikes.

Don't know but probably siphened (stolen) and cheaper than at the pumps to be sure.

They sell them in glass bottles that they have usually concealed.

I'm guessing this was their proposition to you.

Their petrol is more expensive than the pumps ,and that's how they make a profit .

Hmm...I stand corrected I guess.

I just assumed it was cheaper, because who the hel_l would buy it from them if it's cheaper at the pumps?

Anyway, I still think this might have been the proposition.

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Some of those guys sell gasoline (petrol) for motorbikes.

Don't know but probably siphened (stolen) and cheaper than at the pumps to be sure.

They sell them in glass bottles that they have usually concealed.

I'm guessing this was their proposition to you.

Their petrol is more expensive than the pumps ,and that's how they make a profit .

Hmm...I stand corrected I guess.

I just assumed it was cheaper, because who the hel_l would buy it from them if it's cheaper at the pumps?

Anyway, I still think this might have been the proposition.

When i first came here I use to think they were selling bottles of Whiskey. :) But then i realised it was Petrol is Whiskey bottles.

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Some of those guys sell gasoline (petrol) for motorbikes.

Don't know but probably siphened (stolen) and cheaper than at the pumps to be sure.

They sell them in glass bottles that they have usually concealed.

I'm guessing this was their proposition to you.

Their petrol is more expensive than the pumps ,and that's how they make a profit .

Hmm...I stand corrected I guess.

I just assumed it was cheaper, because who the hel_l would buy it from them if it's cheaper at the pumps?

Anyway, I still think this might have been the proposition.

We have bought the bottles of gasoline from the motorbike taxi's from time to time because we either aren't going anywhere near a Gasoline Station and in a hurry to get somewhere, or because we were too low and probably wouldn't make it to the station. Its just more convenient sometimes rather than driving all the way to the station when you're traveling in the opposite direction.

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Some of those guys sell gasoline (petrol) for motorbikes.

Don't know but probably siphened (stolen) and cheaper than at the pumps to be sure.

They sell them in glass bottles that they have usually concealed.

I'm guessing this was their proposition to you.

Their petrol is more expensive than the pumps ,and that's how they make a profit .

Hmm...I stand corrected I guess.

I just assumed it was cheaper, because who the hel_l would buy it from them if it's cheaper at the pumps?

Anyway, I still think this might have been the proposition.

When i first came here I use to think they were selling bottles of Whiskey. :) But then i realised it was Petrol is Whiskey bottles.


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