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What Went Wrong In Phuket?


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I just finished my vacation from Patong Phuket,

I noticed there's a big different compare to last year when I was first visited to Phuket.

The town looks very quiet, not many tourist.

During daytime, I hardly found many pp on the street, and the pp on the beach wasn't many as last year (perhaps only 20% of last year).

At night time, I went to Bangla rd, it's dead too. The road did not like what I'd seen last year.

In the bar, I was overheard that people are planning to sell off their pub, restaurant and hotel...

I feel strange to see the situation in Phuket,

What went wrong in Phuket?

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Probably the single most significant reason is the global economy, which is affecting every country/continent. It's really starting to bite now, as probably most of the visitors during the past 'high' season had already booked/paid for holidays before the economy freefall started. This has to be coupled with the bad publicity that Thailand in general, and Phuket in particular has received in the last 6 to 8 months. Those that can afford long haul holidays are being more particular on where to go.

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What went wrong...take your picks ???

Aiport takeover, tourists stranded

Economic downturn in the World

Bad Press

Health issues...flu of 2009 & chimichanga mosquitoes

Closing hours

Beach cleanliness....not even to mention in the waters

Prices raised, not lowered to make up for lack of

2 tier pricing

Tuk=tuk fare


Visa costs

Bighting their own foot,to spite themselves

and everyone's favorite :D Politics :)

All the above.....plus a few others we probably forgot !!! :D

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Beer price gone up big time, some crappy bars charge 120 for a beer, not even something nice to look at, this was some new bars open in Karon, will never go there again, BTW they tried to charge 1300B for 4 beers 1 breezer 1 water.

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I recently returned to Phuket for a brief stopover after an absence of a year and was jaded after 3 days.

Over priced empty hotels offering no incentive to make up for hard times.

Aggressive non negotiable Tuk-Tuk drivers (how they get away with this is still beyond me)

Same pestering Indian tailors

Same desperate bar girls out for the big fleece

I think I will stay in Issan

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I'm dubious about the effect swine flu/airport takeovers/political unrest etc etc have on holidaymakers.

If you look at true 2-weeks in the sun booked from a brochure holidaymakers, i think they have short memories.

I really dont think people look too deeply into things unless they are going somewhere very obscure. Like Baghdad.

As someone else mentioned on here, the real reasons are that people dont have enough money due to the global economy, and also that the baht is strong.

Last year they were getting 70baht to the pound, now it's 50something.

That just made your hard earned cash go 20 odd percent less far.

Once the global economy stabalises, and the exchange rates rise, then the tourists will be back. Beermat stealing Aussies, tsunamis, red shirt/yellow shirt etc etc will all be yesterday's news.

Who remembers the high season after the tsunami? It was high !! busy busy busy. Only downturn was in some superstitious people from Japan, Hong Kong and Korea, but even they were back the year after.

People have short memories when it comes to this.

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What went wrong...take your picks ???

Aiport takeover, tourists stranded

Economic downturn in the World

Bad Press

Health issues...flu of 2009 & chimichanga mosquitoes

Closing hours

Beach cleanliness....not even to mention in the waters

Prices raised, not lowered to make up for lack of

2 tier pricing

Tuk=tuk fare


Visa costs

Bighting their own foot,to spite themselves

and everyone's favorite :D Politics :)

All the above.....plus a few others we probably forgot !!! :D

Yes, you listed 12, i could add a few more:

Chickenkunya (or whatever it's called is a new one)

Box Jellyfish

3 or 4 people drowned in the past 2 weeks alone (lifeguards can't swim)

Pollution (both air and the Thai habit of throwing up into the air whatever it is they are finished with)

Crime rising (yanking handbags from women on motorbikes is the latest it seems)

Inflation (Thai people seem to simply raise the prices when things go sour)

Now, there is also good news coming out of Thailand: traffic is way down, real estate prices are down although we are not allowed to buy any or even lend our wives money for them to buy, food is good and healthy,.....................sorry, that's about all i can think of.

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Its the economy. I live in Cyprus and its the same here, no tourists etc and this is our high season... NOTE we have had no swineflue so far....

People dont get put off by all the things you mention because we in Europe hardly ever hear about what is going on in Thailand, part from when the main political fighting etc is going on. I only found out about the swineflue outbreak in this Forum, not mentioned at all in the papers here or on the BBC etc.

By the way am going to BKK and Phuket in August, to get away from the tourists :)

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Thailand really believes its own hype that its ready for 'quality tourists' and is pricing itsef out of the game fr the non quality veriety..

