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"I was raised to never strike a woman and as a man your job is too protect them, that is my opinion. Good on you."

"My friends and family all tell me that one day I will end up dead, but I just cannot let things like that happen when I am around. Glad you stepped in and good to know I am not the only " fool" Good job !! :)"

"I would have done the same, sassienie. In fact I have done the same. "

"Anyway, it was a good and brave thing to do. "

"Well done.

I did a similar thing a few years ago ...."

"I did a similar thing a few years ago in the UK when I saw a teenage girl being bullied by a gang, "

------------------------------- end quoted text from various posters -----------------------------------------------------------

to the OP and all the other guys like yourselves, I say a big 'thankyou' I know one cant usually speak on behalf of other people, but I will still risk that and say thankyou on behalf of all women. we need more men like this in the world.

have a look at the White Ribbon Campaign website (men working to end men's violence against women)

and no Im not naive enough to expect that all men should put themselves at risk to save other people. but it is good to know there are those prepared to do so. ofcourse you have to still do it with precaution. (for instance in this case, keep a certain distance in case he has a knife, but then again, you can assess the situation on the likelihood of it happening. day time, public place, the odds of him pulling a gun is less than someone getting robbed at night time....but yes anything could go wrong)

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About 40 years ago back in England, my Dad saw a man giving some woman a hel_l of a beating in the street.

My Dad grabbed hold of the man and pulled him back. Than they both turned on my Dad and he ended up making a run for it.

Like father, like son I suppose.

true about 30 yrs ago i saw a man having a punch up on his woman, when i went over to step in, the woman turned on me with the furry of a bull dog.... hence from then on i understood the meaning of disfunctional relationships and i have never stuck my nose in anyones relationship.


Just remembered... years ago there was a girl getting slapped around by her boyfriend at some bar. This was in Spain. A traveler intervened and saved the girl. Later when the traveler left the bar, the boyfriend and his buddies beat the guy senseless and he ended up paralyzed. :) Sure he saved the girl, but what a price to pay.


BEFORE I was married I BF a girl and walked out of the bar with her. Two thai men were outside and one layed into the girl. I interviened and was slugged on the back of the head by a gun butt. Themen ran off after someone came out of the bar shouting but it appears one had been the boyfriend of the girl and the other her brother. Both wanted money from her. I was lucky -- I think you were too -- we don't know how many of these young men carry guns -- but remember our young days when we wore drainpipe trousers, velvet lapel on our jackets and a cut throat razor in our top pocket


You did the right thing mate! At least for that moment, the girl was spared from more physical abuse. Unfortunately for this girl, she is bound to get more 3rd degree treatment from her partner. I would have taken out my digital and recorded the beating. That would teach that coward a lesson. Perhaps see a little jail time as well.

Yesterday I was visiting the Computer Plaza in Chiang Mai.

Once I finished with my purchases, left the building and began walking towards my motorbike.

Then I noticed by the building entrance door, a young tall Thai guy age about 19 dressed in university uniform having a serious argument with a very short Thai girl who looked about the same age also dressed in university uniform.

Suddenly the guy gave the girl an almighty slap in the face. On seeing this I quickly walked over to the guy and stood next to him. He towered over me, but I looked up at him and stared straight into his eyes giving him the message that if he is considering beating on this girl again, he is going to have to deal with me first.

Than he took out his mobile phone, put it to his ear and slowly walked away, leaving the shocked girl standing with me outside the Plaza.

I watched him disappear around the corner, and then I got onto my motorbike and drove off. The girl hardly acknowledged me at all.

When I arrived home I explained to my wife what happened. She said it was a stupid thing to do because the guy could have had a knife.

But I don't care; feel that I done the right thing even if some may believe it's better to be a live coward than a dead hero.

What would you have done in that situation?

You did the right thing mate! At least for that moment, the girl was spared from more physical abuse. Unfortunately for this girl, she is bound to get more 3rd degree treatment from her partner. I would have taken out my digital and recorded the beating. That would teach that coward a lesson. Perhaps see a little jail time as well.

Do jailtime for beating up a woman in Thailand?

You're really funny!

There's probably a max. 500 baht fine (if she files a complaint and there were at least 10 witnesses, etc).

This is one hard questions to answer. You know you shouldn't interfere, as you'll probably end up in big trouble (i appreciated the answer that your priorities lie with your family). but it's so difficult to walk on and act as if nothing happened.

I guess it depends on your conscience. Problem is that you don't have much time to think.

Maybe the answer is: confronting him (from distance) or say something funny to diffuse the situation.

