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Global Warming In Thailand


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I have always been a global warming skeptic, because I've never seen any proof that global warming actually exists. So I decided to look at temperature records for Thailand. I chose Chiang Mai because there is data available from 1943 to 2009. I chose April because it is generally one of Thailand's hottest months.


The lowest average April maximum temperature in Chiang Mai was in 1949 (29.9 C)

The highest average April maximum temperature in Chiang Mai was in 1983 (39.2 C)

The average maximum April temperature in Chiang Mai in 1944 was 36.1 C

The average maximum April temperature in Chiang Mai in 2009 was 36.1 C

The average maximum April temperature in Chiang Mai between 1943 and 2009 was 36.1 C

<deleted>,where's the global warming???

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I have always been a global warming skeptic, because I've never seen any proof that global warming actually exists. So I decided to look at temperature records for Thailand. I chose Chiang Mai because there is data available from 1943 to 2009. I chose April because it is generally one of Thailand's hottest months.


The lowest average April maximum temperature in Chiang Mai was in 1949 (29.9 C)

The highest average April maximum temperature in Chiang Mai was in 1983 (39.2 C)

The average maximum April temperature in Chiang Mai in 1944 was 36.1 C

The average maximum April temperature in Chiang Mai in 2009 was 36.1 C

The average maximum April temperature in Chiang Mai between 1943 and 2009 was 36.1 C

<deleted>,where's the global warming???

The Thai government haven't caught onto all the tax fiddles that Western governments have foisted on the hoi polloi with the BS about global warming.

It kills me when ex politicians suddenly decide what is right and fight for it but what happend when they were in office. Where was their fight then. AKA<_< Al Gore

It will catch on here..eventually..remember their bossman was born and educated in the Uk so he knows how to squeeze the masses.

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The ancient ice pack of the Himalayas is melting at an alarming pace (it doesn't get replaced) and this is what supplies all the major rivers of Asia including the Mekong, vital to Thailand's RICE farming. Next ...

Not to mention the over a billion people in China that would have their food growing capacity disrupted from this.


Conforming to the global trends, the study said that the glaciers in the NWH have shrunk considerably in the last three decades, indicating major ice-loss.
Eventually, the Himalayan glaciers will shrink so much their meltwaters will dry up, say scientists. Catastrophes like Ghat will die out. At the same time, rivers fed by these melted glaciers - such as the Indus, Yellow River and Mekong - will turn to trickles. Drinking and irrigation water will disappear. Hundreds of millions of people will be affected.


Edited by Jingthing
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The ancient ice pack of the Himalayas is melting at an alarming pace (it doesn't get replaced) and this is what supplies all the major rivers of Asia including the Mekong, vital to Thailand's RICE farming. Next ...

Not to mention the over a billion people in China that would have their food growing capacity disrupted from this.

If it doesn't get replaced can you explain how it was built up in the first place?

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If it doesn't get replaced can you explain how it was built up in the first place?

This isn't seasonal ice. It is ancient glacial ice. Like millions of years. Got it now?

I am sorry, I should have said it isn't replaced for millions of years, as if anyone really cares about that far into the future.

Global warming deniers, why? So you don't feel guilty about consuming? You don't like to be an adult and face harsh realities? You let your personal distaste for Al Gore and liberals take over your own ability to be objective about science? I really don't understand.

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The ancient ice pack of the Himalayas is melting at an alarming pace (it doesn't get replaced) and this is what supplies all the major rivers of Asia including the Mekong, vital to Thailand's RICE farming. Next ...

Not to mention the over a billion people in China that would have their food growing capacity disrupted from this.

If it doesn't get replaced can you explain how it was built up in the first place?


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It's old ice. We should respect it and mourn its passing.

There's little humans can do to change planetary evolution. It goes hot-cold-hot-cold -- naturally.

If you think it's our fault and we should act to reverse the trend, you've got an inflated sense of self-import.

There are far more insects and fish and plants on this rock than humans. Let them fix it.

Perhaps the nice Himilayan folks will soon be able to grow something besides iceberries and freezemelons.