I am back in the west for the 1st time in 8 years, and am amazed by the fact that its not expensive (I was prepared to be shocked) buying clothes, in the pub, loading up on electronics and cameras and the like, even eating out is only mildly expensive and to be honest mostly superior (for eveything non Thai food). You forget the quality aspect of everything. When the 3rd world is pricing itself on par with the western world, to offer inferior products (safety, materials, maintenance, etc) people wont buy.

Sure theres beaches (without lifeguards) and theres a wam climate, but Thailand isnt alone in having these things. Whatever you think about it, Thailands real standout offer is in its bars and the population of girls in them. Like it or loath it, those tourists have been coming year in year out. But by driving up drink prices you will end up with the ones coming 50/50 to party not bothering and the pure hardcore mongers being the ones who will always come (and go to Pattaya) so those changing demographics mean Phuket loses.

Anyway what island resident (who doesnt have a biz there) doesnt love it when its quiet ??

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I feel really sorry for people that have wasted money on a business and will never get their initial outlay back...let alone a profit..........whats the going rate for a bar in Soi Eric...5 year lease, 3mil key money and 35k a month......how can a profit be made from that kind of outlay....still if it keeps someones x bar girl missus happy, suppose that is what counts

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So what went right lets try to be positive!

ok this has me scraching my head!

6 years now and i am struggling, maybe the urm let me think, hang on a min i'll think of something, moment.

No I give up

oh hang on I discovered thai visa.great!

From an expat perspective..

Carrefore.. Or in general bakeries, coffee beans, improved cold cuts, fruits, etc.

Cleaner more sanitary wet markets..

Cinema complex's (Central / JC)..

Hospital services..

General quality of services, less 3rd world.

As an almost ran theres internet.. Mines prety dam_n good actually and while not being international levels its liveable.

More clubs and societies, social activity growing beyond the bar (possibly).

The phuket I came to has evolved, and while theres lots that annoys and upsets me, mostly because with better planning it could be avoided, its still an upgrade in lifestye, but at a radically upgraded cost.

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I feel really sorry for people that have wasted money on a business and will never get their initial outlay back...let alone a profit..........whats the going rate for a bar in Soi Eric...5 year lease, 3mil key money and 35k a month......how can a profit be made from that kind of outlay....still if it keeps someones x bar girl missus happy, suppose that is what counts

And of course this is where the increased drink prices are going, bar owners are still on razor thin margins (with no longer toytown seed money) but the greed of the entrenched land owners, who care not which farang subsidized bar goes under and who fronts them..

Hence we get 180 baht gin and tonics made from 400 baht bottles of gin.. Its recovering rent / key money.

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What went wrong...take your picks ???

Aiport takeover, tourists stranded

Economic downturn in the World

Bad Press

Health issues...flu of 2009 & chimichanga mosquitoes

Closing hours

Beach cleanliness....not even to mention in the waters

Prices raised, not lowered to make up for lack of

2 tier pricing

Tuk=tuk fare


Visa costs

Bighting their own foot,to spite themselves

and everyone's favorite :D Politics :)

All the above.....plus a few others we probably forgot !!! :D

You forgot about the toxic jelly fishes

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So what went right lets try to be positive!

ok this has me scraching my head!

6 years now and i am struggling, maybe the urm let me think, hang on a min i'll think of something, moment.

No I give up

oh hang on I discovered thai visa.great!

From an expat perspective..

but at a radically upgraded cost.

you said it


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I think this is great. I am sorry if this sounds harsh, but it is about time that Phuket sees the recession.

Funny how the local business owners are reacting. They are only making it worse.

Phuket has become a rip-off, from the moment you step off the plane.

I agree with HDRider. I am loving this.

And I don't drink in bars. I buy my beer from Tesco!

todd :)

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I think this is great. I am sorry if this sounds harsh, but it is about time that Phuket sees the recession.

Funny how the local business owners are reacting. They are only making it worse.

Phuket has become a rip-off, from the moment you step off the plane.

I agree with HDRider. I am loving this.

And I don't drink in bars. I buy my beer from Tesco!

todd :)

Tesco ! way too expensive, i get my big leo"s from james wiskey in bang tao, saves me at least 20 baht per case.

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I think this is great. I am sorry if this sounds harsh, but it is about time that Phuket sees the recession.

Funny how the local business owners are reacting. They are only making it worse.

Phuket has become a rip-off, from the moment you step off the plane.

I agree with HDRider. I am loving this.

And I don't drink in bars. I buy my beer from Tesco!

todd :)

I think like most resident expats, I'm enjoying the quiet times also. Particularly during this period, I think most resident expats will use facilities (bars/restaurants etc) that are consistent in their pricing, and maintain reasonably high quality standards (be it food or drinks). These are likely the only establishments who will survive in the short term. For me, the downside is that the expansion of shopping facilities and services are going to be hit hard, as obviously their business plans are going to be centered around a customer base which frankly is no longer there. It would be a great shame to lose these facilities.

