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I noticed there was something in Thai about tollway tags on one of the electronic tollway overhead info boards the other day. It was written in Thai but mentioned TAG in block capitals, then there was a Bangkok land line number.

I wasn't quick enough to get the number, but assume this was something to do with the subscriptions for the re-introduction of the rfid TAG payment system.

Anyone has further details about how and where to sign up?

Cheers :)


Just checked. As I understood they will install the new system.

The new card will on sale on July and the system will start operation on August

You can buy the card on Ramintra tollway or at the office in Chatuchak area


does anyone know what the prices are? or can you remember from last time. I use tollways all the time and would love just to drive through.

They said 1,000 baht for card and 500 baht for deposit

There'll be monthly payments etc? With a postal invoice or its PAYG? If the later, where to topup?

  • 4 weeks later...

i sent my assistent last week to get one tag.

great news:

they are not ready yet.

should come back end of the year!!!!

so i guess maybe 2010 or 2011. :-)

welcome to thailand. ;-)

should come back end of the year!!!!

so i guess maybe 2010 or 2011. :-)

Just yesterday:

- When I can buy the TAG?

- In the middle of August...

  • 3 months later...

Just got one. They cal it EasyPass

500 baht for device and 500 baht for card

Card can be refilled in any expressway entrance

The system will start from 15/10

More info: www.exat.co.th or 1543



That's great, already working ?

Is there any "load" in the card or was that 500 just to get empty card ?

That's great, already working ?

From 15/11/09 (mistake the date in the previous post)

Is there any "load" in the card or was that 500 just to get empty card ?

500 already in and not 500 actually - 475 baht because of "promochan" 5% discount

  • 3 weeks later...

I've also bought the Easy Pass.

From what I was told they adopted ETC system, thus you're not required to make a full stop to wait for your card to be scanned at automated gate like the old tollway card. They told me you can drive through it at 50km/h, but I doubt that's really the case. I have UV/IR cut film on all glasses including windshield and the old tollway card couldn't be scanned through that film. I hope I don't have to break the bar to find out the new scanner will...


I'd hold off on buying one for now.

The system was supposed to begin operation on the 14th of Nov 2009, however, due to 'technical difficulties' it won't be up an running till some stage at the beginning of 2010.

Maybe it is a genuine technical error which needs further ironing out. Or it could be shonky software which will never work. Who knows.

Save your money for now, untill you know it really is in operation.


The adoption of a much-heralded electronic pass for motorists on expressways has been postponed to next year following the discovery of technical problems.

The Expressway Authority of Thailand said Monday the Easy Pass would be tested and reintroduced in the next two months.

In the meantime, the 50,000 registered motorists who have paid for Easy Pass permits will receive a discount for their renewal and for deposits on the electronic cards, once approval is given.

The test run began on October 20 and proved flawless until software-related glitches were detected over the weekend, said authority governor Thaweesin Rakkatanyoo.

The Nation

  • 3 months later...

OK, I admit I am resurrecting this thread only so I can rant about the horrible service by traffic cops when it comes to those who get into the Easy Pass lane without an Easy Pass.

At least 4 times a week when I use the Easy Pass there is some rocket scientist who can't read, sees very few cars in this one lane and thinks they are hitting the traffic lottery by entering into it. The traffic police then stop traffic in the Easy Pass lane and the two adjacent lanes to come to the rescue of these idiots so they can somehow back up and move into one of the adjacent lanes. Never is a ticket given out.

It is seriously becoming faster to not use the Easy Pass.

OK, I admit I am resurrecting this thread only so I can rant about the horrible service by traffic cops when it comes to those who get into the Easy Pass lane without an Easy Pass.

At least 4 times a week when I use the Easy Pass there is some rocket scientist who can't read, sees very few cars in this one lane and thinks they are hitting the traffic lottery by entering into it. The traffic police then stop traffic in the Easy Pass lane and the two adjacent lanes to come to the rescue of these idiots so they can somehow back up and move into one of the adjacent lanes. Never is a ticket given out.

It is seriously becoming faster to not use the Easy Pass.

Yup, those "rocket scientists" are just pure jerk offs, they're just trying to take advantage the system, hoping for the "jackpot", "no need to wait in line, 'because I'm too stupid to read Thai and understand the confusing symbols.'".... but I have seen some farang "rocket scientists" as well.... unfortunately.... the cops are just too stupid to figure out what to do with them.

