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Football Racialism


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First of all what is the name for it ?

It was bought to my attention by Mr msinghy on one of his post's when he invited fellow west ham supporters along to a trip to China but said that Tottenham Hotspurs supporters were not invited.

Why are football supporters like this,it doesn't go on in other sports such as athletics,hockey,showjumping,netball and many more.

I feel that it is about time that this type of hatred is stopped.

I think we must try to learn to love our fellow supporter,i know a lot of supporters are jealous or envious of their fellow supporters teams especially west ham fans but this is no excuse.

How about the next time you sit next to an opposing fan you hold hands with him, if his team scores you give him a little cuddle and say congratulations perhaps this sort of behaviour would go a long way to changing the way football supporters think.

You never know, perhaps in the not too distant future we will have a scene of old singhy with his arm around a Tottenham supporter in China, a photo of that would be greatly appreciated and show that football supporters can love each other.

Edited by alfieconn
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I think we must try to learn to love our fellow supporter,i know a lot of supporters are jealous or envious of their fellow supporters teams especially west ham fans but this is no excuse.

Oh dear. And to think that I nearly took this seriously. :)


If you think that it only applies to football, then you've never encountered the rivalry that goes on in cricket, e.g. between my own team Essex CCC and Kent. Nor that between Lancs and Yorkshire, etc, etc.



Perhaps it may be more helpful if you looked up the definition of racialism. :D

Edited by Happy Hammer
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Whilst i might have to pass up on the hug for fear of catching scabies or something other disease thats extinct in civilised society, i think the total hatred a small number of Newcastle and Sunderland have towards each other has gone too far, its at a point where youre not welcome by some in the opposite town.

Besides i think you nice London boys should keep all that cuddling that goes on amongst each other in the closet. :)

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Perhaps it may be more helpful if you looked up the definition of racialism. :)

What would be more helpful ? your sentence doesn't make sense ! what school did you go to ?

I implied in my post that i didn't know the word for football supporters hating each, see the first line

First of all what is the name for it ? so do you know the name for it ?

Racialism was the wrong word that's why i added the rest of the quesion too the topic subject.

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First of all what is the name for it ? so do you know the name for it ?

Racialism was the wrong word that's why i added the rest of the quesion too the topic subject.

I don't really know if there is a word for it. But I would suggest Tribalism is nearer to the mark, than racialism

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What would be more helpful ? your sentence doesn't make sense !

More helpful in knowing what you're talking about.


First of all what is the name for it ? so do you know the name for it ?

Tribalism ? Or in its most extreme manifestation, perhaps infantilism might be a more appropriate definition





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First of all what is the name for it ?

It was bought to my attention by Mr msinghy on one of his post's when he invited fellow west ham supporters along to a trip to China but said that Tottenham Hotspurs supporters were not invited.

Why are football supporters like this,it doesn't go on in other sports such as athletics,hockey,showjumping,netball and many more.

I feel that it is about time that this type of hatred is stopped.

I think we must try to learn to love our fellow supporter,i know a lot of supporters are jealous or envious of their fellow supporters teams especially west ham fans but this is no excuse.

How about the next time you sit next to an opposing fan you hold hands with him, if his team scores you give him a little cuddle and say congratulations perhaps this sort of behaviour would go a long way to changing the way football supporters think.

You never know, perhaps in the not too distant future we will have a scene of old singhy with his arm around a Tottenham supporter in China, a photo of that would be greatly appreciated and show that football supporters can love each other.


This is a wind up, 100%, it's got to be, & me is not gonna bite..


You've got more chance of me having a 2 week 18-30's Holiday in Karachi or Lahore than you have a Photo of me in Beijing with my arm around one of those people, but you never know, all depends on the Carslberg & what mood i'm in i suppose... :)

Anyway, the Pond Life aren't even organising a Tour for their Supporters so a little Dickie Bird tells me... :D

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First of all what is the name for it ?

It was bought to my attention by Mr msinghy on one of his post's when he invited fellow west ham supporters along to a trip to China but said that Tottenham Hotspurs supporters were not invited.

Why are football supporters like this,it doesn't go on in other sports such as athletics,hockey,showjumping,netball and many more.

I feel that it is about time that this type of hatred is stopped.

I think we must try to learn to love our fellow supporter,i know a lot of supporters are jealous or envious of their fellow supporters teams especially west ham fans but this is no excuse.

How about the next time you sit next to an opposing fan you hold hands with him, if his team scores you give him a little cuddle and say congratulations perhaps this sort of behaviour would go a long way to changing the way football supporters think.

