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You Have To Watch This


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I have never read so much crap on TV. As someone who faced this every weekend for a living it is obvious not one of the posters has. I spent a few years working the door in bars and clubs in the UK and saw the same and worse every week. The guy got exactly what he deserved. To say it is the Thai way to sucker punch a guy is also crap. Do you think in a bar fight you tap the guy on the shoulder and offer to fight him according to the Queensbury rules ? EXACTLY!!!!!!!!

The Thais in a fight are no worse than any other country but people here like to bash the Thais at every opportunity whether it be this type of thing or getting ripped off. Try to remember what it is like where you came from please before ripping into the Thai's

An asshol_e is an asshol_e no matter where he is! :)

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I used to go out bar/street fighting fully grown men in the early 90s when i was aged 16-20, it was always one on one unless it were a group fight.

However things have moved on since then and if this drunken oath was starting on me in 2009 and if he is on the floor i'd have gladly stamped on his head and kicked him in the face to make sure he didnt get up, you dont know if someone is tooled up or not these days, and its nice to get home healthy and safely ...... Granted if my mate had sparked him out i wouldnt join in.

Edited by sanmiguellight
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The point of me posting this was to have a laugh at a tosser and to make a point that acting like this in Thailand will result with this happening to you.

Yes it was a di7ck move to hit the guy when he was down but he deserved what he got to begin with.

I posted this purely as education.

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My first reaction was yeah its funny but then it got me thinking, I spent 3 years back home working in bars, pubs and clubs, used to see this stuff all the time yet we always managed to get the guy out without having to sucker punch him from behind or kick him in the face when he's down :)

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must be a mate of yours.

Rather have a drunk and stupid mate than a coward one but you made your choice very clear.

Everyone agrees this guy 'started the fight'. Guess I need glasses, never saw him raise his hands.

"Who wants it", what does that suggest, he is offering up blowjobs ?

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That choleric farang was wrong to bawl at the Thai. But to say that a beating is justified is worse than that. The acceptance of violence from almost every poster in this thread is stupid and sad indeed, even more considering TV is not a right-wing hooligan forum, but a public expat forum.


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The bloke was loud and slapped the bar, he didn't threaten the fellow he was talking to.

The thugs jumped him and yes his head hit the bar.

He may have contributed to his fate, but certainly didn't deserve what happened.

You've gotta be sick to think that it was funny - they could have killed him.

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This guy is the biggest mug...'who wants it ?' hahahaha

English man gets beat down

What a moronic post. Violence is never the answer, and you're supporting a group of people punching and kicking someone clearly on his own and drunk. He hit his head pretty badly too. The answer would have been to escort the man out of the bar, that is the job of security.

Seriously mate, get a grip.

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My first reaction was yeah its funny but then it got me thinking, I spent 3 years back home working in bars, pubs and clubs, used to see this stuff all the time yet we always managed to get the guy out without having to sucker punch him from behind or kick him in the face when he's down :)

I agree with your style of control-use enough force to deal with the situation but no need to beat a guy when he is already unconscience. Its also good for business. Most customers loath a rude drunk but then they also usually don't wish to see him beaten unconscience-and then some. Simply being removed from the bar is enough.

I'm of two minds about this idiot. He was clearly wrong and over the top but he wasn't hitting any one, just being an idiot. After he was sucker punchedand down, another guy kicked him in the face, a little over kill there. I heard a Thai lady saying repeatedly "enough, eough!" so it was obvious that he was no more of a threat. I've been told that westerners fight to win; asians fight to kill and there is a grain of truth in that.

The Thais are pretty ruthless with each other and they will also gang up but the difference is that Somchai -if he survives- can make a phone call and have reinforcements to even the score. Most farangs don't have that kind of support here and are viewed as an easy target. Its just the way it is here and best to mind your manners at all times...

Edited by Lancelot
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I have never read so much crap on TV. As someone who faced this every weekend for a living it is obvious not one of the posters has. I spent a few years working the door in bars and clubs in the UK and saw the same and worse every week. The guy got exactly what he deserved. To say it is the Thai way to sucker punch a guy is also crap. Do you think in a bar fight you tap the guy on the shoulder and offer to fight him according to the Queensbury rules ? EXACTLY!!!!!!!!

The Thais in a fight are no worse than any other country but people here like to bash the Thais at every opportunity whether it be this type of thing or getting ripped off. Try to remember what it is like where you came from please before ripping into the Thai's

An asshol_e is an asshol_e no matter where he is! :)

Every single bouncer I met was hel_l bent on violence and initimidation. Asshol_es are generally people that need to resort to violence because they are not intelliegent enough to consider the alternative. Enough said.

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We don't know who is right or who is wrong in this situation, whatever it was.

However, this is a stark reminder for one to keep their cool even in the most frustrating of situations.


Any further comment would be superfulous without more background information.


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