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If you think it's our fault and we should act to reverse the trend, you've got an inflated sense of self-import.


Did you know that species are now going extinct at a massive rate and scientists blame HUMAN ACTIVITY for most of those lost species? Of course HUMAN ACTIVITY has everything to do with this. You sound like some kind of fundamentalist, we are small and weak, everything is in God's hands. No, no it isn't. Look at the photos of EARTH from space these days. Human marks all over the place!

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The ancient ice pack of the Himalayas is melting at an alarming pace (it doesn't get replaced) and this is what supplies all the major rivers of Asia including the Mekong, vital to Thailand's RICE farming. Next ...

Not to mention the over a billion people in China that would have their food growing capacity disrupted from this.


Conforming to the global trends, the study said that the glaciers in the NWH have shrunk considerably in the last three decades, indicating major ice-loss.
Eventually, the Himalayan glaciers will shrink so much their meltwaters will dry up, say scientists. Catastrophes like Ghat will die out. At the same time, rivers fed by these melted glaciers - such as the Indus, Yellow River and Mekong - will turn to trickles. Drinking and irrigation water will disappear. Hundreds of millions of people will be affected.


The last paragraph of the economic times article says it all.

"The research points towards the fact that a significant increase in air temperature, coinciding with the industrial revolution and enhanced anthropogenic (human related) activities may have resulted in warming of the region and climate change,"

No facts just speculation.

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Global warming doesn't manifest itself everywhere as a temp increase - other changes to weather are also indicators of so-called "global warming" e.g. changes in the rainfall pattern: there has been a notable and documented change in/to seasonal rainfall pattern in the North and North East over the last 10 - 15 years, in that although the area gets much the same rainfall year to year, that rainfall is more likely to fall over a much shorter period (i.e. a months rainfall falling over a period of 2 or 3 days leading to extensive flooding, more and more often), and the length of dry periods have tended to deviate off the norm more and more.

In this sense - yes, there are notable changes over the last decade or so - and if you farm, you will be very aware of it.

But - is that down to "global warming", or some cause? After all, the world has gone through climatic changes several times over the last hoever many thousand years, and whos to say we are not now heading towards another of those changes - and over what time period will this take place, with what ultimate result?

I too am not as yet completly convinced that these changes are all down to, or only down to global warming theory as we tend to get told about it. The evidence though is pretty convincing - China fires up new coal powered power stations at the rate of something like 2 or 3 a week! The carbon those alone (never mind the rest of China's burgeoning industrial developement over the last 10years) throw out must be having some impact on the weather in South East Asia.

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If it doesn't get replaced can you explain how it was built up in the first place?

This isn't seasonal ice. It is ancient glacial ice. Like millions of years. Got it now?

I am sorry, I should have said it isn't replaced for millions of years, as if anyone really cares about that far into the future.

Global warming deniers, why? So you don't feel guilty about consuming? You don't like to be an adult and face harsh realities? You let your personal distaste for Al Gore and liberals take over your own ability to be objective about science? I really don't understand.

I got it first time just jerking your chain..Sorry you are obviously passionate about this subject.

Me, I will probably burn in hel_l as i live for me and not future generations.

Sorry i do not buy into global warming and we must be taxed and do this and that.

I agree we may have sped up the natural heating/cooling of the Earth but what to do?

I will not stop my flight travelling - i will not stop using my SUV -

Just interestingly what have you done to help stop this warm up?

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There is no man made global warming but there is natural climate change.

Jingthing said " You can gloat but the glaciers are still melting "

90% of glaciers around the world are actually growing but that doesn't follow the great global warming con so we don't talk about them just the 10% that are melting. see here


The site is full of stories where there are record low temps but nobody hears about them as they are not reported. Again record low temps goes against the global warming myth.

NASA has proved that the sun is responsible for any changes and not man. See here.


Also as for all this BS being science , it is far from it. We are forever being told that scientists are united in their findings. Wrong. The Oregon institute of science and medicine disagrees and has a petition signed by over 31,000 scientists, with over 9000 of them with PHD's.

