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Kinda' sorta' newish to this forum but have to ask: I have seen the world "troll" or "trolling" used in may a threads, as in accusing someone of being a "troll" or that they are "trolling". I think it might mean someone that is trying to cause a ruckus just for the heck of it, am I right?

Edited by EndofDays
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OK - that can work - it is also trying to gain some unfair advantage normally for gain or simply trashing the status quo on that particular forum. Like trolling or hunting for fish or bait - also a bottom feeder or info gathering that can be put to nefarious use later. Trolls can also spin ones wheels for an awful long time, if stupid - the equal of a cyber tire-kicker.

Thats the worst kind.


PS By the time this post is done, you will be an expert!!

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OK - that can work - it is also trying to gain some unfair advantage normally for gain or simply trashing the status quo on that particular forum. Like trolling or hunting for fish or bait - also a bottom feeder or info gathering that can be put to nefarious use later. Trolls can also spin ones wheels for an awful long time, if stupid - the equal of a cyber tire-kicker.

Thats the worst kind.


PS By the time this post is done, you will be an expert!!

Ok, I was thinking of more of the "troll under the bridge" thing. I can understand the analogy you mentioned. There was a "newbie" who asking about joing the thai army, yesterday I think, and giving up his U.S. citizenship. I pretty much figured he falls under the "troll" category and making everything up.

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In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
Edited by Fishenough
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...Trolls can also spin ones wheels for an awful long time, if stupid - the equal of a cyber tire-kicker.

Thats the worst kind...

...and quite often the situation is aggravated by the fact that a number of members are happily feeding the troll, ie replying to his post.

ThaiVisa’s aversion to trolling is embedded in forum rule #5 that requires members to agree not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants.



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it would seem the op is trolling about trolling :):D

No he isn't...... and please quotes some stats to back that up :D

Sorry, I seemed to have missed those statistics, perhaps you could tell me where to find the secret attachment. :D

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Some of us "Trolls" DO live under bridges and disturb those who want to cross...


The payment is inane comments that barely stay within the boundries of the forum we are trolling on.

Of course trolling could also include "fishing" where we troll a lure behind the boat in hopes that something might bite it...


And fishing might also mean trying to attract a response from the use of a provacative comment, and hence the term "trolling". Most of us have heard of the comment "Fishing for compliments". It's the same thing.

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I did warn you, right up front!!


PS I personally detest, with a vengeance, any/all mail that is outright derog or defamatory, and that adds no value.

A lot of very civil political argument goes south because of juvenile, immature emotional outbursts.

PS By the time this post is done, you will be an expert!!

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