You never know, perhaps in the not too distant future we will have a scene of old singhy with his arm around a Tottenham supporter in China, a photo of that would be greatly appreciated and show that football supporters can love each other.

:) Thanks for the laugh, hilarious mate.

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That photo explains why the sun set on the British Empire long ago. And the English complain about backwards "ethnic" immigrants?

Sort of sad, that the Iranian soccer team put their lives on the line when they wore those green wristbands before they were forced to remove them, and English fans still carry on as if they are at a revial of the Angles vs. the Saxons primitive grunting and rock throwing days of yore.

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Geriatrik - For most football rivalry is a windup, and the fall of the British Empire was due to 2 world wars and the fact it was more of a trading network then an evil Empire similar to Darth Vaders.

And the guy in the pic is some famous Pompey fan who despite his appearance comes across as i decent enough sort in interviews and is not a hooligan.

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That photo explains why the sun set on the British Empire long ago. And the English complain about backwards "ethnic" immigrants?

Sort of sad, that the Iranian soccer team put their lives on the line when they wore those green wristbands before they were forced to remove them, and English fans still carry on as if they are at a revial of the Angles vs. the Saxons primitive grunting and rock throwing days of yore.

You've done a lot of simplistic generalising in that post and the liberally applied some broad strokes with your tarnishing brush. Perhaps you care to name your nationality and whatever sport or activity interests you so we can return the favour? :)

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Geriatrik - For most football rivalry is a windup, and the fall of the British Empire was due to 2 world wars and the fact it was more of a trading network then an evil Empire similar to Darth Vaders.

And the guy in the pic is some famous Pompey fan who despite his appearance comes across as i decent enough sort in interviews and is not a hooligan.

If i'm not mistaken, Mr Westwood is actually a Librarian & an Antiques Dealer...

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That photo explains why the sun set on the British Empire long ago. And the English complain about backwards "ethnic" immigrants?

Sort of sad, that the Iranian soccer team put their lives on the line when they wore those green wristbands before they were forced to remove them, and English fans still carry on as if they are at a revial of the Angles vs. the Saxons primitive grunting and rock throwing days of yore.

You've done a lot of simplistic generalising in that post and the liberally applied some broad strokes with your tarnishing brush. Perhaps you care to name your nationality and whatever sport or activity interests you so we can return the favour? :)

I'm going to hazard a guess that Geriatrickid is from across the water, probably Canada or The States which would explain the lack of understanding.

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Geriatrik - For most football rivalry is a windup, and the fall of the British Empire was due to 2 world wars and the fact it was more of a trading network then an evil Empire similar to Darth Vaders.

And the guy in the pic is some famous Pompey fan who despite his appearance comes across as i decent enough sort in interviews and is not a hooligan.

If i'm not mistaken, Mr Westwood is actually a Librarian & an Antiques Dealer...

You mean - Mr. John Anthony Portsmouth Football Club Westwood.


Quote from above link -

By the standards of any club, he's unusual. He has travelled to every game, home and away, since 1980. In 1989, he changed his name by deed poll to John Anthony Portsmouth Football Club Westwood.

He also has 60 Portsmouth tattoos on his body, the club crest shaved on to his head and "PFC" engraved on his teeth.

John might look like a man possessed when he is watching football but, in reality, he is yet another Portsmouth curiosity. It is rather bewildering to find him going about his day job - he is an antiquarian book dealer in the pretty market town of Petersfield.

"People look at me and think I must be some madman off a building site, but books are my life," he whispers as we meet in the family bookshop.

His late father was a well-known book dealer, his brother is the Queen's paper conservator at Windsor Castle and John has written a book himself.

Needless to say, it is about Portsmouth Football Club.

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You mean - Mr. John Anthony Portsmouth Football Club Westwood.


Quote from above link -

By the standards of any club, he's unusual. He has travelled to every game, home and away, since 1980. In 1989, he changed his name by deed poll to John Anthony Portsmouth Football Club Westwood.

He also has 60 Portsmouth tattoos on his body, the club crest shaved on to his head and "PFC" engraved on his teeth.

John might look like a man possessed when he is watching football but, in reality, he is yet another Portsmouth curiosity. It is rather bewildering to find him going about his day job - he is an antiquarian book dealer in the pretty market town of Petersfield.

"People look at me and think I must be some madman off a building site, but books are my life," he whispers as we meet in the family bookshop.

His late father was a well-known book dealer, his brother is the Queen's paper conservator at Windsor Castle and John has written a book himself.

Needless to say, it is about Portsmouth Football Club.

Which funnily enough, all goes to show that you should never judge a book by its cover!

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Geriatrik - For most football rivalry is a windup, and the fall of the British Empire was due to 2 world wars and the fact it was more of a trading network then an evil Empire similar to Darth Vaders.