But these "rocket scientists" are now becoming rare.. less and less...

I needed to rant.

So it's up and running now I assume?

Yes ... up and running.

Advice on those with the Easy Pass system.

1) Don't tail-gate. Some(most) car films do block the signals, preventing the cards from being read properly.. thus car must reverse back and forth and driver eventually sticking the card out the window for the machine to properly read it. Attendants may overide the system, thus charging your accounts manually.

2) Don't tail-gate. Signals may have difficulty reading cards that are too close together.. thus car(s) must reverse back and forth and driver(s) eventually sticking the card out the window for the machine to properly read it. Attendants may overide the system, thus charging your accounts manually.

3) Don't tail-gate. Some gates may not be working too well (hick-ups) finetuning and what nots, i guess. thus car(s) must reverse back and forth and driver(s) eventually sticking the card out the window for the machine to properly read it. Attendants may overide the system, thus charging your accounts manually.

All in all, most of the problems come from drivers tail-gating and confusing the system... or the film blocking the signals...

They do have plans on deploying this further out of the city. Hopefully they can iron out the "quirks" soon.

OK, I admit I am resurrecting this thread only so I can rant about the horrible service by traffic cops when it comes to those who get into the Easy Pass lane without an Easy Pass.

At least 4 times a week when I use the Easy Pass there is some rocket scientist who can't read, sees very few cars in this one lane and thinks they are hitting the traffic lottery by entering into it. The traffic police then stop traffic in the Easy Pass lane and the two adjacent lanes to come to the rescue of these idiots so they can somehow back up and move into one of the adjacent lanes. Never is a ticket given out.

It is seriously becoming faster to not use the Easy Pass.

Yup, those "rocket scientists" are just pure jerk offs, they're just trying to take advantage the system, hoping for the "jackpot", "no need to wait in line, 'because I'm too stupid to read Thai and understand the confusing symbols.'".... but I have seen some farang "rocket scientists" as well.... unfortunately.... the cops are just too stupid to figure out what to do with them.

But these "rocket scientists" are now becoming rare.. less and less...

I needed to rant.

Note, I didn't limit my rant to any one nationality and it was not meant that way.

Sadly, I don't see these jerk offs becoming less and less. It is the same as before. The system itself works great. The previous system appeared to have some problems in reading tags, but not at all with this system. Once we eventually get to the gate it reads the tag immediately.

have had the roll up to the gate, and it dont open......... velly annoying.

Could be the window film?... if you are still having problems.. try this test:

1) Next time, upon driving to the gate hold the Easy Pass out of the window. (WARNING/DISCLAIMER... driving with one hand is dangerous, if possible, have the passenger hold the Easy Pass out of the window. I will not be responsible for any accidents or anything bad that may happen..etc.etc.etc)

2) Drive up towards the gate slowly as you normally would.

3) The Easy Pass "should" beep, though this would be very hard to hear since the Easy Pass would be out of the window.

A) If the gate does not open, you may have a faulty Easy Pass or that gate system is faulty.

:) If the gate opens, consider investigating your window film or reposition the Easy Pass. Some cars have a section behind the rear view mirror to allow signals to pass.

Good luck.


i have 40% non reflecting black film and the easy pass works just fine.

but it is annoying to see Thai drivers still using the express lane although they don't have the easy pass. they will change the lane at the eleventh hour and creates traffic in that lane........which spoils the whole idea of having an easy pass....

have had the roll up to the gate, and it dont open......... velly annoying.

Could be the window film?... if you are still having problems.. try this test:

1) Next time, upon driving to the gate hold the Easy Pass out of the window. (WARNING/DISCLAIMER... driving with one hand is dangerous, if possible, have the passenger hold the Easy Pass out of the window. I will not be responsible for any accidents or anything bad that may happen..etc.etc.etc)

2) Drive up towards the gate slowly as you normally would.

3) The Easy Pass "should" beep, though this would be very hard to hear since the Easy Pass would be out of the window.

A) If the gate does not open, you may have a faulty Easy Pass or that gate system is faulty.

:) If the gate opens, consider investigating your window film or reposition the Easy Pass. Some cars have a section behind the rear view mirror to allow signals to pass.

Good luck.


No have film at all on the car........ something i never got around to.........

Might because too close to prior car

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