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Mobile Phones Are So Important.


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Is it a Thai thing or have mobile telephones taken over the world/our lives?

I live in a poor part of Isarn and every young person has a mobile. This used to surprise me as I used to wonder how on earth they could afford the latest model.

I have seen a couple of 20 year olds lose it(face) when damaging their phones, they are so bloody important to them. I have witnessed phones going off at funerals/in wats/in Unis when talking with their lecturer. When sitting in a songtaew, there is less social chat than say 10 years ago. The youngsters are all too busy fiddling with their mobiles, sending sms or playing games or whatever.

I remember what it was like to be a 13 year old and in my day watches that played tunes were the in thing, and we spent all our spare time playing space-invaders/galaxian/asteroids. Pisses me off though as when playing golf the bloody caddies phone goes off when I am making a birdie put(really), and to make things worse she answered it and had a long conversation even with all the looks from the others. When some peoples phones ring they kinda go into a trance and whatever they are doing at the time is forgotten. Driving a motorcycle with 3 young kids, in the cinema, etc etc etc. There is a look in their eyes that reminds me of a druggie getting his hands on his fix. Is it becoming an addictive thing?

Even I, when forgetting my mobile phone the other day, felt mild withdrawals for the day. I was saying sheet, what if so and so calls, etc.

Now I know, many of them are illegal. Last week, I was offered 40 of the latest Nokia phones for 900 baht each(all still in the boxes). Of course I said no as I don't want to commit any crimes in this beautiful country, also from a very dodgy source.

What was strange, my family and friends reaction. Usually they are pretty law-abiding people, but when the LATEST Nokia was mentioned, gadgets and all, they were willing to break the law :o . "Go on, get me one and "nong a" and "pee b", even my parents in law were wanting one.

What are people prepared to do to get the latest mobile? I wouldn't be surprised if some sold their bodies to get one :D

Has anyone seen ridiculous things concerning mobiles?

Ever wonder how the poor(rickshaw drivers, maids, farmers etc) can own one and afford to speak on the thing all day?

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The youngsters are all too busy fiddling with their mobiles, sending sms or playing games or whatever.

I remember what it was like to be a 13 year old and in my day watches that played tunes were the in thing, and we spent all our spare time playing space-invaders/galaxian/asteroids.

You just answered you own question.

Times change, and the mobile phone generation will be replaced with something else in the future, just like the Asteroid and space invader gang was replaced by something newer and more exciting.

Is it just Thailand? No.

Try Japan.

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The youngsters are all too busy fiddling with their mobiles, sending sms or playing games or whatever.

I remember what it was like to be a 13 year old and in my day watches that played tunes were the in thing, and we spent all our spare time playing space-invaders/galaxian/asteroids.

You just answered you own question.

Times change, and the mobile phone generation will be replaced with something else in the future, just like the Asteroid and space invader gang was replaced by something newer and more exciting.

Is it just Thailand? No.

Try Japan.

You find this all over the world even in the poorest countries. As said times change.

In some very poor countries they do not have the so called fixed line telephones available. Only mobile phones are available to communicate.

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The youngsters are all too busy fiddling with their mobiles, sending sms or playing games or whatever.

I remember what it was like to be a 13 year old and in my day watches that played tunes were the in thing, and we spent all our spare time playing space-invaders/galaxian/asteroids.

You just answered you own question.

Times change, and the mobile phone generation will be replaced with something else in the future, just like the Asteroid and space invader gang was replaced by something newer and more exciting.

Is it just Thailand? No.

Try Japan.

:D One time I was travelling on the Shinkanzen (spelling) in Japan, a mobile went off and a tiny kid, seriously no more than 5 years old, picked a mobile out of his miniture ruksack and answered 'Moshi,Moshi?'. This was about 5 years ago, I just sat there stunned! :D

I don't know if it's just Thai thing as I havn't been in th UK 4 so long, but people leaving thier Mphones on during movies really gets on my wick :o

Whenever I go to the movies here theres always someone!

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Mobile phones are a part of life, but we do need to instill a set of phone manners.

The should be off at:

The cinema

The temple

The school - lesson time.

If you must answer you go outside and do it.

Don't annoy other people.

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The youngsters are all too busy fiddling with their mobiles, sending sms or playing games or whatever.

I remember what it was like to be a 13 year old and in my day watches that played tunes were the in thing, and we spent all our spare time playing space-invaders/galaxian/asteroids.

You just answered you own question.

Times change, and the mobile phone generation will be replaced with something else in the future, just like the Asteroid and space invader gang was replaced by something newer and more exciting.

