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Govt. Hospital


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A friend is being checked into Govt. Hospital for a minimum of 5 days.

Has anyone had any experience of there?

Is it part of CMU / Sri Pat?

- Thank you!

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Cant get hold of him at the mo Tywais, but would seem that its linked to CMU as he said the vascular surgeon works out of Sri Pat and there. Sorry for theshort, undetailed, post, I only just recieved an email a short time ago from him. He is a bit worried about it. Just thought any pre-info i can get hold of for him would be good. Then can have a talk over about things before he goes in tomorrow.

Oh..and thanks so much for fast reply, and that link!

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Oh..and thanks so much for fast reply, and that link!

You're welcome. From what you said above then it would be Maharaj (CMU hospital) on Suthep road. Sri Phat is the private clinics in the same compound but most Sri Phat doctors work both facilities.

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Cant get hold of him at the mo Tywais, but would seem that its linked to CMU as he said the vascular surgeon works out of Sri Pat and there. Sorry for theshort, undetailed, post, I only just recieved an email a short time ago from him. He is a bit worried about it. Just thought any pre-info i can get hold of for him would be good. Then can have a talk over about things before he goes in tomorrow.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Eek,

I was treated for oral cancer at Sripat / Maharaj, was hospitalized there three times during the treatment, and am very satisified with every aspect of my treatment. Many of the doctors at Sripat are also on the teaching staff of the medical school : of course I don't about the specific vascular surgeon you mentioned.

When I was in-hospital (in Sripat) the room was nice, clean, the nurses were friendly. I felt I received much better care from the nursing staff than I did at Chiang Mai Ram One when I was in there for smashed up right leg, and at substantially less cost.

If I had any other problems again, I wouldn't hesitate to go to Sripat / Maharaj.

Hope you can re-assure your friend !

best, ~o:37;

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These replies are so helpful. Thank you all. Thanks for the food info, thats one of his concerns! haha!

Part of his email:

"I don't even know where GOVT. HOSPITAL IS!!!! Will anybody feed me ?

talk to me ? do they have Western type toilets ? non Thai TV ? what

will I do with my time ? =:D =:D"


Is there anything you would recommend that would to take in prior to going? I mean things to make the stay more comfortable. Maybe things you wish you had had at the time. Of course, i can always check it out and take a list of what he needs after he has checked in...hmm..so its really not so important. Just he is in his 70's so..a bit concerned about him.

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get him to buy a 7 or 8 inch screen portable dvd player and rent 50 dvds

that will keep him occupied / happy for a few days and his mind off his sickness

enjoy ..... dave2

ps a bonus ... after the op he can sell it on here

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Hi..yeh already thought about the dvd player, tnx. :) He LOVES movies! So thats a good one. I have a really tiny portable cheapo one I bought here that i plan to connect up. Was wondering if there would be any issues with connectors and if its an older TV, but i would think it'll be ok. Was wondering if a lamp would be nice...no idea how basic the room is. You reckon they would allow some things like that? Want to give it a relaxed feel.. those overhead florescent lights are not so great for relaxing.

Anyway..i think the initial main panic is less so now! Good to hear others have had positive experiences and the rooms are comfortable. Thats the most important thing, and its reassuring. Anything on top of that is just for the extra comfort value.

Tnx all.


After he is checked in and sorted..will post an update on the room/facilities, etc, for those who may wish to know about that in future.

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Check out the room and confirm with the staff first before taking a lot of stuff. They have many different kinds of rooms, they may want him in a post-op ward then transfer to a room. If he wants a private room, get the request in pronto if he has not already done so because sometimes they are full.

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Make sure you get detailed info on where exactly he is, because the place is a complete zoo. I tried finding someone in there once and vowed to never set foot in there again if I could possibly avoid it. (This may not apply to Sripat though, Sripat was considerably less crowded.)

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I am seriously considering changing my "main" hospital on my insurance policy. Is Sripat the one that people love so much?

Yes U.G. A good number of the doctors there are Professors at CMU. The "Sripat" Building is the Special Medical Service Center of the University of C.M. on the same campus as Maharaj Suan Dok Medical Center.

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I am seriously considering changing my "main" hospital on my insurance policy. Is Sripat the one that people love so much?

As far as I can tell Sripat is the private section of Suandork. It has at least one US doctor working there I have sen him and he is good though I usualy see Thai doctors. With an appointment service is quick. Without an apontment I have waited a maximum of one hour. They use the resources of the main hospital for things like x-rays. It is used by many Thais. They have their own accomodation in The Special Medical Service which is full private standard. The cost of an outpatient visit works out at 200 baht plus medicine which costs about the same or cheaper than outside. A chest xray cost about 100baht and a stool test 30baht (for parasites)

The public section of the hospital treats you well too but there is more waiting and it is possible that you will see a newly graduated doctor who does not speak English. Wards there are shared unairconditoned wards. As a guide a 6 day stay there cost me $700 if which $450 was for a months supply of medicine which I usaully get from australia as it is so expensive here. The care there was excellent though I would not encourage anyone who did not speak thai and nderstand Thai culture to use it. There is of course no privacy.