Mind you, just staring at someone has left many beaten up or death.

I dont understand? You didnt do anything except place yourself in danger. She didnt thank you, your wife thinks ya nuts.

What more do you need from us? You are clearly confused by your inaction. Might have been an interactive M&S class that ya wrecked!

Maybe they wanted a threesome? Who cares. Get a couple beers, pack a baseball bat..


Well, maybe you have a point and I`m not totally disagreeing with you, only I certainly take offence that you are accusing me of being confused. I knew exactly what I was doing.

I have a 19 year old daughter and would hate to think of her in a similar situation with bystanders not lifting a finger to help her.

I think it`s a sad world where people can turn a blind eye in a situation when a young girl is getting beaten up in a public place right in the centre of crowds of people.

Everyone has their own opinions and in my case, I would do the same again. If I get hurt in the process than so be it, that`s up to me, but I would certainly feel worse if hearing that this girl was seriously injured or killed later on when maybe I had the chance of preventing this.

I have not created this thread because I want to know if I done the right thing or not, or looking for any applauses, just enquiring what others would have done in the same situation.

You don't know who's right, who's wrong, the only thing's clear is beating a girl is definitively not acceptable. So you're only "duty" is to stop it. You did the right thing.

Get a couple beers, pack a baseball bat ? Dumbest advise EVER :) ! Drunk and want to fight? You will probably end up beat up with your own bat which probably explain the brain damages :D


While many of us want to be Chivalrous, interfering in that sort of situation for a non Thai is dangerous. If he had 'started on you' you would have had no defence. Take into consideration the womans reaction to you. That says a lot too.

All credit to you for stepping in, but that was IMHO a dangerous manoeuvre.


Maybe if you know what she did you would have slapped her as well ! :D ,its a joke, you did the right thing ( for a westerner ) but be aware it can backfire, maybe you got away before his buddys showed up that he was on the phone to, :) .

About 40 years ago back in England, my Dad saw a man giving some woman a hel_l of a beating in the street.

My Dad grabbed hold of the man and pulled him back. Than they both turned on my Dad and he ended up making a run for it.

Like father, like son I suppose.

f-me its Batman and Boywonder



Oh I know I WILL interfere if something bad is happening. Wouldn't you want me to interfere if that woman was your daughter? This has nothing to do with being brave or being a coward. It's doing the right thing or doing nothing at all.

I wonder what people would do if this happened in the middle of a busy street in Manhattan. Perhaps, people would just avoid getting involved because they are afraid of being sued.

You might think I am being overly optimistic for hoping that this guy gets some Jail time. Perhaps I am. But it does not detract from the fact that physically abusing another person is wrong.

The OP still did the right thing by making his presence felt. I just hope there were more people like the OP. At least he has a spine.

Do jailtime for beating up a woman in Thailand?

You're really funny!

There's probably a max. 500 baht fine (if she files a complaint and there were at least 10 witnesses, etc).

This is one hard questions to answer. You know you shouldn't interfere, as you'll probably end up in big trouble (i appreciated the answer that your priorities lie with your family). but it's so difficult to walk on and act as if nothing happened.

I guess it depends on your conscience. Problem is that you don't have much time to think.

Maybe the answer is: confronting him (from distance) or say something funny to diffuse the situation.

Mind you, just staring at someone has left many beaten up or death.


shame you wont be around later when he beats the crap out of her for loss of face.


Well done OP !!


One used-to-be famous fortune teller AKA ขุนทอง อัสนี spent around 1 year 6 months in jail for beating his wife.

... you did the right thing ( for a westerner ) but be aware it can backfire, maybe you got away before his buddys showed up that he was on the phone to, :) .

This is what I thought too when I read the OP. He was probably fuming mad and didn't know how to react to you. He may have been calling his mates to come teach the brave farang a lesson.

You did the chivalrous, honorable thing. Unfortunately, that could have gotten you killed, as others have pointed out.

To answer the OP's question, it's hard to know what I would have done in the same situation. I suppose it depends somewhat on how dangerous I perceived the situation to be (how big, mean, angry, armed, etc. the attacker appeared to be, and whether or not he had friends with him.)

I think ideally, since I can't guarantee that I would win in a confrontation of force, I would try to de-escalate the situation by approaching both people politely but cautiously, keeping a safe distance, being mindful of my potential escape routes, and then try to talk the guy down calmly.

He obviously deserves much worse, but what are you trying to accomplish? Showing him up in public? Punishing him? Saving the girl from more harm? All three would be ideal, but I would give up punishing the guy and showing him up, in favor of increasing the chances of protecting the girl.