Not sure about anyone else, but I've felt that Phuket contradicts itself in so many ways. On the upside, there is a lot of marketing as the 'quality island' of Asia, with some very high end hotels and resorts. But conversely, probably most of the visitors arriving, and business being done is at the mid to lower level, i.e. single/couple 'rave' (using that term in the absence of something that I can think of that is more suitable only) holidays.

At least Pattaya markets itself full frontal, and whilst it does offer mid level accommodation and a good selection of accommodation/condominiums for those who want that life style and to live there, doesn't try to make it something that it's not. There's no ambiguity about the place. Everyone knows (or should do) what they're going to get before they actually arrive. Phuket's problem is that is sees itself as an up market venue, but few places can sustain an up market service level. Quality here is centered around price, i.e. you get what you pay for. Too many places here know about the prices in the genuine high end establishments, and purely seek to copy cat without knowing the service levels that go into making these prices acceptable.

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What's the problem!!!

If these people who are losing money or can't pay off the key money in the aloted time had done a bit of basic math & research they wouldn't be in the situation they are in now regardless of the downturns.

Honestly I can't believe how naive some people can be when they come here to invest money, the risks have always been here, the rules have not really changed.....

Over the past 2 & something decades I have lived here we have suffered many drama's on the island, murders, tg plane crash, 80's stock market crash, dengue, malaria, aids epidemic, currency crash, sars, bird flue, terrorist threat after Bali bombing, tsunami, one to go plane crash, more murders, sky high fuel prices, airport strikes, local riots, box jellies, political instabilities, another crash in the world markets swine flue and so it goes on...

If it looks to go to be true...it's not!


I like it like this, clean up time.

Edited by cottonpusher
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Yes I totally agreed I was readin' news just now kindergarten near BKK 17 more kids tested positive for swine flu (10 days ago only 4 but now hundred) yuck what's going on? I wasn't afraid when I 1st heard about swine flu but now lol oh hey wot am I suppose to do? don't go out? to shoppin' centre? oh no I wont go anyway am broke now lol don't go to resto? :) nvm I have not enuff money to go anyways bleh :D so die coz nothing to eat is more faster than swine flu? jezzz!

How long do u have to starve urself before u die? and how about swine flu?

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Did anything go wrong?

Kata Beach is still wonderfull.

Scenery still beautifull

Sun is still shining

Beer is still 70 baht at Kangoroo Bar in Bangla, and the view stunning as always

Traffic is less. Hope the gas prices increases to reduce traffic even more.

Hotels are very cheap, nice close to beach with pool at 900 baht. 4 stars at 1700 baht.

Best Summer Season in Phuket so far :)

We are in a world recession with no travellers cause no money. I think the peanut problems with closed airports and greedy tuk-tuks will be forgotten when people have recovered from their svineflue and can afford to travel again

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... Too many places here know about the prices in the genuine high end establishments, and purely seek to copy cat without knowing the service levels that go into making these prices acceptable.

A well-written post and absolutely bang-on.

I tire of Phuket and am currently making plans to leave permanently.

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Having lived in patong for a little over 3 year's,i went to a party in nongkhai and stayed in udonthani for 17 month's, now back in patong about 14 day's so hello to all,anyway i had to do a visa run every 90 day's to vientien laos and alway's stayed a week.

Vientien is booming,plenty of frang tourist's"save the whale and free tibet"t-shirt's everywhere,good people.

Vientien is more exspensive then udon,cheapest hotel on mekong front is $38 pp per night.i was once quoted $145 a night,the futher back you go from river front the cheaper it get's but quailty drop's rapidly.

Eating out is very exspensive with a wide range of choice's,stanard is excellent.

30 day visa is $35.Beer is cheap.

Udon is deserted with and an air of gloom hanging over it,by all account's pattaya is way down on number's and so is patong. WHY ?

The decline in number's started with the coup,normal,respectable law abideing people would not consider traveling to a country with tank's on the street's of it's capital and as the political situation got worse so did tourist number's.

90% of people do not like violence ,IMHO that is what happened to LOS.

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A lot of wishful thinking here on why there are no tourists.

The rip-offs etc has been going on for years. All it means, is that there are fewer return tourists than before.

Maybe there are a tiny minority who stay away because if swine flu, tsunami risk and ghosts, but, the real reason why this "Summer Season" is a disaster, is the economic downturn and potential tourists worrying about whether they will still have a job next month.

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