And the guy in the pic is some famous Pompey fan who despite his appearance comes across as i decent enough sort in interviews and is not a hooligan.

If i'm not mistaken, Mr Westwood is actually a Librarian & an Antiques Dealer...

You mean - Mr. John Anthony Portsmouth Football Club Westwood.


Quote from above link -

By the standards of any club, he's unusual. He has travelled to every game, home and away, since 1980. In 1989, he changed his name by deed poll to John Anthony Portsmouth Football Club Westwood.

He also has 60 Portsmouth tattoos on his body, the club crest shaved on to his head and "PFC" engraved on his teeth.

John might look like a man possessed when he is watching football but, in reality, he is yet another Portsmouth curiosity. It is rather bewildering to find him going about his day job - he is an antiquarian book dealer in the pretty market town of Petersfield.

"People look at me and think I must be some madman off a building site, but books are my life," he whispers as we meet in the family bookshop.

His late father was a well-known book dealer, his brother is the Queen's paper conservator at Windsor Castle and John has written a book himself.

Needless to say, it is about Portsmouth Football Club.

Well, i was close enough... :)

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i think that john westwood is a <deleted> who should have that bloody bell that he takes everywhere with him shoved up his arse.

but agree with the above, tribalism is what it is. which has its good points and its bad ones too.

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That photo explains why the sun set on the British Empire long ago.

The sun ultimately sets on all empires.

And the English complain about backwards "ethnic" immigrants?

Actually the word is backward and not backwards my ex-colonial (?) friend. :D

Although to be fair, it's a long time since I heard of any Englishman say anything along the lines of that which you suggest. And he a white supremacist, i.e. one of the smallest decimal points of the population imaginable.

Sort of sad, that the Iranian soccer team put their lives on the line when they wore those green wristbands before they were forced to remove them, and English fans still carry on as if they are at a revial of the Angles vs. the Saxons primitive grunting and rock throwing days of yore.

I never understood that those Iranian football players were putting their lives on the line. Nor was there any suggestion of such. Nevertheless, a small minority of football supporters across Europe (and Millwall supporters :) ) may act as neanderthals , as the better informed would know. Although dressing-up like clowns doesn't indicate any such thing. As someone with your insight must realise, you can't judge a book, etc. Although there has been a tradition of harmlessly outrageous behaviour within the football arena since the inception of football as a mass spectator sport. That is, for two centuries -- since football replaced the festivals lost to migrants new to the incipient industrial cities (circa C19.) But of course European history, at least, goes much further back than a mere two-hundred years. :D

I hope that this helps. I'd be more than happy dispel any further prejudice -- based upon ignorance -- that you may harbour.

Edited by Happy Hammer
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First of all what is the name for it ?

It was bought to my attention by Mr msinghy on one of his post's when he invited fellow west ham supporters along to a trip to China but said that Tottenham Hotspurs supporters were not invited.

Why are football supporters like this,it doesn't go on in other sports such as athletics,hockey,showjumping,netball and many more.

I feel that it is about time that this type of hatred is stopped.

I think we must try to learn to love our fellow supporter,i know a lot of supporters are jealous or envious of their fellow supporters teams especially west ham fans but this is no excuse.

How about the next time you sit next to an opposing fan you hold hands with him, if his team scores you give him a little cuddle and say congratulations perhaps this sort of behaviour would go a long way to changing the way football supporters think.

You never know, perhaps in the not too distant future we will have a scene of old singhy with his arm around a Tottenham supporter in China, a photo of that would be greatly appreciated and show that football supporters can love each other.

Happy Hammer has just give me an idea from another topic, why not give everyone an E tablet when they go into football grounds, certainly as old happy hammer said, would encourage the cuddling bit and everyone would be a lot more chilled out.

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Happy Hammer has just give me an idea from another topic, why not give everyone an E tablet when they go into football grounds, certainly as old happy hammer said, would encourage the cuddling bit and everyone would be a lot more chilled out.

Sadly this suggestion was tried at several grounds in Yorkshire during the 07/08 season, and resulted in a sharp rise of older football supporters being admitted to local medical centres. It was discovered that many of the old blokes had slipped the ecstasy tablets under the dentures thus being diagnosed with chronic cases of "E by Gum"


I'll be getting my hat and coat now.

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Sory Alfredo, i was just about to write an essay on the " Pink Section " at UP but it got closed.. :D

Google " Pink Lions " & see what you kind if you are really interested in this ind of thing, there's quite an interesting website dedicated to our Friends accros the River which i think you'll find amusing Mr Conn... :)

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