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Good Thai Women


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Is my Thai wife different? I read posts about Thai women being humble and subservient. I read about them being controlled by their families. I can tell you for a fact that my wife is her own person. She asks me for my opinion, then does what she wants to do. This does irritate me but since she is usually right, I say very little. Her family knows better than to try to tell her anything.

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If you come to Thailand as a sex tourist and spend time in Pattaya or similar you will probably end up iwith a b/g and most probably the "i hate Thailand group" if you waste your money building a house and all that cr@p

..Oh, you mean the, "All Thai are stupid", "All thai men are abusive and lazy", "All Thai are lairs", "I must speak dumbed-down pigeon English to all Thai, even ones who obviously can understand 'normal' English", "I must critise all of Thailand, particularly availability of western food, and nothing is quite the same as 'back home', and im always being ripped off", "My woman is young and slim, but it doesnt matter that im three times her age and have a hygiene problem and that i have a hanging beer belly..i know im still handsum..."..etc.. group? :)

:D I started reading your post and thought <deleted>! is she having a pop at me for?

Yes, that would be the group i was talking about.

I would think its very easy to be pulled into this group but what a cr@ppy life they must lead full of anger and bile like the you tube video that was posted fabout the Brit giving it some in a bar and then getting KO'd

I still can't believe that men come here and visit bars expecting to find a soul mate in a 25 year old Isaan honey... (i am sure majority are straight up and honest but some..)

Go and visit a sports centre/cooking classes/dancing and meet genuine ladies who will not be falling over themselves to date you as a farang and so you will have wine and dine her and treat right.

Doh! this is probably a bit beyond the reach of the average sex tourist who then becomes a long stayer and a poster on TV judging by alot of the negative posts on here.

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hi i'm the new one for this forum....

i think that's not to late for me to thanks for the webmaster that created this forum even allowed me to join this site.... i love thailand maak maak :):D

by the way... just wanna share with all of you... about my past experience....

i'm so lucky since i've ever met one of Thai friend.... we met by our university collaboration English camp between Malaysia and Thailand... from that day i'd become her best friend.... until now and i hope it's be a forever friendship.....

after that collaboration camp... i'm also ever visit Thailand and her hometown in Songkhla privately by oneself.... she always welcome when i tell her that i wanna visit her beautiful country again... when i arrived in hatyai railway station.... she's wait for me as we promised before.... she welcomed at me

she accompanied for me anyplace that i wish to visit in Songkhla and Hatyai.... until now i've ever go to Songkhla about 5 times.... i felt comfort when someone Thai people always be together with me.... and i wish to go again.... because i love Thailand.... i felt in love with Thailand jing jing

Thai people always love to smile to us, farang.... when thai girl smile, it's make anybody felt in love....

Thai girl is really angel..... I'm so happy because i have a beautiful angel that always be together with me.....

Don't worry,you'll wake up...........sometime! :D

by the way mr abdulrahman are you farang...... have you got any beautiful angel yet.... i'm very pleasant to hear any good news relation between thai people and farangs

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If you come to Thailand as a sex tourist and spend time in Pattaya or similar you will probably end up iwith a b/g and most probably the "i hate Thailand group" if you waste your money building a house and all that cr@p

..Oh, you mean the, "All Thai are stupid", "All thai men are abusive and lazy", "All Thai are lairs", "I must speak dumbed-down pigeon English to all Thai, even ones who obviously can understand 'normal' English", "I must critise all of Thailand, particularly availability of western food, and nothing is quite the same as 'back home', and im always being ripped off", "My woman is young and slim, but it doesnt matter that im three times her age and have a hygiene problem and that i have a hanging beer belly..i know im still handsum..."..etc.. group? :)


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The reason why we hear so much about so-called "bad" Thai women on the forum is because, demographicaly, its the group that most single (male) ex-pats are likely to associate with and then have some or other "bad" experiance to write about - not because there are more "bad" Thai women than there are "bad" Western women ... or, more "bad" Thai women than their are compared to any culturale or national group in the world.

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I honestly wonder what Thai girls see in many farang men.

Some of these guys are the absolute pits.

It only proves that the girls are really desperate.