What is confusing is that people refer to both parts of the hospital and do not specify which they mean. The Special Medical Service which is on the 13th floor of the Sripat building or the main hospital next door.

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RAM has always done me well, but when so many people complain about a hospital, it might be better to give somewhere else a try. :D

An old dog like you may do well at the Small Animal Hospital at the enterance to CMU. :):D

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Woh..well its 8:05pm and Im finally winding down from a day of being with my friend trying to get through the zoo that is Gov. Hospital Maharaj.

We arrived there at around 9:45am, and went from one queue to another (well, i did, he was confined to a wheelchair so had to sit and wait). At around 11:30am after handing over his files, we were told to go eat lunch first as the waiting list for a bed was long. We ate, came back around an hour and a half later, and waited. At around 4pm he was allocated a bed, but had a few tests first, which actually went pretty fast. By 4:20pm we made the last leg, and he got himself comfortable (well..as comfy as you 'can be in a packed hospital). The room has 7 beds. He has requested a private room, but needs to wait for now.

One thing I thought was strange, is that the nurse initially told me he could not be in a single room unless he has someone with him all day, everyday, whilst he is there. In case of any accident. I dont know if that is common practice..but seemed a bit OTT?? Anyway..he has a lot of friends, so if we need to schedule something, then we will work it out later if he gets his own room.

Anyway, the nurses seem very friendly, and a pretty large group of students fussed around him re-dressing his legs up with bandages. I think many are quite intrigued about this large tall over six foot farang elderly man! Gov. Hospital is no pretty picture, its pretty crowded and a rabbit hole of a place. BUT, it is very very clean and seems to be very well run. There is definitely a big contrast between the look/comfort of private hospitals and this public one, but that doesnt mean any less care or efficiency.

Ah..and btw..no TV. So, its books and music only for him. The nurses also warned about things going 'missing'. That my friend should be careful to keep his mobile phone out of sight and safe. So, i think taking in anything of value would be a bad idea.

Lastly, if you cannot speak any Thai, and you need to go there, whether interested in saving money on health care, or wish to visit friends or whatever, I think you will have a problem. Best to have someone along who can speak Thai, or at least enough to help you to get around.

Anyway..hes settled in for the evening. Thanks to all for your help.

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I wonder how expensive it is to hire a nurse to help out.

Many years ago, A friend told me that there was a place in town to hire part-time nurses and they were in a fishbowl type room and you just picked one. This Is Thailand, so I've never decided if he were pulling my leg, or not. :)

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EEK? That is not Sripat; that's the general wards for Thais, quite different. I have only waited over an hour in the main hospital, and waited half the day then. It should be cheap, but a private air-con room ast the top of Sripat is mabe 1,300 baht per day. I usually see a professor within 15-20 mintues.

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EEK? That is not Sripat; that's the general wards for Thais, quite different. I have only waited over an hour in the main hospital, and waited half the day then. It should be cheap, but a private air-con room ast the top of Sripat is mabe 1,300 baht per day. I usually see a professor within 15-20 mintues.

Hi PB, yes, you are right. Sorry that I wasnt clear. He is actually in the Sujinno Building, next to SriPat.

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.One thing I thought was strange, is that the nurse initially told me he could not be in a single room unless he has someone with him all day, everyday, whilst he is there. In case of any accident. I dont know if that is common practice..but seemed a bit OTT?? Anyway..he has a lot of friends, so if we need to schedule something, then we will work it out later if he gets his own room.

Anyway, the nurses seem very friendly, and a pretty large group of students fussed around him re-dressing his legs up with bandages. I think many are quite intrigued about this large tall over six foot farang elderly man! Gov. Hospital is no pretty picture, its pretty crowded and a rabbit hole of a place. BUT, it is very very clean and seems to be very well run. There is definitely a big contrast between the look/comfort of private hospitals and this public one, but that doesnt mean any less care or efficiency.


THey willgive him excellent careI am sure. They cared for me well.

Most, if not all hospitals will not give a single room to someone without a carer. In some ways it is sensible practice but it can make it dificult for us. Many hospitals strangely do not have nursing care at night but Maharaj does.

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EEK? That is not Sripat; that's the general wards for Thais, quite different. I have only waited over an hour in the main hospital, and waited half the day then. It should be cheap, but a private air-con room ast the top of Sripat is mabe 1,300 baht per day. I usually see a professor within 15-20 mintues.

The general wrad is not only for Thais. there is no discrimination.

The ward concept is there to ensure all patients are observed at all times

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Oh for those who may be interested ..the cost per day for an inpatient at the general ward is 600baht. Its also fan only. Im not sure what the final costs will be, but i imagine the other costs such as medicinal and bandages etc, would be the same for SriPat Special Medical area. I know his IV antibiotic treatment is 50 baht a bottle (cant remember how many mgs), and he 3 bottles a day (well i think its two bottles of one kind..and then one bottle of some other kind...will check later when i go to see him). He says the food isnt bad either! :)

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