Is it just Thailand? No.

Try Japan.

:D One time I was travelling on the Shinkanzen (spelling) in Japan, a mobile went off and a tiny kid, seriously no more than 5 years old, picked a mobile out of his miniture ruksack and answered 'Moshi,Moshi?'. This was about 5 years ago, I just sat there stunned! :D

I don't know if it's just Thai thing as I havn't been in th UK 4 so long, but people leaving thier Mphones on during movies really gets on my wick :o

Whenever I go to the movies here theres always someone!

Bad enough that they answer the mobile during the movie. I'll never forget watching "Saving Private Ryan" in Manila when people all around me would call their friends during the movie and give them a running commentary.........

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Some 16 or more years ago...

Hong Kong was 1 of the fastest to pick up the 'new' mobile phone; 4 Chinese businessmen having lunch in an upclass restaurant, all eating...and....ALL of them talking on the phone at the same time.

I gasped... :D but now? not anymore! :o

PS: a few years ago in Europe everybody talked 'shame' about people phoning in Exclusive Restaurants and asked for banning; many of the restaurants did....but NOW? I see it everywhere. How can the restaurants stop their clients, who are paying for an expensive lunch or dinner?


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Bad enough that they answer the mobile during the movie. I'll never forget watching "Saving Private Ryan" in Manila when people all around me would call their friends during the movie and give them a running commentary.........

Can't do that In Japan, the cinemas have a system for cutting out the signal to mobiles when in the theatre, good idea. :o

Edited by Doctor John
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Bad enough that they answer the mobile during the movie. I'll never forget watching "Saving Private Ryan" in Manila when people all around me would call their friends during the movie and give them a running commentary.........

Can't do that In Japan, the cinemas have a system for cutting out the signal to mobiles when in the theatre, good idea. :D

You can buy these systems on the net.Some hotels also use them, so their punters must use the hotel phone for international calls...pricks!

These mobile jammers are the size of a mobile phone and some are made to look exactly like one. Imagine putting one of these devices in the middle of a bunch of beer bars :o

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The mobile phone by itself is fine. As Dr. John points out, it's only just the latest faddish technology. I think that the problem most of us have with the mobile phone is that with its enormous popularity came a shift in what is considered to be acceptable behaviour by many (i.e. answering the phone during a movie, funeral, class, etc. and consequently disturbing that event) Those posting here find this sort of behaviour unacceptable but we seem to be in the minority judging by the number of folks who engage in these activities.

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When some peoples phones ring they kinda go into a trance and whatever they are doing at the time is forgotten. Driving a motorcycle with 3 young  kids, in the cinema, etc etc etc. There is a look in their eyes that reminds me of a druggie getting his hands on his fix. Is it becoming an addictive thing?

The OvenMan calls that look fone-face. :o

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LOS is (as usual) a bit behind europe, who in term is a bit behind the US and, in this case, Japan, as has been mentioned before.

Unfortunately, mobile phones have really taken over and are important, as are computers and internet who have replaced the good old books.

When and where u use them, is mainly up to u, although many high class restaurants in europe still bann them, and so do the casinos, then again also for the reason, that a computer or similar cheating device could be hidden in them.

If you really think about it, there is certainly no need to have them always on, some people even don't want to be reached at times!

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good thread skills.

It is funny how mobiles have become such an obsession. I went back to the UK recently and noticed (with a sigh of relief) that all my friends have crappy old phones and have no interest in the latest models.

How about computers as well? I don't mean to be sentimental but it does seem that we have witnessed quite a change doesn't it? Mobiles and computers and all that, it just seems so funny that we would call each other at home and if we weren't at home tough shit.

Is it for the better though? I miss receiving letters.

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I have never owned a mobile phone and hopefully never will. It seems some people become prisoners to them and I see so much checking all the time and worrying over them. Conversations seem to center around "where are you going" and "have you eaten yet". To me it's like smoking; why start the addiction and end up like them? I don't even own a watch or PDA and I am perfectly happy. I like technology in the home, but when I wander about there is nothing like being able to enjoy the freedom of not being tethered to the modern world.

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things are set to get a lot worse , in a few years time many phones will have TV receivers built in to them so not only will there be internet donwloads on them but live TV everywhere .

and airlines are gearing up to enable phones to be used on aircraft as well in flight for hours on end . its gonna be ###### on long haul flights . :o

many farangs already have diabolical problems with BGs chit-chating on the phones in the small hours at night and in the toilet to their tilacs all over the world . :D

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I have never owned a mobile phone and hopefully never will. It seems some people become prisoners to them and I see so much checking all the time and worrying over them. Conversations seem to center around "where are you going" and "have you eaten yet". To me it's like smoking; why start the addiction and end up like them? I don't even own a watch or PDA and I am perfectly happy. I like technology in the home, but when I wander about there is nothing like being able to enjoy the freedom of not being tethered to the modern world.