Come on Texpat, you know the reason why.

kindness beyond reproach. good heart, big belly, fun all the good stuff country girls adore! rugged good looks!

pension payments, bankk account with lots of money in it,etc!

Edited by jimmkins
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The reason why we hear so much about so-called "bad" Thai women on the forum is because, demographically, its the group that most single (male) ex-pats are likely to associate with and then have some or other "bad" experience to write about - not because there are more "bad" Thai women than there are "bad" Western women ... or, more "bad" Thai women than their are compared to any cultural or national group in the world.

I have to agree, as I do with many of your posts - albeit silently - yet my personal experience does not always state this is the case. If we males do go to bars and go-go or other seedy joints then, yes we would expect to meet more 'bad' women.

Yet I have only ever picked up one woman in a pub that I have had a relationship with. Please note, pub or club, not a go-go bar or seedy joints as I do not frequent these places.

Many I have met have been through other people I know. And all but one have ended up wanting one thing. Lots of money. And they use their main weapon to get it. Sex. When they have not got their way, the sex stops as does the rest of the relationship. So, as ever, I walk away because I will not give in to blackmail.

Reasonable requests and needs are fine. I have no problem with that.

Women from villages, from town, from restaurants. Almost all ended up with the same demands. Some on the first day.

The one that did not want money was the one who I gave my phone number to in a pub. Sadly that relationship ended because of an irretrievable breakdown, though I did my best to resolve the main problem.

The three women I mentioned in my original post I met in the same way as I met most of the women in my past here, through acquaintances, yet they are so totally different. Maybe their upbringing was different or their outlook on life is different or got changed somewhere along the line.

In effect, those from seedier joints should be more likely to be problematic, yet I have found those from other places to be as problematic. Most from families where the parents are good, hard working folk too. Whose grandparents are the same. Whose families made you feel genuinely welcome over a period of time and not just on the surface. You can tell the difference of the families (parents) who care and the ones who do not.

As I am happy to point out and as the original post was meant to do also, Yes there are good ones out there and I posted it as a contrast to the 'bad' ones we do hear a lot about. :)

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There has been a lot of talk about the 'bad' Thai women. About the lies etc. So this aims to help rectify some of that.

Yes, there are some good ones out there, amidst all those that are denounced (and, yes, I have had problems with a few in the past :) ).

Many times - myself included - many of us have met with women out there wanting to rip us off, or lie to deceive us.

So, in defence of some Thai women, here are three that I know and trust. 3 Thai women who are honest, do not lie and are willing to share and take care. All 3 have been let down badly in the past by Thai and Farang men. They were all disillusioned. 2 still are.

One in her mid 20's now has an English boyfriend and she is happy. Her idea is that as b/f & g/f she wants to understand English culture. Refuses all offers of money from her b/f who is currently working in the UK. Her belief is that as he is a b/f it is not up to him to support her. In fact she works overtime and at 2 jobs to keep herself, her daughter and help her mother.

She likes to talk to me a lot to improve her English. In return I get friendship and some good advice when I am in need of it. I feel her b/f is one very lucky guy.

Another in her early 30's has her own salon, own house, car and has had 1 Thai b/f who turned out to be a 'Butterfly'. She has remained on her own since. Never had any children. She has money of her own and is happy except for one thing, she does wants a man in her life but has been betrayed badly once and is now very wary of all men.

The third also in her 30's speaks English because she had a Farang husband until he died some years back. She has her own big house and also land outside of town too. She takes care of her daughter and works at her sisters shop. Yet she too cannot find herself a good, honest and faithful man. She only wants to share and have mutual support in return for her love.

These 3 women have several things in common.

All talk 'straight' unlike many of the 'snakes' I have encountered.

All are very good looking women.

None of them believe in extracting money from men or to make marry for sin-sot. They believe in mutual support.

They all work.

All 3 rarely go out drinking.

So, I have to remember when partaking in some of the denunciation of many Thai women for their behaviour towards us Farang, that there are good women out there. Maybe this helps to even things up.

And I would hope that others would accept too that there are good women out there who only seek to find themselves a good man and not be there to rip the men off financially or emotionally.

Some might ask why I have not made a move on any of these women, considering my past problems with many. The answer is quite simple. With 2 of them there is simply no spark between us and maybe that is why we are now good friends.