Whats the point in getting involved ? It is none of your business and doing things like that is only going to get you in trouble. I commend you but I feel you did totally the wrong thing, you should have gone to get someone who is Thai, even then they would have told you to mind your own business.

Boy tries to hit you, you kick the shit out of him and either his friends come or the police. You go to the police station, his dad or uncle knows people and you end up being charged with assault. Of course the girl will deny he hit her otherwise she will be called a whore and rumors started she is a shit shag and then where are you then ? 2 years in a Thai jail and thrown out of the country.

How do you know what has happened, maybe she had fuc_ked someone else, maybe in doing so caught an STD and given it to him....how the fu7ck do you know ?


Credit to OP, can't see why some people are having a go at him. Doing the right thing isn't always the safest thing, but at least he had the balls to do it. :)

Credit to OP, can't see why some people are having a go at him. Doing the right thing isn't always the safest thing, but at least he had the balls to do it. :)

Good luck if you think with your balls and not your head in life.


Upcountry wife/tee rak/sister beating is a national pastime.

I have a little poll i am conducting, whenever i meet a girl i always ask "you have thai man?". 99% said no. Then I ask "you have

thai man before?" 97% say yes. I then ask "He boxing you?" 94% said yes.


I have no clue what i would have done. If a guy is beating a girl severely i would try to stop it. I am by no means a brave guy but not sure if i could live with the fact that because i did not do anything someone is dead.

Boy tries to hit you, you kick the shit out of him and either his friends come or the police. You go to the police station, his dad or uncle knows people and you end up being charged with assault. Of course the girl will deny he hit her otherwise she will be called a whore and rumors started she is a shit shag and then where are you then ? 2 years in a Thai jail and thrown out of the country.

Woah :) ! Next time I'm asked to plan ahead for worst case scenario, I'll contact you !

Upcountry wife/tee rak/sister beating is a national pastime.

I have a little poll i am conducting, whenever i meet a girl i always ask "you have thai man?". 99% said no. Then I ask "you have

thai man before?" 97% say yes. I then ask "He boxing you?" 94% said yes.

Sure all thai men are the scumm of the earth and we farang are angels. I believe it .. how else could i feel better about myself.

Credit to OP, can't see why some people are having a go at him. Doing the right thing isn't always the safest thing, but at least he had the balls to do it. :)

Good luck if you think with your balls and not your head in life.

Well you obviously do before posting, as you didn't understand what was written. :D

Upcountry wife/tee rak/sister beating is a national pastime.

I have a little poll i am conducting, whenever i meet a girl i always ask "you have thai man?". 99% said no. Then I ask "you have

thai man before?" 97% say yes. I then ask "He boxing you?" 94% said yes.

Sure all thai men are the scumm of the earth and we farang are angels. I believe it .. how else could i feel better about myself.

If the show fits, wear it

Credit to OP, can't see why some people are having a go at him. Doing the right thing isn't always the safest thing, but at least he had the balls to do it. :)

Good luck if you think with your balls and not your head in life.

Well you obviously do before posting, as you didn't understand what was written. :D

Sorry you have lost me.


[deleted - MiG16] Or at least threaten him to the point that he'd wet his pants. Eastern culture has a grotesque streak of misogyny.

"They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue."

-Sean Connery, The Untouchables

P.S. Amazing the amount of walk away cowardly advice.

I have been involved in much much worse situations. Here is the rule for falangs when in Asia.

Asians don't want confrontation. period. If you confront an Asian guy - Chinese, Thai, Korean, Japanese - whatever, the Confucian programming kicks in immediately and their gut (and the little voice of their grandma) tells them to walk away. If you are a falang you represent a formidable threat. If you are attacked, hurt or injured and you did no wrong then the local guy has the potential to pay and pay big time for the transgression. In China the cops might even kill him. The way to handle any confrontation is to convey the message that said local has screwed the pooch big time and now you are ready to fight him to the death. Once the message gets through then he walks away 100% of the time. The only exception is when alcohol or drugs is involved and the local guy cannot hear his grandma's small voice telling him to shape up. In this case call the cops.

Upcountry wife/tee rak/sister beating is a national pastime.

I have a little poll i am conducting, whenever i meet a girl i always ask "you have thai man?". 99% said no. Then I ask "you have

thai man before?" 97% say yes. I then ask "He boxing you?" 94% said yes.

Sure all thai men are the scumm of the earth and we farang are angels. I believe it .. how else could i feel better about myself.

If the show fits, wear it

Seems like your wearing those kind of shoes all the time.

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