Man is responsible for just 2% of the CO2 that goes into the atmosphere. No proof exists that CO2 is responsible for warming. It is all to do with computer models that predict warming. Put in the right figures and you can get them to show you what you want. Climate change is big money these days.

During the occupation of the UK by the Romans the temp in the Northern parts of Europe were several degrees higher than now. There were vineyard in the north of England yet man was not putting any CO2 into the atmosphere ? During the industrial revolution we were puping tons of the stuff into the air but the temps were lower ?

This is all about control. Control of you and me. Governments love Global warming as it allows them to tell us what we can and cannot do and to tax the hel_l out of us all in the name of saving the planet. Just look at what Obama is doing in the US. America, the land of the free ? Even if you can afford to buy and run a big engined car you will soon not be able to. All in the name of saving the planet.

I am all for getting rid of pollution but CO2 is not a pollutant. Ask people these days and they will tell you it is. Without CO2 there would be no life. What do you think plants breathe, yes that's right CO2. I had a friend back in the UK who used to grow some plants and if he pumped CO2 into his growing room then his plants thrived and his crop tripled. This has no become a quasi religion where people who disagree are treated like heretics. They changed the name from global warming to climate change as somebody pointed out that the temp had not actually risen in the last decade. This will sooner or later be exposed as the biggest con in history.

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The sad thing about the denials about climate change is that the changes needed to prevent or diminish it are necessary regardless of wheter the weather will be affected or not. We will have to stop using fossil fuels sooner or later, it's simply not sustainable and the longer we drag on the denial and the delaying of alternatives, the harder we are going to come crashing into the unescapable reality of a finite resourse being used up.

We already see the stertors of a strained resource, with violent swings on the prices of oil. That has a ripple effect on the whole world economy, acting as a destabilizing factor so you'll see how depending on that resource is against the interests of markets stability.

If we switch to renewable sources of fuels, like oil producing algae grown in saltwater, we could tap on an endless (relatively speaking) source of fuels, bringing stability to the markets that would promote growth.

There, I made a capitalist argument in favour of reducing CO2 emissions.

The other sad thing is claiming that humanity can't possibly have an impact on the planet's environmente. Look at the drying up of the Aral Sea thanks to irrigation policies, look at the hole in the ozone layer and things like the quick extintion of the Passenger Pigeon, at one time the most abundant bird on the US should be a reminder of how quickly and inexorably humanity can change an environment.

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No facts just speculation.

By the time millions of people are dying from this, it will be too late to take action. Enjoy!

UN Blowback: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims


Oh.....here we go again.......the head in the sand know nothing about science posters. Not you, of course.

Yes, global warming in Thailand is real just as it is real worldwide.

Just as a simple proxy assessment of whether it is real or not, all you have to do is talk with old people about temperatures in Thailand in the past........they all say it was cooler then.

Now there they come.........but I am going to ignore them because you can't reason with them.

Just note that there is a massive amount of information out there supporting the now undeniable fact that global warming is real......the peer review journals are full of articles supporting global warming......the major research institutions have come out and said it is a reality....

If that is not enough to convince you, I don't know what is. But if you want to believe up is down and left is right, the good news is that you have the freedom to believe whatever you want.

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No facts just speculation.

By the time millions of people are dying from this, it will be too late to take action. Enjoy!

UN Blowback: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims


Oh.....here we go again.......the head in the sand know nothing about science posters. Not you, of course.

Yes, global warming in Thailand is real just as it is real worldwide.

Just as a simple proxy assessment of whether it is real or not, all you have to do is talk with old people about temperatures in Thailand in the past........they all say it was cooler then.

Now there they come.........but I am going to ignore them because you can't reason with them.

Just note that there is a massive amount of information out there supporting the now undeniable fact that global warming is real......the peer review journals are full of articles supporting global warming......the major research institutions have come out and said it is a reality....

If that is not enough to convince you, I don't know what is. But if you want to believe up is down and left is right, the good news is that you have the freedom to believe whatever you want.

Update: March 16, 2009: Prominent Scientsits Continue to Join Report:

Now More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims


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I forgot to add the saddest aspect, that a situation that concerns every single person in the world, is being used as a political tool to score rethorical points. A dam_n shame and disgrace.