The third? Well, that is a different matter and I am working on that very slowly :D

Maybe many of us are looking in the wrong places for women.

women in general not just thai are nothing but snakes....in two divorces they took their half( HALF) what they believed to be rightfully theirs...when the reality of it was that they contributed nothing at all but F#$%#IN headaches...

however nice and honest your 3 friends may seem now......wait untill the day they are faced with fight or flight...They all F@#$#in fight and try to bury you..

i believe that women are like cats, as long as they are recieving they will hang around and let you stroke them all day long, but as soon as you stop they are straight over the neighbors fence..

 Ever see a homeless guy with a cat?

if it flies, floats or f@#$s my friends just rent it, unless of course it has 3 fa#$ys

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My wife and I have been together for 2yrs and 5 months I met her in a bar in Hua Hin she was out drinking with some friends, no job, gave up nursing school couldn't afford the fee's blah blah.

All she wanted was to go home to her family as she'd been messed around by boyfriends Thai and Farang. Being from an Isaan family farming was her life so I gave her money and sent her home after one day of knowing her.

I kept in touch by phone and after a month visited her family built them a house bought them some cows and buggered off back to the UK. I was happy to help them having seen their REAL NEEDS.

They supported themselves and we stayed in touch by phone after 6 months I returned and was treated like a god so I married her, she came to the Uk for a holiday (I paid) and we had a great time we returned to Thailand together and had six months apart phoning 3 times a day. Now we both live and work in the UK she gives me all her wages every month and we send to her old mother 200 pounds each time she gets paid. Every time I look at her I realise how lucky WE are to have each other.

Yes I gave her a house but she didn't ask for it a small child fell from the stair well and I didn't want to see it happen again. It cost 7k Sterling and it would have been wasted on drink and bumming friends in the uk. So my wife asks for nothing except a lift to work and gives me everything. I don't have a house in the Uk or a great job the money I spent in Thailand was all my savings and Ive had it back 3 fold.


Just wish my brother had the same luck

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I have seen the good and the bad....

It is not about occupation or locality. It is about personality, attitude and expectations.

I was involved with a village girl and got burnt....I married a girl who worked daytime bar and have never looked back. My wife is not subserviant and knows her own mind..(keeps me honest :) )

There are good and bad all over Thailand......take time to get to know the girls and you will soon work it out.

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There has been a lot of talk about the 'bad' Thai women. About the lies etc. So this aims to help rectify some of that.

Mainstream Thai women are like women everywhere - there are good ones and bad ones. Most Thais are nice and honest people, but so many farangs seem to make bad choices and marry the first bargirl that shags them. Not all bargirls are bad, but many of them do continue to have the problems that got them into the bars in the first place - alcohol, drugs, gambling, kids, scrounging families, deadbeat boyfriends, criminality or criminal associations. So many guys expect all these problems to disappear as soon as they marry, but of course they don't, and more often than not it all ends in tears.

I agreed with you. I'm Thai-gril with good quality I guarantee...

A very good post sir.

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Thai women like all other women will be as good as you treat them If you treat them badly then they will reciprocate. If you treat them well they will treat you well. Most of the guys that have had trouble with Thai women that I know have treated them badly and deserve what they get. Quite a simple formula really. There are of course exceptions in all societies.

Cheers, Rick

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women in general not just thai are nothing but snakes....in two divorces they took their half( HALF) what they believed to be rightfully theirs...when the reality of it was that they contributed nothing at all but F#$%#IN headaches...

however nice and honest your 3 friends may seem now......wait untill the day they are faced with fight or flight...They all F@#$#in fight and try to bury you..

i believe that women are like cats, as long as they are recieving they will hang around and let you stroke them all day long, but as soon as you stop they are straight over the neighbors fence..

Ever see a homeless guy with a cat?

if it flies, floats or f@#$s my friends just rent it, unless of course it has 3 fa#$ys



Edited by eek
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There has been a lot of talk about the 'bad' Thai women. About the lies etc. So this aims to help rectify some of that.