TC, I was exactly like you some years back... still in my 30's. Since then I changed to nothing but mobile and no land line. My GSM phone allows me to have a local number in many of the countries I travel. I can send a quick SMS to the missus.. I can be reached almost anywhere in case of an emergency. Coverage in Thailand is excellent and my mobile has come in handy on more than 1 occassion.

By the way, I don't smoke.. and I don't own a watch either.. my phone has a clock :o My phone also has a camera and takes videos... the quality sucks, but it has caught some really quality moments that everyone has had a good laugh at the next day. I've also got the ability to voice record. If you suffer from CRS like me... Can't Remember Shit, that feature comes in handy from time to time.


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I work in the mobile phone industry world wide and i have had a mobile for about 18 years. To me it is a tool of the trade and I am never without it, but when I am back home in Thailand it is essential as I live 4 1/2 km from the nearest land line and without a mobile I cannot talk to my wife and family. Also I use GPRS so that I can access the internet which I am doing now from Pakistan on Thai visa.com

I try not to disturb many people by talking loudly and when visiting a wat or any other place where it is not welcome I use the feature installed on all mobile phones, the " power off" button.

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I have never owned a mobile phone and hopefully never will. It seems some people become prisoners to them and I see so much checking all the time and worrying over them. Conversations seem to center around "where are you going" and "have you eaten yet". To me it's like smoking; why start the addiction and end up like them? I don't even own a watch or PDA and I am perfectly happy. I like technology in the home, but when I wander about there is nothing like being able to enjoy the freedom of not being tethered to the modern world.

So one can assume that you don't have an electric light in your outdoor johny then? :D

or was that included in your modern home tech package. :o

the times they are a changin' B. Dylan

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The youngsters are all too busy fiddling with their mobiles, sending sms or playing games or whatever.

I remember what it was like to be a 13 year old and in my day watches that played tunes were the in thing, and we spent all our spare time playing space-invaders/galaxian/asteroids.

You just answered you own question.

Times change, and the mobile phone generation will be replaced with something else in the future, just like the Asteroid and space invader gang was replaced by something newer and more exciting.

Is it just Thailand? No.

Try Japan.

And HK and Korea.

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I have never owned a mobile phone and hopefully never will. It seems some people become prisoners to them and I see so much checking all the time and worrying over them. Conversations seem to center around "where are you going" and "have you eaten yet". To me it's like smoking; why start the addiction and end up like them? I don't even own a watch or PDA and I am perfectly happy. I like technology in the home, but when I wander about there is nothing like being able to enjoy the freedom of not being tethered to the modern world.

Well, there are +'s and -'s to everything. I remember sitting in a taxi and, as it happens, I had to make 3 calls and received 2 more in the space of half an hour (unusual for me). The driver called over his shoulder: "Where would you be without it, eh?". To which my instant answer was: "A lot happier - like I used to be. In my experience, mobiles don't make much happen that wouldn't happen anyway - it's just that people leave more to the last minute than they did before".

Point being that we used to plan ahead more and decide things in good time - now people assume they can change anything any time, no matter how late in the day. Difficult to think of many instances of when it has saved me from something or made something possible that wouldn't have happened without it. But there are some tides you just can't swim against.......

As to being a prisoner...... personally, I'm happy to switch it off when I don't want to be disturbed. And I seem to have survived without activating the message service either! :o

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I have never owned a mobile phone and hopefully never will. It seems some people become prisoners to them and I see so much checking all the time and worrying over them. Conversations seem to center around "where are you going" and "have you eaten yet". To me it's like smoking; why start the addiction and end up like them? I don't even own a watch or PDA and I am perfectly happy. I like technology in the home, but when I wander about there is nothing like being able to enjoy the freedom of not being tethered to the modern world.

So one can assume that you don't have an electric light in your outdoor johny then? :D

or was that included in your modern home tech package. :D

the times they are a changin' B. Dylan

That they are - but not always for the better. I was tied to pagers and radios much of my live and enjoy not having them today - I don't need em. But do understand they can be very useful - finding the wife in the mall after shopping comes to mind.

Although the current Nokair payment screen has a required field for mobile phone number so guess I am in the minority here. :o

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