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Based on my own experience, you could have a chance.

400,000THB stolen from my account through card skimming.

Out of curiousity, how did the perpretator take the money? Did they know the pin?

I am considering getting an ATM card for my Thai account, and I would like to know the possible problems with that.

google "ATM card skimming" lots of information... there's even a youtube

get an ATM card but be careful when you use it...

The most annoying thing is that the Bangkok Bank didn't freeze my account when there was unusual activity like any other bank would.

I think I'm angrier at them than the actual thieves.

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It's a nuisance, but I change my PIN number on my accounts with Thai banks approximately every four to seven days. I fluctuate on the number of days to change deiberately, because I wonder, if I changed the PINs every 7 days or 10 days or whatever, whether serious thieves could somehow discover a set pattern and use this to penetrate the system to find the PINs.


Because I have also had funds removed from my accounts and the banks won't even discuss it. I therefore keep minimum amounts in these banks.

My family refuse to have ATM cards, because they don't trust banks, they keep bankbooks under lock, all funds are held across multiple banks, and the bankbooks are taken to the banks very regularly for update, even if there's no transactions.

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hi all,

well heres the update - had a nightmare day yesterday, but the light at the end of the tunnel was the fact that it was an admin error, that coincided with losing the bank book. Basically whilst away i sent through some bank details to my partner to send some money out on my behalf, and the wrong amount was sent. Its all been sorted and think it cost us 32 baht to get the money back.

Sorry for causing a fuss - I was freaking a bit. It didn't help that it all came to light on a Sunday.

Next time I won't post on here until I have all the facts - saying that though there was some good information shared on this post, which I will keep in mind for the future.

Sorry again

Relieved Choppy

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Have just found out our yellow bank book (Ayudhya) is missing - and nearly 200,000 thb has been taken out of our account. We last saw it on Friday. Being Sunday we are having a bit of a nightmare getting hold of the bank untill our branch opens in an hour.

Can someone else take money out from your own branch without I.D and just the book?

Because we have only just noticed - what chance do we stand of getting our money back?

This isnt case of a rogue family member, and please hold back on criticism for losing the bank book. I just really want to know if we can get the money back.

In despair


How do you know? Forgive me but who's " we" ?

HINT: Is this a joint account?

(Totally OT, but I have to comment , I'd be more sympathetic, but your violent avatar is most amazingly, really annoying.)

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Have just found out our yellow bank book (Ayudhya) is missing - and nearly 200,000 thb has been taken out of our account. We last saw it on Friday. Being Sunday we are having a bit of a nightmare getting hold of the bank untill our branch opens in an hour.

Can someone else take money out from your own branch without I.D and just the book?

Because we have only just noticed - what chance do we stand of getting our money back?

This isnt case of a rogue family member, and please hold back on criticism for losing the bank book. I just really want to know if we can get the money back.

In despair


How do you know? Forgive me but who's " we" ?

HINT: Is this a joint account?

(Totally OT, but I have to comment , I'd be more sympathetic, but your violent avatar is most amazingly, really annoying.)

How about reading the whole thread before you reply?

Note: I must go - Am looking for a pink fluffy bear for my avatar - Hopefully then I will be worthy of your sympathy....

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it's good to hear you had a 'happy ending', Choppy. Although I can only speak for myself, of course, I'm sure there's no apology necessary.

CFIT, do you make a dick of yourself professionally? or is it just a hobby? :)

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hi all,

well heres the update - had a nightmare day yesterday, but the light at the end of the tunnel was the fact that it was an admin error, that coincided with losing the bank book. Basically whilst away i sent through some bank details to my partner to send some money out on my behalf, and the wrong amount was sent. Its all been sorted and think it cost us 32 baht to get the money back.

Sorry for causing a fuss - I was freaking a bit. It didn't help that it all came to light on a Sunday.

Next time I won't post on here until I have all the facts - saying that though there was some good information shared on this post, which I will keep in mind for the future.

Sorry again

Relieved Choppy

I am glad you posted this topic, it keeps us on our toes.

Also pleased that this concluded with a happy ending and now you can relax again.

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My partner has just been to one of the banks branches - apparently they have told her that we have to wait to access the account until we are at the bank we opened the account in. So ALL we can do today is cancel the account? <deleted>

She was also told that if someone took the money then they cant give us the money back.

I guess the only thing I can do is get a picture copy of the culprit, and put up some reward posters in our local area??