Mainstream Thai women are like women everywhere - there are good ones and bad ones. Most Thais are nice and honest people, but so many farangs seem to make bad choices and marry the first bargirl that shags them. Not all bargirls are bad, but many of them do continue to have the problems that got them into the bars in the first place - alcohol, drugs, gambling, kids, scrounging families, deadbeat boyfriends, criminality or criminal associations. So many guys expect all these problems to disappear as soon as they marry, but of course they don't, and more often than not it all ends in tears.

I fully agree with you. All depends on who you marry to. Of course the chances of a marriage fail are greater if you chose a bar girl no matter if it is in Thailand or anywhere else in the world.

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women in general not just thai are nothing but snakes....in two divorces they took their half( HALF) what they believed to be rightfully theirs...when the reality of it was that they contributed nothing at all but F#$%#IN headaches...

however nice and honest your 3 friends may seem now......wait untill the day they are faced with fight or flight...They all F@#$#in fight and try to bury you..

i believe that women are like cats, as long as they are recieving they will hang around and let you stroke them all day long, but as soon as you stop they are straight over the neighbors fence..

Ever see a homeless guy with a cat?

if it flies, floats or f@#$s my friends just rent it, unless of course it has 3 fa#$ys



geeeezz what a speech... the way you talk about women is never the less disgusting and repugnant. In my opinion you must be traumatized for what you saw at home. 2 failed marriages; have you ever think that the reason why your two relations ended was YOU? I would like to ear their side of the story!!!

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If you come to Thailand as a sex tourist and spend time in Pattaya or similar you will probably end up iwith a b/g and most probably the "i hate Thailand group" if you waste your money building a house and all that cr@p

..Oh, you mean the, "All Thai are stupid", "All thai men are abusive and lazy", "All Thai are lairs", "I must speak dumbed-down pigeon English to all Thai, even ones who obviously can understand 'normal' English", "I must critise all of Thailand, particularly availability of western food, and nothing is quite the same as 'back home', and im always being ripped off", "My woman is young and slim, but it doesnt matter that im three times her age and have a hygiene problem and that i have a hanging beer belly..i know im still handsum..."..etc.. group? :)

While I agree that I don't like people displaying such negativity, I also dispute the link between said behavior/mindset and coming here as a sex tourist. Most sex tourists I know are perfectly happy people and adore Thailand and everything in it.

Also you gotta wonder what percentage of Thaivisa members started out that way. (Or still are)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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My wife and I have been together for 2yrs and 5 months I met her in a bar in Hua Hin she was out drinking with some friends, no job, gave up nursing school couldn't afford the fee's blah blah.

All she wanted was to go home to her family as she'd been messed around by boyfriends Thai and Farang. Being from an Isaan family farming was her life so I gave her money and sent her home after one day of knowing her.

I kept in touch by phone and after a month visited her family built them a house bought them some cows and buggered off back to the UK. I was happy to help them having seen their REAL NEEDS.

They supported themselves and we stayed in touch by phone after 6 months I returned and was treated like a god so I married her, she came to the Uk for a holiday (I paid) and we had a great time we returned to Thailand together and had six months apart phoning 3 times a day. Now we both live and work in the UK she gives me all her wages every month and we send to her old mother 200 pounds each time she gets paid. Every time I look at her I realise how lucky WE are to have each other.

Yes I gave her a house but she didn't ask for it a small child fell from the stair well and I didn't want to see it happen again. It cost 7k Sterling and it would have been wasted on drink and
bumming friends
in the uk. So my wife asks for nothing except a lift to work and gives me everything. I don't have a house in the Uk or a great job the money I spent in Thailand was all my savings and Ive had it back 3 fold.


Just wish my brother had the same luck

hello sailor!

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Where are these three women looking for a good man at, my guess all the wrong place. I think these three women are just the unfortunate victim of the bad bar girls, sisters, by that in mean so many farangs and thai men alike just find it so easy to pickup/make out/find mai noi(s) among the bad bar girls, that when they meet women like these three they are at a lost as to what to do or say to them, and to put bluntly most of US wouldn't know these women were ready available and seeking a meanful relationship, so ladies what do you do>maybe for starter you could ask about family, mom, dad, children>along that line give hints that you have only mom, dad, sister, etc, whatever the case, other then this old big snake is at a lost so OVER to Y'ALL :):D:D