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More than 19 000 scientists are on record expressing the view that there is not sufficient evidence of human influence on global climate to justify any corrective public policy. The global warming industry is trying to fix an alleged problem that the scientific community has not yet been able to define, despite more than $15 billion spent in the last decade trying to find evidence to support the claim

But Tex and Jingthing know better they trust their MSM source without question :)

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We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind. There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.

This petition has been signed by over 31,000 American scientists

Wow 31,000 - yet Jing and Tex know these guys are wrong

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Melting glaciers and ice clods breaking away are definitely signs, that there is something going on with mother nature. To observe that one has not be a scientist.

There is always something going on with mother nature - so your point is what. Or dont you have one

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Melting glaciers and ice clods breaking away are definitely signs, that there is something going on with mother nature. To observe that one has not be a scientist.

There is always something going on with mother nature - so your point is what. Or dont you have one

right, you can even say that, if a comet is falling on your head.

The point is, that ice, which was more or less at the same size for thousands of years, suddenly diminishes rapidly. The only logical reason can be a warmer climate.

or Al Gores' team is manipulating that secretly with immersion boiling devices during the night time.

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Melting glaciers and ice clods breaking away are definitely signs, that there is something going on with mother nature. To observe that one has not be a scientist.

There is always something going on with mother nature - so your point is what. Or dont you have one

right, you can even say that, if a comet is falling on your head.

The point is, that ice, which was more or less at the same size for thousands of years, suddenly diminishes rapidly. The only logical reason can be a warmer climate.

or Al Gores' team is manipulating that secretly with immersion boiling devices during the night time.

Yes birdbrain I have to agree with you, your obviously an elequent intelectual and your opinion is obviously more valid than 19 thousand scientists.

PS ask yourself - does Al Gore make a lot of money from so called global warming!

Why is Antarctic sea ice increasing?

While Arctic sea ice loss has shown dramatic decline over the past few decades, Antarctic sea ice has shown long term growth since satellites began measurements in 1979. This is an observation that has been often cited by skeptics as proof against global warming. However, in all the skeptic articles I've read, not one has raised the crucial question: why is Antarctic sea ice increasing?


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Tanzania official now declares ice caps on Mt Kilimanjaro 'increasing' – May 2008

Excerpt: A Cabinet minister has allayed fears that ice caps on Mt Kilimanjaro that is a big tourist attraction in the region could disappear permanently. The minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Ms Shamsa Mwangunga, says contrary to reports that the ice caps were decreasing owing to effects of global warming, indications were that the snow cover on Africa's highest mountain were now increasing. "Among the signs of more snow is the decrease in temperatures in areas surrounding the mountain, heavy rainfall this year and increased precipitation and spring water flow on the slopes of the mountain," she pointed out.

Researchers from the U.S. and Austria say global warming isn't the cause of Kilimanjaro ice loss – June 13, 2008

Excerpt: Al Gore has made the disappearing snows of Mount Kilimanjaro a cornerstone of his crusade against global warming. In his film "An Inconvenient Truth" for example, he says: "Within the decade, there will be no more snows of Kilimanjaro." But now researchers from the U.S. and Austria say global warming isn't the cause, and the fluctuations are nothing new.

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Melting glaciers and ice clods breaking away are definitely signs, that there is something going on with mother nature. To observe that one has not be a scientist.

There is always something going on with mother nature - so your point is what. Or dont you have one

right, you can even say that, if a comet is falling on your head.

The point is, that ice, which was more or less at the same size for thousands of years, suddenly diminishes rapidly. The only logical reason can be a warmer climate.

or Al Gores' team is manipulating that secretly with immersion boiling devices during the night time.

Excerpt: Al Gore has made the disappearing snows of Mount Kilimanjaro a cornerstone of his crusade against global warming. In his film "An Inconvenient Truth" for example, he says: "Within the decade, there will be no more snows of Kilimanjaro." But now researchers from the U.S. and Austria say global warming isn't the cause, and the fluctuations are nothing new.

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