I am out of the country, if anyone has a contact number for Ayyudhya bank in Phuket would really be appreciated.


" I am out of the country..."

Sorry to say, but that's a big red flag to me mate. You have a joint account and it's a male that withdrew the money. hmmmm my suspicious nature is aroused.

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My partner has just been to one of the banks branches - apparently they have told her that we have to wait to access the account until we are at the bank we opened the account in. So ALL we can do today is cancel the account? <deleted>

She was also told that if someone took the money then they cant give us the money back.

I guess the only thing I can do is get a picture copy of the culprit, and put up some reward posters in our local area??

I am out of the country, if anyone has a contact number for Ayyudhya bank in Phuket would really be appreciated.


" I am out of the country..."

Sorry to say, but that's a big red flag to me mate. You have a joint account and it's a male that withdrew the money. hmmmm my suspicious nature is aroused.

No mention of male??? and its all sorted now. Admin error and i was making a fuss about nothing. Hopefully you read this reply and understand the WHOLE post???

Maybe when replying to a post in the future you read all of it so your aware of what has actually happened!

post closed - and thank you for the genuine advice from readers.

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I would say that your chances of getting the money back is very good. It may take a bit but you will get it back.

They bank should never hand over money without an ID of some type being shown.

I concurr with urbanjoe - the fact that the bank book is missing is one thing, you need to establish that the money was actually taken out of the account using the book (i.e. someone has presented the book with a withdrawal slip), and not using your card.

This is not the first time I have heard of this - although the expats' bank book as missing, it was an attempt to throw enquries off the trail. It was ultimately established on reviewing ATM video coverage that another family member had been using the ex-pats bank card to with cash (taking the bank card out of his wallet at night when he was sleeping, then putting it back in).

So -establish that it is not the card that has been used (or some other way of doing it e.g. online transfer). That will mean somone has gone into the bank and deal't with a cashier. Cashiers' have a duty to establish/verify id - and SomChai drawing money from Jane Bloggs or John Does' account (over the counter) I would think is sufficient for the cashier to need to establish/verify id.

In other words - bank liability.

If the bank hauls out the actual withdrawl slips to inspect - don't touch them - you do not want any of your prints on those slips.

I think the odds are in your favour - so long as the card has not been used to take the money out of the account.

Edited by Maizefarmer
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Just as an aside to this, last weekend I tried to withdraw 2000 baht from my Nationwide Flexi account using The Bank of Ayudhya ATM, the atm did not give any cash or receipt after waiting I then cancelled the transaction and the screen came up with a message, "transaction cancelled contact your bank" it then returned my card. On checking my statement online later I noted that the cash had been debited against my account so I called The Bank of Ayudhya and was told to contact my own Bank! A phone call to Uk then ensued where I was told to write a letter and fax it to them, they would then write to the Bank of Ayudhya and if they agreed then my money would be refunded, time scale, three to four weeks and no mention of refunding charges or loss due to exchange rate flunctuations!

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choppychugger, after reading your post, something does not seem right about this.

Any bank i have ever used in this country has ALWAYS asked for ID, when using a bank book.

I have had to produce ID in order to receive any money in this country (money changers being the exception)

If this is the work of a complete stranger, then this is very worrying to any foreigner living here

Good luck to you

I have never once had to show ID in over 20 years of having an account with Bangkok Bank, Phuket.

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Every time I have ever used my book to withdraw funds from my SB accounts I get asked for ID in the form of my passport>>>>>EVERY TIME! If the amount is over some limit they make a copy of my passport picture page, ask me to sign it and staple it to the withdrawal slip.

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choppychugger, after reading your post, something does not seem right about this.

Any bank i have ever used in this country has ALWAYS asked for ID, when using a bank book.

I have had to produce ID in order to receive any money in this country (money changers being the exception)

If this is the work of a complete stranger, then this is very worrying to any foreigner living here

Good luck to you

I have never once had to show ID in over 20 years of having an account with Bangkok Bank, Phuket.

Can't imagine there are still people actually using Bangkok Bank.. I never did after I knew they funded the PAD. many posts here proves I made the right choice.

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Every time I have ever used my book to withdraw funds from my SB accounts I get asked for ID in the form of my passport>>>>>EVERY TIME! If the amount is over some limit they make a copy of my passport picture page, ask me to sign it and staple it to the withdrawal slip.

same at KTB

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