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Wait a min lemme laugh lol i'm a tiger oops thaigal id say most of thai women are humble, sweet (except me sweet like lemon haha) shh and diligent u dont have to hire a maid lol according to wot i've heard/read u guys talking bout us... "lying" or "pretending" the question is those girls who got farang bfs are they (girls) really interested in those farangs? or just want to use em' as ATM. i've been told in the past only that kinda girls searched for farang man back to viet war when i was a kid, GI were here and i lived near the base. my mum owned salon and of course her customers hot women (mostly bar girls) who got farang bfs but nowadays dued to econ crisis or its easy way to survive oops i meant to get money lol it seems women who has decent job like teacher, nurse, prof. or even student go for farang man...and of course nothing's wrong with that if they're honest to each other but sad thing is when farang bfs gone back to their country! woah paradise for the girls money (from ATM) :D transfer to their thai current bfs lol! well there are plenty of good thai women open ur mind and find it!



Thank you .I see u r 1 of the good once. funny aaand smart :D (sorry am taken) :)

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Where are these three women looking for a good man at, my guess all the wrong place. I think these three women are just the unfortunate victim of the bad bar girls, sisters, by that in mean so many farangs and thai men alike just find it so easy to pickup/make out/find mai noi(s) among the bad bar girls, that when they meet women like these three they are at a lost as to what to do or say to them, and to put bluntly most of US wouldn't know these women were ready available and seeking a meanful relationship, so ladies what do you do>maybe for starter you could ask about family, mom, dad, children>along that line give hints that you have only mom, dad, sister, etc, whatever the case, other then this old big snake is at a lost so OVER to Y'ALL :):D:D

In reality the options of the two without a foreign b/f are limited as to where they can look if they want a non Thai.

The internet is not much good as there are too many scheming people on there already.

Dating sites? Social Networking? ( Internet too, but as specifics ) I gather most men on there that are looking for a woman are full of BS too. Most only want sex and lie about their marital status and more.

In the pub / club? They drink very little and also have little time for that type of socialising and a lot of women do not go to pubs except on the odd occasion or for birthdays.

In some of the more obvious towns like Pattaya or Phuket? Too many women of a dubious virtue there already :D

There are a limited number of foreign people here in Thailand too so that would limit any possible meeting.

In the end I suspect they will stay single and alone, as they already believe they will. A shame really.

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Thanks for starting such an up lifting topic. Its about time we have a chance to show our appreciation for those wonderful Thai women.

Back here where I live in the states there is a good size Thai/Lao community. My wife's friends get together often and have some great meals together. Most of these women are really nice humorous people.

PS my thai wife of 37 years made me write this. Now I won't have to clean the house tomorrow. :)

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Thanks for starting such an up lifting topic. Its about time we have a chance to show our appreciation for those wonderful Thai women.

Back here where I live in the states there is a good size Thai/Lao community. My wife's friends get together often and have some great meals together. Most of these women are really nice humorous people.

PS my thai wife of 37 years made me write this. Now I won't have to clean the house tomorrow. :D

Do you wear a collar and crawl around on your knees too?? :)

Ahhh, what I could do with a boss like that :D

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In my experience the question should be reversed. Most farang men that i know are far worse that the Thai women that they are involved with. Just an observation.

Cheers, Rick

Spot on rick, just look at the venemous posts about thai women, the men scribbling this trash will have met at bars, or on line and blame the women, when in reality its their inability to find a good one at " the bar " which is to blame :) ...these sorts probably got their last wife/girlfriend in a pub on a council estate in kirby, :D .and there idea of a good woman is one that can hold her beer and will share another woman..what is it the thais say, som nam na ,.

Indeed. 'Swim in the sewer and you'll meet a lot of rats'

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In my experience the question should be reversed. Most farang men that i know are far worse that the Thai women that they are involved with. Just an observation.

Cheers, Rick

Agreed.. I would specfy the 'most' as I do know some fair guys, but they have been walked over a few times now..

But I have met a high ratio of great Thai girls, and despite how so many posters always harp on the 'good girl' thing I have seen just as many great ones that were working in bars, but wanted out, than I have scheming money grubbers that were in 'real jobs' or met via other means.. The higher the class of girl (or class she thought she was) possibly the worse they have been.

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